The Fractal-Quantum Field Theory Frontier The Micro-Quantum Realm DANN PASSOJA LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA SPRING 2019 [DOCUMENT SUBTITLE] MICROSOFT OFFICE USER QUANTUMFIELD THEORY FRACTAL HORIZIONS | [Company address] Lessons From Fractals I had a quite remarkable experience several years ago with fractals While preparing a print of a fractal by laser printing I encountered problems with balancing the colors. I had chosen to use very conventional colors about. Four different ones but, matter what I tried the I couldn’t solve the problem. The most frustrating aspect of all was that there were not set of colors that would work. The problem would appear~ 3-4 minutes after the print had been made. The failures were similar, due to color in balance, but they never were the same. Notes on the diagnosis and solution of the color problem at I used are shown below.. Finally I remembered that I had a famous book in my library that I referred to constantly while enrolled in art school M.E.Chevreul” The Principles of Color Harmony and Contrast of Color Which invoked total amazement from me when I learned that he had published it in 1839!! I realized that I was printing fractal patterns and I was seeing interactions among the color harmonies that were exacerbated by Fractals. One possible source of this problem could start by printing two pixels side-by side that happen to have a complimentary appearance. The eye senses certain color combinations that are known as color complements. Only on the pixel scale could this be seen. But fractals are self- similar and I’d expect to see a compliment problem to appear on a grand scale. I’ve explained this in more detail in an article that was published in Leonardo Another Connection to be Remembered The relationship that’s developed in this work between QFT and Fractals is based on the on the Binomial Probability Distribution. Therefore it is It is important that I say something about the generating function used for the PL set. I cloned the generating function by using the algorithm for Pascals’ triangle. It represents a new discrete probability distribution ( I checked). It has the following properties: Limit ๐๐๐ ∑ ๐ ๐๐ค+1 ๐๏ฎ๏ฅ ∑ ๐ ๐๐ค =๏ณ=1+√2 the silver number ∑๐ ๐ ๐๐ค =2 ๐ ๐๐ค (๐) + ๐ ๐๐ค (๐ − 1)= Pell Series I discovered the relationship for the generating function and used it for all of my work and only to find out later that the generating function happened to be the same as the Delannoy numbers. That’s an isolated fact that has nothing to do with the prime fractals. However, no one had found any relationships such as the ones that I had. There has been no mention of Pascal’s triangle either, only the standard discussion on the number of paths that could be found on a checkerboard. I mention this because it might influence Quantum Field Theory in an important way: Fermions and Bosons are identified by the Pauli principle but their partition functions are based on the discrete Binomial Distribution. I created the generating function used to make the P-L set by changing the algorithm that’s used in Pascal’s triangle and is the Binomial Coefficient. ๐ ๐ถ๐๐ = ๐ถ๐๐−1 +๐ถ๐−1 Pascal’s ๐+1 ๐ ๐๐ฟ๐+1 = ๐๐ฟ๐๐ + ๐๐ฟ๐๐+1 +๐๐+1 Passoja Lakahtakia There’s something that accompanies all of this -a particle's identity is based on selection rules, however, a new distribution such as this would imply that a Fractal particle, if it were to be distinguished would have a probability distribution, would be selfsimilar and would have a “ quantum number”. This would accomplish one of the project’s goals a particle such as a Fractal Particle” would present on many scales and would have a fractal identity distinguished by an intreger Transformations of the particles could be described by arithmetic. Forward As I was completing this report I realized that I had covered a variety of topics because it was necessary establish some very basic ideas from scratch. My purpose was to determine a scientific and philosophical structure, that could accommodate both the Fractal and the Quantum Field viewpoints. I might find something that Fractals provided but too many viewpoints would become too focused and therefore would overlook the opportunity that Fractals can provide. The viewpoint of this work stems from presenting some practical “mile markers” using to compare the energy density of the Femi sphere with other energy densities. Fermions and Bosons are abstractions but we speak about them as though they were real and I needed to determine just how and where I should begin a development. I present a viewpoint that maintains constant contact with structures of many different types. I use geometry based on k the wave vector, actually inverse length, but a length that can be measured directly and has matter in terms of meaning behind it. I want to state that any geometry that I’ll discuss is (conceptually) different than usual. Geometry is generic, it never has had need to consider “Specific Geometries” such as Specific Area or Specific Volume or even Specific Density. All of these items are associated with real things. My recent work on fractal fracture made it quite obvious that I could no longer speak of a fracture surface because the surface was a specific one that had a history that was defined in space-time. Of course it always had been this way, but it’s become more and more clear that almost everything that we discuss is treated in this manner. It’s very important that everyone starts to realize that real things don’t often find a place in science. I don’t mean that science is divorced from reality, rather, the specific detail that is part of everyone’s world isn’t of concern to Science but Universality is. I don’t see any reason for it to remain this way, because the very best experiments in Science are often done by finding examples of quite realistic phenomena. Next issue; Are someone’s faculties (or absence thereof) to be considered ? After all there are observations-but sometime we must be realistic and admit that the observer is not just an unnamed “observer” because he’s part of the experiment. “What can be observed and measured by an experimentalist and how can it be understood ? Probability always interferes with making observations or measurements, so statistical mechanics offers the opportunity to deal with large numbers of particles that are distinguishable or indistinguishable The major focus of the following work will be concerned with the Fermi Dirac Distribution. Since there is a major interest in the structural details of the Fermi Surface I’ve chosen to focus on this and to bring some new insights to the topic. ` `The following work is based on developing a background that would help to identify a more comprehensive understanding and integrating it into a more workable structure. This is the major focus of this project however the project has more specific goals. To determine new directions where QFT and Fractals will be able to produce new theoretical and fundamental knowledge Beginning Impressions Avagadro’s Number and the Mole…there’s no practical way to count the number of atoms in a Mole, but for some it’s possible to hold Mole your hand. At some level details count, but in the world of “grown ups” not possible to sense atomic granularity. There are some things all around us that can be identified by straight forward observation that can be counted by a set of integers. Euler made observations of Platonic solids, he counted the number of surfaces, vertices and edges and developed his rules empirically..The rules are universal and observable on Platonic regular solids and many other shapes as well. His rules are Vertices-Edges+Faces=2 His rules have withstood test of time. It’s unusual that energy doesn’t readily come into the picture. I’ll bring this up later…that the geometry that’s familiar that we all use is generic. It’s just length, area or volume that have absolutely no character. Natures’ representations of this most certainly are not. In fact, the most common ones are attached to matter. I’ve always been aware Every real physical volume is surrounded by one and only one surface. Surface Rule Volume This was supported by the work that I had done on Fractals where I found a relationship between the Fractal dimension and the fracture energy. Therefore such a relationship exists because there’s one degree of freedom in existence between a solid and a “generic” surface. I think that this observation is based on topology, because it’s peculiar and fits into the category of Euler’s rules This is a consequence of a phase change but expressing that doesn’t help to explain the observation Separability is Re lated to the = 1 If solid particles are suspended in a liquid then their surfaces that keep them separated. The number that can be counted depends on the ongoing chemistry. It might be possible to make statements about the different ways that entropy is involved in this , however, all the rather amazing statements would just be records of everyone’s conversations and theories. Because there’s no practical and direct way to confirm anyone’s t theoretical statements. My point is that real problems can appear from any direction. They’re not partial to any philosophy- quantum -nano-universe or anything else. There’s a lesson that I learned that accompanies this.. People who are specialists develop personal problems when they realize that their specialty isn’t that relevant to so many things that they become conficted and have a great deal of trouble deciding whether they should continue as a specialist. Statistical mechanics that’s familiar doesn’t apply to atoms that can be accounted for by partitioning, but in order to change from a mathematical idea into something that’s more tangible , such as something that’s countable, then there has to be an exchange of energy that’s accompanied by losing part of it. Don’t think that partitioning insofar as it creates the opportunity of countability results in a more orderly condition because that’s a human based judgment. If it’s possible to prove that something is gained then energy will need to be lost in order to keep everything in balance.t expect to see that partitioning something makes it appear to be more tidy and orderly as we might determine, but that’s a temporary , incomplete judgment; but it means that there are physical constraints in operation that that influence how things come to be subdivided that are part of statistical reality. Subdivisions of space and matter are essential parts of the “game “ of scientists. But it’ s still difficult for many of them to understand that knowledge of microphenomena has never seemed sufficient to bring a great deal of understanding about macrophenomena. J. Willard Gibbs spoke of the viability of such relationships about 100 years ago 100 years after he stated this it has gone into the wind. The first time that I encountered his statement I was stunned into silence. It was such a profound and important statement that I knew it would have an important place in my memory because I’d have to develop some new theoretical ideas resolve it Some further thoughts about these thoughts led me to the definition of a “macrostate” (as defined in Statistical Mechanics) which has an undeniably and important property -entropy. Over time structures of macrostates remain stable and are replaced by microstates that reproduce. I had very vague thoughts about this but nothing more. I’ve always had wonderful experiences when I read the work of E.T.James. He commented on many things such as those mentioned above. ET James if any .microphenomena or macrophenomena are found to be reproducible then it follows that all microscopic details that were not reproduced must be irrelevant for understanding and predicting it. In particular, all circumstances that were not under an experimenter’s control are not likely to be reproduced and are very likely to be irrelevant. His comments stated something that was relevant to Gibbs’s comment. … A Brief discussion that follows: James; Microstates that don’t meet the right standards don’t matter. Gibbs : Expect to find colonies that do. GEOMETRY Geometry is so essential to mathematics and physics that I had to review it and demonstrate that there are some very fundamental aspects of it that I should make an effort to review. I began with the most elementary Euclidean laws to demonstrate that there are other ways that don’t require proofs and in order to present new and understandable ideas. In fact, there are many important ideas that are known that are transmitted by movement and light. I use the most important set of geometric rules that have survived for over 2500 years along with some other organizing features to see what would happen. And I ended up in a curious place. The next few pages were constructed to show how a pattern such as the one that’s basic to Pascals triangle that is hidden but responsible for other patterns but are based on a different sets of rules. I hope that you can identify Euclid’s rules in various forms: Points® 2 Points๏ฎ Lines…. 4 Points+4 Lines๏ฎSurface… 2 Surfaces+ 4 Line+ Surface ๏ฎ Volume Volume๏ฎ Physical Volume๏ฎ Volume+Surface AN ALGORITHM FOR EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY I’d like to present an example that although equations and proofs, seem to satisfy mathematicians they are a traditional way to introduce premise in order to begin a debate. There are other avenues that everyone uses that are different and produce different results. In many cases the “premise” direction is useless. There’s a different audience and the ideas will be rejected if there’s an attempt to present them that way. I wanted to present the most elementary patterns (I guess patterns)) that I’ve used over and over to produce almost all of the figures in this work. Not only that, I’ve found myself entering equations that represent these patterns over and over again. Although these patterns seem to be simple because everyone recognizes them immediately as simple patterns. I don’t think that they are because it’s possible to trace an almost infinite number of connections with them. Numbers, equations, images and so much more it’s not possible to capture the meaning of all of this in an equation. I’ve used algorithms in the next few pages as an example of an interplay between Euclidean Geometry and the form of the Binomial coefficient. I did this because I kept finding forms of Pascal’s Triangle in unexpected places. I’m certain that these examples are just due to chance but the structure fit in nicely with the “rules”that I devised to give the proper meaning and symmetry to the figure. . This are symmetries and structures for points lines surfaces This is just some guidance for going beyond two dimensions. are j I continued further, and decided to work in phase space , why not? Everything makes as much sense there as it does anywhere else. It’s just a matter of becoming accommodated to Euclidean Geometry with vectors and k space! By using a surface having two sides but having no thicknesss – one that is based on a geometric definition I was in need of a something like a “ ground state .No thickness, no matter, merely a definition. Then I recognized that there were particles associated with it that had spins all pointing in the same direction. Then I separated the surface and ended up with two one sided surfaces. I thought that there would be a state of lower entropy if I reorganized the particles and put ๏ญ๏ฏ on different surfaces. That left me with two one sided surfaces. So, I glued two sides together As I finished I wanted to end up with a “device” of some sort something that developed a meaning from the phase space level that ended up becoming a device And made a one sided cylinder. I had to just imagine that the next step might be possible. This would result in a (theoretical) one sided torus. This is the final result separated particles with fields on the final single sided surface. Ready to accept a field running through its middle. Every once in a while I encounter a paradox, they’re all different. I found that Lebesgue had a problem with this one and so did I. It’s related to the properties of a fractal. It’s an equilateral triangle that starts out with sides =1. The next path is constructed by dividing each of the paths that are to be followed in half every time. The objective is to keep track of how many paths you’ve used to reach your destination DOWN TO BASICS The next topic is so essential that every has learned it many years ago. But things have changed and the meaning of a number has changed. Infinitesmals have been introduced into the number system and that has caused zero and infinity to disappear! The structure of the number line has been debated for centuries The continuity- discontinuity disagreements have continued to influence ( some unanticipated) areas of mathematics- especially when it came to understanding a the nature of a derivative. After, all what exactly is a limit? Then, there were some other interesting things, such as when someone added ”…look maybe there is more than one .continuous line that’s present superimposed over the one that we’ve been discussing. So every one was introduced to the idea of density for the first time. The idea of closing a gap in some manner was first described by William of Ockham 1280-1349 While describing a continuum. He proposed that between any two points arbitrarily chosen on a line there is a third region where there an infinite number of successions ,more than enough to support a continuum. Johann Kepler 1571-1630 Johann Kepler is best known for his astronomical observations but he is also granted to be the father of optics. He has a theorem, “Kepler’s Theorem” having to do with the optimal structure that can be constructed from sphere packing. It has yet to be proven. Kepler was interested in many things, some contained remarkable insights Several were very interesting….he used infinitesimals to calculate volumes of wine casks etc since he regarded solid bodies to be composed of infinitesimally solid cones or infinitesimally thin disks solid. It was customary for him to use the same dimensions as the figures they constitute. His next statement was prescient. His grasp on what was to become a reigning principle in geometry for many years was: ….that .a geometric figure is something that provides a continuous change of a mathematical object All too often I’ve noticed that scientists follow well- trodden paths, only hesitantly try to expand their horizons (an incremental amount at best) and tend to avoid discussing some very basic issues because that’s something that they learned in kindergarten (commonly known as graduate school). I thought that it would be useful to start with some today’s basics and, of course, to keep them from being boring, maybe even to bring things up to date. THE MOST BASIC IDEAS Numbers are so fundamental to everything that we know of and are of practical use that they transcend most of our concerns and relate to basics. I’ve focused on how simple concepts such as continuity and discontinuity have evolved because the concepts that emerged from them are important in the quantum mechanics of today. This topic is essential but one whose details are often are disregarded everyone knows about these things. . However something has changed the meaning of a number-. Infinitesmals. They’ve have been introduced into the number system and that has caused zero and infinity to disappear! THE MODERN NUMBER LINE I’m certain that everyone knows that number line is where everything started, probably in Sumeria or Babylon ~ 3500 BCE. maturing later in Egypt Greece. structure of the number line has been debated for centuries The continuity- discontinuity disagreements have continued to influence ( some unanticipated) areas of mathematics- especially when it came to understanding a the nature of a derivative. After, all what exactly is a limit? Then, there were some other interesting things, such as when someone added ”…look maybe there is more than one .continuous line that’s present superimposed over the one that we’ve been discussing. So every one was introduced to the idea of density for the first time. Reviewing a small bit of history has brought me to a point that I can begin to introduce an idea that’s been around for long time infinitesimals or in the past continuity and discreteness.. Recently it’s had a rebirth of the concept of the infinitely small and the infinitely large in our number system. This offers some new intuitive ways to approach the concepts of zero and infinity especially how they cause our equations to blow up or reach zero. INFINITESIMALS The necessary rigor has been established by Arthur Robinson in the 1960 and has had an influence on several areas of mathematics. It’s known as non- standard mathematics or hyperreal numbers (as named by the most famous John Conway) . The hyperreal numbers include the standard number system and are known as โ* when combined with the natural numbers. The non-standard numbers include infinitesimals, ๐ that are smaller than any other number in the system but is so small that there is nothing smaller in the system. Number theorists regard infinity simply as a number defined by convention it is nevertheless a number. Therefore, it’s always possible to add (or subtract) more numbers onto it and remember that the since two other numbers can be added above and below it ± k and that includes ๐ also k+ ๐ and k- ๐ as shown below This the derivative in terms on infinitesimals Positive infinity is up here (and below) but it’s just a number by convention. So that ๏ฅ an infinitesimal can be added to it. The funnel shaped object above is known as a monad. Within it are all the ε that have the property- .. they are clustered around whole numbers being as close to it as possible. But only infinitesimally close to it ,but never reaching it. Thoughts about discontinuous and continuous space are still part of our mathematical heritage but by observing the microscopic world I’ve always been left with the feeling that it’s better to accept this dichotomy as a fact because everything makes more sense if you do. So….the Number Line is Something That Everyone Knows I’m certain that everyone will say this, but will not be able to extend their thoughts beyond that. I’ve studied and read as much as I could in many different subjects and read books on the same topic written by different authors. The basics are there but are seldom expressed in a straightforward way. Indeed we know what the number line is, but don’t realize that it’s placement is relative. Also numbers aren’t connected to anything physical and they can’t be created or destroyed. The Number Line Based on Physical Reality This work began with a discussion of the number line and although the line night be thought of as something tangible it isn’t it’s an abstraction. If the line’s existence requires that a ruler must be used to establish its existence then a relation of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle will interfere with our intentions. However, for different reasons. We speak of a specific ‘length” as exactly # centimeters, it’s just our concept of something that’s exactly # .It’s not possible to prove that our idea of a length is anything more than just an idealization. Any attempt to measure it will include errors. There’s even something more unusual about the number line; a physical representation of the number line could be bent and joined to its other end, in other end, in other words a negative end doesn’t exist, and that’s why a circle does. Our comprehension of the universe is best understood by the number line concept. Fractals forced these issues out into the open. So far I haven’t seen any well founded ideas that are concerned with making observations over the scale of magnification that is a fact. of life that’s present all around us. Somehow, deep theoretical, mathematically constructed arguments might be meaningful to some but they must emerge as something that’s practical. To continue using the term “Self Similarity” without considering its meaning in a broader sense just isn’t a very wise thing to do. It’s very difficult to stay in touch with the proper Mathematics that’s connected to a multitude of different spaces .There are an uncountable number of ways to become lost. I’ve tried to organize some of this so that I wouldn’t be searching in the entirely wrong places. The number line was basic to all of them so I started with this. Space- time is something that is, by definition, a necessity to establish the validity of a mathematical system. Coordinates are created and become part of the reality. However, specific coordinates of individual particles are never part of the theoretical atomic framework. That’s because there’s always been an interest large number of individual particles ( of any kind). Which subsequently require identification or association with microsystems. Thereby helping to define degrees of freedom necessary to establish the dimensionality of the states of a system that are yet to evolve. The validity of using probability in place of coordinate specificity is the major purpose behind theoretical developments. Entropy is concerned with the probability of observing a single microstate in a microcanonical ensemble. Iit’s apparent that magnification is more relevant to us if it’s used having a different base. Something as simple as changing a base can bring order into someone’s life. I use our monetary system as an example. There’s a good way to bring some understanding into this. If either the base 10nor the “base” Fourier is expanded in a power series \ These next two equations are series expansions for 10x the term in Fourier’s equation. It’s easy to see that the exponent in the base 10 equation can be used for magnification. The expansion of either function ( if the unimportant garbage is ignored) shows that they are similar since there’s a base to a power that’s linear. In fact, we coincidently use magnification in terms of the power of the base 10 DISCONTINUITY VS CONTINUITY The concepts have been debated since the very beginning of formalized mathematics ( I’m not certain that. anyone has reached solid conclusions that have remained in place for any extended length of time) then quantum mechanics was recognized and everything became more complicated. Understanding a differential was always in contention among the greatest mathematicians over subsequent time periods: Newton, Leibnitz, Euler they all had different opinions. Then Cantor changed everything and there was a realization that the meaning of infinity had changed. Probability and the a possibility that the number line might have structure line has never come up. But by what we understand today there’s a fundamental reason why a number line shouldn’t be continuous But if probability was available I’d expect that it might stretched across a gap and reduce the possibility of not being able to render an evaluation . No one has said anything about the physical features of the line. A form of noise that has a stable average might define a set of conditions would predict the conditions that would have to be present so that the convergence of a series might be possible at a certain confidence level. Thoughts about how a particle be influenced might behave is not out of bounds in this thinking. If the number line is discontinuous will it be necessary to redefine the Uncertainty Principle?. How would this characteristic be manifested in a measurement.? If the positions of the discontinuities were dynamic f (time) and ~ the size of a particle, would it be possible to determine this? Any answers that I might provide are not forthcoming. However, I have a suspicion that the only way to fix this problem is to recast it in terms that include probability. Also, whoever said that number line was quiescent? I’m not merely suggesting because I consider this to be factual. Everyone’s measurements depend on their measuring device. By changing the nature of numbers themselves there’s no way to guarantee that that the particle size hasn’t changed and the Uncertainty Principle only ends up asserting that the uncertainty principle doesn’t apply to that problem. This is a pictorial representation of what I discussed above. I’d suggest that such things might have a direct influence of some fundamental assumptions used in mathematics for example, the Dirac Delta function is one that might be victimized P. Dirac was the person who invented the Dirac Delta function. There is some graphical information below that represents the present understanding of it. Dirac was concerned with the relationship between x- location and momentum and was thinking in terms of the Uncertainty Principle as well as the wave particle theory. He created a rectangle of x and p with p along the y axis using a geometric model. He, of all people, would be aware of the issues that are involved with this problem. However, he had taken derivatives out of the picture and had changed its nature . But he had to face a new problem. His construction would always be a rectangle with an area, in fact it would have an infinite area. Which means as mentioned before that since infinity is number he could cut off as much of it as he wished but it would never get any smaller. I’m sure his solution was to turn it into a mathematical equation, define some limits to make it useful and then adjust them a little from time to time when it is necessary. Not only did he solve his problem he created an extremely useful mathematical tool. OBSERVATIONS MADE IN REAL SPACE AND MOMENTUM SPACE Thoughts about reconciling observations in real space and momentum space are best done with mathematics. The Fourier transform is a mathematical method exchanging a continuous set of coordinates with a discrete set called wave numbers. Probability amplitudes are a determinate factor in being able to observe the result of an interaction. QFT often choses to work in one space or the other, with good reason. Sometimes it’s easier to make such a transition. To my great surprise I encountered a very understandable reason for doing this it’s due to the conservation of momentum . The law creates something that I found surprising: momentum space is translationally invariant. I consider that to be something very important that I’m just beginning to understand the what some of consequences might be. Such a thought is encouraging in light of the problem that’s under discussion. Planck’s constant quantizes energy and brings noncommutativity and quantization into the picture. It’s also possible to show in a more basic way that the two vectors ,x and p lie in a plane their magnitudes can be related to energy as in QFT. However, if quantization has to be included their inner product has to be included. Algebraic Geometry has solved a basic problem that’s at the heart of this problem: terms that have different dimensions aren’t to be used as terms in the same equation .Algebraic Geometry uses the geometric product in order to circumvent this problem. x.p = x× p+ x Ù p Once again, in order to develop more understanding about this problem dimensions have to be considered to be a stumbling block in resolving this problem. Beside the problem of not toeing the line and choosing a geometric direction in order to understand as much as possible (I found that it was impossible to accommodate Fractals and QFT if I became too involved with the details of either area. I was inspired by them many directions that QFT had taken for its development. In particular, I thought that by using creation/ annihilation (particles /operators) could be very helpful in a more general context. Their quantizing came about du e to the impossibility of dealing with n Schroedinger equations for an n-body problem. By maintaining a canonical quantum basis, and by means of second quantization, they transformed the many-body problem into an a problem having infinite degrees of freedom. The -field particle relationship was defined and a collection of particles could develop a “collective state” known as the “vacuum state”. The vacuum energy remained in equilibrium and defined a reference energy. The in certain applications this is called “The Fermi Liquid” that has a Fermi surface where all the interactions can be found. The mathematical operations that were needed are never done in the newly developed space but are always transferred into the space that was required to support the mathematics. The answers were then transcribed into the correct language. This is just a beginning, an exploration into the same world with energy matter always in its proper place but one that uses probability in a different way. The famous ‘Wave function “ owes its existence to the quantum scale. However the quantum scale supports the macroscale and is part (as contained within) of it. However the manifestations of quantum behavior are seldom directly observed on the macro scale. MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH AND AREA I didn’t want to leave my conjecture about the Pythagorean theorem before I expanded my horizons a bit more. I had a strong feeling about using something complicated but familiar, to start things going. I made the choice and decided to use Schroedinger’s equation. I knew why -because as a beginner I invented my own ways to understand and to find solutions to the great equations. Then later I switched over to the conventional methods. Therefore, I knew that the harmonic oscillator is based on the Pythagorean Equation. I investigated the possibility of deriving an equation that was somewhat like the Schroedinger equation. I wanted to explore some of the ideas that I mentioned before. Why not? If something is consistent with what we think is “reality” then such thoughts are worth considering. After all that’s what happened when quantum mechanics came into being. I think that it’s reasonable to assume that almost everyone considered it to be “dead in the water” , and somewhat outrageous. I’m not suggesting that there’s anything like this in the works but keeping an open mind is just a necessity. Also, try things for yourself. THE PURPOSE OF CHALLENGES I had no prior set of equations that I could use but I’d have to pass judgment on whether it could offer a different viewpoint. Also it would have to stand on logical grounds. As I discussed previously . ¶2y é éx, y é é a 4 a ¶ =y ¶x ¶x2 + x2y [x, y] = i m ¶y [x, y r ¶y é ¶ éé ¶é 2 2 x i a x + i a = x iy x + iy = x + y é ¶x é ¶x é é éé é é ( (xy - yx) = [x, y] = ia )( ) This is how the wave function looks. When I have more time later I’ll finish the first part of the story. I’m somewhat encouraged by the fact that the Pythagorean theorem has been in existence and has been so useful over such a period of history that there’s a good reason for it. Simply because it correctly accounts for the obvious and it is constantly used. Meaning that’s what people commonly observe and involves something that everyone observes on a daily basis. It’s certainly the basis for the foundation of so many things that it’s overwhelming There’s something that needs to be stated in regard to this ๏ท The Theorem as taught to every student in our school system is incorrect, not by a little bit but totally incorrect ๏ท I feel a need to mention this because it has a bearing on what I’m about to propose. This is taught at the present time This is correct and should be taught That just means that the Pythagorean Theorem isn’t a fundamental issue in the problem. Self similarity can also be implicated in the This is the structural form of the Dumbell Ruler . This is the dumbbell ruler. It’s a physical example of the measurement of length and the errors that occur from the measurement process. The ends are not only enlarged but they have a different dimension than the ruler does and that happens to be the source of the errors, having to determine where the end of the ruler is where there’s an abrupt change in dimensionality. This way of making measurements is a case of having to combine one and two dimensions to get a measurement. The ruler can only measure an invariant length along with some electronic clicks , the errors. I used a Log[#] to record the errors but I could have used Log[Errors] = instead. Dn N As it stands it is a scalar measurement of length with area being recorded as an error. It looks a great deal like some very familiar thermodynamic equations. ๐ธ๐๐๐๐๐ฆ AN EQUATION IN TERMS OF ๐๐๐๐ข๐๐ I needed to calculate the energy density found in a reliable equation that’s used in macroscopic applications. I also decided not to 1 consider using anything unless it had a dependence. ๐ฟ๐๐๐๐กโ 1 hc compare it to E = x l I was looking to compare the energy density in Fermi energy dependent applications with others. I didn’t expect to find anything that would be significant, and I’d probably not be able to determine whether a correspondence would be direct. EÞ My inverse length requirement was made for practical reasons. Everyone is familiar with certain length scales , but usually they haven’t related it to an energy scale or a mechanism that goes with it. This is very important equation that has length in - the grain size of a microstructure. There’s no mystery about this but there should be some more definitive scientifically based reasons to eliminate a sense of mystery My choice was based on the conservation of energy. There’s a consistency that’s present that stabilizes the different worlds: atomic-> nano-> micro. I think that it’s (once again), the conservation of matter and energy. In most of the situations that we conjure, our thinking is usually directed to ask a question about something that’s divorced from everything and is converted into an object or thing. This just makes a conversation more efficient. In discussions of scaling between the atomic and larger scales “ how? and how long? Should be included because I don’t expect that there would be an immediate change The other piece of advice is “Keep your eye on the transfer of energy. An exchange of energy would be required in instance of wavelength to grain size transformation. In this case there’s no problem because the grain is so overweight. That without a serious effort it’ll never be able make such a change even with a weight loss program lasting many years. EÞ 1 hc compare it to E = x l This calculation was based on the most recent form of the HallPetch equation. Grainboundaries are commonly found in materials. DEFORMATION OF METALS The Hall Petch Equation is associated with a size dependent property the yield stress , which is the grain size. In topological terms they define a structurer surrounding randomly distributed points in 3D space. having structure which can be described as topological objects that are determined by all of the other topological members of a set,.The k s =so + d stresses are typically 100-200 MPa s =so + e = eo + e n->¥ = k ' Ln[d] d kDd d2 ( (x - xo )3 xo 3x2 - 3xxo + 3xo2 ) Below is the calculation showing how the energy changes during deformation. The values indicate that the energies are in the range of EW » 1- 2 ×1010 ergs cm3 Fracture Energy/Volume There was a set of fracture experiments where I was able to determine a value for a fracture energy directly from the fracture surface .It was Dislocation Storage 10% Dissipation Energy 90 % ESTIMATION OF THE FERMI ENERGY DENSITY I found answers that came from an expertLandau who else ? ( ) h2 EF = 3p 2 n 2m 3 2 n » 1023 / cm3 EFermi » 1 ev or 10-11 erg cm3 . GETTING VEXED BY STATISTICAL MECHANICS I perused Statistical Mechanics and ended up asking some obvious questions having figured out that there was no way to answer the most important one. Because the justification for using the theory guarantees that a level of indistinguishability must accompany it.. ๏ท At this time I’m certain that I’m the only person who has known anything about this. It’s very important because I’ve found that it’s impossible to ignore the Binomial Probability distribution and use a Gaussian Distribution in its place,. The Binomial Distribution is a discrete distribution ๏ท I’d consider using the equation for Entropy in a different but equivalent form, that more amenable to analytical revisions I soon realization that both statistical mechanics and QFT both assumed that the number of particles were unlimited i.e I didn’t have to look fpr this because it has bothered me for a long time. I was concerned with some other things such as not being able to describe how the evolution of a microstate can influence a macrostate. But now this opens the door for accepting fractals as being fundamental part of the entire process. I hope that everyone in our project realizes that since Fractals and probability are inseparable partners and also that Fractals are quantized gives the impression that quantum mechanics share some similarities with all of this. But there’s even more to consider: because fractals are selfsimilar there’s no to way to ignore the possibility that Fractals presence is operational everywhere.. SETTING UP AN ANALYTICAL METHOD This section is presented so that I can demonstrate and familiarize you with how we might use or invent a special method based on what we understand about fundamental material science Obviously our methods will consist of detailed methods that are relevant. But experience has taugh us that’s probably too much to expect because discovering the nature of a problem is where most of your time is spent. The demonstration is nothing more than thatI I used grain boundaries to start and then to followed an analytical path that is analogous to some aspects of QFT. I hope that It’s possible, by means of this presentation, that it’s possible to find some similarity existing between QFT and this. I start by defining a refence state – a definition of the vacuum state. This is a universal geometric “state” that provides states -higher order harmonics that support higher energy states based on the fundamental idea of a circle. To do this it’s necessary to define a “fiducial” circle. That’s done by counting the number of points attached to the grains in the area that’s to be analyzed. This is the space occupied by the grains. Boundaries iesthat arepresent occur can be thought of as the set of plane that pass through the midpoints of the lines connecting the points. This approach resembles a Vornoi construction. However, such constructions are still idealizations and are simply are different ways to speak about these things. There are some useful concepts that enter the picture after trying to grasp such simple/complicated subject. Topology makes it possible to speak of many things that are not obvious but are present. It doesn’t produce measurements but can provide concepts that will help to develop principles about how to measure something. Starting at low magnification, count and determine the number of (grains -or something else that you know is relevant to your problem) this is just a matter of needing some type of coordinate system that can be used as a basis set (orthogonal) that you understand and know what the relations can be used to “span” the set. Should you need to switch to another coordinate system such as “k” space then you must give up something in order to get something. This figure shows the placement of a reference circle on a boundary and that the fine scale structures are distributed around as deviations. The picture below shows the structures that can be found in the separations. From left right: the first is an idealization, a crystal a reference state. The second shows the quite periodic features that are man made. I’ve always found that in making measurements on something that was important it might be possible to get some wonderful results on what you thought was important. The problem on hand is seldom solved because we’re never certain that our knowledge base is complete. The reason that I prefer to think in terms of spectra is due to the fact that it’s easier to account for what’s missing. Furthermore, there’s so much more information that’s ‘ available and is expressed in spectral terms that interpretations improve and develop greater relevance FRACTALS AND SPECTRA I started using spectral methods for analyzing fractures in 1974. I came to the conclusion that since I had found that there so few instances that I had found that an “average” something measured on a fracture surface could be determined, that something new had to be considered. A spectral analysis offered so many opportunities that I ended up building my own apparatus and developed the methods that I needed to get good results. My encounter with fractals came about from some facture experiments that I had done that showed that there was something unusual in the fracture spectra. Every spectra had a . structure, not just one line that wasn’t related to the type of material. The most intriguing new aspects came from different directions. The frequencies had been created by the separation of matter ( certainly solids). So there was no doubt that they were derived from matter. The second part of the intrigue that I experienced, occurred when I found a relationship between the fractal dimension and the fracture energy. I don’t think that anything had stirred my curiosity to such a heighten level before. I soon found something even more interesting, no one noticed! They weren’t paying attention. I was fired up because the relationship could not be understood by using today’s physics. The spectrum above doesn’t suggest, it exposes an important question. Does fracturing starts on the atomic level? Since the body ends up it two or more parts there’s no other way that something like that could happen. Then does fracture and the separation of the bodies just depend on atomic structures. Absolutely not! I’ve presented some images below that are similar to ones that can be seen in an observation/. But here’s something that’s never been discussed. I don’t think that it will be easy to answer and that’s why I like it. This figure shows irregular crack paths, and how structures appear when looking through them, which is quite common. It’s common to encounter an orderly discreteness meaning that there are small regions of order held together by indistinguishable “glassy”regions. Below is an example of what needs to be done in order to begin doing quantitative analysis. It’s necessary to estimate the volume of material, to account and to identify what’s there. etc I’ve presented an extremely simplified example which usually is a starting point for forming a hypothesis. I’m not surprised anymore when I’ve found something has been neglected. Indeed something very important hasn’t been discussed in fact, it hasn’t reached a level of perception that would indicate anything will happen. It’s come up before but in other contexts. The fracture spectra show that there’s a relationship between amplitude and frequency when matter “comes apart” But there’s a famous story that involves a relationship between amplitude and frequency, in fact it brought the house down some years ago. It’s the same old conflict between classical and quantum physics, one claims that by increasing the amplitude you should expect to have a stronger effect. The other side has taken the opposite view, power is only a small part of the story, it’s frequency that matters. ๏ท Einstein’s interpretation of the photelectric effect gave me a reason to interpret the fracture spectra in a different way; in the case of photo emission the intensity of emission depends (up to a limit) on the power input from the source (amplitude dependence) but at the onset of photo emission the output becomes frequency dependent. MATHEMATICS, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICAL MECHANICS Conversation recently overheard between two enlightened females “Probability isn’t a thing!” “It has no physical characteristics whatsoever! “ What about … “collapse of the wave function” But I heard you say ..”no a physical characteristics !”... Well …those are just different they account for things happening All the others have no purpose whatsoever… “Oh You know what I mean” The role that (supposedly) probability plays isn’t limited to the quantum scale. I ‘ve always considered it to be generic Early on I constructed a mind map of probability and its affiliations. It determined how and where I looked and helped to establish boundaries. . It’s more or less a map of my interests an encounters with different types of subjects that to have had caught my interest Gibbs Boltzmann N Particle sample Equations for Distribution Functions Gibbs Ensemble Based on Probability Poisson Deals with combinations of incoherent wavefunctions Density Matrix Wave Function Scaling Gaussian Normal Partition function can be used to calculate thermodynamic properties Fact: Scaling behavior is commonly observed in Nature Fractals Scaling a Part of its formal structure Mandelbrot Classical coordinates treated by integrating over 6N coordinates of phase space and quantum mechanically treated by summing over 6N discrete coordinates Classical and quantum viewpoints accommodated Based on the probability of phase space Statistical Mechanics Born's Viewpoint Established a Probability Basis for Quantum Mechanics Delannoy Quantum Mechanics Binomial Characteristics of System Size Squared Wave Function is a Probability Density Function Delannoy Structured Scaling Pascal Probability Gibbs BEING VEXED BY STATISTICAL MECHANICS I perused Statistical Mechanics and this time compared to earlier years I developed a healthy skepticism because I had expanded my understanding considerably and had garnered an enormous amount of experience. that fractals might be in a good position of working with systems of the size that has been neglected, that is, before someone uses Stirling’ approximation to replace the Binomial Distribution which happens to be a key point where one of most important theoretical developments begins. Although the Laplace De Mioivre Theorem guarantees that there’s nothing to be concerned about since for larger numbers of particles the Gaussian distribution is equivalent to the Binomial Distribution. I didn’t have any comfort there because I wanted to view everything as it actually is in its the initial. Stages. There are some considerable differences: ๏ท The Binomial Distribution is a discrete distribution ๏ท I’d consider using the equation for Entropy in a different but equivalent form, that more amenable to analytical revisions I soon realization that both statistical mechanics and QFT both assumed that the number of particles were unlimited i.e N ® N Av ® N¥ That was because NAv was so incredibly large. Furthermore, I’d never have the ability to count so many particles. Although the Laplace De Mioivre Theorem guarantees that there’s nothing to be concerned about since for larger numbers of particles the Gaussian distribution is equivalent to the Binomial Distribution. Every theoretical derivation that I’ve seen begins with the Binomial Distribution. This helps to develop certain aspects of the derivation but there’s a recognition that it isn’t suitable for dealing with large numbers of particles and the factorial terms for large numbers are difficult to work with are replaced by using Stirling’s approximation. The Laplace D-Moiver Theorem is quoted as a justification for doing this This is a form of Stirling’s approxinmation There’s a major problem in doing this, the binomial distribution is a discrete distribution and the Gaussian Distribution is not . Furthermore, the Laplace De Moivre theorem isn’t a blessing, quite the contrary, because it guarantees that it’s impossible to determine there’s no influence from Binomial distribution in the theory of Statistical Mechanics Formalism. there’s difference between them. So, once again the Uncertainty Principle wins out since the Binomial Distribution is here to stay. I show how the two would appear if shown together.. A fractal and Gaussian combination is shown below that. Clustering is also part of the story and should no longer be ignored. There’s a very important fact to be remembered that concerns fractals. All of the prime fractals are related in. one way or another to the Binomial distribution furthermore since fractals are self - it’s quite obvious that their many forms should be influential and extending throughout most of the atomic and macroscopic worlds. It seemed relevant to bring fractals into the foreground at this point. They have some important characteristic features that are discussed below. I till avoid any reference to Pascal’s triangle, simply because I consider it to be a generating function, and nothing more than that. I’ve used another systematic method for subdividing space that’s not fractal to show how a mathematical function can be used to perform a task and that it converges to one value. But value of a fractal doesn’t converge and it depends on the number of times that you reduce it. In this exercise there are no numbers only the systematic subdivision of space. Anything whatsoever could be placed in any of the subdivisions. The exercise ends up with a power series that replaces the concept of a continuum. I expect that Qantum Field Theory The binomial distribution accounts for probability of the of n excitations that will occupy the states that are available in the ground state. Since Fractals are a quantized probability they provide a means of selecting and defining a subset from the collection of particles and identifying it with a number.Each subset has a different probability distribution and are relationships that are known that can be used to develop understanding how the relationships work .. Two are of primary interest to QFT the Bose Einstein distribution and the Fermi Dirac distribution. All of the particles are quantized and their statistical behavior depends on their particle statecollective interactions. Their identity is the prime factor that influences their behavior. The identification of every particle isn’t possible- rather-a “particle” is used to describe an entire class of particles. Bosons are indistinguishable meaning that they can change places and have no consequences. It also means that an energy state can be occupied by a Boson but since there’s no way to determine that there’s more one in any state., many Bosons can occupy the same vacuum state. Electrons Fermions come in two types and can be distinguished by their spins. The derivation is based on the Pauli Principle ( using it for Fermions because there will be some other instances where this can be applied)). I’ve chosen to use the above figure for several reasons. It represents something that I learned from R.Feynman it’s possible to represent mathematical equations as cartoons. There’s something that has emerged from this that has been very helpful This shows the equations that are associated with the theory for the quantum harmonic oscillator as developed in statistical mechanics. This is becomes necessary in order to deal with large number of particles. The assumption that everything starts from a state of equilibrium is necessary in order to have a collection of stable states that define a reference. The equations below describe that state of equilibrium. Z= -( E- m ) kT e - Ei kT åe This is important, that by means the partition function every thermodynamic function can be derived from. Partition functions are multiplied because they are probabilities. This equates the sum to the product. Multiple sums become turned into sums in exponents simply because the the sums are an equivalent mathematical form. Once again, when multiple systems are to be accounted for products of sums are used. ENTER- CONTINUED FRACTIONS An observation concerning Continued Fractions. I’ve mentioned that the difference it has with some terms in statistical mechanics is very interesting.In statistical mechanics the order that is used is related to the standard treatment of independent probabilities. Below I’ve shown one of Euler’s representations. Notice how the strings of integers are associated. His diagrams are instructions related to the construction of the continued fractions. If the terms happen to be complex then this applies I’ll discuss, in just a few pages, continued fractions. I’ve used them in developing the idea “of a “Fractal in a Fractal”. I’ve already done a calculation on this idea using a fractal in a matrix as the number 3. At first it the whole method was so different and removed from the usual way that this is treated that it was totally unfamiliar. I persevered followed the rules that applied to matrices and produced an answer. I haven’t spent any time, since then, in trying to understand the results. It can’t be that difficult though because it has to be a yet undiscovered number. Fractals provide the means of being selective since it is a special form of probability that’s quantized. It’s possible to find a specific set say Mod[2] in a random distribution. This might be a very useful method to place coded messages since there are an infinity of primes where they could be hidden FERMI DIRAC There are three different distributions shown here the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution- for distinguishable particles, the Fermi Dirac distribution for Fermions distinguishable and Bose Einstein Bosons which are not distinguishable. The Fermi Dirac distribution is of primary importance to the entire semi- conductor industry. It’s use is found everywhere to diagnose and to understand the electrical characteristics of devices. The graph shows the junction carrier concentration as a function of temperature. The exponential term has the chemical potential which ๐๐ธ is responsible the energy concentration dependence, ๏ญ = this an ๐๐ energy / concentration term which is responsible for the junction’s dependence on the current level. ๏ฅ ๏ญ The Fermi energy is shown to be =1 obviously a reduced energy, and the concentration – 0.5. + There are three different representations of the harmonic oscillator shown below the graph. They are different ways to represent the HO. The first one shows the classical,<-> quantum representation, the second one is a pictoral one somewhat like Feynman would use sticking with a representation of a sum, and then using Feynman diagrams at every point to work out the mathematics of the interactions. The last one resemembles the Fermi-Dirac equation, except for g, which is related to the occupation numbers. I realized that the form of equation similar to the one that I had found for Mod[3]. I asked myself the most obvious question: What’s the best way to have a more comprehensive mathematical understanding of the structure of the Fermi Surface? I thought of several conventional ways. What if I could analyze a fractal within a fractal? Was the first question…. As I mentioned previously .that was an idea that I had analyzed in terms of fractals some time ago. I used prime fractals directly in algebraic equations. But in this application time I thought of using in a similar way. There would be a small possibility that the theories of continued fractions could be easily transferred into my application. But using a fractal based approach might open new avenues that I hadn’t thought of before. The new ideas of using mathematical function in the form of a continued fraction an the “Fractal within a Fractal” were too appealing to put aside. Also, I’d just have to build up a store of knowledge before I’d have any understanding of their usefulness. To a statement such as “build a background ” I’d have to ask ..”about what”? In this case that’s not difficult. But I knew that there would be so many new ( presently unknown) discoveries that the question looked unimportant. In fact, I have several examples that demonstrate this in the next section. However, the results of the following experiments turned my attention to continued fractions leading to the exploration of some new territory that included fractals. The next figure shows the problem that mentioned by using matrix-fractal in its geometric form it demonstrates how.a fractal within a fractal appears, but used the fractal in matrix form ,geometric form and followed the standard rules of matrix algebra. I was willing to try this because the prime fractals followed the known mathematical rules of addition etc.. I never had an answer that wasn’t symmetrical. But I had no way to interpret the answer. However, one came to mind that was only 2 one that I had it’s , I simply did the algebra. 5 I haveencountered one of the most amazing and unexpected result This has been a most fortunate occurance because I it helped me to identify an area of mathematics based on number theory, where everything that was encountered was related to the project’s goals. I spent time doing calculations and found that although theories of Continued Fractions were helpful in interpreting answers and looking at functions as though they had properties that were similar to those of numbers. This created different expectations and introduced different goals. For example, the figure below showns how integers appear in continued fraction expansions. If the integers were experimental probability, then this would be a way to analyze the probability propagation which involves the clustering of independent probabilities. . Merely by chance I happened to notice that there’s a difference between Euler’s continued fraction formulation and the manner in which partition functions are combined to make a composite system in many body theory. Euler’s equation for complex continued fractions. Note -it’s a sum of products Continued fractions and solving the equation shows that it converges. Defining the Partition function for a system in many body theory The partition function of a state’s configurations is a product . The identifcation of a ground state is based on: This gives rise to the partrticle the the probability distributions for Fermions and Bosons. Shown below is the Fermi Dirac distribution . It’s of primary importance to the entire semi- conductor industry. It’s use is found everywhere to diagnose and to understand the electrical characteristics of devices. The graph below shows the junction carrier concentration as a function of temperature. The exponential term has the chemical potential which is responsible the energy concentration dependence, ๐๐ธ ๏ญ = ๐๐ this an energy / concentration term which is responsible for the junction’s dependence on the current level. ๏ฅ ๏ญ The Fermi energy is shown to be =1 obviously a reduced energy, and the concentration – 0.5. + THE “FRACTAL IN A FRACTAL “ EXPERIMENT I did several experiments : 1. Verify the first equation 2. Find what the relationship between the level of reduction and z is 3. Find the spectrum of the curves. 4. Use the two new methods to study its structure I used Z as the term to replace the energy ratio and always solved for it throughout this work. I haveencountered one of the most amazing and unexpected result This has been a most fortunate occurance because I it helped me to identify an area of mathematics based on number theory, where everything that was encountered was related to the project’s goals. I spent time doing calculations and found that although theories of Continued Fractions were helpful in interpreting answers and looking at functions as though they had properties that were similar to those of numbers. This created different expectations and introduced different goals. For example, the figure below showns how integers appear in continued fraction expansions. If the integers were experimental probability, then this would be a way to analyze the probability propagation which involves the clustering of independent probabilities. . Yes tive in a very wonderful and u were extroardinary and unexpected. I’ll report the some of the results first because it will be easier to identify later how they are related to the curves. 1. I started with the standard FD equation then operated at several levels or. [[..Fractal..]] 2. At the second level the upper shelf dropped to ~ 0.6 and the population at the Fermi Energy was the inverse of the divine section. 3. The upper shelf also became equal to ๏ฆ -1and everything soon stabilized, The solutions were in a form that lent themselves to polar plotting.. I haveencountered one of the most amazing and unexpected result This has been a most fortunate occurance because I it helped me to identify an area of mathematics based on number theory, where everything that was encountered was related to the project’s goals After finding the unexpected appearance of Phi, and having written several papers on it, I recalled some of its characteristics from Number Theory but initially I didn’t think that there could be any connection between Phi and /or QFT or Fractals. Phi and the nature of its CF characteristics ts Continued Fraction expansion could very useful in identifying occupation numbers and classifying particle types in QFT. The fact that I’ve been dealing with the Fermi Level and the carrier population brings that into focus. In an obvious way. I continued, I wondered if there was a way to analyze a fractal that some aspect of fractals might be hidden that I haven’t realized. My approach was direct, to use what I’ve been using to analyze a fractal. Using the fractal Mod[2] that I’ve That wouldn’t be too difficult. I deconstructed the Mod [2] fractal and compared it to Phi. I knew tat Phi would consist of all ones, and a mMod [2] fractal wouldn’tt They had some similarity but I couldn’t pass any positive judgment. They couldn’t possibly be equivalent because phi’s matrix would end up being a constant one. But learned that it’s possible to deconstruct a fractal and turn it into a number in any base. . The solutions were in a form that lent themselves to polar plotting. That caused me to look for other applications and later I began to explore different representations for Fourier transforms. The next figures show all of the results. This is the original Fermi Dirac. These figures were found by solving the Equations for z the Fermi energy. Phi appearance was welcome, astonishing and completely unexpected. . Phi and it’s inverse are the roots of this equation. Phi is 1.61803… and its inverse is 0.61803 which classifies it as unusual but there’s more: Phi’s representation as a Continued Fraction the only number known to have {1:1,1,1,1,,} as a continued fraction expansion It’s a member of the Metallic Mean Family which consist of a special group of numbers having the same property: n:n,n,n,n… Another member of that group is the silver mean ๏ณ=1+√2=2.414.. ๏ฎ 2:2,2,2,2,2… The numbers must be irrational. I’ve studied 1024 members of the string of irrational numbers from several of them. They all qualified as noise generated by a discrete distribution Euler had a form that he used for continued fractions. . I had used the idea before so the “Fractal in a Fractal” approach was not foreign to me .Although a fractal reveals smaller and smaller geometric details, in my prior work I had used a fractal as a numerical object. Geometric in geometric terms perhaps, but I had been able to work with a fractal in a geometric form in algebraic equations. I was very happy to find an opportunity to develop a broader understanding about these new ideas. The fact that I’ve been dealing with the Fermi Level and the carrier population brings that into focus. In an obvious way. Bosons here ๏={1}.1,1,1,1…. Fermions here ๏ณ=2],[2] [2] [2]2[2] 22… just another way to express what we already do. The difference is that I’ve given the state an identity. I continued, I wondered if there was a way to analyze a fractal that some aspect of fractals might be hidden that I haven’t realized. My approach was direct, to use what I’ve been using to analyze a fractal. Using the fractal Mod[2] that I’ve That wouldn’t be too difficult. A continued fraction expansion cannot be used directly as a number because it must be converted back into a number. By using a computer in is easy to do this. I’ve found a method that has multiple uses once it is done. The starting sequential entries in a matrix can be extracted and used as continued fractions. In the case of fractals a matrix such as the Serpinski Gasket has a well-defined configuration. sequential deconstruction gives an order to the string of numbers that correspond to the matrix i,j addresses. Once the string is converted into a number then it becomes more than just a number. I’m working with the assumption that it might be possible to find rules that determine how to change one fractal into another They had some similarity but I couldn’t pass any positive judgment. They couldn’t possibly be equivalent because phi’s matrix would end up being a constant one. But learned that it’s possible to deconstruct a fractal and turn it into a number in any base. ,, A Fractal Involvement ? As I continued, I suspected that some aspect of fractals might be hidden that I haven’t realized. My approach was direct, to use what I’ve been using to analyze a fractal. Using the fractal Mod[2] that I’ve That wouldn’t be too difficut. ,,