DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS ECEN 5437 – Fall 2020 8/24/2020 to 12/07/2020 Lecture 1: Introduction DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS ECEN 5437 – FALL 2020 • Instructor • Aadil Latif, PhD. • Email: Aadil.Latif@colorado.edu • Grader • TBA • Time: • MWF: 5:10 PM – 6:00 PM • Place: • Monday - ECCR (Engineering Classroom Wing) 1B51 • Wednesday/Friday - https://cuboulder.zoom.us/j/97051182876 Meeting ID: 970 5118 2876 Passcode: 024862 • Campus map: https://www.colorado.edu/map/ DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS ECEN 5437 – FALL 2020 • Recommended Textbook: • Distribution System Modeling and Analysis, William H. Kersting • Recommended Reference: • Electric Distribution Systems, Abdelhay A. Sallam • Electric Power Distribution Handbook, T. A. Short • Projects: • Three projects will be assigned during the semester and are due at the beginning of class on the date due. • No late assignments will be accepted! DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS ECEN 5437 – FALL 2020 • Grading: TOTAL 100% Quizzes 10% Class participation 5% Project 1 20% Project 2 20% Project 3 20% Final exam 25% • The standard grading scale will be used for this course. • A: 90 – 100 B: 80 – 89 C: 70 – 79 D: 60 – 69 F: below 60 • +/- grading will be used for the final course grade • Computer tools: • Students will be expected to perform some amount of coding in Python • Students will be introduced to OpenDSS, an open source distribution system simulation software COURSE OBJECTIVES • Students will demonstrate an understanding of key differences between transmission on distribution systems • Students will demonstrate an understanding of key differences between North American vs European distribution systems • Students will demonstrate an understanding of distribution system modeling • Students will demonstrate an understanding of how to integrate distributed energy resources to distribution models and implementing steady state controls. • Students will demonstrate an understanding of distribution system protection schemas • Students will be introduced to distributions system analysis tools such as (DiTto, OpenDSS, PyDSS) COURSE STRUCTURE 1. Introduction to Distribution systems (6-7 lectures) a Transmission and distribution systems 2 lecture b Characteristics of Primaries and Secondaries 1 lecture c Distribution Substations d Rural and Urban Networks 1 lecture e North American vs European system 1 lecture f Introduction to OpenDSS, PyDSS and DiTto 1-2 lecture COURSE STRUCTURE 2. Distribution System Power Flow Components (6 / 7 lectures) a Types of loads 2 lecture b Modeling Loads (disaggregate – customer level, aggregate – transformer/feeder) c Transformers (Typical configurations) and regulators 1/2 lecture d Capacitors (Parallel vs Series configuration) and DFACTS 1 lecture e Overhead distribution systems 1 lecture f Underground distribution systems 1 lecture COURSE STRUCTURE 3. Distributed Energy Resources a Characteristics of Distributed Generators 1 lecture b Engineering challenges with DERs 1 lecture c Evolution of the IEEE 1547 standard 1 lecture c Modeling Inverter based Resources 1 lecture d Storage systems and its applications 1 lecture COURSE STRUCTURE 3. Modeling and Simulation of Distribution systems (5/6 lectures) a Load flow and QSTS simulations methods 1 lecture b Harmonic and Dynamic Simulations c Introduction to OpenDSS and PyDSS 1 lecture d Simple examples i. QSTS simulation ii. BES impact on tariff 1 lecture e Advanced examples i. Cosimulation using HELICS ii. Coordinated DER control iii. Optimal placement and sizing of resources iv. Automated network upgrade analysis 2/3 lecture COURSE STRUCTURE 3. Distribution systems Protection (4/5 lectures) a Types of Relays b Overcurrent protection c Reclosers, Sectionalizes and Fuses d Directional Protection Schemes e Differential Protecting Schemes f Overvoltage Protection g RMS vs Dynamic Models h Future Research Directions 1 lecture 1 lecture 1 lecture 1/2 lecture