MANAKULA VINAYAGAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DEAPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING Unit IV Optical Sources, Detectors and Amplifiers Unit IV Syllabus • LED- structures -Light source materials efficiency and LED power, Modulation of LED. • Laser Diodes-Modes equations -External frequencies. -Quantum and Threshold condition -Rate Quantum efficiency -Resonant • Optical detectors – PIN diode and APD –operation and characteristics • Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers - principle, operation and applications. • Link Power budget and Rise time budget calculations Light Emitting Diode • An LED is a semiconductor P-N junction under forward bias. • LED is the best suitable optical source which guarantees the bit rate of100-200Mbps. • Instead of generating heat at the PN junction, light is generated and passes through a lens. • LEDs can operate at visible spectrum or infrared spectrum. • In forward bias condition, electrons cross the PN junction from the n-type material and recombine with holes in the p-type material. • The recombining electrons release energy in the form of light. Specifications • LEDs are typically used at the 850-nm and 1310-nm transmission wavelengths • LEDs are typically used in lower-data-rate, shorterdistance multimode systems because of their inherent bandwidth limitations and lower output power. • The output spectrum of a typical LED is about 40 nm, which limits its performance because of severe chromatic dispersion. • LEDs operate in a more linear fashion than do laser diodes. This makes them more suitable for analog modulation. • Two basic structures for LEDs are used in fiber optic systems: – surface emitting and – edge emitting Light Source Materials Energy Band of LED •In LED, the dominant photon generation is spontaneous emission in which the electron drops to the lower energy level in an entirely random way. The output spectrum of an LED is relatively wide. •Spontaneous emission: An atom in an excited level can make a downward transition spontaneously (i.e., on its own) by emitting a photon corresponding to the energy difference between the two levels. Configuration: Edge and Surface LED Structures Heterojunction: • A heterojunction is a junction formed by dissimilar semiconductors. • It is an interface between two adjoining single crystal semiconductors with different band gap. • Heterojunction are of two types, Isotype (n-n or p-p) or Antistype (p-n). LED Structures • Double Heterojunction (DH): In order to achieve efficient confinement of emitted radiation, double heterojunction are used in LED structure. • Double heterojunction (DH) is formed by two different semiconductors on each side of active region. • The crosshatched regions represent the energy levels of free charge. • Recombination occurs only in active InGaAsP layer. • The two materials have different band gap energies and different refractive indices. The changes in band gap energies create potential barrier for both holes and electrons. • The free charges can recombine only in narrow, well defined active layer side. Quantum efficiency and LED power Modulation of LED Figure 4.16 frequency response of optical source LASAR - Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation • The most frequently used light source in optical communication systems is laser.Why we use a laser as the light source?monochromatic: suitable for elimination of white noisecoherent: suitable for coherent detection(c) high power: improves signal to noise ratio(d) small divergence: improves efficiency of transmission(e) small source size: suitable for use with optical fibres • LaserAn acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.Stimulated emissionAn atom in an excited level can make a downward transition in the presence of external stimulation by emitting a photon corresponding to the energy difference between the two levels. The emitted photon is in phase with the incident photon. Configuration