Virginia Union University Syllabus Psy. 102 Introduction to Psychology II Section 01 Instructor: Kevin A. Webster, Ph.D. Office: 211 Martin E. Gray Hall Office Hours: M & W – 9:00 am – 12:30 pm, M-R 4:00pm – 5:30pm, F 2:00pm – 4:30pm Email: Phone: 804-247-3703 Time/Location: Monday & Wednesday 2:30 pm – 3:55 pm Room LL19 Gray Hall (Basement) Textbook: Plotnik, R. (2010). Introduction to psychology (9th ed.). Pacific-Grove, CA: Wadsworth (A custom edition of the book is available in the bookstore. This edition contains ONLY the chapters used in PSY 102.) Course Description Course Description A continuation of General Psychology I. Further exploration of the major concepts of psychology as a behavioral science. Successful completion of PSY 101 – General Psychology I is a prerequisite for this course. Course Objectives This course is designed to: 1. Introduce students to the concepts and scientific knowledge related to learning and memory, biopsychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology. 2. Teach students how to apply these theories and concepts to understand behavior and mental processes. Assessment/Evaluation Methods Examinations: There will be 7 unit examinations scheduled during the semester plus a final cumulative exam. Each examination will include objective items (multiple-choice, matching, etc.) and/or short answer/essay items. The dates of these exams are posted in the tentative schedule. Each of the unit tests will be out of 50 points, while the cumulative final will be out of 100. All examinations will begin promptly at the beginning of the assigned examination period. Once the door to the classroom is closed, no students will be allowed to enter the classroom. No one will be allowed to leave the room and return while the test is being administered. NO make-up examinations will be permitted without accommodations made with Dr. Webster before the test is given. The lowest of the seven unit exam grades will be dropped; therefore, students missing an exam will have that missing exam grade dropped. The Final Exam cannot be dropped. Other assignments and attendance: Unit Summary Assignments: Each unit will be accompanied by a writing assignment that will require you to watch a TED talk related to the chapter and write a short (1 - 2 pages) summary and response. These assignments must be turned in on or BEFORE the day of that unit exam. Prompts will be made available via myVUU. Writing assignments must be written in 12 point Times New Roman, double spaced, with 1” margins on ALL sides, and assignment identification (name, date, class, assignment) in the header. Failure to follow formatting guidelines will result in points deduction. Each assignment is worth 20 points, with bonus points being awarded for each class early the assignment is turned in. Attendance: An in class attendance quiz will be given each class period. The number of questions and time the questions are asked will change from day to day. If you arrive late or must leave early, you are ineligible for the questions that you missed. If you fall asleep you are ineligible for the questions you missed. EXPECTATIONS AND POLICIES: Overview of Course Point Breakdown Assessment Unit Exams Final Exam In Class Attendance Quiz TED Talk Assignments Total Individual Points 50 100 Total Points 300 100 Approx % 47% 16% 5 20 - 100 140 640 16% 22% 100% Final grades will be assigned on a normal 10 point grading scale: A = 576 points and above B = 512 – 575.9 points C = 448 – 511.9 points D = 384 – 447.9 points F = Less than 384 points Final course grades will be rounded up to the half point (i.e. an 89.5 will round up to a 90, an 89.4 will round to an 89). Class Decorum & Expectations Readings – Each class will focus on a specific chapter of the text. You are expected to read the chapter before coming to class. This will allow us to have a more in depth and complex discussion of the material, which will lead to better to a better understanding by us both. Cell Phones – Turn all cell phones to silent or leave them in your car/dorm. Do not make calls, texts, SMS, or use snapchat, instagram, youtube, facebook, twitter, social savannah, myspace, Friendster, linkden, reddit, tumblr, tinder, or any other app on your smart phone during class time. If phones become a problem they will be prohibited from the classroom. Computer/tablet Use – Use of a computer or tablet for applications other than note taking are not allowed in class. You may use a computer to take notes or follow with the power points but research has shown that taking notes by hand is more effect for memorization (pdf is posted on myVUU). Food & Drink – Be respectful of your fellow classmates. Do not bring strong smelling or loud foods to class. Drinks should be consumed in a sealable container. Take any trash you make with you and clean up after yourself. If you decide to chew gum please do not blow bubbles. Arriving Late or Leaving Early – If you arrive late/leave early please do so quietly and courteously. If you know that you will need to leave early talk to me before class and try not to disturb your fellow students as you leave. If you arrive late please enter the classroom quietly and find your seat without incidence Socializing – Be respectful of the teacher and your classmates. Do not chatter while others are talking. If you have a question about something in class I am more than happy to answer it, but please ask me, not your neighbor. Services for Students with Disabilities-The Center for Undergraduate Studies serves persons eligible for assistance under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and persons with temporary disabilities acquired as a result of illness or injury. According to the student handbook, “students who wish to receive assistance must contact the Academic Empowerment Center within 30 days before classes begin to make arrangements… Written documentation of the disability from a qualified professional is required before accommodations are implemented.” You should contact the University’s Disability Coordinator in Ellison Hall Room 102 as soon as possible. Tutorial Services- Students may sign up for free tutoring in English or a number of other subjects through the Center for the Advancement of Academic Excellence in Ellison Hall, Room 102. It is incumbent upon students to seek help if it is needed. Misc – If you fall asleep don’t snore. When e-mailing me make sure you use a professional tone, proper grammar, and ask full questions, I can’t read your mind. If you know you are going to miss a class contact me before class and we can discuss being excused from the points. If you miss a test it is your responsibility to contact me BEFORE and it is your responsibility to schedule a make-up test. Respect is a two way street. Academic Integrity/Honor Code Academic honesty is the cornerstone of any college or university. Any acts of plagiarism or cheating will not be tolerated in this course. Students must display academic responsibility as stated in the University Student Handbook. Academic dishonest (cheating/plagiarism) will bring swift and harsh retribution as per university rules and sanctions. Any kind of honor code infringement will can result in any of the following: failure of assignment, failure of course, expulsion from the university. Tentative Course Schedule 1/10 1/17 1/22 1/24 1/29 1/31 2/05 2/07 2/12 2/14 2/19 2/21 2/26 2/28 3/05 3/07 3/09 3/12-3/16 3/19 3/21 3/26 3/28 4/02 4/04 4/09 4/11 4/16 4/18 4/23 4/25 4/30 5/02 5/07 5/09 @ 12:30pm Class Introduction Brain’s Building Blocks (Modules A - C) Brain’s Building Blocks (Modules D - G) Brain’s Building Blocks (Modules H - I) Brain’s Building Blocks (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) Incredible Nervous System (Modules A - D) Incredible Nervous System (Modules E - G) Incredible Nervous System (Modules H - J) Incredible Nervous System (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) Types of Memory (Modules A - C) Types of Memory (Modules D - F) Types of Memory (Modules G - J) Types of Memory (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) Remembering and Forgetting (Modules A - C) Remembering and Forgetting (Modules D - G) Remembering and Forgetting (Modules H - I) Remembering and Forgetting (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) Spring Break -=Sick Day=Thought & Language (Modules A – D) Thought & Language (Modules E – H) Thought & Language (Modules I - J) -=Nobody Studied Great=Thought & Language (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) Development Early Life Development Adulthood Development Old Age Development (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) Social Cognition & Behavior (Modules A – C) Social Cognition & Behavior (Modules D - F) Social Cognition & Behavior (Modules G – J) Social Cognition & Behavior (Unit Test & Unit Summary Due) -=Exam Review Special Class=Final Exam for Webster Psy 102