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The Sun Also Rises Quiz

Graded Quiz: The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
1. Why does Junior say he was bullied as a child on the Spokane reservation? [2 points]
In what sport did Robert Cohn participate at Princeton?
Where does the fiesta occur?
What is Cohn’s profession?
In what war was Jake injured?
Who knows the most about bullfighting?
What country does Jake come from?
What is Brett’s title?
Who wins the fight between Jake, Mike, and Cohn?
What is the name of the owner of the hotel where Jake stays during the fiesta?
Who is Count Mippipopolous?
How does Brett and Romero’s relationship end?
Which of the following characters is physically impotent?
In what sport do Jake and Bill engage while in Spain?
Which of the following characters does not want to sleep with Brett?15. What does Jake
say to Brett at the end of the novel?
 How good a bullfighter is Pedro Romero?
 How does Cohn react to the bullfight?
Where did Brett and Jake meet?
Why does Cohn decide not to go fishing?
What do most people drink at the fiesta?
Who introduces Brett to Romero?
What interrupts Jake’s vacation in San Sebastian in the novel’s final chapter?
What does Cohn ask Romero to do after Cohn beats him up?
What is Cohn’s girlfriend’s name?
With whom does Brett secretly go to San Sebastian?