Uploaded by Diego Menjivar

FSL 9- Grammar Lesson

FSL 9, Unit: Québec & Culture
Topic: Conditional and Future Tenses
Lesson #6
Date: March 19th, 2020
Stage 1: Desired Results
Communication: Students will use their knowledge of French to understand and/or to
express a message effectively in various situations for a variety of purposes
Language: Students will use, with accuracy, knowledge of linguistic elements of the
French language to fulfill their communicative intents.
Culture: Students will use their knowledge of different Francophone cultures and their
own culture to be able to interact appropriately within these cultures.
Language Learning Strategies: Students will use their knowledge of strategies to
enhance learning and to communicate in French.
•Writing production: name, label, list, encourage, describe, explain, ask
and answer questions, give simple commands, directions or advice,
express needs, desires, wishes and preferences, make suggestions, in
written form, providing some details, in a defined, structured and
modelled fashion, resulting in a prepared message expressed mostly in
the present tense and sometimes in the immediate future, that is
comprehensible and accurate.
• Oral production: name, list, encourage, describe, explain, ask and answer
questions, give commands, directions, instructions or advice, express needs,
desires, wishes and preferences, make suggestions, give compliments, orally,
providing some details, in a defined, structured and modelled fashion, with
limited spontaneity, resulting in a prepared message expressed mostly in the
present and sometimes in the immediate future, that is comprehensible and
• Listening Comprehension: understand, in guided situations, by identifying
key words or expressions previously taught, the main idea(s) and a few specific
details related to the main idea(s) about a variety of concrete topics contained
in authentic or adapted oral texts.
• continue to develop knowledge of the following concepts:
– nouns, determiners, gender, number, articles: definite and indefinite,
adjectives, demonstrative adjectives, exclamatory adjectives, partitive, quantity,
adverbs and adverbial expressions, personal subject pronouns, verbs,
conjugation patterns of regular and irregular –er, –ir and –re verbs in the
present tense.
• acquire knowledge of the following concepts: formation of adverbs from
adjectives, the immediate future, verbs taking a preposition
• use, with a higher level of accuracy, in oral and written form, linguistic
elements defined in grades 4–8, needed to communicate a message.
FSL 9, Unit: Québec & Culture
Topic: Conditional and Future Tenses
Lesson #6
Date: March 19th, 2020
• use, with some consistency, in oral and written form, the following linguistic
elements needed to communicate a message:
– vocabulary associated with the fields of experience and their subfields
– expressions with avoir (e.g., L’athlète a mal aux jambes.)
– expressions with faire (e.g., Je fais du yoga./Mon père fait le ménage.)
– formation of adverbs from adjectives
– present tense of vouloir, pouvoir, devoir with all personal subject pronouns
in affirmative and negative sentences
– the immediate future—aller + infinitif—with all personal subject
in affirmative and negative sentences
– the imperative in the affirmative and in the negative with regular and
irregular –er, –ir, –re verbs and pronominal reflexive verbs
Language Learning Strategies:
• continue to develop and use a repertoire of comprehension strategies to
facilitate the understanding of an oral or written message:
– take the risk to listen to or read a new text in French
– take the risk to listen to authentic texts of varying lengths made available
through different information and communication technologies
– take the risk to read authentic documents of varying lengths made
available through different information and communication technologies
– ask questions, in the first language, to clarify or verify that a message has
been understood
– collaborate with others to build confidence and exchange information
– identify a strategy that can be or was used to facilitate comprehension of a
– focus attention on the task
– focus attention on what is known and ignore what is unknown
– use self-talk to build confidence in listening and reading skills
– evaluate own ability to understand the message
– use strategies defined in grades 4–6
• develop and use memory strategies to learn, recall or retain vocabulary or
grammatical structures
Students will be able to use the verb etre, and avoir in familiar contexts
Students will demonstrate knowledge in conditional and future tenses
Students will continue to express themselves in written and oral form
Students will be able to write short, simple sentences (questions) about places
in Quebec and what they would if they won a million dollars
FSL 9, Unit: Québec & Culture
Topic: Conditional and Future Tenses
Lesson #6
Date: March 19th, 2020
Students will speak in the target language to describe, narrate and carry on
spontaneous conversations about topics such as family, professions, food,
clothing, health, likes and dislikes, daily life situations, references to the past.
Students will comprehend the target language with sufficient ability to
understand the main ideas and additional details in short conversations
referring to the above-mentioned topics and authentic situations in different
time frames.
Student Understanding(s):
What is a dictogloss?
What would I do if won a million dollars in Québec?
Why is it important to know different tenses in French?
What are the differences between the future tense and the conditional tense?
(students might get them mixed up)
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Presentation (F)
Verb Relay Activity (F)
Dictogloss (F)
Stage 3: Learning Experience
Dictogloss Speech
Verb Relay Activity
Resources to
Speech for Dictogloss
Performance Task and
Worksheets for the future
tense and conditional
FSL 9, Unit: Québec & Culture
Topic: Conditional and Future Tenses
Lesson #6
Date: March 19th, 2020
Time: 85
20 ~ min
I will introduce the Performance task that will be due
on the last class of this quarter, together with the
● Performance Task work time:
Students will have 20 mins to start working on
their performance tasks, they will be given an
outline of how to do it, it is due the last day of
classes before heading to Quebec. To further
continue exploring the aspects of a new culture
(Quebec), students will be introduced to the reallife situations that will be finished the following
Dictogloss (12 minutes)
55~ min
In this activity, I will a read a short, relevant text three
times. The first time, the students listen only, and do not
take notes. The second time, they are allowed to note down
several key words. The third time, the learners are allowed
to write as much as they desire. I will pick one student in
the class (volunteer) to write words on the board of what I
Based on this, my text will be my own example of what I
would do if I won a million dollars. I will keep it short and
simple. Following this, the students are instructed to create
a summary of what they have heard on their own. When
this task has been completed, they take their own
summaries and work with a partner to co-construct a
summary based on their individual work.
The teacher will ask the class if there is a volunteer who
would like to attempt writing on the board what the teacher
said, after listening to the same text three texts. Then,
students compare their reconstruction of the work with the
Relay Activity Worksheet
Ask students to listen up
Explain point by point
how I will grade the
Performance Task
I will remind students
that they will have
limited time to work on it
in class. I will encourage
them to do a bit every day
as homework.
The Dictogloss activities
have several advantages.
They integrate the four
language skills of listening,
reading, speaking, and
I will write on the board
how to conjugate both the
future and conditional
verbs, I will a brief
example, and remind them
they are different even
though they sound and look
To give students more
motivation, I added the
relay activity to end the
FSL 9, Unit: Québec & Culture
Topic: Conditional and Future Tenses
original to discuss similarities and differences from the
source text. This activity can be used, for example, to draw
attention to a particular language feature or to help develop
students' abilities to synthesize information. I believe it
will keep the students engaged.
If I had a million dollars…? (20 minutes)
Students will be required to write 3-5 sentences describing
their thoughts and ideas on what they would do if they won
a million dollars. The purpose of this is so students start
using the future and conditional form. As this is the
second mini presentation, students will be expected to
present what they wrote with minimal reference to their
sentences (reading off the page).
*Students who complete their sentences quickly,
will find someone who is also done and peer edit
one another’s sentences.
*The teacher will take notes on the presentation
including the amount each student reads off their
page. He/She will encourage minimal use
throughout the entire presentation and will again,
provide students with some feedback.
Verb Relay (Verb Practice) (20 mins)
The class will be split into teams (made by the teacher).
The teacher will put the description subject pronoun cards
(1st pers. sing., 2nd pers. Sing., 3rd pers. sing., 1st pers.
plur., 2nd pers. plur., 3rd pers. plur.) up on the board in a
random order. The relay begins as soon as the teacher says
a verb aloud and holds up a card with the verb written in
the infinitive form. As soon as the person in the front of
the line knows how to conjugate the given verb to the
correct subject pronoun, they will go write it on the board
as quickly as possible. Once a group has finished
conjugating the verb to all the subject pronouns, the
teacher will stop the game, allow teams to make any
changes/corrections of their own, then go through every
conjugation with the group, and make/explain any
corrections when needed.
Lesson #6
Date: March 19th, 2020
FSL 9, Unit: Québec & Culture
Topic: Conditional and Future Tenses
3-4 ~
● I will end the relay activity with three minutes
left in class since it was a packed lesson. I will let
them pack up and get ready to go their
- Dictogloss
- Performance Task and Rubric
- Worksheets for the future tense and conditional tense
- Relay Activity Worksheet
Lesson #6
Date: March 19th, 2020
Remind them to bring
laptops next class as
there is group work.