Republic of the Philippines Palompon Institute of Technology Palompon, Leyte Activity in Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 Submitted by: Ivy Domael BSED II-A Submitted to: Geryl Cataraja, MAED-English Instructor Activity 9 Directions: Reflection Paper containing on experiences and how this will be applied in your future class. The Computer as a Tutor and The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool Teachers back then are trying to apply technology but just a tiny bit. Frequently, they want to go by with as little interest with technology as possible as if the machine is a way to be avoided unless and until absolutely necessary. However today, computers are unavoidable. It became the means of communication and a tool that would absolutely aide both the teacher and his students. With computers they could use constructivism which is an approach that focuses on allowing the students to construct their own meaning with regards to a topic. Thus, also making computer as their tutors since they could get information and learn from computers itself. As for the teacher’s side, it is considered as constructivism when computers are used for teaching. With computers, it would be quite easy for the teachers to stimulate higher order thinking skills for there are software of such that would assist those type of stimulation. Computer has a vast use not just in education but even in our everyday lives as a professional or just for mere entertainment. Computers can serve as an informant, that would update you or would give you new information that you might need. It can be a communication tool that make the world much smaller with just a click. It can be a constructivist tool that would assist on making masterpieces yourself. The possibilities upon using computers is endless and one must never stop learning and expanding new horizon with this new and helpful tool. Activity 10 Directions: Reflection Paper containing on experiences and how this will be applied in your future class. Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning and Cooperative Learning with Computer I could still remember the time when we write notes all day written by our class secretary or our teacher on the board. We need to comply because whatever the teacher would write would be used in our examinations and even in our essays. We’ve been passive learners at first but then as we proceed to the next grade and as educational tools broaden, we’ve became active learners. As student-centeredness was introduced everything changed and it assist on a type of learning that made both students and teachers work hand in hand. With the help of technology, learning became student-centered and it harness students’ critical thinking skills. As student-centeredness became the main objective in teaching and learning, cooperative learning with computer is much at ease and quite helpful for students to interact and build relationship with his co-students as well. Cooperative learning is having a common goal yet still being able to be interdependent which means you should be in sync with your groupmates but not to da point that you’ll just go with the flow you still have to do something and contribute in your group for a much higher percentage of success to reach your goal. This type of learning with technology and student-centeredness, could also be compare to our way of living in our society. You see, we are individual citizens who have our own strength and weakness and as one, we are a community that should work hand in hand in our own unique way. We do not rely on our co-citizens on everything you yourself should work on your own to also help one another. This approach in learning is a real-life practicum that would greatly prepare our students’ in real life. Activity 12 Directions: Reflection Paper containing on experiences and how this will be applied in your future class. Internet and Education From multiple points of view, it is hard to talk about any part of contemporary society without thinking about the Internet. Numerous individuals' lives are immersed so altogether with computerized innovation that the once evident differentiation between either being on the web or disconnected presently neglects to do equity to a circumstance where the Internet is verifiably consistently on. It somehow became as one with almost everything that we do even in education. The instructive effect of the Internet isn't direct. At a simple level, recollect that well over a large portion of the total populace has no immediate experience of utilizing the Internet by any stretch of the imagination. While this is probably going to change with the worldwide development of portable communication, the issue of inconsistent access to the most empowering and enabling types of Internet use stays a significant concern. However, despite of that issue our government and the educational department are trying to push forward unto the idealistic and desired future we all wanted. In this pandemic, world turned upside down and we now rely on the net to communicate, to survive and to learn. We need to move forward unto whatever it is we would be facing. Being stagnant won’t do any good at all. Even if it is going to be a rocky journey it’s better than just staying in our known boundary. Let’s surpass this obstacle.