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Secondary Visual Arts Mid-term Exam

Secondary Visual Arts Mid-term
1. What is line quality? Draw at least 3 examples in the box.
2. What is contour line? Draw an example in the box.
3. What are the two types of shapes? Draw an example for each in the box and
label them.
4. Define form and draw an example in the box using two-point perspective.
5. Define Texture. Why would someone use texture on their artwork? (2-3
sentences) Draw an example in the box.
6. What is value?
7. Shade the sphere below as if the light is coming from the top right.
8. Put these pencil types in order from lightest to darkest.
2H, 6B, 6H, 2B, 4H, HB, Ebony pencil, 9B
_______ _______ ______ ________ _________ ________ _________ _______
9. List 3 different color schemes and give an example for each.
10. What is negative and positive space? Draw an example and label which is
11. What is a still-life? Draw an example in the box using only contour lines.
12. What is “sighting”?
13. What is a reference line?
14. What is perspective? Draw all three types of perspective in the boxes.
15. What is a vanishing point?
True or False: Write true or false in each space below.
1. __________ You can make negative space more interesting by overlapping,
repeating shapes, and using a variety of sizes.
2. __________ Value makes objects look more 2-dimensional.
3. __________ Lines can express emotion or show various surface qualities.
4. __________ Geometric shapes have height, width and depth.
5. __________ You can create the illusion of texture in your drawings by
experimenting with different lines and marks.
6. __________ People are organic forms.
7. __________ You can make an intermediate color by mixing two primary
Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the best answer for each question.
8. ___________ Three colors next to each other on the color wheel.
a. Complimentary b. Intermediate c. Analogous
d. Monochromatic
9. ___________ Drawing a still life without looking at your paper.
a. Contour line b. Blind Contour c. Imaginary Line d. Negative Space
10. ___________ 3-dimensional (ex: cone or a tree)
a. Form
b. Geometric
c. Shape
d. Organic
11. ___________ When you add white to a color.
a. Shade
b. Complimentary c. Tint
d. Highlight
12. ___________ Are many values of the same color.
a. Analogous
b. Primary
c. Secondary
d. Monochromatic
13. ___________ The area around the subject of the painting or drawing.
a. Negative
b. Middleground
c. Positive
d. Foreground
14. ___________ The outline and major ridges in a piece of art.
a. Blind Contour
b. Contour c. Imaginary Line d. Gesture
Create a color wheel out of the below circle with primary, secondary, and
tertiary(intermediate) colors. Add labels.