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Brucellosis 15.09

Brucellosis is a bacterial diseases caused by the bacterium Brucella. It is a chronicle disease
of man and animals. At the acute form (< 8 weeks from illness onset) people have
nonspecific and “flu-like” symptoms such as fever, sweats, malaise, anorexia, headache,
myalgia, and back pain. At the undulant form (< 1 year from illness onset), symptoms
include undulant fevers, arthritis. Neurologic symptoms may occur acutely in up to 5 % of
cases. In the chronic form (> 1 year from onset), symptoms may include chronic fatigue
syndrome, depression, and arthritis.
Among cattle and pigs are usually met abortions and epididymo- orchitis. Commonly it is
transmitted through abrasions of the skin from handling infected mammals. It occurs more
frequently by ingesting unpasteurized milk or dairy products at the abattoir workers, meat
inspectors, animal handlers, veterinarians, and laboratorians.
brucellosis - бруцеллез
acute form - острая форма
malaise - недомогание
anorexia - потеря аппетита
headache - головная боль
myalgia - миальгия, боль вмышцах
undulant - волнообразный
epididymo-orchitis - воспаление яичка иего придатка
fatigue - усталость
syndrome - синдром
abrasions - ссадина
abbatoir - котобойня
veterinarian ["vetəri'nεəriən] ветеринар
Exercise 1. Answer the questions
1. What symptoms of brusellosis do people have?
2. What symptoms of brusellosis does cattle have?
3. How does brusellosis spread?
4. Can people get brusellosis?