Science Fair Project Proposal Assignment

Science Fair Assignment #2 The second step of Science Fair is to submit your proposal (plan of action). Instructions: -­‐
One typed proposal per group Answer the questions below Proposal due date: Monday October 20th -­‐
Completion of project and written report: December 1st Lakeside Fair: December 12th Regional Science Fair: March 29-­‐31 at Concordia University Tentative Project Overview: Experimentation a) Names of both members (if applicable) b) Redefine your question (take my comments from assignment #1 into consideration). -­‐ Observe a phenomenon. -­‐ Ask a simple question. -­‐ Describe the phenomenon that you are observing in simple terms. -­‐ Determine what factors seem to be influencing the phenomenon. -­‐ Determine which behaviours seem interrelated. c) Formulate a hypothesis. Use “If…then…because” statement. -­‐ The hypothesis is an idea, a proposition or a suggestion about the origin of an unexplained phenomenon. It is the starting point of a series of actions aiming to test or verify it. d) Identify the variables (independent, dependent and constants). -­‐ Independent: what are you controlling/manipulating? -­‐ Dependent: what are you recording/measuring? -­‐ Constants: what remains the same? e) Make a list of necessary materials (we might have supplies at school that you can use or borrow). f) Suggest a preliminary plan of action (numbered procedure). g) Annotated bibliography (MLA style). List a few references and explain how they are useful. Design a) Names of both members (if applicable) b) Redefine your question (take my comments from assignment #1 into consideration). c) Define the issue. -­‐
What are the functions of the device, software or product? What is the device, software or product intended to be used for? What needs are to be met by the device, software or product? What are the project’s objectives? What are the constraints and expected obstacles? d) Identify preliminary design and development steps -­‐ How is the device, software or product designed? (Make a plan or a diagram or formulate a concept) -­‐ What equipment was required to build and operate it? -­‐ How can the parts be acquired or built (from the simplest to the most complex)? -­‐ Are there any innovative aspects to the device, software or product? If so, what are they? -­‐ If another person or an institution helped to design or produce the device, software or product, this must be clearly indicated in the written report. -­‐ Has enough time been calculated for the trial period? e) Annotated bibliography (MLA style). List a few references and explain how they are useful. Name: _____________________
Date: ____________________
Experiment Title
• What is the purpose/aim of this lab?
• Statement and reasons (proposed explanation to the purpose that has to be tested)
• Always contains the expression “If…then…because…”
Variables and Constants:
• Identify the constants and variables (both independent, dependent, constants)
• Expand on plan for controlling variables and constants
Materials and Apparatus:
• Must be in list form
• Must be in your own words and the steps must be numbered
• Be sure to include any changes you made while performing the experiment
• Your procedure must be reproducible (anyone should be able to follow it)
Data and Observations:
• Organize results and observations in a data table
• Each data table needs a title and a number
• Be sure to include units
• Show a sample calculation of how you arrived at some data
• They must be completed on GRAPH PAPER and in PENCIL only
• All graphs must include a full title as well as titles and units on each axis
Analysis of Data:
• Analysis of data and calculations (comment on any trends or patterns detected in the data, the reliability
and abnormalities in the data as well as the sources of error and how they could be reduced/eliminated)
• Evaluate the hypothesis made (comment on the validity of the hypothesis based on your data and
• Evaluate the methodology used (make relevant comments on the procedure and suggest sensible
improvements, along with valid reasons)
• Suggest additional work to extend the inquiry
• Summarize what you discovered
• Can you backup your findings with more research?
Refer back to the aim of the lab and your hypothesis. Did you succeed? What went wrong? What were
some sources of error? 