
This is your choir folder. Please read the following Choir Folder
Expectations. This paper is to stay in your folder.
Your folder is yours! You are responsible for it while you are in the choir room.
When you come to choir, you are to have your folder, and be in your chair by the
time the bell rings.
Folders are to stay in the choir room. This will keep them from getting lost.
You are responsible for having copies of all music in your folder. When a new
piece is passed out, you are responsible for placing it in your folder.
Folders are part of your grade. Occasionally, I will give a pop quiz grade for
folders. I will look to see that all your music is in your folder, that your folder is
put in its proper spot, and that you are marking your music as I have asked in
The last two minutes of class, I will ask you to put your folder away. You are
responsible for making sure your folder is put away in its proper spot. Remember!
It’s part of your grade to have your folder put away in it’s proper spot. If it’s left
out, and I have to put it away for you, you will not receive your folder points for
the day.
Thank you!
--Ms. Shelton
Your Name:_________________________________________________
Your Signature:______________________________________________