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Erikson's Psychosocial Stages Worksheet

Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
An infant chewing on a teething ring
A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they
A middle-schooler completing a challenging math assignment
A teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyles
Autonomy versus shame and doubt is the second stage of psychosocial development. It centers
on developing a sense of independence and control. For example, Jane is almost three years old
and insists on dressing herself each morning for preschool, even though she generally selects
mismatching outfits, misses buttons, and wears her shoes on the wrong feet. When her mother
tries to dress Jane or fix her outfit, Jane brushes her mother off and insists on doing it herself.
Giving kids the chance to perform actions on their own, even if they make mistakes, is an
important part of this stage.
2. The central theme of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial stages was the development of:
Psychosocial conflict
Social status
Ego identity
Erikson described ego identity as the conscious sense of self that people develop through their
social interaction at each stage of development. Because these experiences are ongoing and
changing, the ego identity is ever-evolving throughout the course of a person's life. At every
stage of development, people face new challenges that can either strengthen or weaken their ego
3. What do people face during each psychosocial stage that can serve as a turning point in
Paradigm shift
Erikson believed that people face some sort of developmental conflict at each stage of
development. Successfully mastering the conflict leads to the development of psychological
virtues that contribute to future growth. Failing to resolve a conflict during any stage can lead to
problems that will plague the individual for a lifetime.
4. The stage that occurs between birth and one year of age is concerned with:
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Identity vs. Role Confusion
The first stage of development occurs during the first year of life and centers of developing a
sense of trust in the world. Children with reliable and responsive caregivers will develop a sense
of trust in the people and world around them, while those who do not receive responsive care
may be left with feelings of distrust.
5. How many stages of psychosocial development did Erikson describe?
Erikson described eight different stages of psychosocial development. Five of these stages take
place during childhood and adolescence while the remaining three stages span the years of early
adulthood, middle adulthood and old age.
6. The crisis that arises in young adulthood is concerned with:
Trust vs. Mistrust
Industry vs. Inferiority
Integrity vs. Despair
Intimacy vs. Isolation
The sixth stage of Erikson's theory is concerned with intimacy versus isolation and take place
between approximately age 19 and 40. The focus of this stage is on forming intimate and
committed relationships with other people. Romantic relationships are important, but friendships
and other familial relationships are also important.
7. Erik Erikson’s interest in identity developed as a result of:
Discovering his parents had lied to him about his parentage
His studies of the midlife crisis
His studies with psychoanalyst Anna Freud
All of the above
Erikson often felt confused about his identity. He was teased for his blonde, Nordic looks at his
Jewish temple school, while at grammar school he felt rejected because of his Jewish
background. It was only later that he learned that the man he believed to be his father was
actually his step-father. Later in adulthood, he changed his last name to Erikson as a way of
forging his own identity.
8. Which of the individual's below is in the identity versus confusion stage?
Identity versus role confusion takes place during the adolescent years and is centered on
developing a personal identity. Kids at this age often explore different roles, interest, behaviors
and identities as they discover who they are.
9. If a child struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge?
Struggle with feelings of inferiority
Experience a sense of guilt
Develop a poor self-identity
Begin to mistrust the people around him
The fifth stage of psychosocial development centers on the conflict between industry and
inferiority. Kids who receive encouragement as they master new tasks will emerge with a sense
of competency and confidence. Children who struggle with important tasks such as schoolwork
and social relationships may be left with feelings of inferiority.
For example, eight-year old Steven has a difficult time making friends at school. He has trouble
completing his schoolwork accurately and on time, and as a result, receives little positive
feedback from his teacher and parents. He may be left with little confidence in his abilities and
poor self-confidence.
10. Successfully completing the eighth stage of psychosocial development leads to the
emergence of what quality?