See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems in the Arava: A Generation Scale Comparison Thesis · November 2009 DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2604.0320 CITATIONS READS 4 420 1 author: Suleiman Halasah Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 11 PUBLICATIONS 53 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Energy Life Cycle Analysis of PV systems View project All content following this page was uploaded by Suleiman Halasah on 27 October 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems in the Arava: A Generation Scale Comparison Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of "Master of Science" By: Suleiman Asi Halasah Date…………………… Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies Life Cycle Energy Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems in the Arava: A Generation Scale Comparison Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of "Master of Science" By: Suleiman Asi Halasah Under the Supervision of: Prof. David Pearlmutter and Prof. Daniel Feuermann Department of Environmental Studies Author's signature …………….……………………… Date ……………. Approved by the Supervisor…………….……………. Date ……………. Approved by the Chairman of the Graduate Program Committee …….………… Date …………… I To my Parents, If they didn’t teach it to me, They taught me how to learn it. II Abstract Since the 1970s, studies have shown that the human race can get a substantial portion of its electrical power without burning fossil fuels or creating nuclear reactions, through the direct conversion of solar energy. The potential for exploiting solar energy is especially high in parts of the Middle East, such as the Arava region (the focus of this study) - which on average receives 20% more solar radiation than is typical for southern Europe. Solar energy can be converted into electrical power both by thermal technologies and photovoltaic (PV) technologies, and of these PV has an inherent versatility because it can easily be implemented at different scales. When considering the supply of solar electricity for a given region, this flexibility can be exploited. In this study, three scales are considered: centralized PV power plants, the integration of PV systems at the urban or settlement (i.e. kibbutz) scale, and integration in individual buildings (BIPV). While these different systems may be compared in terms of their cost-effectiveness, the "costs" of producing them are not just monetary – because like any other industrial activity, the process of manufacturing PV systems consumes energy and generates pollutants. To evaluate these costs, Life-Cycle Energy Analyses (LCEA) are performed for different PV systems at different scales, by examining the energy inputs they require in relation to the yearly energy that they generate. One measure that is used for comparison is the energy pay-back time (EPBT) of the PV system: the lower the EPBT is, the more appropriate the system may be as an alternative to fossil fuel-based generation. Other metrics like land use, energy return factor and CO2 emissions are also compared. The analysis compares the III same technology at different scales, and the "best” technology for each scale, as determined through the criteria of conversion efficiency and availability in the market place. Based on this comparative life-cycle energy analysis, recommendations can be formulated regarding the appropriateness of different PV generation scales for the Arava region. IV Acknowledgments I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to the following persons who have made the completion of this thesis possible: My supervisors, Prof. David Pearlmutter and Prof. Daniel Feuermann, for their vital encouragement, support and much needed motivation and time. Prof. Alon Tal, for his understanding and assistance. The Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies of the J. Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, for making this study possible The Arava Institute for Environmental Studies and Kibbutz Ketura Building Committee, especially the Building Manager Seth Kessler, for assisting in the collection of the data for the chapters. Most especially to my family and friends. V Table of Contents ABSTRACT................................................................................................................... II ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................... IV TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................V LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES .................................................................................... IX LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................ IX LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. XI ABBREVIATION AND TERMS .................................................................................... XIII 1. 2. BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 1 1.1 SYSTEM SCALING...................................................................................................... 4 1.2 LIFE-CYCLE ENERGY .................................................................................................. 6 METHODOLOGY................................................................................................... 8 2.1 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 8 2.2 LIFE-CYCLE ENERGY ANALYSIS................................................................................... 11 2.3 ENERGY OUTPUT .................................................................................................... 12 2.4 EMBODIED ENERGY AND ENERGY PAYBACK TIME ......................................................... 20 2.4.1 Energy for Cell Materials: ............................................................................. 21 Crystalline and Ribbon Silicon Based Cells ............................................ 21 Thin Film Modules ................................................................................. 23 VI 2.4.2 Energy for the Capsulation Materials ........................................................... 24 2.4.3 The Balance-of-System ................................................................................. 25 2.4.4 Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems .............................................................. 25 2.4.5 Energy for Transportation............................................................................. 26 3. 2.5 THE ENERGY PAYBACK TIME .................................................................................... 27 2.6 THE ENERGY RETURN FACTOR (ERF) ......................................................................... 28 2.7 CO2 EMISSIONS OFFSET........................................................................................... 28 2.8 SYSTEM SCALING ................................................................................................... 30 2.9 TRANSMISSION LOSSES ............................................................................................ 32 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................ 35 3.1 ENERGY OUTPUT .................................................................................................... 35 3.1.1 Efficiencies .................................................................................................... 40 3.1.2 North-South horizontal axis tracking ............................................................ 40 3.1.3 East-West horizontal axis tracking ............................................................... 41 3.1.4 Stationary plates with zero azimuth and tilt equals latitude ....................... 42 3.1.5 Concentrating dual-axis tracking .................................................................. 43 3.1.6 Polar tracking ................................................................................................ 44 3.1.7 Stationary plates with zero azimuth and zero tilt: ....................................... 45 3.1.8 Summary ....................................................................................................... 46 VII 3.2 EMBODIED ENERGY ................................................................................................ 48 3.2.1 Single Crystalline Silicon Module .................................................................. 49 3.2.2 Multi crystalline Silicon Module .................................................................... 50 3.2.3 Ribbon Silicon Module................................................................................... 50 3.2.4 Amorphous Silicon Module ........................................................................... 51 3.2.5 Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) module................................................................ 52 3.2.6 Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS) Module........................................................ 53 3.2.7 The Balance-of-System ................................................................................. 54 3.2.8 FLATCON System ........................................................................................... 54 3.2.9 SolFocus System ............................................................................................ 55 3.2.10 3.3 Summary ................................................................................................... 56 EVALUATION METRICS ............................................................................................. 58 3.3.1 Energy Pay-Back Time ................................................................................... 58 3.3.2 Land use ........................................................................................................ 60 3.3.3 The Energy Return Factor (ERF) .................................................................... 63 3.3.4 CO2 offset per aperture area......................................................................... 63 3.3.5 CO2 offset per land area................................................................................ 64 3.1.1 Sensitivity of results ...................................................................................... 69 3.1.2 Summary ....................................................................................................... 72 VIII 4. SYSTEM SCALING COMPARISON ........................................................................ 75 4.1 COMPARING THE DIFFERENT SCALES FOR THE SAME TECHNOLOGY ......................................... 77 4.2 COMPARE THE "BEST" SYSTEM FOR EACH SCALE ................................................................ 79 5. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................... 82 APPENDIX I ERROR ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 84 ERROR PROPAGATION ....................................................................................................... 84 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 90 IX List of Figures and Tables List of Figures Figure 1.1: The Arava valley. ............................................................................................. 2 Figure 1.2: Different types of photovoltaic cells based on cell material. .......................... 4 Figure 2.1: Methodology flow chart describing the necessary steps for system comparison ...................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 2.2: IFIAS scheme of levels in energy analysis [30] .............................................. 20 Figure 2.3: Silicon cell manufacturing processes [33]. .................................................... 22 Figure 2.4: Different stages for Thin Film module production. ....................................... 24 Figure 2.5: Kibbutz Ketura aerial photo. ......................................................................... 31 Figure 3.1: The collectable energy on surfaces with different installations. All dates refer to climate data for a typical year, at Yotvata station. ........................................... 37 Figure 3.2: Yearly collectable energy and calculated electrical output of different configurations of Photovoltaic systems. Note that the 2-axis tracking systems collect only beam radiation. ....................................................................................................... 39 Figure 3.3: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for North-South horizontal tracking. .... 41 Figure 3.4: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for East-West horizontal tracking. ....... 42 Figure 3.5: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for Stationary plates with zero azimuth and tilt equals latitude. ................................................................................................... 43 Figure 3.6: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for concentrating dual-axis tracking systems. ........................................................................................................................... 44 Figure 3.7: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for Polar tracking.................................. 45 X Figure 3.8: Monthly Energy output in kWh m-2 for Stationary plates with zero azimuth and zero tilt. .................................................................................................................... 46 Figure 3.9: Total initial embodied energy for different Photovoltaic modules. .............. 49 Figure 3.10: Energy Pay-Back Time (EPBT) in years, for different flat-plate PV technologies in different installations. ............................................................................ 58 Figure 3.11: Different contributions to the EPBT, for FLATCON and SolFocus Systems. . 59 Figure 3.12: The land area required for each system per unit of yearly energy output. 62 Figure 3.13: The Energy Return Factor for the systems considered................................ 65 Figure 3.14: CO2 emissions offset for the different systems on rooftop installation. ..... 66 Figure 3.15: CO2 emissions offset for the different systems on open field installation. . 67 Figure 3.16: CO2 emissions offset per land area ............................................................. 68 Figure 3.17: The effect of the life time on the CO2 emissions offset. ............................. 71 Figure 4.1: Different available areas for PV deployment in Kibbutz Ketura. .................. 76 Figure I.1: The calculated output with error margins and the measured output. .......... 88 XI List of Tables Table 2.1: Empirical constants for Equations 1 and 2. .................................................... 15 Table 2.2: Equations needed for the output energy calculations in different configurations. ................................................................................................................ 18 Table 2.3: Efficiencies and temperature coefficient for different photovoltaic technologies. ................................................................................................................... 19 Table 2.4: Amounts of different types of silicon and energy needed for the single crystalline silicon PV module. .......................................................................................... 23 Table 2.5: Amounts of different types of silicon and energy needed for the multi crystalline silicon PV module. .......................................................................................... 23 Table 2.6: Amounts of different types of silicon and energy needed for the ribbon silicon PV module. ...................................................................................................................... 23 Table 2.7: CO2 emissions for Israel’s electricity mix. ....................................................... 29 Table 3.1: Conversion efficiency values for the different Photovoltaic technologies. .... 40 Table 3.2: Embodied Energy for Single Crystalline Silicon (Single-Si) module [34]. ........ 50 Table 3.3: Embodied Energy for Multi Crystalline Silicon module [34]. .......................... 50 Table 3.4: Embodied Energy for Ribbon Silicon module [34]. ......................................... 51 Table 3.5: Material Production Energy for a-Si module [38]. ......................................... 52 Table 3.6: Embodied Energy for CdTe module [40]. ........................................................ 53 Table 3.7: Embodied Energy for CIS module [41]. ........................................................... 54 Table 3.8: Initial embodied energy for the BOS .............................................................. 54 XII Table 3.9: Embodied Energy for FLATCON system [29]................................................... 55 Table 3.10: Embodied Energy for SolFocus module [10]. ................................................ 56 Table 3.11: The effect of different assumptions on the study’s metrics. ....................... 69 Table 4.1: The results of comparing the same technology in different scales. ............... 79 Table 4.2: The results of comparing the “best” technology for each scale..................... 81 XIII Abbreviation and terms a-Si Amorphous Silicon Thin Film. BIPV Building-integrated photovoltaic BOS Balance-of-system. CdTe Cadmium telluride Thin Film. CIS Copper Indium Selenide Thin Film. E Solar irradiance on module. Eo Reference solar irradiance, 1000 W m-2. EPBT Energy Pay-Back Time. ERF Energy Return Factor. GCR Ground Cover Ratio. GER Gross Energy Requirement I Phase-to-phase current. Ib The direct beam component of the solar radiation, W m-2. Icoll The collectable solar radiation on the surface, W m-2. Id The diffuse component of the solar radiation (Id=Ig-Ibcosθz), W m-2 IFIAS Institutes for Advanced Study Ig The global radiation, W m-2. Kd The incident angle modifier for the diffuse radiation. Ki The incident angle modifier for the direct beam component. KIPV Kibbutz-integrated photovoltaic L One-way length of conductor. XIV PER Process Energy Requirement Pn Active power to be transmitted. RIPV Region-integrated photovoltaic RL Resistance per km. Ta Ambient temperature. Tc Cell temperature, °C. Tm Back surface module temperature. WS Wind speed measured at standard 10m height, m s-1. day Length of day in hours. β The surface tilt angle. δ Solar declination angle. θi The incident angle. θz The zenith angle. λ The latitude. ρg The ground reflectivity. ω Hour angle (rad). 1 1. Background Globally, the generation of electrical energy mostly depends on fossil fuels [1]. For example, in 2004 fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) provided about 86% of the United States' energy for different uses [2]. Fossil fuels have multiple impacts on the environment and human development. Fossil fuel burning generates a number of pollutants and it is the main source of CO2 emissions leading to environmental degradation. At the same time, fossil fuel availability is diminishing due to extensive and continued use by a growing population undergoing rising levels of development [3]. Since the 1970s, studies have shown that the human race can get a substantial portion of its electrical power through direct conversion of solar energy, without burning fossil fuels or creating nuclear fission reactions in the electrical generation process [4]. The 122 petawatts of solar insolation reaching the earth's surface is plentiful compared to the 13 terawatts of the world Total Primary Energy Supply in 2005 [4]. Additionally, solar electric generation has the highest power density per unit area (global mean of 170 W m-2) among renewable energies [4]. Researchers expect that solar energy will become the most economic solution for most energy applications, and the only viable energy option throughout the world [2]. 2 In the Middle East, research shows that the Arava region is one of the most highlysaturated areas in solar radiation, with the average annual total radiation equaling 2153 kWh m-2 per year [5] compared to 1700 kWh m2 per year in Southern Europe and 1300 kWh m- 2 per year in south Germany [3]. The Arava is 166 km (103 miles) long from the Gulf of Aqaba Figure 1.1: The Arava valley. Source: to the southern shore of the Dead Sea, with a small population on the Israeli side comprised mainly of kibbutzim. The population of these kibbutzim is less than 4,000 people, but their average annual demand for electricity is 6.25 MWh per person [6] (including private consumption as well as services such as laundry, dining room, guest houses, etc.)1. Different technologies can be used to convert solar energy into electrical power, and these can be categorized into two main groups: thermal technologies and photovoltaic (PV) technologies [1]. While thermal systems are considered appropriate only for large-scale installations, PV technology is considered a reliable alternative to fossil fuel which can be implemented in a wide range of settings [7]. It produces little or no environmental pollution at the point of use [8], and this gives it a market status as an environmentally-preferable product. 1 Only for Yahel, Ketura, Lotan and Grofit. 3 Photovoltaic systems can be compared based on different criteria, with the most common ones relating to the cell material and the level of solar collection and/or concentration. Cell material criteria differentiate systems considering the semiconductor material used to form the solar cells, which may also be divided into two main groups, as shown in Figure 1.2: Silicon and Non-silicon Thin Film [9], with Silicon further sub-divided into crystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous materials. These materials may differ widely in their conversion efficiency as well as in their production costs. The concentration criterion considers the level to which sunlight is concentrated in the system: III-V semiconductors are mainly used in concentrating systems, though Silicon has also been used. Concentrating systems use less cell material than flat-plate collectors, and have a higher conversion efficiency. High concentration can therefore significantly reduce the required cell area and overall cost [10], but it requires a tracking system to ensure that the collector is continuously facing in the direction of the direct beam radiation. 4 Figure 1.2: Different types of photovoltaic cells based on cell material. This study divides the components of the photovoltaic systems into two main components: 1. The module: This includes the photovoltaic cell, the capsulation and the frame. In the case of concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) the concentrator, made of lenses or mirrors, is also added to the module components. 2. The Balance-of-System (BOS): this includes all the components except the PV module, including the support structure, foundations, the inverter, the tracker, electrical wiring, etc. 1.1 System scaling The PV technology can be implemented at different scales, ranging from the most localized and widely distributed (building-integrated PV) to the most highly centralized (large PV power plants). Research has indicated several advantages for 5 the integration of PV systems in individual buildings as compared with conventional PV power plants [11]. The first is the potential utilization of built surfaces that already exist for other purposes, with concurrent savings of construction materials needed for supporting structures, especially foundations, and the possible substitution of cladding material with PV. Integration with buildings also offers the possibility of recovering the thermal energy dissipated by the PV system and using it in different applications, and potentially reducing electrical transmission losses by shortening the distance between generation and end-use. On the other hand, building-integrated PV is not necessarily applicable for large-scale electrical demand. While it is appropriate for small-scale generation using flat panels, systems that are efficient for large-scale generation may require concentration, tracking and special mounting that is not necessarily practical on roofs and building facades. The most obvious example is the large parabolic dish, which requires dual axis tracking that can concentrate up to 10,000 suns and thus vastly increases the generated electricity per unit area of PV cell. The newly developed Heliostat Concentrator Photovoltaic is another example of new large scale power plant [12]. Some existing technologies can be considered scalable, which could increase their potential range of future applications. For example the SolFocus Gen1 system, which can generate a peak power of 2.25kW, consists of 9 modules with each module made of 16 units of one PV cell and one concentrator [10] – and 6 simply by increasing or decreasing the number of modules or units, can be adapted to generate at a different scale. 1.2 Life-cycle energy Like any other anthropogenic activity, the process of manufacturing PV systems consumes energy and generates pollutants. To be able to compete with fossil fuels, two important characteristics of PV systems are required: The energy supplied by the system over its operational life time should be significantly greater than its embodied energy (i.e. the energy required for its production, installation, operation and subsequent disposal). The net emissions of greenhouse gases resulting from the life-cycle embodied energy consumption of the PV system should be significantly lower than the emissions from electricity generated by competing fossil fuel options. The extent to which these requirements are fulfilled can be addressed by means of life-cycle energy analysis (LCEA), in which the embodied energy "costs" that accumulate over the entire production process for the PV module and the balance-of-system (BOS) components, as well as for the installation (and in some cases, removal) processes, are quantified and compared with the energy produced over time by the system. The ratio of the total primary energy input to the yearly primary energy-equivalent generated by the system represents the energy payback time (EPBT) of the PV system, in years. A low EPBT is one measure of a 7 system's appropriateness as an alternative to fossil fuel-based generation. The Energy Return Factor (ERF) is another measure for the energy efficiency of the system, representing the ratio between the energy generated by the PV system to the energy consumed, over the system's entire life cycle [7]. A similar analysis can be made for greenhouse gases emissions, by evaluating the quantities of CO2, SF6, CF4 and other greenhouse gases emitted in the PV system life-cycle and comparing these values to emissions from fossil fuel-based electricity generation options [7]. Based on such criteria, this study firstly develops a methodology for judiciously finding the proper choice of a PV system, or a mix of systems and their respective scales, for a given region. Secondly, it investigates – by way of a case study – a number of system configurations and evaluates their suitability for the population in the Arava region of Israel, by considering the power generation scale, energy payback time, and the system’s lifetime energy production. We discuss the relative benefits, purely from an energy point of view (leaving the ever-changing economic arguments aside), of utilizing large central systems that satisfy the electrical demand of the region, and of building smaller individual systems for each kibbutz – or even for each individual household. The recommendations are based on a lifecycle energy analysis of the various systems, as well as practical considerations within the regional and local context. 8 2. Methodology 2.1 Overview Figure 2.1 illustrates the steps necessary to arrive at a comparison of PV systems with regard to (1) EPBT, CO2 emissions offset and other life-cycle energy measures, and (2) the suitability of the various system scales for the particular region under consideration. A review of available systems will define the list of PV technologies and practical systems one is willing to consider for the task. Thereupon two tasks are to be performed: calculation of the systems’ energy output, and assessing their embodied energies (the left and the right side of the flow chart). For the energy output, these systems must be distinguished in terms of the type of installation (stationary, different tracking strategies, etc.) as they have differing amounts of available solar energy. A simulation, based on established calculational methods and available meteorological data is used to determine both the available solar energy and the expected output of the systems. In parallel, the embodied energy of the systems must be determined (including taking into account differences in installation, such as open fields or rooftops). This is one of the more difficult tasks, as published embodied energy data are sparse for some of the systems. Once these two core numbers are established, the lifecycle energy metrics can be determined. For the scaling comparison, it was assumed that the capacity of each system should be sized to match the average demand of the geographic unit in question (household, kibbutz or entire region), even though we assume that all systems are grid-connected therefore bypass problems related to storage. Given the particular 9 break down of roof top areas, free land, or areas that could be shaded by PV panels, a mix of different PV systems can then be established (see chapter 4). 10 Prepare a list of PV technologies considered Prepare a list of installation types Embodied energy calculations Output energy calculations · Get solar radiation data for the region of interest. · To account for the metrological conditions, further data, wind speed and ambient temperature. will be needed. · Panel efficiency. · Temperature coefficient of the PV panels considered. · Set the minimum mutual shading losses due to the required GCR (or set the CGR due to the minimum accepted losses) Define the boundary of the system. Get needed data for different processes and materials (depends on the system’s boundaries) · Calculate the cell temperature. · Calculate the potential collectable energy for different installations. Calculate total yearly output Calculate total embodied energy of the system Calculate the required area per unit output and GCR Calculate life cycle energy (for the system’s lifetime, including degredation) Calculate the energy payback time for different technologies and different installation types · Find out the electricity demand of the region of interest. · Calculate the potential electrical transmission losses in the region of interest. · · · Examine different scenarios for different scales: Rooftop scale. Urban integrated. Centralized power plant. For different scales, calculate the potential output by calculating the available area, taking into consideration shading, and transmission losses (if applicable). Compare the same system by scale Compare the “best” system by scale Calculate life cycle energy and CO2 offset Figure 2.1: Methodology flow chart describing the necessary steps for system comparison 11 2.2 Life-cycle Energy Analysis In order to compare different PV systems, a Life-Cycle Energy Analysis (LCEA) was performed which accounts for both the input (Einput), or "embodied," energy required for production and maintenance of the system, and the output, or electrical energy generated by the system over a yearly cycle. This analysis results in an energy payback time (EPBT) value for each system, as well as in estimates of net life-cycle energy production and emissions for a pre-defined service life. The assumption here is that the output of each system’s LCEA is basically sizeindependent. The input energy can be expressed in terms of the Gross Energy Requirement (GER) and the Process Energy Requirement (PER) [7] which include primary energy input during: · system manufacturing; · system and material transportation; · system installation; · system operation; and · system decommissioning, which is not included in this study: These values were compiled from analysis of published studies, and in some cases from directly contacting the manufacturers of the PV systems or reviewing their data sheets (see detail in Sec. 2.4 below). The electrical energy generated by the PV system was evaluated by simulation based on solar geometry as given by Rabl [13], and on PV performance characteristics. The calculation requires geographical and PV system parameters. 12 Meteorological data were obtained from the meteorological station at Yotvata, a location that is representative for the entire Arava region. These data comprise hourly global and direct beam radiation, air temperatures and wind speed, and cover an entire year. It should be noted that the data (for example, total yearly radiation) can change from year to year by as much as 5%, but this should have a negligible effect on the analysis as the comparison between the systems is relative. Data from two experimental systems, installed at Kibbutz Ketura, were used to evaluate the output of the simulation software (See Appendix I). Eight different photovoltaic technologies were considered in this study, six of which are flat plate PV: Single- and Multi- Crystalline Silicon, Ribbon Cast Silicon, Amorphous Silicon Thin Film (a-Si), Cadmium Telluride Thin Film (CdTe) and Copper Indium Selenide Thin Film (CIS). The other two technologies, SolFocus and FLATCON, are concentrating PV systems which concentrate solar radiation up to 500 suns and use multi-junction photovoltaic cells. The cells of these two concentrating systems are passively cooled. The choice of these technologies (among the many which have been developed) depended mainly on the availability of detailed data, permitting a reliable comparison between systems. 2.3 Energy output Based on the hourly global and direct beam radiation data for Yotvata, the potential collectable energy was calculated for a variety of different installations: North-South horizontal axis tracking flat plate PV, East-West horizontal axis 13 tracking flat plate PV, Dual-axis tracking concentrator PV, Stationary flat plate PV with tilt equals latitude (29.9°), Polar (north-south tilt=latitude axis) tracking flat plate PV, and stationary flat plate PV with zero tilt. The calculations account for 15% losses in the flat-plate systems and 2.6% for concentrators due to mutual shading, assuming a 50% ground cover ratio (GCR) for flat-plate systems (40% for polar tracking) and a 12.7-17.5% GCR for concentrators [14-16]. The output of different systems is not differentiated by the particular type of wiring used. This study assumes that flat panels, regardless of make and installation respond identically for different types of radiation (direct, diffuse and reflected); i.e., they have the same incidence angle modifier (a correction to the collectable solar radiation due to changes in reflection off the glazed surfaces as a function of incidence angle). The output energy for the photovoltaic cell depends on its efficiency, which is a function of the cell’s temperature; in the case of flat plate photovoltaic, the cell’s operating temperature was calculated by taking into account the tabulated environmental parameters such as solar radiation, wind speed and ambient temperature. The module was assumed to have a glass/cell/Tedlar sandwich, which is the "worst case" scenario [17]. Equation (1) gives the simple relation used to calculate the module temperature [17]: (1) where: Tm = back surface module temperature, °C. 14 Ta = ambient temperature, °C. E = solar irradiance on module, W m-2. Eo = reference solar irradiance, 1000 W m-2. WS = wind speed measured at standard 10m height, m s-1. T1 = empirical constant determining upper temperature limit at low wind speed, °C. T2 = empirical constant determining upper temperature limit at high wind speed, °C. b = empirical coefficient determining the rate that module temperature drops as wind speed increases. The cell temperature was calculated by using Equation 2: (2) where ΔT = empirical constant determining the temperature difference between the cell temperature and the back surface module temperature, °C. Table 2.1 shows the values of the empirical constants for different sandwich types: 15 Type T1 (°C) T2 (°C) b ΔT (°C) Glass/cell/glass 25.0 8.2 - 0.112 2 Glass/cell/Tedlar 19.6 11.6 - 0.223 3 Table 2.1: Empirical constants for Equations 1 and 2. In the case of concentrator photovoltaic, the cell was assumed to operate at a temperature higher than the ambient temperature by 30°C2. The collectable energy of the different installations was calculated based on Equation 3 [18]: (3) where: Icoll = the collectable solar radiation on the surface, W m-2. Ig = the global radiation , W m-2. Ib = the direct beam component of the solar radiation , W m-2. Id = the diffuse component of the solar radiation (Id=Ig-Ibcosθz), W m-2. θi = the incident angle. Ki = the incident angle modifier for the direct beam component. 2 Since the considered concentrator devices have solar concentration ratios of several hundred, only the direct beam radiation is absorbed. When beam radiation is available, the sky is necessarily clear with a beam radiation being in a relatively narrow band. This permits using a simple temperature increase. 16 Kd = the incident angle modifier for the diffuse radiation. Calculated for θ=60° for diffuse radiation and θ=75° for ground reflected radiation [18]. β = the surface tilt angle. ρg = the ground reflectivity. The variables in Equation 3 were calculated for each of the different installation types, with the effect of seasonal, daily, and hourly sun position accounted for. In order to evaluate these different variables, several parameters are required. The solar declination angle (δ) was calculated using Equation 4 [13]: (4) where n is the day number (n=1 for January 1). Then the solar time was calculated, based on the standard time, by using the equation of time [13]: Solar time= Standard time + 4(Lst-Lloc) + E (in minutes) (5) where: (6) and: (7) 17 where: Lst = the standard meridian for the local time zone (330° for Yotvata). Lloc = the longitude of the location in question in degrees west (325° for Yotvata). n = the day number. The zenith angle (θz) was calculated based on equation 8 [18]: (8) where: λ = the latitude. ω = hour angle (rad) related to solar time t by: where day = length of day in hours. Table 2.2 shows the different equations used: (9) 18 Parameter Incident Angle (θi) [13, 19] Surface tilt angle β [13, 19] Incident angle modifier Ki [20] [21] Collectable Radiation (Wh) North-South tracking East-West tracking Concentrating Dual Axis tracking Stationary Tilt = latitude Polar tracking 0 - Fixed = 29.9° Table 2.2: Equations needed for the output energy calculations in different configurations. In both the North-South and East-West tracking systems, in order to account for both the ground reflected and diffuse radiation the study accounts for the diffuse radiation as a stand-alone system (without inter-array disturbance) and ignores the ground reflection. 19 After estimating the collectable radiation, and taking into consideration the temperature effect, the potential output energy was calculated according to Table 2.3: Technology Multi-Si [22-23] Single-Si [22, 24] a-Si [22] CdTe [22, 25] CIS [22, 26] Ribbon [22] SolFocus [27] FLATCON [27] Nominal Efficiency 14% 19.3% 6% 10.76% 12% 13.2% 25% 26% Temperature coefficient %/°C -0.4% -0.38% -0.25% -0.25% -0.36% -0.47% -0.046% -0.046% Table 2.3: Efficiencies and temperature coefficient for different photovoltaic technologies. To account for the system losses, which includes the inverter losses and losses in the wiring, a 10% reduction in the output energy was introduced [28] [29]. 20 2.4 Embodied Energy and Energy Payback Time Figure 2.2: IFIAS scheme of levels in energy analysis [30] Embodied energy data were collected from published studies on the relevant manufacturing processes involved in PV system production, and from manufacturers' data sheets as well. All electrical energy inputs were converted to primary energy units by using the Union for the Co-ordination of Electricity Generation and Transmission (UCPTE) average electricity generation efficiency of 32% [31] in units of kWh m-2 of panel surface (some data were available in kWh/kWp, and were converted by using the module’s power rating and area). The system boundaries were defined in terms of the International Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (IFIAS) scheme of orders as adopted by ISO 14040. This study included processes up to Level 2, which incorporates: direct energy for 21 processes, material manufacturing, and transportation, which together are estimated to cover up to 90% of direct energy inputs [32] as shown in Figure 2.2. 2.4.1 Energy for Cell Materials: The manufacturing processes for PV cell materials vary for the different technologies under investigation, though all silicon-based technologies, i.e. Singlecrystalline, Multi-crystalline, Ribbon cast multi-crystalline and Amorphous silicon share the same raw material for the cell. Thin film technologies share many processes, such as the Transparent Conductive Oxide substrate (TCO), for example. Concentrator systems are based on III-V semiconductor material. Crystalline and Ribbon Silicon Based Cells Data were collected from several studies [1, 33-34] that are based on the "Ecoinvent" data base, and measured data were obtained for several production lines for crystalline, amorphous and ribbon silicon. Figure 2.3 shows the different stages for preparing the cell materials for the silicon-based technologies; this study assumes that the solar grade silicon (SoG-Silicon) is the type used for silicon-based photovoltaic, which is prepared by a modified Siemens process of the metallurgical grade silicon (MG-silicon). 22 Silica sand MG-Silicon SoG Silicon Single-Si Multi-Si Silane Ribbon Wafer sawing Cell production a-Si deposition Figure 2.3: Silicon cell manufacturing processes [33]. For the crystalline silicon cells, this study assumes a cell area of 156 cm2, which gives about 60 cells per 1 m2 of module area, with 6% of the wafer being lost due to sawing losses. Tables 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 show the detailed calculations for the single-crystalline, multi-crystalline and ribbon silicon modules [34]. The Siemens process is used for carbon-thermal reduction of quartz to produce MG silicon, which requires 20 kWh per kg of MG silicon produced [1]. Regarding the ribbon cast modules, a 1 m2 effective module size was assumed, requiring 0.91 kg of solar grade silicon (1.03 kg of MG silicon) and an energy input of 45.2 kWh per m2 of ribbon [34]. 23 Process Output Energy requirement Total Energy required per unit area of aperture Silica sand to MG-Si 1.771 MG-Si 20 kWh kg-1 MG-Si 35.42 kWh m-2 MG-Si to SoG Si 1.568 SoG Si 343.75 kWh kg-1 SoG 539 kWh m-2 SoG to single-Si 0.992 m2 of single-Si wafer 474.53 kWh m-2 wafer 470.73 kWh m-2 Cell production 60 cells (156 cm2) 1.86 kWh cell-1 111.6 kWh m -2 PV module 1 module 20.83 kWh module 20.83 kWh m-2 Table 2.4: Amounts of different types of silicon and energy needed for the single crystalline silicon PV module. Process Output Energy requirement Total Energy required per unit area of aperture Silica sand to MG-Si 1.872 MG-Si 20 kWh kg-1 MG-Si 37.44 kWh m-2 MG-Si to SoG Si 1.6566 SoG Si 343.75 kWh kg-1 SoG 569.45 kWh m-2 SoG to multi-Si 0.992 m2 of multi-Si wafer 94.7 kWh m-2 wafer 94 kWh m-2 Cell production 60 cells (156 cm2) 1.86 kWh cell-1 111.6 kWh m -2 PV module 1 module 20.83 kWh module 20.83 kWh m-2 Table 2.5: Amounts of different types of silicon and energy needed for the multi crystalline silicon PV module. Process Output Energy requirement Total Energy required per unit area of aperture -1 Silica sand to MG-Si 1.03 MG-Si 20 kWh kg MG-Si 20.6 kWh m-2 MG-Si to SoG Si 0.91 SoG Si 343.75 kWh kg-1 SoG 313 kWh m-2 SoG to ribbon-Si 1 m2 of ribbon-Si 143 kWh m-2 wafer 143 kWh m-2 PV module 1 module 20.83 kWh module 20.83 kWh m-2 Table 2.6: Amounts of different types of silicon and energy needed for the ribbon silicon PV module. Thin Film Modules The stages of manufacturing thin film modules can be summarized by the flow chart in Figure 2.4 [33]: 24 Semiconductor metals: Cadmium Indium Tellurium a-Si etc. Panel materials: Glass Aluminum EVA film etc. Auxiliary materials: Gases Acids etc. Panel and laminate production Figure 2.4: Different stages for Thin Film module production. A number of previous studies [31, 35-38] were reviewed in order to estimate the embodied energy of Thin Film modules. While some of these studies present embodied energy values, few of them explicitly define the system boundary as including processes up to IFIAS Level 2. For CdTe, thermal evaporation is used for the deposition of the absorber and window layers and the CdTe would be evaporated from the compound [35]. Published data regarding CIS modules are very scarce; nevertheless, detailed energy content data for the ST40 Siemens module were found in [36-37]. More detailed data were found for the United Solar UPM-880 tandem junction commercial power generation module a-Si modules [38]; the average of the lower and upper values was considered in the study. 2.4.2 Energy for the Capsulation Materials The main contributor to the embodied energy of the module, beyond the cell itself, is the aluminum frame. It is assumed that 25% of the aluminum is recycled [39] for the silicon based cells (except a-Si). For the a-Si module, the embodied 25 energy of the frame was calculated as an average of two extreme cases, using 30% recycled for the lower value and 100% new aluminum for the upper value. For CdTe and CIS, the frame contributes almost 50% of the energy required for the module fabrication [40-41]. 2.4.3 The Balance-of-System The Balance of System (BOS) was assumed, firstly, to contribute a fixed amount of embodied energy to each type of module: 125 kWh m-2 was added to account for the operating and maintenance of the system, and another 125 kWh m-2 for the inverter, which was assumed to require replacement twice during the system’s life time. The BOS also includes embodied energy for the support structure, whose value varied with the type of installation – with a required input of 200 kWh m-2 estimated for the rooftop installation, and 500 kWh m-2 for the open field [1]. The latter value is considerably higher than the former, due mainly to the high embodied energy of required concrete foundations. The single-axis tracking system has a negligible effect on the embodied energy calculations; from [42] and [43] a 2 kWh m-2 value for its embodied energy is estimated. 2.4.4 Concentrator Photovoltaic Systems In relation to flat plate collectors, concentrator photovoltaic systems have very small cell areas; thus the main contributors to the embodied energy are the concentrator, tracker and the Balance of System. Few publications study in detail the embodied energy of concentrator PV systems; comprehensive data can be found in [10, 29]. The FLATCON and SolFocus 26 systems are examples considered for concentrator PV for this study. The FLATCON system has an aperture area (i.e. the total area receiving solar radiation) of 25.6 m2 and 2000 kg of weight with a 26% module efficiency; values of embodied energy from [29] were converted to kWh m-2 to be comparable to other systems. The SolFocus system has an aperture area of 12.7 m2 and weighs 405 kg and has a 25% module efficiency [10, 44]. For the FLATCON system the components were divided into five main categories: the cell, which includes the cell materials, processes and the heat spreader; the chip material which includes the chip packing process; the module, including the glass and sealing material used and the high voltage interconnection board; the electrical work which includes the inverter and the wiring; and the tracker. Likewise, for the SolFocus system materials and processes were divided into six different categories: the cell, including the cell materials, processes, cell packaging and the heat spreader; the concentrator, which includes the glass, materials and the processes to prepare the mirrors; the frame which has two main components: the cover glass and the aluminum frame; the tracker; and the electrical work which includes the inverter, interconnect board and the wiring. 2.4.5 Energy for Transportation All systems were assumed to be shipped from Hamburg, Germany to Ashdod, Israel (7,100 km) by general cargo vessels with average fuel (crude oil) consumption of 6.7 g [45]. The amount of fuel was converted to primary 27 energy by using the factor 42MJ kg-1 [46], which results in 0.0782 kWh t-1 km-1. Within Israel, systems were assumed to be transported from Ashdod to the area of the Arava, with an average distance of 268 km, by lorry, using a factor of 3.5 MJ t-1 km-1 (0.972 kWh t-1 km-1) [7]. Flat plate panel weight was assumed to be 15 kg m-2 on average [7], while SolFocus concentrator modules were assumed to weigh 405 kg [44], and FLATCON concentrator systems 2000 kg [29]. 2.5 The Energy Payback Time The Energy payback time was calculated using Equation 10 [7]: (10) Where Egen is the yearly primary energy savings due to electricity generation by the PV system. In order to convert the PV electrical output into savings due to avoided conventional generation, the UCPTE average generation efficiency of 32% [31] was again used. To calculate the amount of land needed per unit of output (in m2 Wh-1 yr-1) for both stationary and single-axis horizontal tracking systems, an additional square meter of land was assumed necessary for each square meter of panels (i.e. 50% Ground Cover Ratio – GCR), which can be achieved by means of a Backtracking technique [47], while 40% of the total land area was used in the case of polar 28 tracking [48]. For dual-axis tracking concentrator systems, a GCR of 12.7% was estimated for the FLATCON system [14] and a 17.5% GCR was taken for SolFocus3. 2.6 The Energy Return Factor (ERF) As the EPBT does not give an indication of the energy balance over the system’s entire life time, we introduce the system's life time (L) in years to compute the Energy Return Factor, given by Equation 11 [7]: (11) The ERF thus represents the ratio between the system’s total generated energy during its operational life time and the amount of input energy required by the system. 2.7 CO2 emissions offset The amount of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants in Israel was estimated based on a generation mix of 75% coal, 11% natural gas and 14% heavy fuel oil and gasoil [49]. Table 2.7 shows the CO2 emissions for the different components of the mix [50], with the average found to be 0.904 kg kWh-1.: 3 This value was obtained from direct contact with SolFocus company, and it is important to mention that it was not optimized for an area-limited application: SolFocus claimed that much better GCR can be achieved. 29 coal gas 0.951 0.600 Intensity of CO2 emissions (kg kWh-1) 75% 11% Electricity percentage produced -1 0.713 0.066 Actual emissions per fuel type (kg kWh ) Table 2.7: CO2 emissions for Israel’s electricity mix. heavy fuel oil 0.894 14% 0.125 The study assumes a 20-year operational life time for systems using thin film technology (a-Si, CIS and CdTe) [31, 38] and 30 years for all the other systems [33, 41, 51-52], with a 1% yearly degradation [41]. By multiplying the CO2 emissions offset by the GCR, the result will be the total CO2 offset per land area, with is a metric that accounts for all the different parameters of the PV systems in this study: embodied energy, yearly output, system life span and ground cover density. total 100% 0.904 30 2.8 System Scaling A central focus of this study is to compare the life-cycle energy efficiency of PV systems at different scales of generation, from the most localized (buildingintegrated, or BIPV) to the most centralized (one regional PV power plant, or RIPV). An intermediate-scale scenario termed "kibbutz-integrated PV” (KIPV) was defined as utilizing both rooftops and subsidiary structures, as well as open agricultural land, for the deployment of PV arrays. While all of the systems are assumed to be grid-connected to avoid intractable difficulties associated with energy storage, each was sized to offset the representative electrical demand within the given geographical area. The models used for these three scale-based scenarios were defined as follows: · A typical residential kibbutz building in the Arava was selected for considering the Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) scale. · Kibbutz Ketura was used as a model for the Kibbutz Integrated Photovoltaic scale, since its population size and electricity consumption level are representative of the kibbutzim in the Arava [6]. · For the centralized power plant scale, a 12.5 MWp generation capacity was designed to offset the total electricity demand of the region (25 GWh yr-1) [6] (assuming approximately 2000 kWh produced per kWp installed). Two different scaling comparisons were considered: 31 Comparing the different scales of generation using a single technology which can be practically and efficiently implemented at each scale. In this case, life-cycle energy differences are mainly due to BOS issues (installation, supporting structures, etc.) Comparing the “best” technology for each scale. Rather than defining a "lowest common denominator" system, this comparison identifies the technology which can be deployed most efficiently at the given scale based on the criteria of EPBT and availability in the market place. The roof-top area available for potential PV installation Kibbutz within Ketura was from aerial estimated photos, made available by the kibbutz planning committee. effective Using land the area needed for each Wh yr-1 gives the potential for the electricity generation in Figure 2.5: Kibbutz Ketura aerial photo. the kibbutz- integrated PV scale. The average kibbutz house rooftop area was used as the model for the BIPV scale. 32 The average residential building roof area was estimated as 160 m2. The concentrated PV option is not included in this scale for practical reasons of structural compatibility. In Ketura an area of 12,000 m2 of available roof top area was estimated, with 10,940 m2 considered useful for PV installation, after taking into consideration a 10% of area losses due to the effect of the roof edges and shading by trees. The kibbutz-integrated PV scale assumes a mixture of installations on existing building roof tops and shading structures (e.g. for parking areas, pedestrian paths and other public open spaces) and field arrays requiring new support structures. The area of potential sidewalks, parking lots and other public spaces and building shading is about 17,290 m2, with a useable area of about 8,645 m2. Regarding the centralized power plant, a dedicated land area is assumed to be available for this scale (the land availability and cost is not considered in this study). The amount of required land area is calculated for both the single-system comparison and for the "best" system at this scale. 2.9 Transmission losses Estimating the transmission losses in distribution systems is not straightforward, as many variables come into play such as distance, the quality of the conductors, the humidity, the transformers' maintenance situation, etc. Different studies [53-54] give values in the range of 6-8% losses (including the finely branched distribution networks in the load areas) for a distribution grid that extends over a land area of about 104 km2. The total area of the kibbutzim in the 33 Arava was found to be sufficiently small that internal transmission losses within them would be negligible, and thus only the high voltage transmission line losses between them were included in this study. Transmission losses among high voltage transmission lines were calculated by using Equation 12: (12) where: I: phase-to-phase current. RL: Resistance per km. L: one-way length of conductor. Pn: active power to be transmitted. For a 161 kV transmission line, assuming that the reactive transmitted power is 50 MVA which gives a value of P equal to 46 MW (assuming a power factor of 0.92), I equals to 179.5 A, a DIN 48204 cable type with 0.09486 Ω.km-1 resistance, and a 1 km of cable length, the percentage of transmission line losses were estimated to be equal to 0.02% per km [55]. This means that for a region the size of the Arava, and with an average distance of 50km between a central point and each kibbutz, there would be only 1% transmission losses, which is negligible. However, the replaced transmission losses are larger, as the electricity that does not need to be transported from a power station in the center of the country will 34 be reduced: if the central station is 200 km from the region, the saving on transmission losses would be about 4%. 35 3. Results and Discussion In this chapter, results are presented in separate sections relating to the different stages of the life-cycle energy analysis. The first section presents the electrical energy output of the selected PV technologies, as calculated for the conditions of the Arava region, and the second section compares the embodied energy of each system. The third section shows the results of the main combined life-cycle energy metric, i.e. energy pay-back time, and also considers the spatial area requirements of each type of installation. Based on the life-cycle energy results, a system-scaling comparison is presented in the next chapter (Chapter 4) which applies these results to a range of implementation scenarios. 3.1 Energy output The seasonal variation in collectable solar radiation is shown in Figure 3.1. On a typical summer day, the peak collectable radiation can reach up to 1000 W m-2, while in winter about 75% less energy is collected on cloudy days – though a typical sunny winter day can provide 80% radiation of the summer day. It is important to notice the seasonal difference of the potential collectable energy for different installation types. The option of north-south horizontal axis tracking (i.e., the panel tracks from east to west over the daytime hours) allows for the highest collection in summer time, though its performance drops significantly in winter. By contrast, the east-west axis tracking shows the best performance of any option in winter. The dual axis tracking is considered in this study only for a concentrating PV (CPV) system, which has very low collectable radiation on cloudy 36 days since it does not utilize diffuse radiation. The stationary (south-facing) panel with its tilt angle equal to the latitude shows a relatively stable performance in both seasons. On balance over the year, the polar axis tracking shows (see Fig. 3.2) the best overall performance as it combines the benefits of the stationary with tilt equals latitude and the tracking systems. On summer days the Arava valley can receive up to 14 hours of solar radiation, four of them with collectable energy greater that 800 W m-2 for all installation types. While daylight in winter is limited to fewer hours, the collectable radiation on a clear winter day is between 600 and 900 W m-2 for over four hours in most configurations. 37 Cloudy winter day (December 24th) 3 8 13 Hour 18 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Sunny winter day (December 23rd) Collectable Energy [W m-2] 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Collectable Energy [W m-2] Collectable Energy [W m-2] Summer day (June 21st) 6 11 Hour 16 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 5 10 15 Hour Figure 3.1: The collectable energy on surfaces with different installations. All dates refer to climate data for a typical year, at Yotvata station. 38 The potential yearly energy output of different photovoltaic systems is illustrated in Figure 3.2. Regardless of PV cell material, the north-south axis tracking systems (with both horizontal and polar axes) show the highest potential output of all the flat-plate options, as their yearly collectable energy exceeds that of the other installation types by 10-20%. The stationary installation with zero azimuth and tilt equals latitude has the lowest output. Single crystalline silicon (Single-Si) technology shows the highest output among the flat-plate PV systems in all installation types. In the case of polar tracking north-south tracking (and even north-south axis tracking), Single-Si output is comparable to that of the two-axis tracking concentrator systems with high efficiency. This is due to the fact that the higher efficiency of the cells in the concentrating collectors is compensated for by the loss in diffuse radiation. Also, the dual axis tracking increases the collectable beam radiation vs. the single axis tracking not by a large amount (polar axis tracking collects only about 4% less beam radiation than the two axis tracking system [13]). Thin-film amorphous silicon (a-Si) has the poorest output among all cell technologies compared, regardless of installation type. The monthly breakdown of these totals is given in Figs. 3.3-3.7 below. 39 Figure 3.2: Yearly collectable energy and calculated electrical output of different configurations of Photovoltaic systems. Note that the 2-axis tracking systems collect only beam radiation. 40 3.1.1 Efficiencies Technology Multi-Si Single-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Ribbon SolFocus FLATCON Nominal Efficiency 14% 19.3% 6% 10.76% 12% 13.2% 25% 26% Actual Efficiency 12.0% 16.6% 5.2% 9.4% 10.4% 11.3% 22.1% 23.0% Table 3.1: Conversion efficiency values for the different Photovoltaic technologies. The energy output comparisons given in the preceding sections are a direct expression of the conversion efficiencies of each PV cell technology, which are summarized in Table 3.1. It is important to notice that the nominal efficiency is the module rated efficiency, while the calculated one takes into consideration the temperature effect the system losses, i.e. inverter and electrical losses. Among the flat plate technologies, the single crystalline silicon (Single-Si) has the highest conversion efficiency of 16.6%, while the amorphous silicon has a poor one that is as low as 5.2%. On the other hand, the CPV systems achieve relatively high efficiencies that vary between 22.1% and 23% for the SolFocus and the FLATCON systems respectively, this is due to the high concentration of the light and the high efficiency of the III-V PV cells. 3.1.2 North-South horizontal axis tracking Figure 3.3 shows the month-by-month output energy in the case of northsouth (N-S) axis tracking, with collectable energy on the right-side axis and on the leftside axis the potential output of different PV systems after taking into account inverter losses. N-S axis tracking allows for a maximum collectable energy of approximately 41 300 kWh m-2 per month in June, which is the highest single-month value for any 60 350 50 300 250 40 200 30 150 20 100 10 50 0 0 multi-Si single-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Ribbon Monthly Collectable Energy [kWh m-2] Monthly PV Output [kWh m-2] installation considered in this study. Collectable Energy Figure 3.3: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for North-South horizontal tracking. The single crystalline silicon (Single-Si) technology has the highest output among all the materials compared, with a peak over 52 kWh m-2 in June (the highest monthly total for any non-concentrating system in the study) and a total yearly generation equal to 416 kWh m-2. In the thin film category, the copper indium diselenide (CIS) has the highest annual total output of 259 kWh m-2. Silicon ribbon is a good competitor to the thin film technology, as it can generate a total of 282 kWh m-2 per year. 3.1.3 East-West horizontal axis tracking The performance of east-west tracking is much better in winter than northsouth tracking, though the overall yearly collectable energy is less. Figure 3.4 shows 42 the monthly available energy for the east-west tracking installation on the right side Monthly PV Output [kWh m-2] 45 300 40 250 35 30 200 25 150 20 15 100 10 50 5 0 0 multi-Si single-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Ribbon Monthly Collectable Energy [kWh m-2] axis, which reaches a yearly total of 2261 kWh m-2. Collectable Energy Figure 3.4: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for East-West horizontal tracking. For this installation type, single crystalline silicon (Single-Si) technology also has the highest output, with yearly potential total generation equal to 376 kWh m-2. The thin-film category again shows a drop in the total generation potential; the copper indium diselenide (CIS) has total annual output of 234 kWh m-2, and silicon ribbon can generate a total of 254 kWh m-2 per year. 3.1.4 Stationary plates with zero azimuth and tilt equals latitude Among the different types of flat-plate installations, stationary south-facing panels (tilt=latitude) have the lowest annual total collectable energy of 2154 kWh m-2. Figure 3.5 summaries the collectable energy and the outputs of different photovoltaic technologies for this case. 43 250 Monthly PV output [kWh m-2] 40 200 35 30 150 25 20 100 15 10 50 5 0 Monthly Collectable Energy [kWh m-2] 45 0 multi-Si single-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Ribbon Collectable Energy Figure 3.5: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for Stationary plates with zero azimuth and tilt equals latitude. Single crystalline silicon (single-Si) technology again has the highest total output of 358 kWh m-2. The copper indium diselenide (CIS) has annual total output of 223 kWh m-2, and silicon ribbon can generate a total of 242 kWh m-2 per year. 3.1.5 Concentrating dual-axis tracking For dual-axis tracking concentrators, the total yearly amount of collectable energy is 2183 kWh m-2 as shown in Figure 3.6. It is important to stress the point that in the dual-axis tracking CPV options diffuse radiation is not included; this is due to the characteristics of the optics of the concentrators, as the diffuse radiation magnitude will be reduced by of the concentration ratio (typically 500) of the system, which makes its value negligible. 44 However, high efficiency solar cells are used in this configuration: the SolFocus system and the FLATCON system, with 482 kWh m-2 and 501 kWh m-2 of total output energy respectively, generate a higher total yearly output than any of the nonconcentrating options. This difference is especially pronounced in the peak summer months, with the FLATCON system producing 64 kWh m-2 – the highest monthly 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 300 250 200 150 100 50 Monthly Collectable Ebergy [kWh m-2] Monthly PV output [kWh m-2] output value in the study. 0 SolFocus Flatcon Collectable Energy Figure 3.6: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for concentrating dual-axis tracking systems. 3.1.6 Polar tracking Figure 3.7 shows the monthly collectable and output energy for the case of polar tracking, which combines N-S axis tracking with a fixed south-facing orientation (tilt=latitude). The total yearly available energy for this installation is 2606 kWh m-2, the highest among all installation types considered in this study. 45 Monthly PV Output [kWh m-2] 50 250 40 200 30 150 20 100 10 50 0 0 multi-Si single-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Ribbon Monthly Collectable Energy [kWh m-2] 300 Collectable Energy Figure 3.7: Monthly energy output in kWh m-2 for Polar tracking. Single-Si technology again has the highest output among all the cell materials compared, with a total yearly generation equal to 434 kWh m-2 – the highest of any non-concentrating system. In the thin film technology, CIS has the highest annual total output of 271 kWh m-2. Silicon ribbon is a close competitor to thin film, with a total of 294 kWh m-2 per year. 3.1.7 Stationary plates with zero azimuth and zero tilt: Figure 3.8 shows the monthly collectable and output energy in the case of stationary plates with zero tilt. The total yearly available energy for this installation is around 1974 kWh m-2. 46 250 Monthly PV Output [kWh m-2] 40 200 35 30 150 25 20 100 15 10 50 5 0 Monthly Collectable Energy [kWh m-2] 45 0 multi-Si single-Si a-Si CdTe CIS Ribbon Collectable Energy Figure 3.8: Monthly Energy output in kWh m-2 for Stationary plates with zero azimuth and zero tilt. Single-Si technology has the highest potential among all the technologies compared, with a total yearly generation equals to 328 kWh m-2. In the thin film technology; the copper indium diselenide has the highest annual total output of 205 kWh m-2. Silicon ribbon is can generate a total of 222 kWh.m-2 per year. 3.1.8 Summary The potential of annual total collectable energy in the Arava region varies, depending on the installation type, from 2,638 kWh m-2 for a polar tracking system to 2,154 kWh m-2 for stationary plates with tilt equals latitude. In terms of overall output, then, the polar axis tracking configuration is the best of the non-concentrating alternatives (this study excludes the dual axis tracking for flat plates because of its operating complications and the relatively low improvement on the output). The stationary with tilt equals latitude has a very good potential when considering the simplicity and maintenance. 47 As mentioned, the collectable energy in the dual-axis tracking cases described is lower than the polar axis tracking flate plate system, because the technologies considered with this type of tracking are concentrator photolovaltaic (CPV) systems, which do not effectively utilize the diffuse component of incoming solar radiation. When the available direct radiation is diminished by clouds, fog, haze or dust, the CPV systems have a very low output compared to the flat plat technologies – which do absorb significant quantities of diffuse radiation. Considering the collectible energy of the various systems, we observe that the N-S axis tracking and the dual axis tracking systems show the largest seasonal variation (summer peak to winter low is a factor of about 2.5) while for the other systems it is substantially lower. This is a result of the accentuated sensitivity of these systems to beam radiation. As expected because of its relatively low efficiency, the amorphous silicon (aSi) thin-film technology shows the poorest performance in terms of output – with values ranging from 1048 kWh m-2 of panel area in the case of stationary with zero tilt to 137 kWh m-2 of panel area with polar axis tracking. On the other hand, single crystalline silicon (Single-Si) shows the best performance among flat plate PVs, with its output varying from 328 kWh m-2 in the case of horizontal stationary to 434 kWh m-2 with polar axis tracking. Ultimately, the dual-axis tracking CPV systems have the highest output per m2 of aperture area, which is expected because of their high conversion efficiency. On the other hand, the land area requirements are expected to be high due to the dual axis tracking (see the land use section in this chapter). As a result of that, the annual output varies from 482 to 501 kWh m-2 for the SolFocus and the FLATCON systems 48 respectively, This is expected because of their high conversion efficiency. On the other hand, the land area requirements are expected to be high due to the dual axis tracking (see the land use section in this chapter). 3.2 Embodied Energy The embodied energy for the different PV systems considered in this study is shown in Figure 3.9. In the case of flat panels, these values refer to the initial embodied energy required for the production of the PV modules, in units of primary energy per square meter, and do not include BOS (operation, maintenance, support structure, foundations, inverter and tracking system for the flat-plates). Values for the CPV technologies, however, include the embodied energy for the whole system, per square meter of aperture area. By this comparison the CPV technology systems have a higher embodied energy than most of the flat plate systems, with values as high as 1149 kWh m-2 for the SolFocus system and 848 kWh m-2 for FLATCON. On the other hand, the flat plate technologies’ embodied energy varies between 1373 kWh m-2 for Single-crystalline and 357 kWh m-2 for CIS. 1149 1200 848 1400 1029 400 357 600 498 800 625 1000 693 Embodied Energy [kWh m-2] 1600 1373 49 200 0 Technology Figure 3.9: Total initial embodied energy for different Photovoltaic modules. 3.2.1 Single Crystalline Silicon Module Table 3.2 shows that in the case of Single-crystalline silicon, the highest energy demand is embodied in the various stages of silicon production – which together account for 1178 kWh m-2 of the module’s total embodied energy of 1373 kWh m-2. The aluminum frame is the only other major energy consuming item, with 139 kWh m-2. 50 kWh m-2 Item MG-Silicon from Silica SoG-Si from MG-Si Single-Si from SoG-Si Wafer sawing Cell production Module finishing Aluminum frame Glass Transport Total 35 539 471 0 112 21 139 44 12 1373 Table 3.2: Embodied Energy for Single Crystalline Silicon (Single-Si) module [34]. 3.2.2 Multi crystalline Silicon Module As shown in Table 3.3, the amount of embodied energy for silicon production in the multi crystalline silicon module is lower than for Single-Si, dropping to 833 kWh m-2. Accordingly, the total energy demand for manufacturing a Multi-Si module is also reduced, at 1029 kWh m-2. Item MG-Silicon from Silica SoG-Si from MG-Si Multi-Si from SoG-Si Wafer sawing Cell production Module finishing Aluminum frame Glass Transport Total kWh m-2 37 570 94 0 112 21 139 44 12 1029 Table 3.3: Embodied Energy for Multi Crystalline Silicon module [34]. 3.2.3 Ribbon Silicon Module As shown in Table 3.4, the amount of embodied energy for a ribbon silicon module is 693 kWh m-2, as the amount of energy needed for silicon production drops 51 significantly to 498 kWh m-2. In this case the aluminum frame represents a more significant proportion of the total embodied energy of the module. Item MG-Silicon from Silica SoG-Si from MG-Si Silicon ribbons Module finishing Aluminum frame Glass Transport Total kWh m-2 21 313 143 21 139 44 12 693 Table 3.4: Embodied Energy for Ribbon Silicon module [34]. 3.2.4 Amorphous Silicon Module In Table 3.5, energy inputs needed for amorphous silicon (a-Si) material production and processes are shown. Unlike the crystalline silicon modules, the a-Si has as its single-largest embodied energy item the aluminum frame, which in this case requires 290 kWh m-2 which is the average of the upper and lower values. The grid forming and the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) require negligible amount of energy. The total amount of embodied energy needed for the a-Si module is 625 kWh m-2. 52 Item Aluminum Frame Encapsulation Stainless Steel Substrate Steel Backing Plate Deposition Materials Busbar Back reflector Grid TCO Encapsulation Amorphous Si alloy deposition TCO deposition Back reflector deposition Substrate wash TCO etch Short passivation Grid pattern screen print Testing and Packing System transportation Total kWh m-2 290 80 52 33 6 2 0 0 0 42 28 24 22 17 5 5 5 0 12 625 Table 3.5: Material Production Energy for a-Si module [38]. 3.2.5 Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) module As illustrated in Table 3.6, the embodied energy of a CdTe module is distributed among a large number of materials and processes, with the aluminum frame representing the highest embodied energy of any single component. The CdTe-, CdS- and TCO-layer depositions all contribute to a high energy demand in the manufacturing process. The substrate glass also contributes significantly to the total embodied energy, which reaches 498 kWh m-2. 53 Item kWh m-2 Substrate glass Substrate cleaning TCO-layer deposition CdS-layer deposition Laser patterning CdTe-layer deposition Thermal treatment by CdCl2 Mechanical patterning Carbon-contact formation Ag-contact formation 44 1 45 53 3 74 19 5 24 5 Passivation Performance test Aluminum frame Back cover sheet Other materials Other energy input Overhead Transport Total 4 1 78 47 45 2 36 12 498 Table 3.6: Embodied Energy for CdTe module [40]. 3.2.6 Copper Indium Diselenide (CIS) Module The main contributor to the embodied energy of CIS is the aluminum frame, with 161 kWh m-2. The glass cover needs 73 kWh m-2, and the NH4OH for material treatment comes in the third with 43 kWh m-2. The overall embodied energy, as shown in Table 3.7, is 357 kWh m-2 – the lowest of any module compared here. 54 kWh.m-2 Item Aluminum frame Front glass NH4OH Back glass (2 mm) EVA (0.018”) H2Se DEZ Moly J-box Set Carton Etchants Shield glass Tedlar TPAT Nitrogen 161 48 43 25 19 11 5 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 kWh m-2 Item H2S Cu / Ga Indium Copper ribbon Silicon Adhesives Solvents / cleaners Thiourea Solder / paste Argon B2H6 / N2 CdSO4 Transportation Total 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 357 Table 3.7: Embodied Energy for CIS module [41]. 3.2.7 The Balance-of-System For flat-plates technologies, Table 3.8 is used for the BOS values: Item Embodies energy (kWh m-2) The inverter 125 Operating and maintenance 125 Support structure (Rooftops) 200 Support structure (Open fields) 500 Tracker 2 Table 3.8: Initial embodied energy for the BOS The support structure (including the civil work) is 2.5 times higher for the open field installations than for the rooftops, as the rooftop installations use the existing surfaces as support structures. 3.2.8 FLATCON System The values for the FLATCON system are shown in Table 3.9 in kWh per module, the total is calculated in kWh m-2 of aperture area. The main contributor to the 55 embodied energy is the tracker with its components, which have an embodied energy value of 356 kWh m-2 of aperture area. The PV cell itself with the processes needed to prepare it comes second with 179 kWh m-2 of aperture area, and the module with the float-glass as the main component comes next with 166 kWh m-2 of aperture area. Item Cumulated Energy Demand (kWh) 1419 11 Germanium wafer Hydrogen Hydride gases 13 Metalorganics 1 Energy for MOVPE Process Energy for Cleanroom Solvents 472 1158 39 Acids 3 Materials for photolithography Noble metals for evaporation Energy for cell technology Copper heatspreader Materials for chip packaging Energy for chip packaging Float-glass 44 Item Silicone sealing material Silicone for lens array High-voltage interconnection board Further module materials Energy for module fabrication Zinced steel Concrete foundation Energy for system installation Inverter 144 972 Tracking sensor and electronics AC and DC wiring Transport of the system 444 Total 317 361 2939 Total (kWh m-2) Cumulated Energy Demand (kWh) 222 467 556 6 72 8056 1000 75 833 61 389 1632 21705 848 Table 3.9: Embodied Energy for FLATCON system [29]. 3.2.9 SolFocus System The values for the SolFocus system are shown in Table 3.10 in kWh per module, the total is calculated in kWh m-2 of aperture area. The mirror concentrator has the highest embodied energy value among all the components the value gets as high as 441 kWh m-2 of aperture area, unlike the FLATCON system, the SolFocus 56 tracker comes in the second place with 295 kWh m-2 of aperture area and then the PV cell and its preparation processes and materials with 440 kWh m-2 of aperture area. Item Ge wafer – Cell Hydrogen Hydride gases Metalorganics MOVPE process Cleanroom – Cell Solvents Acids Photolithography materials Cumulated Energy Demand (kWh) 399 3 4 0 133 326 11 1 13 Evaporation noble metals Cell technology Chip packaging materials Chip packaging Copper Heat Spreader Float Glass - Primary Mirror Silver 89 41 125 102 117 Cut Slump – heat Slump – vacuum Cut Drill Grind Spray x2 Bake 19 250 46 19 6 53 39 83 912 13 Item Transportation - Conc. Soda Lime Glass Sputter (Ag) Coat (Quartz) Borsolicate glass Aluminum Frame Glass Cover Sealant Capital Equipment Assembly Labor - Assembly Zinced Steel Pipe Zinced Steel Drive Zinced Steel Torque Tube Motor Aluminum Module Rails Tracking Sensor and Electronics Concrete Foundation AC and DC Wiring Interconnect Board Inverter Transportation Installation Total Total (kWh m-2) Cumulated Energy Demand (kWh) 3734 16 240 19 146 483 363 37 49 528 1458 620 624 86 68 61 828 146 208 1703 330 40 14295 1149 Table 3.10: Embodied Energy for SolFocus module [10]. 3.2.10 Summary For crystalline silicon based PVs, the main contributor to the embodied energy is the photovoltaic cell itself, as the process of extracting the silicon is a very energy-intensive process. Thus reducing the required energy depends on technological improvement. The aluminum frame is also another significant 57 contributor whose effect can be reduced by increasing the amount of recycled aluminum used. In the case of the thin film technology, the aluminum frame is the main contributor to the embodied energy, which makes the potential to reduce the embodied energy higher than the crystalline silicon PVs, since frameless thin film panels are expected to be produced soon. Glass and encapsulation come next, so using other less energy-intensive materials can improve the figures for the embodied energy. The story is different in the case of concentrator photovoltaics. The primary aim of developing the CPV technology is to reduce the required PV cell size and increase the relative aperture area. The cell here is not the main contributor to the embodied energy. In order to concentrate the sunlight, a larger amount of glass is being used, in the form of mirrors (for SolFocus) or lenses (for FLATCON); this increases the weight of the panel and the module, which in turn increases the requirements for the support structure and foundations. Steel is the main material for this, and the zinced steel pipe is on the top of the list of the energy-intensive materials used. The CPV technology modules need to be always facing the sun, and this requires a precise dual-axis tracking system – another source for the increase in the embodied energy. North-South Roof top North-South Open Field East-West Roof top East-West Open Field Stationary tilt=latitude Roof top Stationary tilt=latitude Open Field Polar Roof top Polar Open field Stationary tilt=0 Roof Stationary tilt=0 open North-South Roof top North-South Open Field East-West Roof top East-West Open Field Stationary tilt=latitude Roof top Stationary tilt=latitude Open Field Polar Roof top Polar Open field Stationary tilt=0 Roof Stationary tilt=0 open North-South Roof top North-South Open Field East-West Roof top East-West Open Field Stationary tilt=latitude Roof top Stationary tilt=latitude Open Field Polar Roof top Polar Open field Stationary tilt=0 Roof Stationary tilt=0 open North-South Roof top North-South Open Field East-West Roof top East-West Open Field Stationary tilt=latitude Roof top Stationary tilt=latitude Open Field Polar Roof top Polar Open field Stationary tilt=0 Roof Stationary tilt=0 open North-South Roof top North-South Open Field East-West Roof top East-West Open Field Stationary tilt=latitude Roof top Stationary tilt=latitude Open Field Polar Roof top Polar Open field Stationary tilt=0 Roof Stationary tilt=0 open North-South Roof top North-South Open Field East-West Roof top East-West Open Field Stationary tilt=latitude Roof top Stationary tilt=latitude Open Field Polar Roof top Polar Open field Stationary tilt=0 Roof Stationary tilt=0 open Energy Bapback Time [Years] 58 3.3 Evaluation metrics 3.3.1 Energy Pay-Back Time Energy Payback Time 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 BOS Module Single crystalline Si Multi crystalline Si Ribbon Si CdTe CIS Figure 3.10: Energy Pay-Back Time (EPBT) in years, for different flat-plate PV technologies in different installations. a-Si 59 CPV 0.9 Energy for system installation 0.8 Transport of the system Energy Pay Back Time [Years] 0.7 Tracker 0.6 Electrical 0.5 Module 0.4 Frame 0.3 Chip Material 0.2 Concentrator 0.1 Cell 0.0 FLATCON SolFocus Figure 3.11: Different contributions to the EPBT, for FLATCON and SolFocus Systems. As shown in Figure 3.10, the energy pay-back time of flat plate technologies varies from 1.1 to 5.0 years. The case of roof top installation always has a shorter energy pay-back time than the open field configuration, due to the lower BOS costs when embodied energy for foundations is eliminated. The CIS technology shows very good results in terms of pay-back time, especially when compared to the multicrystalline silicon PV. The a-silicon PV has the longest EPBT of all technologies compared. While the embodied energy of the solar cell itself contributes significantly to the energy pay-back time in flat plate PV, the photovoltaic material has less effect in 60 the case of the thin film technology, where the balance-of-system has the highest contribution. In the case of CPV, the energy pay-back times for the two systems under investigation were 0.8 and 0.6 for SolFocus and FLATCON respectively. It is clear that the balance-of-system is the main contributor in both systems while the cell forms a smaller portion as shown in Figure 3.11. 3.3.2 Land use Another metric to evaluate solar electricity generation is the amount of land needed per unit energy output. The values vary depending on the land cover ratio of the panels, and the best ratio is for stationary flat plates with zero tilt, which can reach 100% (though with lower collectable radiation than any other system). For single axis tracking systems the ratio can be as high as 50%, which is equal to the one for stationary flat plates with tilt equals latitude, if the backward tracking technique was used, in the case of polar tracking, the value is 40%. The dual axis tracking systems have the worst ratio due to mutual shading; the values are 12.7% for FLATCON and 17.5% for SolFocus. With 4.8 m2 MWh-1 the Single-crystalline silicon is the best option, among the compared technologies and installations, when the area/land is a limiting factor. The CPV technologies require more land with 15.7 m2 MWh-1 for the FLATCON system and 11.9 m2 MWh-1 for the SolFocus system. Different PV cell technologies require different areas per unit energy output. Figure 3.12 shows the results of the required area in m2 per MWh of annual 61 output. Single-crystalline silicon PV has the lowest land requirement among all technologies under consideration and amorphous silicon needs the largest area. Among different installation types, the north-south axis tracking shows the best performance among flat plate installations (excluding stationary horizontal), and the stationary with tilt equals latitude required a little more area than the east-west axis tracking. 62 15.7 16.9 15.2 18.00 16.00 4.9 4.5 Ribbon 5.4 3.0 4.2 CIS 9.7 8.5 9.2 8.0 multi-Si 5.8 8.3 Ribbon 9.0 9.9 7.7 8.5 5.6 6.00 7.9 7.4 multi-Si 4.8 5.3 7.1 Ribbon 7.7 6.6 8.00 8.5 10.00 9.4 12.00 10.2 11.9 14.00 4.00 2.00 North-South horizontal tracking East-West horizontal tracking Twoaxis tracking Stationary flat-plate, azimuth= 0, tilt= latitude=29.9 N Polar Tracking Figure 3.12: The land area required for each system per unit of yearly energy output. CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Flatcon SolFocus Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si 0.00 multi-Si Land Area [m2 MWh-1 yr] 17.7 20.00 18.3 Land use per Wh Produced Stationary flat-plate, azimuth=0, tilt=0 63 3.3.3 The Energy Return Factor (ERF) Unlike the EPBT, the ERF gives an indication of the energy balance of the PV systems over their full life time; for example an ERF value of 4 for a certain system means that it generates the equivalent of 4 times the amount of energy which was consumed for its production and operation. Figure 3.13 shows the ERF for the systems investigated in this study. Assuming 30 years of operational life time for the crystalline silicon-based flat plates and CPVs, and 20 years for the thin film flat plates, the CPV systems show the best ERF ratio of 54 for FLATCON and 38 for SolFocus – which emphasizes the high conversion efficiency of CPV. The flat plate technologies have an average ERF of 12, with the stationary a-Si panels in an open field as the lowest and the ribbon silicon plates with polar tracking as the highest. 3.3.4 CO2 offset per aperture area Figures 3.14 and 3.15 show the CO2 emissions offset for the different systems in units of tons per unit area of aperture, assuming a life time of 30 years for the crystalline silicon and CPV systems and 20 years for the thin film systems. With 9.6 and 10.4 tCO2 m-2 respectively, the SolFocus and FLATCON CPV systems show a very high potential for CO2 offsetting. With a small difference, Single-Si plates come next. The potential gets to 22% lower for a-Si plates. 64 3.3.5 CO2 offset per land area This metric is the only one, among all metrics used in this study, which accounts for all the different parameters; the embodied and yearly output energy, the operational life time and the GCR. Figure 3.16 shows the CO2 offset per land area for both rooftops and open fields. The stationary flat plates with zero tilt has the highest values due to the high GCR, which can reach theoretically 100% (several solutions can be implemented to guarantee access for maintenance). It can also be seen that for this configuration, the added benefit of rooftop installation is largest. According to this metric, Single-Si is showing the best performance among all technologies, as the amount of CO2 it is offsetting varies between 3.3 – 5.8 tons for open fields and 3.39 – 6.08 tons in the case of rooftop installations. These values are due to the relatively high efficiency and the long operational life time of this technology. 65 Energy Return Factor 54 60 38 50 40 15 12 5 4 7 5 8 10 10 13 20 16 13 11 14 12 13 CIS 18 14 10 CdTe 17 14 19 16 multi-Si 17 13 Ribbon 15 6 4 6 5 9 11 11 14 12 16 13 18 14 11 9 12 15 20 16 15 12 16 14 12 CIS 17 13 10 6 5 10 CdTe 20 16 13 18 16 30 North-South horizontal tracking East-West horizontal tracking Two-axis tracking Stationary flat-plate, azimuth= 0, tilt= latitude=29.9 N ERF Rooftop Polar tracking ERF Open field Figure 3.13: The Energy Return Factor for the systems considered. Stationary flat-plate, azimuth= 0, tilt= 0 Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon a-Si single-Si CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Flatcon SolFocus Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon a-Si single-Si multi-Si 0 66 CO2 offset (Open fields) 12.0 10.4 9.6 8.0 6.0 8.3 7.9 6.9 5.5 5.3 4.0 2.7 2.0 6.5 5.8 4.8 4.7 3.3 2.4 0.9 4.5 4.4 2.9 2.2 0.7 5.8 5.6 2.9 2.7 4.0 3.5 3.9 1.9 1.0 0.6 2.4 0.5 North-South horizontal tracking East-West horizontal tracking Concentrator Stationary flat-plate Two-axis azimuth= 0, tilt= latitude=29.9 N tracking Polar Tracking Figure 3.14: CO2 emissions offset for the different systems on rooftop installation. Stationary flat-plate azimuth=0, tilt=0 Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Flatcon SolFocus Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si 0.0 multi-Si tCO2 m-2aperture 10.0 67 CO2 offset (Rooftops) 9.0 8.6 8.1 8.0 7.2 6.8 6.0 6.1 5.7 5.1 4.9 4.8 3.1 3.0 4.3 4.2 1.2 3.2 2.9 2.6 3.0 2.0 4.7 3.7 3.5 4.0 6.1 5.9 5.6 5.0 2.5 1.0 2.2 2.6 1.3 0.9 1.0 0.7 North-South horizontal tracking East-West horizontal tracking Stationary flat-plate azimuth= 0, tilt= latitude=29.9 N Polar Tracking Figure 3.15: CO2 emissions offset for the different systems on open field installation. Stationary flat-plate azimuth=0, tilt=0 Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si 0.0 multi-Si tCO2 m-2aperture 7.0 CO2 offset per land area (Rooftop) North-South horizontal tracking East-West horizontal tracking Concentrator Stationary flat-plate Two-axis azimuth= 0, tilt= latitude=29.9 N tracking Figure 3.16: CO2 emissions offset per land area Polar Tracking CO2 offset per land area (Open field) Stationary flat-plate azimuth=0, tilt=0 Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si 1.9 0.5 0.73 2.4 2.2 1.49 1.27 4.0 3.9 2.64 2.20 2.35 3.43 3.39 3.60 4.19 4.25 4.07 5.8 6.08 CO2 Offset per land area single-Si multi-Si Ribbon 1.4 1.2 CdTe CIS 0.4 0.51 a-Si 3.3 2.42 2.3 multi-Si single-Si 2.33 3.3 2.38 2.47 3.5 2.53 2.80 2.2 1.47 1.24 2.2 2.3 1.56 1.32 2.4 2.7 1.77 1.51 Ribbon 1.3 1.1 CdTe CIS 0.3 0.45 1.3 1.7 a-Si single-Si multi-Si Flatcon SolFocus Ribbon 1.4 1.2 CdTe CIS 0.4 0.49 0.00 a-Si 1.6 1.4 4.00 single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe 0.5 0.59 1.00 a-Si 3.9 2.87 5.00 single-Si 2.00 2.7 3.00 multi-Si t CO2 m2land 68 6.00 69 3.1.1 Sensitivity of results The values of the various metrics presented in the preceding discussion are dependent on many assumptions, including the operational lifetime of the PV systems, the ground cover ratio (GCR), and the system boundary (IFIAS level) for the life-cycle analysis. Table 3.11 gives an overview of these assumptions, and shows which of the metrics are quantitatively affected by each of them. Assumption EPBT Land use ERF CO2 offset per CO2 offset per aperture area land area GCR No Yes No No Yes Mutual shading losses Yes No Yes Yes Yes Module efficiency Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IFIAS level for LCA Yes No Yes Yes Yes System operational lifetime No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Total CO2 emissions for the electricity mix 3.11: The effect of different assumptions on the study’s metrics. The extent to which each metric is affected by the input values contained in these assumptions may be examined using sensitivity analysis, by which the input values are adjusted systematically and a new comparison is made between the systems. In this discussion, the assumption regarding the systems' operational lifetime is presented as an example of this sensitivity analysis. Table 3.11 shows that this assumption affects the energy return factor (ERF) metric, as well as the lifetime CO2 emissions (both per aperture area and per land area). 70 In the original analysis, it was assumed that the thin-film PV systems have an operational life of 20 years, and that all the other technologies have a lifetime of 30 years. In the sensitivity analysis this relationship is reversed, so that the thin-film options are assumed to last only 30 years and all the others 20 years. Figure 3.17 shows the effect of this change on the lifetime CO2 emissions per unit of aperture area for the different systems (all with rooftop installation). It may be seen that the CO2 offset value for the thin-film a-Si system (in a horizontal stationary configuration, for example) approximately doubles with a 30-year lifespan, but is still by far the lowest of all technologies in that configuration, even when the non-thinfilm options are assumed to only last 20 years. On the other hand, the CO2 offset for CIS thin-film technology (in the same configuration, with a 30-year span) becomes the highest of all technologies when the non-thin-film span is reduced to 20 years. The latter result represents a qualitative change in the conclusions of the analysis, and show how sensitive these conclusions may be to the particular assumptions made. It is therefore of utmost importance that the assumptions underlying LCA studies such as this are, as much as is possible, based on accurate and experimentally supported information. North-South horizontal tracking East-West horizontal tracking Stationary flat-plate azimuth= 0, tilt= latitude=29.9 N 3.17: The effect of the life time on the CO2 emissions offset. Polar Tracking Stationary flat-plate azimuth=0, tilt=0 Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe 0.7 1.5 2.6 2.6 2.2 2.6 4.1 4.2 3.8 4.9 4.5 4.7 3.8 4.3 3.7 3.8 4.8 4.9 4.8 4.2 4.1 3.9 3.5 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.1 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.7 1.3 0.9 1.0 a-Si 1.0 4.5 6.1 5.6 5.9 5.5 6.1 5.4 5.6 5.1 4.7 7.2 6.8 7.0 single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS CdTe a-Si 3.6 3.5 3.1 3.0 8.0 single-Si multi-Si Ribbon CIS 3.0 2.1 5.0 CdTe 2.0 1.2 5.2 5.7 8.6 8.1 9.0 a-Si single-Si 4.0 3.6 6.0 multi-Si tCO2 m-2aperture 71 CO2 offset (Rooftops) 0.0 72 3.1.2 Summary The energy pay-back time encompasses both the embodied energy and the energy output of the PV system, with both in comparable primary energy units. While the particular installation type (tracking or stationary) has little effect on the embodied energy, it strongly affects the energy output under the given conditions of the Arava and therefore has a significant influence on the energy payback. As expected, roof top installations have a significantly lower energy pay-back time than flat-plate open field arrays, due to the embodied energy savings achieved by utilizing existing structures and thereby avoiding new concrete foundations. These differences are amplified when relatively inefficient PV material such as a-Si is used, and the payback period is lengthened. On the other hand, rooftop installation is not considered a practical option for the concentrating dual axis tracking systems, whose high output efficiency may give them the shortest payback time. For flat plate technologies, the module is responsible for between 44-75% of the energy pay-back time, and the rest is the balance-of-system, in the case of roof top installation. In the open field case, the module's contribution is reduced to 32-65% of the energy pay-back time. In either case, the PV cell itself is the main component of the module's embodied energy. On the other hand with CPV, the cell is a relatively a small contributor to the energy pay-back time; its effect is between 10% to 20% of the whole energy pay-back time while 73 the rest is coming from the cell’s support structure, the concentrator, tracker and the foundation and module support structure. Among the flat plate technologies, Copper Indium Diselenide yields the shortest energy pay-back time, with a value as low as 1.1 years for roof top installation and 1.5 for open field in the case of polar-axis tracking. The longest EPBT is for the amorphous silicon, with values as high as 5.0 years and 3.9 years for roof top and open field respectively in the stationary with zero tilt installation. The CPV technologies, SolFocus and FLATCON, show a very good potential with low energy pay-back times equal to 0.8 and 0.6 years respectively. On the other hand, the required land area for producing each annual MWh of electricity is lowest for the stationary horizontal flat-plates, despite their low output efficiency. For tracking systems, the north-south horizontal axis has the lowest land demand, mainly because it is the most tolerant to mutual shading losses caused by the GCR and it generates more yearly energy than east-west horizontal axis tracking. The polar and dual-axis tracking systems have relatively low GCR values. As the EPBT does not give an indication of the energy balance over the system’s total operational life time, the Energy Return Factor is used to represent the ratio between the system’s total generated energy during its operational life time and the amount of energy consumed by the system’s production. CPV systems have the highest ERF due to their high output, and Ribbon silicon panels have the highest ERF value among flat-plate technologies due to their low embodied energy and their relatively high module efficiency, and due to 74 the long life span of silicon technologies (30 years) relative to thin-film (20 years). Thus the CIS thin-film technology, which has the shortest EPBT, does not have the highest ERF. Amorphous silicon has the lowest ERF due to its low output efficiency, and single-Si comes next because of its high embodied energy requirements. As a result of the energy balance of the different systems and taking into consideration their operational life time, the total amount of fossil fuel-generated electricity abated by the PV system was calculated and converted to equivalent CO2 emissions as shown in Figures 3.14 and 3.15. Since the CO2 emissions calculations are based on the difference of the operational life time output and the embodied energy, rather than the ratio, the effect of the embodied energy becomes less significant while the effect of the output energy and the system’s operational life time will have more impact. For example, a comparison of the Single-Si values of the CO2 emissions offset for polar tracking on both rooftops and open fields shows that the effect of the difference in BOS energy on the total CO2 emissions is only 4%. 75 4. System Scaling comparison In order to evaluate the life-cycle energy efficiency of PV systems at different scales of deployment, this study establishes three different levels of scale: 1) Building-integrated PV (BIPV); 2) Kibbutz (urban) integrated PV; and 3) Regionally integrated PV (Centralized power plant). The comparison between these models is made in two ways, using two different models for comparison: 1. Different scales with the same technology, whereby the single most adaptable technology is chosen and compared at different scales. 2. Choosing the most suitable technology for each scale. In both models, the selected technology is chosen based on criteria of applicability, market availability and total output per unit area. The building-integrated scale uses the available rooftop area of households for PV installation; in this case the house owner will be responsible for the system’s maintenance. The use of existing built surfaces will reduce the embodied energy requirements by eliminating the need of civil work and foundations. On the other hand, the kibbutz-integrated case utilizes not only rooftops of public buildings in the kibbutz, but also areas of open space that require shading and are assumed 76 to have structures for this purpose. This increases the area available, and the kibbutz administration (the municipality in the case of cities and towns) will be responsible for the maintenance of the systems. The different available potential areas for PV technologies in Kibbutz Ketura, the model settlement used in the case study, are shown in Figure 4.1. Roof top Public space shading Open field Figure 4.1: Different available areas for PV deployment in Kibbutz Ketura. The third scale is the centralized power plant, which is sized to generate 12.5 MWp in order to match the total annual electricity demand of the kibbutzim in the Arava (which is 77 equal to 25 GWh yr-1). It is assumed here that land availability in the Arava is not the limiting factor in determining system size. Implementation at this scale allows for centralized maintenance, but it introduces transmission losses due to the transmission of the power to the point of use (estimated as 0.02% km-1). The embodied energy for this type of installation is higher than the first two scales, since it requires foundations and civil work. 4.1 Comparing the different scales for the same technology By using the different metrics from Chapter 3, the Single-crystalline silicon flat plate technology was chosen as the most suitable single technology for implementation at all scales (the CPV options were eliminated in this case as unsuitable for rooftop installation). Per unit aperture area, Single-Si has the highest electrical output of all flat-plate options (Fig. 3.2), and the highest CO2 offset (Figs. 3.14-3.15). Despite this material's relatively high embodied energy, only CIS has a significantly shorter EPBT (Fig. 3.9), and Single-Si has the second highest ERF after Ribbon silicon (Fig. 3.13). Due to the relative complexity of the single-axis tracking systems, stationary panels were considered as the most practical installation option for all cases, including rooftops and shading structures, and tilt equals latitude was chosen because of its significantly higher output (relative to tilt=0) per unit module area. 78 The output per unit area of the system is 358 kWh m-2 and it’s space requirement is 5.6 m2 MWh-1 yr. Installations on shading structures have the same energy pay-back times as that of the building integrated PV, since the shading devices are needed anyway and the use of PV will not require additional costs. However, by utilizing available areas within the kibbutz other than residential rooftops, the PV system may be sized to produce as much electricity as the entire kibbutz consumes The energy pay-back time for the systems discussed below will be 1.9 years for the rooftop installation with ERF equal to 16, and 2.2 years for the open field with ERF equals to 13. Referring to the available area in Kibbutz Ketura, the following results were obtained: a. For the building integrated PV: The potential useable roof top area is equal to 10,940 m2. Taking into consideration a 50% cover ratio, the total PV area is 5,470 m2. In the case of stationary panels with tilt equals latitude this gives 1,958 MWh yr-1 of electricity, after taking into consideration 15% losses due to mutual shading, the total goes down to 1,664 MWh yr-1, which covers 51% of Kibbutz Ketura’s demand. The system will offset 37,196 tons of CO2. b. For kibbutz integrated PV: an area of 24,567 m2 was identified on public building rooftops and as shade for parking lots, sidewalks and open spaces, which gives 12,284 m2 as usable PV area. The potential output will be 3,738 79 MWh yr-1, with an actual output of 3,250 MWh yr-1 because of mutual shading in the case of stationary panels with tilt equals latitude (this covers 100% of the kibbutz demand). The system will offset 85,531 tons of CO2. c. The 12.5 MWp centralized power plant (which is capable of generating 25 GWh yr-1): taking into consideration the transmission losses, an additional 0.25 MWp is added to the plant capacity, based on the values of the area needed per energy unit output in Figure 3.11, an area of 141 dunams of land for stationary plates with tilt equals latitude. The energy pay-back time in this case will be 2.2 years. The power plant will offset 958,800 tons of CO2. Table 4.1 shows a summary of the results of comparing the same technology in different scales. Scale EPBT (years) ERF tCO2 BIPV 1.9 16 37,196 KIPV 1.9 16 85,531 RIPV 2.2 13 479,400 Table 4.1: The results of comparing the same technology in different scales. 4.2 Compare the "best" system for each scale a. Building integrated PV: The Single-crystalline silicon PV with north-south axis tracking is the best system for this scale, since it is the least costly of tracking 80 systems and the most tolerant to mutual shading losses due to the GCR [16]. Based on the area of residential rooftops, this option potentially gives 2,275 MWh yr-1 of electricity, which in practice is 1,934 MWh yr-1 due to the 50% GCR (this configuration covers 60% of the kibbutz electricity demand). The energy pay-back time in this case will be 1.7 years, and the system will offset 44,307 tones of CO2 with a value of ERF equal to 18. b. Kibbutz-integrated PV: For this scale, a combination of two different installation types was selected, one for the rooftops and one for shading areas, with the requirement that the total output should sum up to 3,250 MWh yr-1 to meet the annual electricity demand of Kibbutz Ketura [6]: The available area of public building rooftops is 9,874 m2. For this option, the north-south horizontal axis tracking is used, which will form 4,937 m2 of PV area, and after taking into consideration 15% shading losses it generates 1,484 MWh yr-1 (42% of the kibbutz electricity need). The energy pay-back time will be 1.7 years, with 18 as a value for the ERF and it will offset 39,990 tons of CO2. Stationary panels with zero tilt, single crystalline silicon panels were chosen for shading of public spaces, with an area of 7,419 m2. This generates 1,885 MWh yr-1 (58% of the kibbutz need). The energy pay-back time will be 2.1 years, with 14 as a value for the ERF and the system will offset 45,256 tons of CO2. 81 In total, the kibbutz-integrated PV system will offset 61,238 tons of CO2. By repeating the kibbutz-integrated PV scenario in different kibbutzim in the Arava, the annual demand of the region can be met easily. Such an option would use minimal land area, making efficient use of rooftops and public shaded areas. This will also reduce the transmission losses because of the point-of-use generation. c. A 12.5MWp centralized power plant (plus 0.25MWp to recover the transmission losses): For this scale the best system is a CPV, from the land use point of view, is the SolFocus CPV with 11.9 m2 MWh-1 yr required of land area. The energy pay-back time of a power plant based on this technology will be 0.8 years, with a 38 ERF. It will need 304 dunams of land and offset 510,720 tons of CO2. Table 4.2 shows a summary of the results of comparing the “best” technology for each scale. Scale EPBT ERF tCO2 1.7 18 44,307 Shading 2.1 14 45,256 Rooftops 1.7 18 39,990 Total (weighted average) 1.9 15.7 85,246 0.8 38 510,720 (years) BIPV KIPV RIPV Table 4.2: The results of comparing the “best” technology for each scale. 82 5. Conclusions This study has examined the life cycle energy balance of different PV systems in terms of a large number of variables, and found that each of them is in fact significant to the final comparison. Cell technology, installation type, system life span, and ground cover ratio are all factors which can fundamentally alter at least one of the evaluation metrics. This makes the selection of technology and installation type very sensitive to the different circumstances of the case under investigation. It was found that utilizing existing infrastructure, such as existing building roofs and shade structures, does significantly reduce the embodied energy requirements (by at least 15%) and in turn the energy payback time of PV systems due to the avoidance of energyintensive BOS components like foundations. Considering different system scales, the study indicates that the building integrated PV and the kibbutz (urban) integrated PV scenarios are acceptable alternatives to a centralized, large scale regional PV power plant. High-efficiency CPV systems were found to yield the shortest EPBT, the highest ERF and offset the most CO2 – if land is not a limitation. Because the studied CPV systems have a very low ground cover ratio, they require large field installations which are not appropriate for local integration. On the other hand, the kibbutz-integrated model offers an alternative by which non-concentrating systems may be used locally, and while their efficiency per unit module area is lower, their life-cycle energy and carbon offset potential per unit land area is greater. 83 The life-cycle energy analysis does not provide a direct analysis of the economics of PV, but does provide relevant indicators of the relative economic benefits of different systems. In particular, as energy costs rise, and a high price is put on CO2 emissions, these metrics will become more directly relevant economically. The specific situation of the Arava region with its electricity demand, population distribution, and metrological conditions was used as a case study. Some eight different PV systems with varying tracking strategies were included in the analysis, ranging from thinfilm PV to Silicon-based flat plate collectors to high-concentration PV systems. These systems are only representing part of the wealth of PV systems on the market. Thus, the conclusions reached here, as well as the rankings among the systems, must be re-evaluated whenever new ones are considered as alternatives. This study should then serve as a template for analyzing such systems, or others that may use different materials or even only different production processes, efficiencies or ground cover ratios, for example. Future work is needed to be done in order to investigate such constraints as rooftop orientation in different urban settlement patterns, and analyze the implications for choosing the most suitable system. Issues regarding the GCR and mutual shading of both stationary and tracking systems should be considered in greater detail, in order to optimize the system in terms of the life-cycle energy metrics that were considered here. 84 Appendix I Error Analysis Error Propagation If R is a general function of one or more variables, i.e. R(X,Y,…), then the uncertainty in R is obtained by taking the square root of the sum of the partial derivatives of R with respect to each variable multiplied by the uncertainty in that variable (for independent random errors), as explained in the following equation [56]: Where δR, δX and δY is the error in the corresponding variable. In the case of fractional uncertainty, where the error is expressed as a percentage of the read value, the actual uncertainty will be calculated using the following equation [56]: (13) Where: F.U. is the fractional uncertainty. In this study, the following uncertainty will be assumed: ± 5% of fractional uncertainty for global radiation, ± 3% for direct beam radiation, ± 1 m s-1 for wind speed, ± 0.5 °C for temperature and ± 0.05 for the albedo, these values lie within the error margin for the metrological readings [57-59]. 85 Since actual measured data is only available for stationary flat plate with tilt equals latitude, the error calculations were performed only for this installation type. The data was measured in kibbutz Ketura, of a thin film amorphous silicon plate, made by Bangkok Solar, with efficiency equals to 5.1%, power temperature coefficient of -0.19% °C-1 and an area of 0.79 m2. For cell temperature: (14) And: (15) where: Tm=back surface module temperature, °C. Ta=ambient temperature, °C. E=solar irradiance on module, W m-2. Eo=reference solar irradiance, 1000 W m-2. WS=wind speed measured at standard 10m height, m s-1. 86 T1=empirical constant determining upper temperature limit at low wind speed °C. T2= empirical constant determining upper temperature limit at high wind speed °C. b= empirical coefficient determining the rate that module temperature drops as wind speed increases s m-1. For the collectable energy: (16) Where: Icoll: the collectable solar radiation on the surface. Ig: the global radiation. Ib: the direct beam component of the solar radiation. Id: the diffuse component of the solar radiation (Id=Ig-Ibcosθz) θi: the incident angle. Ki: the incident angle modifier for the direct beam component. Kd: The incident angle modifier for the diffuse radiation. Calculated for θ=60° for diffuse radiation and θ=75° for ground reflected radiation. 87 β: the surface tilt angle. ρg: the ground reflectivity. And: (17) where: o/p: the output energy of the panels, W m2. A: the module’s aperture area, m2. η: the module efficiency. : Temperature coefficient, % °C-1. Figure I.1 shows the error in the calculated values and a comparison with the actual output for three different days. 05:40 06:30 07:20 08:10 09:00 09:50 10:40 11:30 12:20 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:10 4:50 5:40 6:30 7:20 8:10 9:00 9:50 10:40 11:30 12:20 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:40 16:30 17:20 18:10 06:00 06:50 07:40 08:30 09:20 10:10 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 Output [W m-2] 88 The Calculated and Measured Outputs 45 45 45 40 40 40 35 35 35 30 30 30 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 10 5 5 5 0 0 0 Time Time Time 6 Jan 2008 21 March 2008 10 May 2008 Figure I.1: The calculated output with error margins and the measured output. 89 In Figure I.1. we observe that part of the calculated power output falls within the error bars – particularly during the mid-day hours, while for the morning and afternoon hours the discrepancy is outside the error bars. 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