Kashmere Twyla M. Lid-ayan : A Friend to lean on Born on the date of February 26,2002 Named Kashmere Twyla by her mother and aunt, Baptized at San Jose Parish Catholic Church, Raised by her grandmother at the age of 9. She’s second of the three (3) siblings, Started school at Central Elementary School, Commenced to have friends this days , Received loyalty award when she graduated. Continued High School at Benguet National High School-Main, Active in church activities, Knowing the good and bad ;with the Presence of God in her life. Treats her friends like her true siblings, Straightforward when she talks, Hard headed girl when one advice her, But a good listener when one need her. Offers her shoulder that one can cry on, Corrects and helps you to be a better person, Despite of the challenges she face, She can still be by your side when you need her.