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DTA Distance Ensemble Experiences August 2020 - Handout

Distance Ensemble Experiences
By Gai Laing Jones
I applaud you; I honor and respect you for doing what you do. My license plate says APLS4U; the holder says
Every day you deserve a round of applause. I often see this action in my rearview mirror (demo) Bit concerning
to see no hands on their steering wheel. So I applaud for them and then steer clear.
I invite you to start your day by giving yourself mirror applause. I celebrate my chosen profession and
associations’ involvement. Taught elementary, middle, high school, college/university and Sage to Stage, a
group of actors of retirement age including a 90 year old. Have 4 Theatre ed books out. And love creating
ensembles that are once in a lifetime experience. Such as today at a distance.
I believe in the power of the ensemble. NO matter what the students’ grades are in school, the role in the
production, the job as part of the technical/design staff, each participant is uniquely important to the
ensemble. Everyone is equal. It would not be as unique an ensemble if one person was missing or does not
participate fully the entire time. I also encourage your students to make bold creative choices. Make mistakes;
Mistakes are unguarded creative gifts.
Ensemble partners support each other. SEL (social emotional learning) is so important, and Theatre provides
opportunities for social emotional learning. To help you wonderful educators, I have made this entire workshop
script as a word doc, available AFTER this participatory event, so you can tweak it for your needs. Just
remember where you learned it. And no need to take notes today.
We can’t wait until we return the new normalcy to work forming an ensemble. Thus in a somewhat restricted
way we must devise ways to connect, have fun, and learn. Today I share what I have created and still are
creating, the most recent as of yesterday…so it may not be fleshed out yet.
I do not teach Theatre Games, because games indicate a winner and loser. My competitive friends and
students hear games, and their need to win is elevated to the highest objective. In Ensemble Experiences,
each participant is a winner and works with a group even by distance to achieve an objective. We work with
Objective, Obstacles, Tactics thinking about thoughts and feelings with Reflective Inquiry. The ensemble
members talk briefly about potential obstacles and tactics to overcome obstacles. The ensemble contributes
ways to approach the obstacles and tactics and helps any less than committed students to join the ensemble
as best they can.
Talk about Obstacles. In working and sharing the Distance Ensemble Experiences I have found that working
digitally, I am constantly tweaking and making various platforms my friend. I value participants including
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students who laugh and continue to create. Students help. We set norms each week, scaffolding from the
simplest participation to the full out everyone committed the total time..One of my evolved norms is “No chat
posts when doing choreography/dancing.:” Just finished directing FROZEN kids with 12 actors, ages 8-14 and
high school students who served as Vocal Director and Choreographer. We discovered that even though you
have actors raising their arms in rainbow action (demo) they still find a way to enter chats.
I will invite you to enter short chats periodically. Addressing your teacher Goals/Objective for Distance
Ensemble Experiences. I invite you to post now one goal/norm for students to be committed throughout a
participation class/rehearsal/club meeting. This is for your articulating your formative thoughts and ideas.
This is a participatory experience. So I invite you to take part, enjoy, laugh, learn and find ideas to try with your
Here we go:
TITLE: Smile “Break Me Up”
Objective: To create/recreate a goofy smile that you displayed in an elementary school picture. Try to break
me up. Display your silliest 2nd/3rd grade smile, when someone said, “Smile. Let me see all of your teeth/or
missing teeth.”
Obstacles: For teachers: Students do not have video capabilities. At the end with the Q and A of this event,
let’s share the best ways to address limited to no internet capabilities or equipment. For Students: an Obstacle
might be: someone will laugh at me; I will feel self-conscious. Tactics: Invite them to create a silly grin and feel
good about their creation. They can lead the laughter at themselves and WITH others.
In a moment we will start with your cameras off.
Guidelines: When I say “Smile, Break Me Up” turn your cameras on for 3 seconds, look around showing
others your silly smile, then laugh with others who are boldly beaming, relax then turn cameras off.
Now Cameras off/ Mute your mics: I will direct “Smile Break Me Up” cameras on; hold your smile for 3
Cameras off: Next Smile instruction. When I say “King or Queen of your own country” you turn your cameras
on and Break me up with your creation of K or Q.
“Break me up; King or Queen of your own country. “
Cameras on..hold 3 seconds, look around as the K/Q
and then smile and laugh with others. Cameras off
When I say “Break me up; 104 year old (not dead-stay within camera range) who is flirting with the smile” turn
your cameras on.
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Ready; “Break me up; 104 year old (not dead-stay within camera range) who is flirting with a 104 partner smile”
turn your cameras on. Look around at the other 104 year olds who are flirting, then laugh and RELAX. You
achieved the Objective of smiling and breaking me up.
Leave your cameras on.
I tell students that I often audition for commercials. I know that the more committed to the direction the more
chance of casting. Never sacrifice morals or principles; Silly grinning I can do.
Later during this time, we will have time to share some compliments. Students are asked to reflect with
feelings; why we as actors do such experiences; whose creations did you enjoy.
As a director, when I teach Ace Any Theatre Audition, one of the tips is the actor who makes bold choices are
the ones with whom I want to work.
TITLE: This or That or None of the Above (NOTA)
Objective: To vote by turning your camera on if it is your choice, stay on for 3 seconds, then turn camera off.
Listen to the next This or That or NOTA, turn off video then when you hear a topic with which you agree or
choose, turn them on for a count of 3 then turn them off. Listen for the next topic. Participate as often as you
want; please commit to helping the ensemble by your participation a minimum of 3 times.
Obstacles: What if I don’t agree or like any? What if I like more than one choice?
Tactics: Ensemble members can give input for ideas to help each other achieve the objective.
Listen for the choices; I will give 3 choices then repeat the choices. When you hear the repeat of the choices,
make a choice commitment by turning your camera on when you agree or can live with a choice.
Cameras Off for “This or That or None of the Above. (NOTA)
1. Chocolate, vanilla, none of the above (NOTA) (Repeat choices allowing participants to vote for 3
counts) …Camera on for your choice count 3 then turn camera off: Chocolate…… vanilla…… or, none
of the above NOTA
2. Cats, dogs, NOTA Repeat choices…Camera on for your choice, count 3 then /camera off Cats…..,
dogs….or, NOTA
3. Barbie doll, G.I. Joe, NOTA
4. Fear of snakes, spiders NOTA or 4th choice something else “ 4 choices “
5. More embarrassing: falling in front of many people; forgetting to show up for some important event;
6. Sometimes I feel like I am the age range of 15-20; 20-30, 30-50, 50 or older..”
7. Favorite Season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter NOTA “
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8. Admirable trait of a friend: Honesty, Loyalty, Allowing me to be silly, Another choice…”
All Cameras on. This would be a time for students to share their thoughts/feelings/some of their possible ideas
for choices either by unmuting mics or entering in Chat.
The experiences detailed can be used for Warm-ups, Collaboration, Cool Downs. Participants experience the
21st Century Skills-Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration (at a distance)
Cameras on; mics muted.
TITLE: Wave like you are in the Rose Parade.
(teach Rose Parade Wave as a signal for silence. all do) Let’s see your Rose Parade waves; now break into a
committed, energetic waves. Wave at your ensemble partners. Help them feel welcomed by your wave. Wave
with your whole being. (all wave) BRAVO Hopefully you might be somewhat warmed up and feeling like we
are forming a unique ensemble.
Now I will demonstrate a way to virtually applause (which is a compliment for your virtual ensemble) with virtual
applause and sparkle fingers. This is my applause for you for being involved in Theatre. (demo silent clap,
sparkle, silent clap) It can also become a signal for us to move to the next experience. (all do)
TITLE: Silently Evolving Attention Grabber
Objective: create a nonverbal symbol (appropriate gesture that does not have any meaning) to get attention
by a distance, virtual or in person. All will be invited to demonstrate at the same time. When you see someone
whose Attention symbol gets your attention, reflect it until another gets your attention, and reflect it. Keep
reflecting more and more Grabbers. Note to teachers-this is a new one, I just created, so we will see how it
plays out.
Obstacles: what do you think might happen?
Tactics: Must be within camera range.
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When you hear the cue “Attention Grabber” take stage with your symbol…Let’s see what happens. We can try
this newly created experience for one minute.
Reflections: Think about your thoughts/questions for any sharing at the end of the workshop.
In ensemble based cooperative learning you want to make your partner look good-even at a distance. So this
is the opportunity for participants to compliment other ensemble members.
* COMPLIMENTS FOR your castmates, workshop partners are important TENETS OF ENSEMBLE WORK.
TITLE: Compliment Break
Objective: Give students a chance to either verbally compliment someone up to this time or enter in Chat a
specific compliment; teach the art of a specific compliment, not “Good Job” instead I appreciated…I liked…I
laughed when you…I heard you…I will remember…
Let’s take a moment to either unmute your mics to contribute your compliment out loud or enter into the chat a
compliment..Include the person’s first name, then give a short compliment. (give 30 seconds) Then mute mics
TITLE: Faces Faces Faces
Not a class, troupe/club meeting or rehearsal in which blank faces are required. Actors need to experiment with
facial reacting without judgment or negative eye rolling, unless you are working on eye rolling. Want active
listening with selective use of head nodding. We Zoomites have witnessed the over zealous non engaged head
nodder. (demo} I have included a fun picture at the end of this document as a visual aid. At the end of the
workshop script (which you will receive) I included some pictures of Don Knotts “Barney Fife” exhibiting various
facial reactions. You will probably have to tell them about Don Knotts.
Cameras on. Mics Off
Objective: facial reactions which demonstrate active listening and emotion. Obstacles: Knowing the genre of
the reaction: comedy, farce, drama, melodrama, tragedy, Theatre of the Absurd, M.T. (Les Miz or Music Man)
Tactics: be bold until you receive direction, then make adjustments.
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Neutral Face, similar to actor’s neutral stance (demo); Listen, transform from neutral to reaction nonverbal as a
student in a Theatre class/rehearsal/production depending on how you feel about the statement and image it
creates. Then listen for adjustments. Now show neutral face as if listening with the objective of listening.
1. I love walking on the beach in the Summer. (neutral to reactive as you hear something) Adjustmentshow how you feel (reaction) if the water hits my feet and it is 100 degrees. (reaction…hold then
2. I love walking barefoot in the snow. (neutral to reactive) Adjustment-show your face reacting to the
image of my walking deeper and deeper into the snow until I disappear.
3. I will eat 2 pizzas. (react as if in a comedy) Adjustment-change to drama to tragedy. I will eat 14 pizzas
then realize I have eaten too many pizzas.
4. I am performing a tap dance really well (show M.T. reaction) and now really badly. (adjust to Theatre of
the Absurd face reaction) Adjustment-I cannot stop tap dancing, no matter what I do. (adjust to final
reaction that shows what happens)
Relax face from our Facial workout
TITLE: Sigh Together
With our ensemble-upon MY direction we sigh 3 times in sync, I encourage vocal sighs. STAND PLEASE.
Adjust your camera. Unmute your mics. We get to be loud. Now let’s all sigh with voice, including your full face
sighs with expression. Let’s try to achieve a rhythm (sigh 2 times with face and voice) Then we will progress
down the body keeping your face engaged, voice and neck;(sigh 2 times) full arms; (sigh 2 times-be sure to do
your voice)upper body; (sigh 2 times)hips; (sigh 2 times) one foot, (sigh one time with voice and one
foot)another foot; (sigh 1 time)one leg, (sigh 1 time)another leg; (sigh 1 time)full body and vocal sighs.(3 sighs
together) Feel free to sit for the next experience explanation. Leave your mics/cameras on, and sit.
*Can do Zip Zap Zop, Groovealishous … …Number the students..always go in order(I learned that tip from
Red Barn online workshops) ; right of you is Zip…Look at mirror images; Zap goes to left; Zop-call an actor’s
number, and send Zop FF…then that person goes right Zip, left Zap, Zop call number; anyone may call
Groovealishous anytime put hands one head, wiggles, says Gr..all repeat, then send Zip, Zap, Zop, etc.
TITLE: Birthday- a holiday celebrating you-with an award winning Tony
Think of your birthday (month and date, not the year);
Objective: Stand when your birthday month is called and physically make a bold move using your hands only
(appropriate move that does not have a meaning.) Then announce your birthday, month and date only using a
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variety of voices, cause it is in honor of you-just like Lincoln.
Obstacles: What are some inhibitors that might get in our way of achieving our objective?
Tactics: How can we make it work, particularly at a virtual distance.
Directors, I have cast members create a birthday and year of character. YCTIWY allows for historical research
for years.
When I call your birthday month Jan-Dec, stand, unmute your mics…will be loud, that is okay to talk at the
same time. .. It will be a 10 sec Tony award performance for all participants born in a specified month.
Remember the actor who moves first then speaks, gets focus on stage.. so make a move first then announce
your birthdate, do not say year.
Now some obstacle questions? What can I do to gain focus with a move and voice that will be remembered.
Think about tactics that will help you. Work it out with this ensemble. This will go rapidly. Make a bold choice.
Stay standing until your birthday month is finished, then sit and mute your mics. Enjoy the ensemble’s
A second objective is to watch all and remember some distinctive moves. Really watch each person “taking
stage with a physical move and announcement”
All of Jan. birthdays stand. Unmute mics; 1,2,3 Move then announce your birthday at the same time
(pause)…all of Jan can sit and mute..All of Feb stand move, unmute and announce distinctly and sit and
mute…. ….March announce, then sit April announce then sit…May announce then sit …June announce then
sit …July announce then sit ..Aug announce and sit …Sept announce and sit …Oct announce then sit . Nov
announce then sit…Dec. announce and sit. (My virtual applause)
Mute your mics. This is the way to compliment. Seated replicate one of the outstanding one you saw…(demo)
Reflections-How did we do? What might we change if we did this again-adjustments? Every time I try Birthday
Holiday, I tweak something.
All please stand for the next experience; adjust your camera and mute your mics. I am presenting each of you
with a virtual Tony for your performance.
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TITLE: Tony Award Acceptance Speech
All Participants ON MY SIGNAL…WAIT.. are invited to give the 15 sec, of the most emotional Tony Award
performance/speech thanking everyone you know, generating tears of joy. I will give the signal to begin then
watch me for my virtual applause to go to your last line of your speech immediately.
All and now “the winner is for the best announcement and physicalization of a birthday celebration is you
(insert your name) speak for 15 sec. Unmute your mics. Let’s hear 10 sec speeches from all OF OUR winners
at the same time for many voices.” (call Bravo, Bravo, Bravo and virtual applause)
Quote: “Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth.”
-Sir Ken Robinson Ph.D. honor this education leader who recently passed. Googling him reveals valuable
education wisdom.
The next experiences for smiling and laughing about silly questions and your creative answers. You can sit.
TITLE: Silly Questions-Immediate Impromptu CREATIVE Answers
I ask that you each think of an answer once you hear the question. I will call on some to give quick 5 second
answers..do not have to be based in fact.
Objective: Answer with the first out-of- the- box answer that addresses the topic. The idea is for Participants to
trust that you have fun answers in your creative thinking skill Toolbox. Answers should take only 5 seconds
max. You can try accents and types of characters to answer the questions. Remember the Objective: Listen to
the question , trust yourself and answer. You can be creative with answers, not literal. Present your answers as
if you are the world’s expert on the topic; face full front. Stay seated, when you hear your name called, unmute
your mic. answer the Silly Question. When you see me send your virtual applause, finish your sentence, and
smile like your answer is to be cited on Wikipedia.… ..Trust yourself…Make it up.
Silly Questions from the Book of Silly Questions
(call names)
1. If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables. What is body oil made from?
All Say your creative impromptu silly answer together for a plethora of silly answers (pause) (Thank
you.me do sparkle applause.) Listen, Mr/Miss Expert
2. If you could change the order of the alphabet, what order would the first 3 letters be and why? (5
counts) Thank you, (sparkle)
3. What is the capital of Mars and what is a tourist spot all must visit there? (5 counts)Thank you (sparkle)
4. If you could be painlessly turned into a cheerful, not-too-bright vegetable, which would it be and why?
(5 counts)Thank you (sparkle)
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5. If the number 2 pencil is the most popular, why is still #2? (sparkle fingers)
6. Mr./Ms Expert, *Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?(3 counts) Thank you.
7. Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower when he doesn’t usually wear
any pants? (5 counts) and Final question:
8. Why is that night falls but day breaks?
Congratulations volunteers and your trust of self. Mute your mics.
Quote: Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. -Helen Keller
TITLE: 10 second Movie
For this experience you will need some room to move and stay within camera angle. I will tell you when to
stand and prepare for your 10 sec movie experience.
I will announce a movie/title of a familiar story. Decide if you are acting out a familiar part of the movie/story or
the entire movie/story in 10 seconds. Play several parts, can use theme music and fast lines; use voices. Be
sure to add action. What Obstacles: what if you don’t know the movie; that is an inhibitor, and Tactics: I invite
you to make bold choices, create something it sounds like. Be sure to face FF within the camera range at all
At the end of our virtual Film Festival I will give virtual applause and yell BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO and ask for
you to take a bow
Stand, adjust camera 1. MARY POP, (10 sec.)
New movie WIZARD OF OZ, (10 sec)
Entire movie or a collection of all of the series in STAR WARS any or all in a mash up; 10 sec. (10 sec)
LION KING, (10 sec),
“and scene…” BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO take a bow…blow kisses to the audience. And have a seat..grab some
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Our next section is designed for small groups of 2-4. We will go into break out rooms for the next few
experiences. I do not give a lot of time for break out experiences. The quicker the better.
We have participated in some group ensemble experiences. I include my technicians in our cast ensemble
building. May be uncomfortable, but they begin to understand that actors support them and vice versa.
Now we move into some small group with Break Out Rooms. Let’s save and share at the end about your ability
to use or not use Break Out Rooms. And how you can pivot if something goes awry.
Break Out Room #1:
TITLE: Support Your Partner by Virtual Distance Illusion.
Objective: Intro if you are meeting a partner for the first time. To agree with a short 10 second discussion on
how partners will support each other in a virtual way for a guided time frame. Ideas might include: both
participants extend one hand toward each other; one actor might look like they are leaning backwards, the
other might either look like they are leaning backwards or put both arms up to look like they are supporting
their partner’s back, by sitting on the floor and seemingly touching toes, etc. Try 5-10 different ways to create
an illusion of supporting your partner. No long discussions on how to achieve the objective; one of you move
and the others add to the pose. Then go to neutral stance. Another person can move and others complete.
After 90 seconds we will return to the main room (Divide them into groups of 2-3 to Break out Room 1) (in 90
seconds return all to Main Room. Leave me in the Main Room.) Teachers, you can pop in and out of Break Out
Virtually thank your partner silently.
Break out Room #2 with different actors
TITLE: Mobile Statue
Break out Room new partners in groups of 3
Objective: In groups of 3 or 2 if needed, create a statue in which each person complements the other
partner/s for a count of 3, then once the next statute is posted, all move to another statue pose.
Obstacles: Room is needed to be able to move freely and stay within camera range so partners can see you.
Tactics: You can use the Breakout Text function to direct the statues’ Titles.
For Today we will do entire group statues with each person adding a part.
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Type this to post in break out rooms prompt.
“FORM A STATUE OF LIBRARIANS.” Return to neutral stance)
(Back to Main Room)
You have created an ensemble with a partner for a once in a lifetime experience. How great.
Break out Room #3
TITLE: Common Commonality
Objective: With a small group of 2-4 actors/technicians come up with at least one commonality that you all can
agree on. Discuss sharing name/school/city (if you don’t know each other-or if actors are doing this for
characters/tech jobs in a cast) then talk fast..speed dating; you have 60 seconds to discover one commonality.
Examples: chocolate or vanilla? Beach or mountains? French fries or cottage fries? Morning or evening?
Obstacles: what happens if we can’t reach agreement?
Tactics: For this brief 3 minute experience, choose something. Make it work for the ensemble success.
2nd Objective: To quickly discover one common commonality. Create a short cheer based on your
commonality. Cheers have in common, repetition of words and simple repetitive motions which all can
do…You have 60 seconds to come up with a cheer. So in 2 minutes we will see your cheer and hear your
repetitive common commonality being said.
(In 60 seconds, post You will return to the Main room in 2 minutes.)
So let’s celebrate your creations by turning mics off and on a “Ready OK” demonstrate in your individual Zoom
rooms your cheer, think of connecting at a distance with your partner. “Ready OK”
(do cheer)
Give a virtual high 5 across the distance to your partners and the entire ensemble.
Turn your mics on and share (if time) one verbal compliment for one of your partners or post in the Chat. It
would be great if each participant shares with other ensemble members one compliment for this once-in-alifetime ensemble.
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Call the person’s name and compliment with energy in one sentence. And Smile.
Thanks for your participation. And for creating a powerful, caring, thoughtful, fun ensemble over the miles.
Fellow educators, hope that you can use the ideas presented in this document. Tweak them any way you
Posted here is a sheet for students to create an Ensemble Experience and Teach it. Works for middle/high
school. And they can lead warmups..
Q and A (if time)
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Gai Laing Jones
Ensemble Experiences for Students’ Creating and Teaching
One of the objectives of the Ensemble Experiences is to provide: an opportunity for the members to work and
play in a win-win situation, a safe, free place to experiment, laugh, make bold choices, and compliment one
Benchmarks of Creating Ensemble Experience
All must take part. Everyone participates .The ensemble experiences can be created for virtual
experiences or in person. If space is small, you might have a few watch, and then have them trade so
all take part.
Make your partner look and feel good
Create simple guidelines
Rehearse the instructions before you teach.
Plan reflective questions for closure.
Compliment as you watch the experience.
Know each participant’s name.
Think of different ways to side coach without saying “Good job.”
Thank each participant at the end.
Establishing Objectives in Designing an Ensemble Experience
Appreciation of self/others
Cooperative Learning/Working
Following directions
Name games
Nonverbal Work
Supporting Role
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Team building
Warm ups for Vocal and Physical Work
**Stay away from Trust Exercises in which anyone might feel in danger.
Gai Laing Jones
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Title of Created Ensemble
Time Frame for the entire Ensemble
3 minutes to explain objective and guidelines
3 minutes for any questions for clarification
5 minutes maximum for the experience
5 minutes of reflective questions and answers.
List 3 objectives for this Experience
Write the Guidelines. (5 simple guidelines)
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After teaching, reflect on the process in your journal. Address the following questions:
1. How prepared were you? Reflect on working with a partner to create and teach. Were your introduction
and instructions clear?
2. Did you answer any questions from classmates?
3. Did you walk around and watch the actors while they did the experience? Did you choose to take part?
4. Did you adhere to the timeline?
5. Did everyone take part in the experience?
6. What was your ending statement?
How did you compliment the group?
8. What would you change in your experience teaching?
9. How did you feel about the experience?
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Encouraging Students to Show Facial Expressions During Zoom Rehearsals
(Besides explaining who Barney Fife was)
Gai Laing Jones