EXAM 1 • • • • • • We will review the structure of the neuron We will learn about the different types of glial cells We will review the cell biology of the neuron, focusing on axon transport and neurosecretion We will learn the structure of the membrane, proteins and about the different types of ion channels We will learn about equilibrium potentials for the major ions, the Nernst equation, driving force, ionic currents We will learn about current clamp and voltage clamp recording mode, inactivating and non-inactivating voltagegated ion channels and sustained and transient ionic currents, phases of the action potential, and ion driving forces. Cells of the Nervous System Equilibrium Potentials and Membrane Potential 1. Neurons and glia • Membrane conductance, resistance, potential, current 2. Morphology of neurons • Passive potentials vs. action potentials 3. Information flow through neurons • Ion equilibrium potential • Transformation of signals (transduction) • Resting membrane potential • Passive and active signals • Ion driving force 4. Information flow through neuronal circuits • Maintaining ionic gradients with ion pumps Glial Cells 1. • 2. • • • • • • • Types of Glial Cella Central vs. peripheral Functions of different types of glia Myelination Support of neuronal environment Contribute to the blood-brain barrier Immune function in the brain Communication with neurons 3. Diseases of glial cells Demyelination Cell Biology of Neuron o Organelles of neurons, both common to other cell types and unique o Proteins – cytosolic, nuclear/mitochondrial, and membrane-associated o Cytoskeletal proteins – make up the ‘skeleton’ of the cell -Microtubules, neurofilaments, microfilaments (actin filaments) o Axonal transport – anterograde and retrograde transport -Different transport mechanisms for different types of proteins The Neuronal Membrane and Ion Channels • The plasma membrane – Phospholipid bilayer – Membrane proteins – Carbohydrates, cholesterol • Membrane proteins – Structure – Ion channels • Ion channel selectivity • Ion channel gating sensitivity • Pumps and transporters • Chemical gradients Action Potential Generation • Current clamp recordings – recording membrane potential – Action potential generation – frequency coding • Voltage clamp recordings – recording membrane currents – Action potential currents – Na current positive feedback, K current negative feedback – Single channel recordings • Voltage-sensitive gating of Na and K channels • Absolute and relative refractory periods Action Potential Propagation • Regenerative action potential conduction • Conduction in unmyelinated and myelinated axons – Saltatory conduction • Node of Ranvier – Nodes – Internodes • Membrane capacitance