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Essay Distinguishing Qualitative and Quantitative Research approach pdf

SEMESTER 2, 2020
‘’Essay distinguishing qualitative and quantitative Research Approach’’
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Year of Study
This essay seeks to highlight in detail the differences and similarities between quantitative
and qualitative research method. This essay will be written considering the steps,
components and paradigm of research process (Morgan, 2007).
‘’Research is a systematic and methodological process of inquiry and investigation with a view
to increasing knowledge,” (Collis & Hussey, 2009). According to Field (2011), the major
purpose of research is to generate new knowledge, broaden and validate existing knowledge
in order to improve practice. Research method refers to all procedures used by a researcher
in a research process. It comprises of both the quantitative and qualitative method (Kathari,
2004). A quantitative research is a systematic approach used to quantify variables (Wayne,
2010). Groove (2005) also defined a quantitative research as a systematic, structured and
formal process that uses statistical approach in the collection, analysis, interpretation and
presentation of data. Contrarily, Carter and Thomas (2005) defined a qualitative research as
a systematic but unstructured method that uses narrative/descriptive approach in the
collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. It is also referred to a primary
explorative research that is used to gain understanding of an underlying opinion, idea and
perception, which sets a hypothesis for a potential quantitative study (Wyse, 2011).
Irrespective of the difference in the meaning of a quantitative and qualitative research, they
are both research methods that follow a step-by-step process; considering all the components
of a research process such as the methodologies and designs systematically. This corresponds
with the definition of research as a systematic and rigorous process (Kaplain, 2015).
A quantitative research uses a convergent/deductive reasoning. It is frequently referred as
“top-bottom” approach because it works on a hypothesis; it analyzes a broad interest until it
is narrowed to a conclusion (Gabriel, 2013). A quantitative research is also known as a
“benchop science” simply because it uses experiments to explain its hypothesis showing
relationship between an independent (cause) and a dependent (effect) variable (Shields and
Alison, 2005). In contrast to this, a qualitative research uses a divergent/inductive reasoning;
it generates a new theory for a quantitative research to experiment on and explores
phenomena. This method is also known as a “bottom-top” approach because it begins with
an observation, develops a pattern, creates a hypothesis to support its theory and draws a
conclusion based on multiple ideas. It explains the meaning of variables rather than showing
their relationship (Sanders et al., 2007). However, from a different point of view, Thomas and
James (2006) is of the opinion that the role of a quantitative research is not just centred on
experimenting a theory developed by a qualitative research rather it could also develop its
theory from the researchers’ predictions.
Truncellito (2007) emphasizes on the importance of epistemology (existence of knowledge)
and ontology (existence of truth/reality) on the paradigm of a research. It consists of
positivism and interpretism. A quantitative research is based on positivism; it is objective in
nature as it generates knowledge and truth from single idea and prediction from the
researcher, empirical confirmation and experimentation. On the other hand, a qualitative
research is based on interpretism; it is subjective in nature drawing its knowledge from
interpreting multiple views of people’s experiences, behaviour and understanding of their
natural environment with little or no prediction from the researcher (Myres, 2008; Collins,
Literature review is a very important component of a research process because it provides a
thorough understanding of a research problem (Schmelzer, 2008). Both the quantitative and
qualitative research method reviews literature, however done in different ways; while a
quantitative researcher reviews literature in detail before commencing a study (Halloway,
2008); a qualitative researcher briefly reviews literature at the beginning of a study (Wheelers
and Holloway, 2010). However, opposing this opinion, Silverman (2010) argues that a
qualitative researcher should rather review similar literature after data analysis in order to
reduce chances of getting biased results since the researchers thought can be influenced, this
is termed “Experimental bias”. Research literature consists of complex words; hence both a
quantitative and a qualitative research method validate the importance of operational
definitions in order to promote understanding of the readers (Cherry, 2015).
A quantitative research is conducted in an experimental/controlled environment which
ensures accuracy of result (Anderson, 2006); contradicting this view, Jones (2015) is of the
opinion that a quantitative research could be biased since it is not performed in a realistic
environment. On the other hand, a qualitative research is also called a naturalistic science
because it is conducted in the natural setting of the subjects. This equips the researcher with
the understanding of factors that could influence the research study, which could be socioeconomical such as; poor education and illiteracy. People from such background might not be
able to cope with the research process, which is linked with the wider determinants of health
as explained by Dahlgren and Whitehead (1991). Research performed in a natural setting is
very essential in nursing practice because it improves the understanding of nurses on the
individual experiences of their patients and allows the nurse to reflect in and on action (Schon,
1983) to develop strategies to improve patient’s experience of care.
Sampling method refers to technique used in selecting a sample size while a sample size refers
to the group of people chosen to participate in a research. The major sampling techniques
are; probability and non-probability sampling technique (McLeod, 2014); a quantitative
research selects its sample size using the probability sampling technique so as to obtain
results that can be generalized to the population. Types of probability technique includes;
systematic, simple random and stratified sampling technique (Explorable, 2009). A qualitative
research on the other hand, uses non-probability sampling technique such as snowballing,
quota, convenience/purposive sampling techniques. However, Barbie (2013) argues that
some non-probability sampling methods can also be used by a quantitative research. The
sample size of a quantitative research is large ranging from 100-1000 and above (Hopkins,
2008) while that of a qualitative research is relatively small ranging from 20-30 (Polit et.,
2001). However, Mason (2010) argues that a researcher could select as many sample size as
possible until he gets to a saturation point since some qualitative results can be generalized.
From a different opinion, Jackson (2012) suggests that a minimum sample size of 10 is
accurate since a qualitative research only sets a hypothesis and cannot be generalised.
A quantitative research is a systematic, structured and rigid type of research that uses
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for data collection. Contrarily, although a qualitative
research is systematic, it is flexible and uses an unstructured instrument for data collection.
Therefore, during interviews questions can be diverted depending on the response of the
participants (Belmont et al., 2010). A quantitative research uses correlative and experimental
approach (Shields and Alison, 2005). In contrary, a qualitative research method is centred on
the use of ethnographical, phenomenological approach and case study, (Kozma and
Anderson, 2002).
Ethical consideration is of paramount importance in both quantitative and qualitative
research method. It is therefore necessary to obtain an informed consent from research
participants putting into consideration the four ethical principles which are; autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence and justice (Beauchamp and Childress, 2009). This aims at treating
participants with fairness and involving them in every decision making process during the
research; as supported by “Liberating the NHS: No decision about me, without me” (DH,
2012). In both methods, participants are allowed to make their own choice and every data
collected during the research process is guarded with strict confidentiality. This is supported
by the Helsinki declaration (NIH, 2012), Data Protection Act (DH, 1988) and the data
protection tips which states that a research data should be kept “in a locked safe drawer, in
a locked room, in a locked building” and all electronic devices used for a research work should
be built to a protected design (Penn state, 2014). Methods of data collection in a quantitative
research include; survey, structured interview and non-participant observation while a
qualitative research uses participant observation, unstructured interview and focus group
discussion (Bamberger, 2000). Although interview is used by both methods, a quantitative
research uses a definite or close ended question which requires a “yes/no” answer; whereas
a qualitative research on the other hand, uses an open ended question which allows
participants to discuss their feelings in details (Lodio et., 2010). However, Raja et al. (2003)
suggests that the use of an open ended questionnaire is most effective as it provides the
researcher with rich data. Opposing this statement, Gatton and Jones (2004) is of the opinion
that a close ended questionnaire is the best as it helps to control the respondents, saves time
and requires fewer skills.
Raw data in a quantitative research is represented in a non-textual or numerical form; these
data are analyzed statistically and presented using graph, plot boxes, charts, figures and
tables. On the contrary, raw data in qualitative research are represented in text; they are
analyzed by being grouped into categories (coding). Analyzed data are presented in themes
and subthemes descriptively (Belmont et., 2010). Contradicting this opinion, Unite for Sight
(2010) stated that a qualitative research can also be quantified to some extent such as,
categorizing the percentage of participants in a research. Both the quantitative and
qualitative methods use coding but it is important to note that while quantitative uses scores
and numbers to code, qualitative uses themes and sub themes (Monett et al., 2014).
According to Brown (2006) generalizability is the degree to which a research result can be
extended to the general population. Findings of a quantitative research can be generalized
because of its objectivity and the use of a large sample size that can be representative of the
general population, which explains validity (reality or factuality) and reliability (consistency)
of the result (Thomas, 2005); however, the use of a small sample size could affect the
generalizability of a quantitative research (Katsirikou and Skiadas, 2011). In contrast, findings
of a qualitative research give insight to a problem and does not talk about truth hence, it
cannot be generalized because of its subjectivity and the use of a relatively small sample size
which is not representative of the general population (Barbie, 2013). However, William (2008)
is of the opinion that the findings of a qualitative research could be generalized if it possesses
four characteristics; credibility, transferability, confirmability and dependability, alongside
with a large sample size.
Dissemination of findings is always the conclusion of a research process, both research
methods disseminates findings through technology such as internet, books, journals and
social media; to improve practice and indicate areas for recommendation and constructive
criticism (RCN, 2015). While qualitative research method provides an in-depth knowledge of
experiences, behaviour and attitude, quantitative research on the other hand, allows to
quantify these experiences. For instance, a qualitative research allows the nurse to identify
patient’s self-care needs, whereas a quantitative research reveals the causes, effect and
extent of self-care deficit.
In conclusion, although the quantitative and qualitative research method have their
weaknesses, they also possess their strengths; therefore, none is superior to the other and
should both be used to enhance effectiveness (Burke and Larry, 2012). A qualitative research
develops a theory for a quantitative research to experiment on; while a qualitative research
validates these theories hence they work concurrently to improve practice (Barrett, 2012).
Thoughtfully, writing this essay has broadened the knowledge of the author on the
importance of qualitative and quantitative research methods and how they can be
incorporated into practice to improve professional growth (Rolfe, 2001).
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