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Quail Farming in Nigeria: Step-by-Step Guide

Quail Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide - ZEPA FARM CLUB - Modern Farming
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Quail Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide
July 5, 2019 by admin
Quail farming in Nigeria is gradually growing since it is regarded as the most
pro table venture in the country. A lot of people have been said to be interested in
the business as compared to other poultry birds.
The reason why many people are venturing into the business is because of the little
investment, easy management, fewer requirements, less labor, high-value meat, and
Quail Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide - ZEPA FARM CLUB - Modern Farming
A lot of myths regarding quail meat and eggs in Nigeria are driving the business to
another level since the demand is too high.
Our latest related post: How to Start Quail Farming in Kenya
Also, quail farmers usually earn huge pro ts within a short period since these birds
tend to grow and mature faster.
If you happen to be a small hold farmer, then this is the perfect business for you since
it is likely to result in additional income.
It is a business that can be practiced by both urban and rural dwellers. You do not
need any particular form of training to commence this kind of business.
Bene ts of Quail Farming in Nigeria
Quail Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide - ZEPA FARM CLUB - Modern Farming
There are a lot of bene ts linked to commercial quail farming. Here are some of the
common advantages related to quail farming:
The birds are smaller than other poultry birds hence require less space, feeds,
care, and management.
The initial capital for starting quail farming business is quite low as compared
to the chicken farming business.
These birds are quite easy to manage without help from other people. A single
farmer can handle about 5000 birds.
The rate of return on investment is quite high since these birds grow and
mature within a short period.
Quails tend to feed on a small number of feeds as compared to other poultry
birds such as chickens, ducks, and turkeys.
The birds are hardy and robust; hence, they do not require any form of
vaccination or treatment since they are rarely a ected by common poultry
The quail products have massive demand in Nigeria. The price of quail eggs in
Abuja ranges between N20 to N30, and half a kilogram of meat is about N700.
Quails are excellent layers, and they have the capability of laying about 300
eggs per year. A female quail start laying eggs after six weeks from hatching.
Commercial quail farming is an alternative source of employment in Nigeria
due to a high level of unemployment.
A lot of Nigerians consider quail meat and eggs to be medicinal hence the high
demand as well as a ready market for the products.
Step By Step Guide for Quail Farming in Nigeria
Quail farming is like a religion. You need to start step by step to be a successful
breeder in Nigeria. However, it is not an easy thing by the way.
Starting quail farming business does not need any form of training, but you will only
need an e ective quail farming business plan.
Here are steps on how to start quail farming business in Nigeria like a pro:
Select a Location
The weather climate in Nigeria is quite favorable for quail farming. You can start this
kind of agriculture almost everywhere in the country.
Quail Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide - ZEPA FARM CLUB - Modern Farming
If you’re planning to start a commercial quail farming practice, it is advisable to start it
in an area that is quiet and calm.
Also, ensure the area is free from noise and common chicken predators. The selected
location should also be near good transport, clean and freshwater.
The good news is that these birds can also be raised with other poultry birds in case
you do not have extra land for raising them.
Buy Cages and Equipment
Nigeria has a lot of quail cages in the market since the introduction of the birds. There
are plenty of these cages, and you can choose one according to the form of
You can opt for raising these wild birds on the oor in case you are unable to
purchase the right design cage, but this method is not suitable if you’re planning to
start commercial practice.
Drinkers and feeders are also some of the most vital equipment to purchase for your
quails. It is recommended to consider quail cages rather than raising them on the
Purchase a Day Old Chick
There are plenty of quail breeders in Nigeria; hence, you can buy a day old chick to
start the business. Most breeders charges about N800 to N1000 for about 50 quails.
It is advisable to check the breeder’s way of raising these birds before purchasing
them since it will give you a rough clue on how to be a successful breeder.
Quail Feeding
To raise healthy and productive quails, you are required to provide them with a
balanced diet and nutritious feeds.
Provide your chicks with chick starter feeds for the rst few days of age. Once they
have reached six weeks old, then you can feed them with regular feeds.
Quail Farming In Nigeria: Step By Step Guide - ZEPA FARM CLUB - Modern Farming
The popularity of the birds has resulted in commercial quail feeds production
companies in some major cities of Nigeria.
Also, ensure the birds get an adequate supply of clean and freshwater after feeding
them. This will ensure they attain faster growth.
Health Care and Management
Quails are hardy and robust. They are rarely a ected by common poultry diseases.
Quails are known to live happily and attain maximum growth without health issues.
Provide your birds with nutritious feeds and a healthy diet to ensure they gain a
robust immune system. Also, supply fresh and clean water for them.
However, it is advisable to get in touch with a professional vet in case of some weird
symptoms. The charges are quite a ordable.
Marketing of the Quail Products
You need to set your strategies to reap huge pro ts from the birds. Established
marketing strategies for the products and try to pursue them within your locality or
even over the board.
The quail products in Nigeria have high demand hence no hassle when marketing
their products. You can also cooperate with your friends, relatives, and local people to
sell your products.
Final Verdict
Quail farming business in Nigeria is a booming business, and it about to take over the
chicken farming business gradually.
It is advisable to visit an existing quail farm nearby before venturing into this
pro table business on a commercial base.
Gather knowledge and experience from professional breeders to become a
successful quail farmer in your locality. Good Luck.
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