Questions using Calculate Outline Describe Explain diagrams 1-3 marks 2-3 marks 3-4 marks 3 marks 1-4 marks State the formula Take note of the number of Make a number of Make a number of unrelated you are using then Some questions marks available linked related points points using sentences. **Keep looking back at the question when show your using sentences. Make a number of points will require you answering** In a 3 mark question you workings by using sentences Do not include a to use a need to make 3 points or 1 or placing the correct definition at the Make links (use Give/state/identify What is meant by the diagram which 2 points with some numbers into the start. connectives) 1-3 marks e ? development. may or may not formula and Answer in context 2 marks Use an example to outline a You will gain 1 require specific In a 4 mark question you arriving at an factor or method Provide a clear mark for each need to make 4 points or 2 answers from answer Key connectives: For 2 marks you need to definition of the different point you points with some the data Because… make one point and develop term make development of each. If calculating This leads to… Think: Study the it Make sure your You do not need to exchange rates, to As a result… You may include a definition For 3 marks you should make information carefully answer contains 2 write a lengthy convert sterling as one of your points. 2 points and develop one. before you answer (£) into foreign facts sentence for each Answering in context Your answer must be in Axes: Understand currency you point you make Extend your Note: A list of points with no To help put an answer context (linked to the what the axes show multiply by the development will only score 1 mark Make sure your into context, think about understanding of business). exchange rate, to and highlight labels if the kind of product the points are the term by convert from a necessary Key connectives: business produces and different writing an extra foreign currency Key connectives: Units: Make sure you For example… who the competition is sentence or by into sterling (£) you This is important because… This is because… in the market place. provide the correct Choice divide by the giving an This helps a business to… units with your 6 or 8 marks exchange rate This means that… example answer Discuss Assess Using your knowledge of Make a decision 6 or 8 marks 6 or 8 marks busine /ec ic , a e about the best You need to be evaluative and analytical. This involves These will be linked to a business or economic context. Most 10 marks method or making a judgement between two refer to a particular problem/benefit/opportunity faced by a You will have to judge how important an issue decision problems/opportunities/benefits faced by a company and business or an economy. referred to in the case study is compared with at Give 2 developed offering some support in the form of reasons, causes, least one other issue. Write 4 paragraphs: explanations consequences, etc. To answer the question you have to offer a balanced answer 1 Explain why the issue highlighted is containing linked and/or attach some value to the points you are making, which important statements that Write three paragraphs: show your ability weigh up an issue and make a judgement about 2 Explain why a different issue is more help to justify the how important or significant it is. You will need to: 1 Explain why the problem/benefit/opportunity decision or less important Apply your answer to the context highlighted in the question is important Use appropriate 3 Explain why a third issue is more or business Explain at least 2 effects 2 Explain why a different less important concepts and Use appropriate business and economic terms problem/benefit/opportunity might be more or less 4 Write a conclusion containing a terms Write 3 paragraphs: important judgement as to which issue is the most Provide a 1 - Explain why the issue highlighted in the question is 3 Write a conclusion with a judgement as to important and why conclusion important which of the two problems/benefits/opportunities You must write in context throughout your 2 - Explain why the issue might be more or less important is the most important and why Note: There is no right answer to gain full marks. or wrong answer in or give an alternative viewpoint terms of the choice you Answer using the context provided in the case study (as 3 - Include a judgement as to which of the two effects is the Key connectives make as long as you without context you cannot gain full marks). …is important because… most important and why. Consider what this depends on. justify your answer. …is more/less important because… Key connectives: An alternative view is… Key connectives Key connectives: This will… …is most important because…the consequence …however…therefore… This means that… However… of this… …is important because… The most effective …is more/less important because In conclusion, the overall effect… …is more/less important because… method is…because… A better way would be…this is because …however… In the short-term…In the longer term An alternative view is… …therefore… …is most important because… …is most important because…the consequence of this… Arguably The extent to which… depends on… The extent to which…depends on… The extent to which… depends on… Business Studies Exam Technique Mat (GCSE)