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Youth Ministry Event: Barangay Youth Search Invitation

ICP’ians Youth Ministry
Dana-ili, Abulug, Cagayan North, Philippines
March 27, 2013
Our fellow Young People of God:
Greetings of peace hope and love in the name of the highest king, Jesus Christ!
As reflected in today’s occurrences, majority of the youth were already lost in nowhere in the absence of their
sense of direction since they were influence on advent of continuous modernization. They already forgot that
they play a vital role in the social, political, environmental and most especially spiritual aspect of our changing
society. Thus, it is just but right to bring them back in God’s own perfect tract and renew them as a devoted
young missionaries and ministers of almighty Father.
In connection to this, the Immaculate Conception Parish Youth Ministry from Dana-ili that were composed
of trained and skilled youth facilitators coming from different chapels of the said parish, in collaboration with
the Alliance of Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Libertad Chapel (AOLPHC) Youth Ministry, will conduct the
first ever “Barangay Youth Search” in our municipality and religious community that aims to redirect and
empower youth in the right path they must be heading to reach the happiness they all dreaming with the
existence of holy trinity through bringing their fiery enthusiasm of serving God and joining the Ministry of the
Lord at Our Lady of Perpetual Help-Libertad Chapel on April 8-9, 2013 to be participated by youths’ aging
from 12 to 25 years old coming from the different respective chapels of the Dana-ili Parish in view of the
theme: “Youth Ministry: Bringing out the blazing enthusiasm to the empowered young people of God.”
This event aims to discover where the youth are headed to, their direction in life. In like manner, it is also
designed to transform youth particularly those who are evidently affected by evil practices of today’s generation
into righteous servant of God. This is one way of motivating youth to be vigorous members of the ministry and
the first step in building youth ministry of their respective chapels.
This event will start on April 8, 2013 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Libertad Chapel. Arrival and registration
will be 6:30 to 7:00 am at the said chapel and to be immediately followed by the program proper. We shall
finish at around 3:30 pm on April 9, 2013 and shall be back home right away.
A Registration Fee amounting to Fifty Pesos (50PHP) shall be charged to every delegate for their meals and
kits. It must be given earlier or on the day of the said celebration for utilization purposes.
For more details, you can contact us at the following numbers:
Alliance of OLPHYM, Libertad Chapel Official Cell phone Number– 09-354-671-078
Mr. Jhonel Yacap- 09-359-985-710
Deadline of Confirnation is until April 3, 2013. Please inform us as soon as possible.
Kindly send back the return slip attached herein with your parents’ or guardian’s consent. Waiver should be
submitted during registration. No waiver no BYS.
Thank you and we look forward to a successful activity with all of you.
In Christ we wait,
Coordinator, ICp’ians Youth Ministry
Coordinator, AOLPHC Youth Ministry
Approved by:
Noted by:
President, OLPHC Barangay Pastoral Council
Parish Priest, Immaculate Conception Parish