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College Application Essay: Academic Discipline & Motivation

My background, experiences, & values would contribute to The College of Wooster in a
positive way because I came from a background that emphasized academic discipline &
excellence, I’ve experienced a lot in my academic career that’s shaped me into who I am today,
& I value a good quality education & good grades. I realized The College of Wooster engages in
students showing the deep diversity of America & as a future university student, I want to give in
any way possible to make The College of Wooster a better institution.
In my youth, my parents always emphasized strict academic discipline & excellence,
getting frustrated over my bad grades & figuring out how to improve those bad grades &
celebrating/congratulating my good grades. My parents have always pushed me to do my best &
put 100% effort towards my studies, to the extent now in high school I’ve developed a
self-motivation for doing my best in everything I do & learn. I find my self-motivation essential
in high school because the classes (Like AP) get very tough & self-motivation can push me to do
my best in these classes. In my academic career, I’ve experienced many ups & downs, doing
poorly on an essay or test & trying to improve that grade &/or learn from my mistakes & getting
straight As in a semester. Particularly, it’s the downs I’ve experienced that I’ve learned a lot
from & have shaped me into who I am today. Like Yoda said, “Do or do not, there’s no try”. I
view this phrase/quote as a lesson in the power humans have in giving things our all, not just a
try. I apply this in my studies by giving all the assignments & tests I have in my classes my all,
not just giving the assignments & tests a try because I want good grades to reflect the effort &
time I put into studying to show my success.
What I value in my life are good quality education, good grades, a good college I can
study at, & a good pathway for my future life. All of these values I find essential for me to lead a
good life after school & can contribute to The College of Wooster.