English Rulers English rulers, are much more difficult because they deal with to read. Mostly fractions, which are a bit more difficult to learn. Take a look at the following English Rulers. A ruler marked in A ruler marked in 8ths. Every mark 16ths. Every is mark 1/8th of is 1/16th of The center mark between numbers The red lines on these rulers are The next smallest marks on a The red marks on these same as an inch. 1/2. marked at 1/2, and ruler are 1/4ths. rulers are at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, an and 1. (1/2 is the ruler are 1/8ths. 1 red marks on these rulers are at 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, if there are any, are 1/16ths. red marks on this ruler are at 1/16, 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16, 7/8, 15/16, When 1. 1. The next smallest mark, The is inch. 2/4) The next smallest marks on a The and an marking down a distance from a inch. ruler, mark the whole and 1. inch, followed by a space, then the fraction of 1/16 3/16 5/16 7/16 9/16 13/16 15/16 rage Date Name 12 13 11 1/8 inches 3 inches 1 1/2 inches 4 1/2 inches 4 3/16 inches 9 7/16 inches 12 13 10 1/8 inches 2 inches Name Date 7 1/4 inches 6 5/8 inches 13 10 5/8 inches 2 5/8 inches 3 1/8 inches 4 7/8 inches 12 13 12 http://themathworksheetsite.com/cgi-bin/read_tape.pl 9 1/8 inches 11 5/8 inches 5/1/2006 Name Date 10 inches 2 inches 9 1/2 inches 4 inches 7 1/2 inches 1 inch 3 inches 5 inches c 11 nnnc Name Date 3 3/4 inches 8 1/2 inches 6 1/2 inches 10 inches 9 3/4 inches 4 1/4 inches 5 3/4 inches 11 12 11 3/4 inches < /1 nnnK Z 7 3/4 in Z z 7 1/2 in 7 3/16 in 6 11/16 in 1.0 o — L.L 1.0 6 1/16 in 5 1/4 in 4 1/16 in I'm going to take a 3 7/16 in shot in the 3 3/16 in dark and say 2 15/16 in | | | 2 1/2 in | | 2 1/16 in v 1 7/16 in uj y rt ghf by Goodheart•Willcox co., t n c. Measure the following lines 6 11/16 inches 6 3/16 inches 5 11/16 inches 5 1/2 inches 4 7/8 inches 4 1/4 inches 3 7/16 inches 3 3/8 in & objects provide the measurements in Engiish.åkd Measurement answers are to the right Ex. |* | 1 inch | *Not drawn to scale 1 inch O o •-0 CO 000 . o o O Q- Lu cn O 0 0 0 ö 0 0 0 0 0 O —a-a-a-a (D od C; O cd LB 0 od 00 Od o Z