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Factorsof disease outbreak.docx

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Topic: Threats to Human Health and Global Stability
Morens and Fauci are the prominent authors who have written articles that explain the
factors that explain the contributors of emergence and spread of the infectious diseases. Besides,
Morse (443-452.) explains further on the factors that favor spread of the pandemic. The authors
agree that humans are vulnerable to infectious ailments since they are spread from one individual
to the next through physical contact or sharing of items with an infected person. The outbreak of
the Corona Virus is an example of infectious disease which has disrupted global operations thus
declared as a pandemic. Travelling, bioterrorism, and increased populations of animals and
humans are the significant factors attributed to outbreaks and spread of disease.
Travel is the leading cause of the emergence and spread of any infectious disease that has
ever existed in the globe. Since immemorial times, confinement of individuals to a given region
controlled the conditions to the specific areas (Morens & Fauci, Pg. 1-7). In case the individuals
have viral infections, they carry them along and introduce the maladies to the new regions they
visit like in the Corona virus novel. The other aspect of the spread and emergence of the COVID19 can be based on the human’s susceptibility to infections. The above can be derived from
every interaction between humans and animals that end tragically with the human being sick. An
increased population of animals produces a corresponding increased interaction with the animals
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too. For instance, the viral flu-like H1N1 from pigs arises from interaction with animals where
humans contract and spread them.
Online resources also affirm that with the rise of global village there has been significant
changes in demography, behavior and technology which increases likelihood of disease
outbreaks ("(PDF) Factors and determinants of disease emergence," n.d.). Additionally, the
change of global ecological and climatic conditions has triggered outbreak of disease pandemics.
Climate, water, sanitation and food are other ecological changes attributed to emergence of
diseases as asserted by WHO ("Environmental factors influencing the spread of communicable
diseases," n.d.). With the realization of the contributing influencers, scientists and World Heal
organization have advocated for isolation and cut off travelling once an outbreak arises.
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Works Cited:
Morens, David M., and Anthony S. Fauci. "Emerging infectious diseases: threats to human
health and global stability." PLoS Pathog 9.7 (2013): e1003467.
Morse, S. "Factors and determinants of disease emergence." Revue scientifique et techniqueOffice international des épizooties 23.2 (2004): 443-452.
(PDF) Factors and determinants of disease emergence. (n.d.).
ResearchGate. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8029656_Factors_and_Determinants