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Europe-Africa Cooperation: Colonialism to Modern Relations

Europe and Africa – Cooperation and security
Lesson 1 – The beginning of colonialism
Lesson 2 – The government of the colonies
Tribes as imagined concepts
Lesson 3 – French colonisation
Lesson 4
The decolonisation of French Africa
Lesson 5
The decolonisation of Congo
The Organisation of African Unity
Lesson 6 – France in Africa after decolonisation
The Franc zone
Lesson 7 – 8th March lecture: is economic empowerment strengthening
women’s rights?
Women’s access to finance in Mozambique
POSED programme in Mozambique
Why is access to credit important?
Entrepreneurs by choice of by necessity?
Lesson 8
The Franc zone
The decolonisation of Southern Africa
The national liberation movements
Lesson 10 – The decolonisation of Southern Africa
The national liberation struggle in Zimbabwe
The independence of Angola and Mozambique
Mozambique and Rhodesia
Angola and Rhodesia
Lesson 11 – The independence of Zimbabwe
The ascent of Mugabe
The Carter-Callaghan initiative and the Internal Settlement
Margaret Thatcher
The 1980s and constructive engagement
The EU and transition in Southern Africa
Lesson 12 – The EC’s development cooperation policy
The treaty of Rome
The Yaoundé convention
The 1970s and the Lomé convention
The provisions of the Lomé convention
Lesson 13 – The crisis of the New Economic Order
Structural adjustment programmes
The EC’s reaction to the Washington consensus
What is good governance?
Lesson 14 – Cotonou: trade aspects
Economic Partnership Agreements
Lesson 15
The New Partnership for Africa’s development
Security cooperation in Africa and the development-security nexus
Somalia in the 1990s
Rwanda in the 1990s
Lesson 16
The Great Lakes refugee crisis
Euro-African cooperation in conflict prevention and resolution after 1994
Lesson 17 – Guest lecture: Migrants and refugees from the Horn of Africa
The myths of migration
The Horn of Africa
EU global approach to migration
Lesson 18 – The promotion of democracy in Africa
Zimbabwe and SADC
Lesson 19 – China and Africa
China-Africa in the Cold War
The 1990s
The China-Africa policy
Critique of the Sino-African relations