Fall 2020 BIO113 Proposal, First draft Rubric for Research Proposal Criteria Point Value Title Page Background Information Hypothesis Body: Flow from Background Information to Hypothesis to Methods Methods Expected outcomes Conclusions Grammar and Spelling Annotated Bibliography Low Middle High 0.5 1.5 2.5 All components are not included. Evidence of only three items, and/or missing student contributions section. Neither implicit nor explicit Gives the reader information reference is made to the topic on the general subject of the or purpose of the subject proposal. being studied. Hypotheses (testable hypothesis and null hypothesis) have been omitted or greatly run-on. Points Earned Proposal title, your name, lab section, date, and student contributions are all present. X1 Clearly and concisely gives an attention getter that grabs the reader and the groundwork is laid as to the direction of the proposed research. Sources are cited when specific statements are made. X4 Includes a discussion of the problem, objectives, and hypothesis. The hypothesis is testable, and a null hypothesis is presented. Sources are cited when specific statements are made. There is a basic flow from the The body goes from general ideas Background Information to the to specific conclusions between Hypothesis section to Methods the different sections. Transitions section, but not all sections or help the reader tie sections paragraphs follow in a natural or together, as well as adjacent logical order. paragraphs. X4 The author provides adequate reasoning for the methods chosen, but does not directly define the dependent, independent variables, and/or controls, and/or statistical testing, and/or timing of experimentation. The author provides exemplary reasoning for the proposed methodology and clearly defines the independent and dependent variables, and the control groups. The author’s proposed statistical testing is supported with background research and duration of experimentation is clearly justified in the text. Expected outcomes are clearly Expected outcomes and articulated, contain reasonable predictions are presented, but not clearly articulated and/or not predictions that are placed within the framework of presented presented alongside mock background information, and are tables/graphs. illustrated with tables/graphs. X3 Conclusions are not present Conclusions are present, but there is no discussion of how these findings fit into the broader scope of the field. No implications mentioned. X1 It is hard to know what the writer is trying to express. Writing is convoluted. Misspelled words, incorrect grammar, and improper punctuation are evident. Writing is generally clear, but unnecessary words are occasionally used. Meaning is sometimes hidden. Paragraph or sentence structure is too repetitive. Few (3) spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are made. Done in correct format with some errors. Includes less than 4 required references, mostly from internet sources and not peer-reviewed literature. No direction, with subtopics appearing disjointed. There is no indication the author conducted adequate investigation into the research methods appropriate for the hypothesis being tested. Discussion of expected outcomes is greatly disjointed or not present. Not in Vancouver format. Includes 1 major references (e.g. science journal articles, books sources). Both hypothesis and null hypothesis are present, but hypothesis is not testable or explicit, as expected Implications for potential findings are communicated effectively and convincingly, with reference to presented background information to show the reader how their work will move the science forward. Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct. No spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are made. X4 X1 X1 No errors in sentence structure and word usage. Done in proper format with no errors. Includes the 4 required references, all from peer reviewed literature. X1 TOTAL SCORE /50