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Science Safety Worksheet

Science Safety Worksheet
1. Where are the following located in the science lab?
a. Fire extinguishers? _________________________________________
b. Eye Wash Station? __________________________________________
Most lab safety rules are followed for four main reasons, which are:
A. Prevent contamination of chemicals.
B. Prevent injury to yourself or others.
C. Prevent undesired reactions.
D. Prevent waste of chemicals and other materials.
Identify the main reasons why each of the following is considered an important safety
procedure to follow. Use the letters A, B, C, and D from above. Some safety rules will have
multiple answers.
2. ____ Stand at the lab stations, instead of sitting on the counters.
3. ____ Do not eat, drink or chew gum at the lab station.
4. ____ Read the lab directions twice, before touching any materials.
5. ____ Wear safety goggles.
6. ____ Use only clean glass containers.
7. ____ Do not return unused chemicals to their containers. Ask the teacher what to do.
8. ____ Tie back long hair.
9. ____ Do not bring purses or bookbags to the lab stations.
10. ____ Wash hand with soap and water before leaving the lab stations.
11. ____ Work in a business-like manner without any horseplay in the lab.
12. ____ Do not make any changes in the lab procedure without instructions from the teacher.
13. ____ Follow the exact directions written on the lab sheet when measuring chemicals.
14. ____ Do not wander around the lab stations look at others work to figure out what to do.
Science Safety Worksheet
1. Where are the following located in the science lab?
a. Fire extinguishers? _________________________________________
b. Eye Wash Station? __________________________________________
Most lab safety rules are followed for four main reasons, which are:
A. Prevent contamination of chemicals.
B. Prevent injury to yourself or others.
C. Prevent undesired reactions.
D. Prevent waste of chemicals and other materials.
Identify the main reasons why each of the following is considered an important safety procedure to
follow. Use the letters A, B, C, and D from above. Some safety rules will have multiple answers.
2. ____ Stand at the lab stations, instead of sitting on the counters.
3. ____ Do not eat, drink or chew gum at the lab station.
4. ____ Read the lab directions twice, before touching any materials.
5. ____ Wear safety goggles.
6. ____ Use only clean glass containers.
7. ____ Do not return unused chemicals to their containers. Ask the teacher what to do.
8. ____ Tie back long hair.
9. ____ Do not bring purses or bookbags to the lab stations.
10. ____ Wash hand with soap and water before leaving the lab stations.
11. ____ Work in a business-like manner without any horseplay in the lab.
12. ____ Do not make any changes in the lab procedure without instructions from the teacher.
13. ____ Follow the exact directions written on the lab sheet when measuring chemicals.
14. ____ Do not wander around the lab stations look at others work to figure out what to do.