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Interest Inventories: Science, Reading, Math, History

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Science Interest Inventory
Name _______________________________
Put a checkmark next to the things you like to do.
___ watch science videos
___ play with animals
___ read about science
___ observe nature
___ build things
___ play sports
___ do science experiments
___ collect rocks
___ use the computer or tablet
___ try to understand how things work
___ grow plants
___ cook
___ create art
___ write
Circle 5 things you are most interested in learning more about.
life cycles
water cycle
states of matter
force and motion
rocks and minerals
Do you prefer to work alone, in pairs, or in small groups? __________________________
What do you think about science? Write at least 2 sentences.
Copyright 2017 The Science Penguin Inc.
Reading Interest Inventory
Name _______________________
Put a checkmark next to the things you like to do during reading class.
___ listen to the teacher read a book
___ read with a partner
___ read in a book club
___ do projects for the books you read
___ read on the computer, iPad, or Kindle
___ do activities in work stations
___ read alone
___ read in a small group with the teacher
Circle 5 things you are most interested in reading.
realistic fiction
humorous fiction
graphic novels
cooking or crafts
picture books
Do you read any magazines? If so, which ones?
Do you read at home? What kind of things do you read?
Do you prefer to work alone, in pairs, or in small groups? __________________________
What do you think about reading? Write at least 2 sentences.
Copyright 2012 The Science Penguin Inc.
Math Interest Inventory
Name _______________________
Put a checkmark next to the things you like to do during math class.
___ work on word problems
___ practice on dry erase boards
___ complete problems in front of the class
___ do math projects
___ do math on the computer or iPad
___ do activities in work stations
___ complete worksheets with math problems
___ learn in a small group with the teacher
Circle 5 things you are most interested in learning about.
adding and subtracting
place value
word problems
multiplication and division
Do you prefer to work alone, in pairs, or in small groups? __________________________
What do you think about math? Write at least 2 sentences.
Copyright 2012 The Science Penguin Inc.
History Interest Inventory
Name _______________________
Put a checkmark next to the things you like to do during social studies class.
___ watch history videos
___ read a social studies textbook
___ learn about famous people in history
___ do projects about history
___ research about history topics on the computer
___ do activities in work stations
___ read history picture books or chapter books
___ use art in social studies
Circle 5 things you are most interested in learning more about.
our state
famous people
current events
cultures of different groups
history of our country
the 50 states
national holidays
Do you read books or magazines about history or the news? ________ If so, which
ones? __________________________________________________________________________
Do you watch TV shows about history? _________ If so, which ones?
Do you prefer to work alone, in pairs, or in small groups? __________________________
What do you think about history? Write at least 2 sentences.
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