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HVACR Safety Training: Hazards, PPE, Safe Work Practices

CH 2 Safety AUGUST 25
Electricity=dealt with daily
Freon= burns or lack of oxygen
Falls= death or injury
Driving= dealt with daily
-Occupational Safety and Health Act
-National law covering workplace safety
-Requirement for Personal safety and equipment
-A potential for harm
-Identifying,eliminating,and minimizing hazards ensures safety on the job
-OSHA provides plans for hazard assessment
-Technicians should evaluate each job site
Electrical Hazards
-Shocks,burns,explosions and electrocutions
-may be difficult to identifying
-use grounded power tools and GFCI outlets [outlets that switches off power]
tied up= your body is locked up by electricity
Ground wire = Green or bare
-LO= the practice of locking a mechanism or electrical switch in the open position
-TO= the practice of placing a tag on a mechanism to inform others of service work in progress
-LOTO= locking a mechanism open and tagging it
Safety Notes
1-do not become a part of the electrical circuit
Safety note in book
2-never stand in wet or damp areas when checking live connections
-wear shoes with insulated soles and heels
-note signs requiring PPE, such as eye wear or foot wear
3-do not wear jewelry when working on live electric circuits
-it will conduct electricity, and can cause shock or burn
Fire Hazards
-HVACR works may involve flammable or combustible material
-know how and when to use the different fie extinguishers
-minimize fire hazards before starting a job
-exercise caution when brazing or working on or near burners
Safety Notes
4- never use water on electrical fires
Type of fires pg 25 fig 2-5
A= ordinary combustibles
B= liquid fires
C=electrical fires
D= combustible metals
Safety Notes
5-when using a torch near combustible materials or wood or finished surfaces, use a heat shield
6- do not braze or weld in an enclosed, non-ventilated areas
-a welding or brazing torch consuming oxygen could cause oxygen levels to fall too low
Temperature Hazards
-dress appropriately for indoors and outdoors work
-layer and waterproof boots in the winter
-dress lightly, drink plenty of water, and wear sunscreen in the heat of the sun
-watch for sign of heat related illness and hypothermia
-ducts,hydroponic piping, and refrigerant tubing can be cold or hot hazards
-on each job know what temperature to expect
-a first aid and burn kit should have supplies to treat burns and frostbite
Safety Notes
7-technicians should be alert of wind chill and temperature
Pressure Hazards
-encountered in various forms
-refrigerant cylinders, HVACR systems, gas cylinders, boilers, various tanks
 frequently inspect pressure vessels
 - wear eye protection when near pressure vessels
Refrigerant cylinder
do not fill cylinder =80%
review SDS safety sheet
exercise caution in confined spaces
ensure that a pressure relief device is installed
Safety Notes
8- never heat a refrigerant cylinder with a flame
 high temperature in confined volume means higher presser
9-exercise caution when using or handling fluoridated refrigerant in a confined space,as it can displace
Other pressurized cylinders
 store cylinders upright
 transport carefully
 nitrogen is commonly used when brazing and leak testing
-use a regulator
never use oil on oxygen
 keep oxygen and it's hoses free of oil
 maintain safe working pressures with all gases used
Safety Note
 10 oxygen or any combustible gas should never be used to test for pressure or leaks
 these gases may react explosively with oils
as hazards
 Refrigerants can be flammable and toxic
 Refrigerants vapor may be heavier than air
-can accumulate and displace oxygen
-ensure proper ventilation to avoid asphyxiation
-use stationary refrigerant detectors
Refrigerants class Fig 2-11
 class A= no evidence of toxicity below 400 ppm
 class B= evidence of toxicity below 400 ppm
 class 1= refrigerant that will not propagate a flame under normal conditions in open air
 class 2= refrigerant may propagate a flame under certain conditions in open air
 class 3= highly flammable
Safety Notes
 11 ensure proper ventilation prior to beginning a job
 12 use fans to add fresh air to confined space
Chemical hazards
 chemicals used for cleaning,lubrication,water treatment,leak detection
 review product SDS
-note exposure and inhalation risks
-use appropriate PPE
-prepare for any recommended first aid treatments
Safety notes
-it is technicians responsibility to be knowledgeable of the SDS for chemicals being used
-globally harmonized system [GHS]
-a standardized system for labeling chemicals using symbols, signal words and hazard statements
-hazard pictograms convey health, physical, and environmental hazard information
-signal words indicate the level of hazard severity
 hazard statements are standard phrases that describe the nature of a hazard
Hazard communication standard [HCS]
 requires that safety data sheet [SDS] communicates the hazard of a chemical product
Safety notes
-employers must ensure that SDS are accessible to employees
Breathing hazards
-refrigerants, dust, asbestos, adhesives, and solvent
-maintain continuous ventilation when using resins or adhesives
 use a respirator to filter out dust
 use a ventilation system with a HEPA filter for asbestos work
Safety notes
-use a fan when brazing in enclosed space to circulate air
 technician's head should remain below rising fumes
Personal Protective Equipment [PPE]
-worn to minimize exposure to health and physical hazard
 head protection
hard hat
 hearing protection
earplugs or earmuffs
 eye protection
safety glasses, goggles, face shields
Respiratory protection
-used when existing ventilation is not enough
 air-purifying respirator
-passively removes dust and chemicals from the air
 supplied- air respiratory
-supplies air
Protection clothing
-different gloves for different work
-leather to avoid cuts, abrasions and some heat
-aluminized protection against heat and cold
-aramid fiber protection against heat, cold and cuts
- synthetic protection against, heat cold, cuts, and some diluted acids
 fabric protection against dirt, slivers, abrasions
 coated fabric protection against cuts
Safe work practice
use hand truck/dully and proper methods
should be in good condition, set up safely and used properly
-fall protection
safety harness and anchored lanyard
Safety notes
 never use a damaged or broken ladder
 never place a ladder on of scaffolding
 when setting up stepladder or extension ladder be aware of power lines
 before climbing scaffolding, ensure that proper clearance from power lines can be
Safe work [cont.]
-confined space
an area close off from a larger space but large enough for a person to enter and perform work
-restricted movement and limited airflow
-if possible post a safety watch
-hand and power tools
-maintain all tools according to recommendations
-repair or replace as necessary
-use all tools properly
-be mindful of electrical ground
Safety note
 carbon monoxide [CO] may build up in confined space
Safe work [cont.]
 first aid
-always know where a kit is located
-first minutes after an accident are critical
 safety certifications
- train workers to recognize, avoid and prevent hazards
-10 hour and 30 hour classes are popular
Safety note
-never operate an electric tool with ground prong missing