Bonanza-A36 Normal Takeoff ONE ONE BEFORE STARTING 1. Seats -- POSITION AND LOCK Seat Backs -- UPRIGHT 2. Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses -- FASTEN 3. Parking Brake -- SET 4. All Avionics -- OFF 5. Circuit Breakers -- IN 6. Landing Gear Handle -- DOWN; Safety System - CHECK ( if installed ) 7. Flaps -- UP 8. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN 9. Light Switches -- Rotating Beacon -- ON; LIGHTS AS REQUIRED 10. Fuel Selector Valve -- CHECK DETENT OPERATION; Select Fullest Tank 11. Fuel Tip Crossfeed -- OFF 12. Battery & Alternator Switches -- ON If External Power is Used turn Alt. Sw. -- OFF 13. Fuel Quantity Indicators ( Fuel Gages ) -- CHECK QUANTITY STARTING ENGINE *** CAUTION *** Do not Engage Starter for More Than 30 Seconds in any 4 Minute Period. NOTE: During Hot Starts, The Auxiliary Fuel Pump Is Turning on Momentary After Starting to Purge System, Then Turn OFF. 1. Mixture -- FULL RICH 2. Propeller -- HIGH RPM 3. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 4. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- ON until FUEL FLOW PEAKS then OFF (Approximately 5 Secs) 5. Throttle -- Approximately 3 TURNS OPEN 6. Propeller Area -- CLEAR 7. Magneto/Start Switch--START POSITION; release to on position when engine starts If Engine Has Been Overprimed, Mixture -- Idle Cut Off, Throttle -- Open, Magneto Start Switch NOTE: Start Position, As Engine Starts Reduce -- Throttle to Idle and Advance Mixture control to FULL RICH 8. Throttle -- 1000 ~1200 RPM 9. Oil Pressure -- CHECK (Min 30 PSI / Max 100 PSI) 9a. Ext. Power -- (if used) DISCONNECT 10. Ammeter -- Check for CHARGING 11. All Engine Gauges -- CHECK 12. Panel Annuciators -- CHECK *** CAUTION *** The Ammeter Indication should be less than 25% of Full Charge at 1000 to 1200 RPM Within Two Minutes, With no Additional Electrical Equipment on. If Not, Turn off the Battery and Alt. Switches, DON'T TAKE OFF! AFTER STARTING & TAXI 1. Brakes -- RELEASE AND CHECK 2. Avionics Equipment -- ON, AS REQUIRED 3. Lights -- AS REQUIRED *** CAUTION *** Do not Operate Engine Above 1200 RPM Until Oil Temperature Reaches 75*F BEFORE TAKEOFF 1. Seat Belts & Shoulder Harness -- CHECK NOTE: All Seats Must Be in The Upright Position 2. Parking Brake -- SET 3. Radios -- CHECK 4. Engine Instruments -- CHECK 5. Flight Instruments -- CHECK AND SET CONT. ONE This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual Copyright: R. Hebert 2004 ONE Bonanza-A36 Normal Takeoff TWO TWO BEFORE TAKEOFF 6. Ammeter -- CHECK; for stabilized indication between 0 & 25% of full charge @ 1000 to 1200 RPM 7. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- CHECK OFF 8. Throttle -- 1700 RPM 8a. Vacuum Gauge -- 4.3 to 5.9 in HG 9. Propeller -- EXERCISE to obtain approx. 300 to 400 RPM drop; return to high RPM 10. Magneto -- CHECK at 1700 RPM (RIGHT First, difference not to exceed 50 RPM, Max. drop 150 RPM) 11. Trim Set A) AILERON -- NEUTRAL B) ELEVATOR -- 3* (6* IF ONLY FRONT SEATS ARE OCCUPIED) 12. Flaps -- UP 13. Door and Window -- SECURED 14. Flight Controls -- CHECK FOR PROPER DIRECTION AND FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT 15. Mixture -- FULL RICH (or as required by field elevation) 16. Brakes -- RELEASED 17. Auto-Pilot -- CHECK AP TEST LIGHTS, AP Heading, AP NAV/Speaker, AP VS UP/DOWN 18. Instruments -- CHECK (make final check of manifold pressure, fuel flow, and RPM) at the start of takeoff run.) Normal TAKE-OFF 1. Power -- SET TAKE-OFF POWER ( Mixture - SET as Required by Field Elevation ) 2. Brakes -- RELEASE THEN ACCELERATE to Recommended Speeds NOTE: Prior to Rotation: Last Check ALL GREEN 3. Landing Gear -- RETRACT (when Positive rate of climb is established and insufficient runway remains for landing.) Normal CLIMB Maximum Continuous-- Full Throttle, 2700 RPM Cruise Climb -- 25 in. Hg (or full throttle) 2500 RPM 1. Engine Temperatures - MONITOR 2. Power -- SET AS DESIRED 3. Mixture -- SET FUEL FLOW Normal CRUISE 1. Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED 2. Power -- SET 3. Mixture -- SET FUEL FLOW Leaning using EGT Lean the Mixture and Note the Point on the Indicator that the Temperature peaks and Starts to Fall A. Cruise (lean) Mixture --Increase the Mixture until the EGT Shows a Drop of 25*F Below Peak on the Rich side of Peak B. Best Power Mixture -- Increase the Mixture Until the EGT Shows a Drop of 100*F Below Peak on the Rich Side of peak POWER SETTINGS Quick 75% POWER 65% POWER 55% POWER Cruise Altitude RPM/MP KTAS RPM/MP KTAS RPM/MP KTAS Info 4,000 Ft. 25/23.5 166 23/22.9 154 21/22.6 141 6,000 Ft. 25/23.0 168 23/22.4 157 21/22.1 143 8,000 Ft. 25/21.7 165 23/21.7 158 21/21.6 144 10,000 Ft. 25/20.0 163 23/20.0 154 21/20.2 141 12,000 Ft. 25/18.3 161 23/18.4 150 21/18.5 Standard Conditions 134 Zero Wind See Page Four for the Complete Power Setting List. TWO This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual TWO Bonanza-A36 IFR Takeoff ONEIFR ONEIFR OUTSIDE PRE-FLIGHT 1. Normal Outside Pre-Flight plus IFR-Instrument Specifics 2. Pitot-Static System -- HEAT ON, Port Clear, No Blockage (Airspeed, Altimeter, VSI) 3. Antennas -- ADF, Transponder, Beacon, VOR, ELT, Comms, GPS (Secure) 4. Fuel -- Check NO WATER/CONTAMINATION, CORRECT COLOR, CAPS Secure 0 0 5. VOR Equipment Check/IFR Operations - Sec 91.171 = Check LOGBOOK [Ground +- 4 ] [Air +- 6 ] BEFORE STARTING 1. Seats -- POSITION AND LOCK Seat Backs -- UPRIGHT 2. Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses -- FASTEN 3. Parking Brake -- SET 4. All Avionics -- OFF 5. Circuit Breakers -- IN 6. Landing Gear Handle -- DOWN; Safety System - CHECK ( if installed ) 7. Flaps -- UP 8. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN 9. Light Switches -- Rotating Beacon -- ON; NAV, STROBE LIGHTS AS REQUIRED 10. Fuel Selector Valve -- CHECK DETENT OPERATION; Select Fullest Tank 11. Fuel Tip Crossfeed -- OFF 12. Master Battery & Alternator Switches --ON (If External Power is Used turn Alt. Sw. --OFF) 13. Electric Turn Coordinator -- GYRO ON, No Mechnical Noise/Grinding 14. Fuel Quantity Indicators ( Fuel Gages ) --CHECK QUANTITY STARTING ENGINE *** CAUTION *** Do not Engage Starter for More Than 30 Seconds in any 4 Minute Period. NOTE: During Hot Starts, The Auxiliary Fuel Pump Is Turning on Momentary After Starting to Purge System, Then Turn OFF. 1. Mixture -- FULL RICH 2. Propeller -- HIGH RPM 3. Throttle -- FULL OPEN 4. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- ON until FUEL FLOW PEAKS then OFF (Approximately 5 Secs) 5. Throttle -- APPROXIMATELY 3 TURNS OPEN 6. Propeller Area -- CLEAR 7. Magneto/Start Switch--START POSITION; release to on position when engine starts If Engine Has Been Overprimed, Mixture -- Idle Cut Off, Throttle -- Open, Magneto Start Switch NOTE: Start Position, As Engine Starts Reduce -- Throttle to Idle and Advance Mixture control to FULL RICH 8. Throttle -- 1000 ~1200 RPM 9. Oil Pressure -- CHECK (Min 30 PSI / Max 100 PSI) 9a. Ext. Power -- (if used)DISCONNECT 10. Ammeter -- CHECK for Charging 11. All Engine Gauges -- CHECK *** CAUTION *** The Ammeter Indication should be less than 25% of Full Charge at 1000 to 1200 RPM Within Two Minutes, With no Additional Electrical Equipment on. If Not, Turn off the Battery and Alt. Switches, DON'T TAKE OFF! AFTER STARTING - INSTRUMENT CHECK "6 Pack" 1. Airspeed Indicator -- ZERO, Needle at 12:00 within 5 Minutes 2. Attitude Indicator -- HORIZON BAR Erect within 5 Minutes, SET Miniature Airplane 3. Altimeter -- SET with ATIS, within 75 feet field elevation 4. Turn Cordinator -- WINGS LEVEL, BALL Centered, NO RED FLAG 5. Heading Indicator -- Set to match MAGNETIC COMPASS 6. Vertical Speed Indicator -- ZERO, Gently TAP, Not More than 100' Difference/Note Difference 7. Magnetic Compass -- NO LEAKS, FLUID NORMAL, NO BUBBLES/DIP, FREE FLOWING Movement 8. Digital Clock -- CLOCK Working ONEIFR This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual ONEIFR Bonanza-A36 N9365Q IFR Takeoff TWO IFR TWO IFR IFR TAXI CHECK 1. Brakes -- RELEASE AND CHECK, 2. Turn Coordinator -- ON TURNS, ATTITUDE INDICATOR -- Slight NOSE DOWN ( < 5 WINGS DIP In Direction of TURN, o ) BALL Move to Outside Turn 3. Magnetic Compass & Heading Indicator -- SHOULD AGREE-Numbers Smaller/Smaller or Larger/Larger *** CAUTION *** Do not Operate Engine Above 1200 RPM Until Oil Temperature Reaches 75*F BEFORE IFR TAKE-OFF 1. Seat Belts & Shoulder Harness -- CHECK All Seats Must Be in The Upright Position 2. Parking Brake -- SET 3. Radios -- CHECK 4. Engine Instruments -- CHECK 5. Flight Instruments -- CHECK AND SET CONT. 6. Ammeter -- CHECK; for stabilized indication between 0 & 25% of full charge @ 1000 to 1200 RPM 7. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- CHECK OFF 8. Throttle -- 1700 RPM 9. Propeller -- EXERCISE 8a. Vacuum Gauge -- 4.3 to 5.9 in HG to obtain approx. 300 to 400 RPM drop; 10. Magneto -- CHECK at 1700 RPM 11. Throttle -- LOW IDLE at 700 RPM 11. Trim Set return to high RPM ( RIGHT First , difference not to exceed 50 RPM, Max. drop 150 RPM) 11a. Auxillary Vacuum Gauge -- CHECK 4.3 to 5.9 in HG A) AILERON -- NEUTRAL B) ELEVATOR -- 3* (6* IF ONLY FRONT SEATS ARE OCCUPIED) 12. Flaps -- UP 13. Door and Window -- SECURED 14. Flight Controls -- CHECK FOR PROPER DIRECTION AND FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT 15. Mixture -- FULL RICH (or as required by field elevation) 16. Brakes -- RELEASED 17. Auto-Pilot -- CHECK AP TEST LIGHTS, AP Heading, AP NAV/Speaker, AP VS UP/DOWN 18. Instruments -- CHECK & SET (check Marker Beacon Lights, Nav, Marker Beacon, DME, ADF) 19. Pitot Heat -- ON (Anytime visible moisture or flying through clouds) Normal IFR TAKE-OFF 1. Power -- SET TAKE-OFF POWER ( Mixture - SET as Required by Field Elevation ) 2. Brakes -- RELEASE THEN ACCELERATE to Recommended Speeds NOTE: Prior to Rotation: Last Check ALL GREEN (final check of Manifold Pressure, Fuel Flow, and RPM) 3. Landing Gear -- RETRACT (when Positive rate of climb is established and insufficient runway remains for landing.) Normal IFR CLIMB NOTE: Maximum Continuous-- Full Throttle, 2700 RPM (Not more than 2 minutes) Cruise Climb -- 25 in. Hg (or full throttle) 2500 RPM 1. Engine Temperatures - MONITOR 2. Power -- SET AS DESIRED 3. Mixture -- SET FUEL FLOW Normal IFR CRUISE 1. Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED 2. Power -- SET 3. Mixture -- SET FUEL FLOW POWER SETTINGS Quick 75% POWER 65% POWER 55% POWER Cruise Altitude RPM/MP KTAS RPM/MP KTAS RPM/MP KTAS Info 4,000 Ft. 25/23.5 166 23/22.9 154 21/22.6 141 6,000 Ft. 25/23.0 168 23/22.4 157 21/22.1 143 8,000 Ft. 25/21.7 165 23/21.7 158 21/21.6 144 10,000 Ft. 25/20.0 163 23/20.0 154 21/20.2 141 12,000 Ft. 25/18.3 161 23/18.4 150 21/18.5 Standard Conditions 134 Zero Wind See Page Four for the Complete Power Setting List. TWO IFR This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual TWO IFR THREE Beechcraft A36 Landing Procedures THREE Descent 1. Altimeter -- SET Use Local ATIS/ASOS or Local Weather 2. Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED 3. Power -- AS REQUIRED Avoid Prolong Idle Settings and Low Cylinder Head Temperatures. 4. Mixture -- ENRICH AS REQUIRED Before Landing - GUMPS 1. Seats, Belts, Harness -- ADJUST and LOCK NOTE: All Reclining Seats Must be in the Upright Position During Landing. 2. Fuel Selector Valve -- SELECT THE TANK WITH THE MOST FUEL 3. Cowl Flaps -- AS REQUIRED 4. Mixture -- FULL RICH (Or as Required for Field Elevation) 5. Landing Gear -- DOWN & CHECK --- 3 GREEN (Observe Max. Extension Speed).VLE = 153 kts/176 mph 6. Landing and Taxi Lights -- AS REQUIRED 7. Flaps -- DOWN (Observe Maximum Extension Speed).VFE = 123 kts/141 mph 8. Establish Landing Approach Speed --90 kts / 104 mph 9. Propeller -- High RPM Normal Landing - GUMPS 1. Airspeed -- 90 kts - 104 mph ( With Flaps and Gear Down ) 2. Wing Flaps -- LOWERED 4. Trim -- ADJUST 5. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST 6. Landing Roll -- LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY 7. Braking -- MINIMUM REQUIRED Balked Landing 1. Power -- FULL THROTTLE and 2700 RPM 2. Airspeed -- 76 kts / 87 mph Until Clear of Objects, Then Trim to Normal Climb Speed 3. Wing Flaps -- UP 4. Landing Gear -- UP 5. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN After Landing 1. Landing and Taxi Lights -- AS REQUIRED 2. Wing Flaps -- UP 3. Trim Tab -- SET TO "U" 4. Cowl Flaps -- OPEN Shutdown 1. Parking Brake -- SET 2. Avionics Power Switch - Electrical Equipment -- OFF 3. Throttle -- CLOSE 4. Mixture -- IDLE CUT OFF 5. Ignition Switch -- OFF (pull full out) After Engine Stops 6. Master Switch -- OFF 7. Control Lock -- INSTALL 8. Install Wheel Chocks & Release Brakes (if left unattended) THREE This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual THREE Beechcraft A36 Airspeed Limitations FOUR VA VNO VNE VFE VLO VS1 VR VX VY Design Speeds Maneuvering Speed Max. Structural Cruising Speed Never Exceed Speed Max. Flaps Extend Speed Maximum Landing Gear Operation Stalling Speed Rotation Speed Best Angle-of-Climb Best Rate-of-Climb KIAS/MPH 140 / 161 166 / 191 204 / 235 123 / 142 153 / 176 56 / 64 70 / 81 78 / 90 96 / 110 FOUR No Abrupt Movements In Smooth Air Only Never Exceed in Any Operation 0 Do Not Extend Flaps (20-30 ) Above this Speed Do not operate landing gear above this speed Speed at which the Airplane Stalls Speed at which the Airplane Lifts Off Delivers Gain in Altitude in Shortest Distance Delivers Gain in Altitude in Shortest Time AIRSPEED INDICATOR MARKINGS MARKING White Arc KIAS/MPH Range 56 - 123 64 - 142 Description Full Flap Operating Range. Lower Limit is Max. Weight VSO in landing configuration. Upper Limit Max. w/Flaps Extended White Triangle Green Arc 153 62-166 176 62-166 Yellow Arc 166-204 166-204 204 204 Maximum Speed for Approach Flaps 10 Degrees Only Normal Operating Range. Lower Limit is Max. Weight VS at forward CG. Upper limit Is Maximum Structural Cruising Speed Operation must be conducted with CAUTION and only in SMOOTH air Red Line Maximum Speed for ALL operations. NORMAL CRUISE POWER SETTINGS Pressure Alt. ISA-36ºF STANDARD ISA+36ºF ISA-36ºF STANDARD 75%Power GPH GPH GPH 75%Power GPH GPH ISA+36ºF GPH 2500 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 2500 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 1000 ft. 23.6/15.3/158 24.3/15.2/161 24.8/15.2/164 7000 ft. 22.0/15.2/166 22.6/14.9/168 22.6/14.4/168 2000 ft. 23.4/15.2/160 24.1/15.2/162 24.6/15.2/165 8000 ft. 21.7/15.0/166 21.7/14.5/166 21.7/14.0/166 3000 ft. 23.1/15.2/160 23.8/15.2/164 24.3/15.2/167 9000 ft. 20.8/14.4/164 20.9/14.0/168 20.8/13.8/165 4000 ft. 22.8/15.2/162 23.5/15.2/166 24.0/15.2/168 10000 ft. 20.0/13.9/163 20.0/13.6/163 20.0/13.0/163 5000 ft. 22.5/15.2/163 23.2/15.2/166 23.7/15.1/169 11000 ft. 19.2/13.2/162 19.2/13.1/162 19.2/12.7/161 6000 ft. 22.2/15.2/164 23.0/15.2/168 23.5/15.0/169 12000 ft. 16.3/13.1/161 18.3/12.7/161 18.3/12.7/161 65%Power GPH GPH GPH 65%Power GPH GPH GPH 2300 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 2300 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 1000 ft. 23.1/13.3/148 23.6/13.3/151 24.2/13.3/153 7000 ft. 21.5/13.3/155 22.1/13.3/157 22.6/13.2/159 2000 ft. 22.8/13.3/149 23.4/13.3/152 24.0/13.3/155 8000 ft. 21.3/13.3/156 21.7/13.2/156 21.7/12.8/157 3000 ft. 22.5/13.3/150 23.1/13.3/153 23.7/13.3/156 9000 ft. 20.9/13.1/156 20.9/12.7/156 20.9/12.3/155 4000 ft. 22.3/13.3/152 22.9/13.3/154 23.5/13.3/157 10000 ft. 20.0/12.7/154 20.0/12.3/154 20.0/11.9/152 5000 ft. 22.0/13.3/153 22.6/13.3/155 23.2/13.3/158 11000 ft. 19.2/12.3/153 19.2/11.9/152 19.2/11.5/150 6000 ft. 21.8/13.3/154 22.4/13.3/157 23.0/13.3/159 12000 ft. 18.4/11.9/151 18.4/11.5/150 18.4/11.1/147 55%Power GPH GPH GPH 55%Power GPH GPH GPH 2100 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 2100 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 1000 ft. 22.8/11.5/137 23.3/11.5/139 24.0/11.5/141 7000 ft. 21.3/11.5/142 21.9/11.5/143 22.5/11.5/144 2000 ft. 22.5/11.5/136 23.1/11.5/140 23.7/11.5/142 8000 ft. 21.1/11.5/142 21.6/11.5/144 21.9/11.3/143 3000 ft. 22.3/11.5/139 22.9/11.5/141 23.5/11.5/142 9000 ft. 20.9/11.5/143 21.0/11.3/143 21.0/10.9/140 4000 ft. 22.1/11.5/139 22.6/11.5/141 23.2/11.5/143 10000 ft. 20.1/11.3/142 20.2/11.0/141 20.1/10.6/137 5000 ft. 21.8/11.5/140 22.4/11.5/142 23.0/11.5/143 11000 ft. 19.3/11.0/140 19.3/10.7/136 19.3/10.3/133 6000 ft. 21.6/11.5/141 22.1/11.5/143 22.7/11.5/144 12000 ft. 18.5/10.7/138 18.5/10.3/134 18.5/10.0/127 45%Power GPH GPH GPH 45%Power GPH GPH GPH 2100 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 2100 RPM MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS MP ^ KTS 1000 ft. 20.1/9.6/123 20.5/9.6/125 20.9/9.6/126 7000 ft. 18.2/9.6/126 18.7/9.6/127 19.1/9.6/127 2000 ft. 19.8/9.6/124 20.2/9.6/125 20.6/9.6/126 8000 ft. 17.9/9.6/127 18.4/9.6/127 18.8/9.6/126 18.5/9.6/125 3000 ft. 19.4/9.6/124 19.9/9.6/126 20.3/9.6/127 9000 ft. 17.6/9.6/127 18.1/9.6/127 4000 ft. 19.1/9.6/125 19.6/9.6/126 20.0/9.6/127 10000 ft. 17.3/9.6/127 17.8/9.6/126 18.2/9.6/124 5000 ft. 18.8/9.6/125 19.3/9.6/127 19.7/9.6/127 11000 ft. 17.0/9.6/127 17.4/9.6/125 17.9/9.6/122 6000 ft. 18.5/9.6/126 19.0/9.6/127 19.4/9.6/127 12000 ft. 16.7/9.6/127 17.1/9.6/124 17.6/9.6/118 FOUR This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual FOUR FIVE Beechcraft A36 Emergency Procedures FIVE ENGINE FAILURE - DURING TAKEOFF ROLL 1. Throttle -- CLOSED ABORT TAKEOFF 2. Braking -- MAXIMUM 3. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF 4. Battery and Alternator Switches --OFF ENGINE FAILURE - AFTER LIFTOFF IN FLIGHT NOTE: Landing Straight Ahead is usually advisable. If sufficient altitude is available for maneuvering, accomplish the following procedure: 1. Fuel Selector Valve -- SELECT OTHER TANK (Feel for Detent) 2. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- ON 3. Mixture -- FULL RICH, then LEAN AS REQUIRED 4. Magnetos -- CHECK LEFT, RIGHT, THEN BOTH NOTE: The most probable cause of engine failure would be loss of FUEL FLOW or Improper Functioning of the ignition system. NOTE: If No Restart: 1. SELECT Most Favorable LANDING SITE. 2. The use of LANDING GEAR is dependent on the terrain where landing must be made. ENGINE CHECKS - ROUGH RUNNING ENGINE 1. Mixture -- FULL RICH, then LEAN as required 2. Magneto/Start Switch -- "BOTH" Position (Check to Verify) ENGINE CHECKS - LOSS OF ENGINE POWER 1. Fuel Flow Gauge -- CHECK NOTE: If fuel flow is abnormally low: A) Mixture -- FULL RICH B) Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- ON (then OFF if Performance does not improve in a few moments) 2. Fuel Quantity Indicator -- CHECK for fuel supply in tank being used NOTE: If fuel tank being used is empty: A) Fuel Tank Selector Valve -- SELECT OTHER FUEL TANK (feel for detent) ENGINE - AIR START PROCEDURE 1. Fuel Selector Valve -- SELECT TANK MORE NEARLY FULL (feel for detent) 2. Throttle -- RETARD 3. Mixture Control -- FULL RICH 4. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -- ON until power is regained, then OFF (Leave ON if Engine Driven Fuel Pump is inoperative) 5. Throttle -- ADVANCE to desired power 6. Mixture -- LEAN as required EMERGENCY DESCENT 1. Power -- IDLE (1300 rpm) 2. Propeller -- HIGH RPM (2500 rpm) 3. Landing Gear -- DOWN 4. Airpeed -- ESTABLISH 153 KIAS/176 MPH MAXIMUM GLIDE CONFIGURATION 1. Landing Gear -- UP 2. Flaps -- UP 3. Cowl Flaps -- CLOSED 4. Propeller -- PULL for LOW RPM 5. Airspeed -- GLIDE 110 KIAS/126 MPH NOTE: Glide distance is approximately 1.7 nautical miles (2 statute miles), per 1000 feet of altitude above the terrain. FIVE This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual FIVE SIX Beechcraft A36 Emergency Procedures SIX LANDING WITHOUT POWER NOTE: When assured of reaching the landing site selected, and on Final Approach: 1. Airspeed -- ESTABLISH 76 TO 81 KTS 2. Fuel Selctor Valve -- OFF 3. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 4. Magneto/Start Switch -- OFF 5. Flaps -- AS REQUIRED 6. Landing Gear -- DOWN or UP (Depending on Terrain) 7. Battery and Alternator Switches --OFF LANDING GEAR RETRACTED - WITH POWER NOTE: If possible, choose firm sod or foamed runway. Make a normal approach, using flaps as necessary. When sure of reaching the selected landing spot: 1. Throttle -- CLOSED 2. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF 3. Battery, Alternator and Magneto/Start Switches --OFF 4. Fuel Selctor Valve -- OFF 5. Keep Wings Level During Touchdown 6. Get Clear of Airplane as soon as possible after it stops SYSTEMS EMERGENCIES - PROPELLER OVERSPEED 1. Throttle -- RETARD TO RED LINE 2. Airspeed -- REDUCE 3. Oil Pressure -- CHECK NOTE: If loss of oil pressure was the cause of overspeed, the engine will seize after a short period of operation 4. Land -- SELECT NEAREST SUITABLE SITE and follow LANDING EMERGENCIES procedure. NOTE: An inoperative alternator will place the entire electrical operation of the airplane except engine SYSTEMS EMERGENCIES - ALTERNATOR-OUT ignition on the battery. An alternator failure will be indicated by the illumination of the ALT OUT warning light, located on the instrument panel below the flight instruments. The warning light will not illuminate until the alternator output is almost zero. A verification of alternator malfunction would be a discharge shown on the ammeter. There is no indication of overvoltage except that the warning light will illuminate as though the alternator is out. ALTERNATOR WARNING LIGHT ILLUMINATED 1. Verify Alternator Out with Ammeter --AMMETER WILL SHOW DISCHARGE NOTE: If the ammeter does not show a discharge, a malfunction in the Warning Light System is indicated, and the Alternator Switch should be left ON. 2. If Ammeter Shows a Discharge: ALTERNATOR SWITCH -- OFF MOMENTARILY, THEN ON (this resets the overvoltage relay) If the warning light does not illuminate, continue to use the Alternator. 3. If the Warning Light Illuminates, Alternator Switch -- OFF 4. Nonessential Electricl Equipment -- OFF to conserve battery power UNLATCHED DOOR IN FLIGHT NOTE: If the cabin door is not locked it may unlatch in flight. This may occur during or just after takeoff. The door will trail open approximately 3 inches but the flight characteristics of the airplane will not be affected, except the rate of climb will be reduced. 1. Unlatched Door in Flight -- Cabin Door Panel Annuciator will ILLUMINATE 2. Door trail open -- RETURN TO FIELD in a NORMAL MANNER 3. During Landing flare-out -- Have Passenger HOLD DOOR to PREVENT it SWINGING OPEN 4. Once Landed -- Passenger CLOSE DOOR/LATCH LOCKED 5. Pilot Cross-check -- Cabin Door Panel Annuciator OFF SIX This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual SIX Beechcraft A36 Emergency Procedures SEVEN SEVEN LANDING GEAR - MANUAL EXTENSION NOTE: Manual extension of the landing gear is facilitated by first reducing speed, then proceed as follows: 1. Landing Gear Motor -- CIRCUIT BREAKER OFF (pull-out, Right Subpanel) 2. Landing Gear Switch Handle -- DOWN Position 3. Handcrank Handle Cover -- REMOVE (at rear of front seats) 4. Gear Handcrank -- ENGAGE and TURN COUNTERCLOCKWISE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE (approximately 50 turns) 5. If Electrical Sys Operative -- CHECK LANDING GEAR POSITION LIGHTS AND WARNING HORN (check LANDING GEAR RELAY circuit breaker engaged) 6. Handcrank -- DISENGAGE. (Always keep it stowed when not is use) CAUTION: The manual gear extension system is designed to lower the landing gear only. NOTE: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RETRACT THE GEAR MANUALLY. LANDING GEAR WARNING Do not operate the Landing Gear electrically with the handcrank engaged as damage to the mechanism could occur. After emergency landing gear extension, do not move any landing gear controls or reset any switches or circuit breakers until the airplane is on jacks as failure may have been in the gear up circuit and gear might retract on the ground. LANDING GEAR - RETRACTION AFTER PRACTICE EXT. NOTE: After practice manual extension of the landing gear - gear can only be retracted etectrically, as follows: 1. Handcrank -- CHECK, STOWED 2. Landing Gear Motor Circuit Breaker -- IN (right Subpanel) 3. Landing Gear Switch Handle -- UP (gear up red-light) INDUCTION SYSTEM BLOCKAGE NOTE: An alternate induction air door, spring-loaded to the closed position, is located downstream from the induction air filter. If the induction air filter becomes blocked (e.g., ice, etc.), the differential air pressure normally opens the alternate induction air door to provide induction air from the bottom of the engine compartment. If the alternate induction air door becomes stuck in the closed position, it can be opened by pulling and releasing the T-HANDLE located directly below the Propeller Control Knob. This T-HANDLE is placarded: ALTERNATE AIR PULL AND RELEASE EMERGENCY STATIC AIR SOURCE SYSTEM NOTE: THE EMERGENCY STATIC AIR SOURCE SHOULD BE USED FOR CONDITIONS WHERE THE NORMAL STATIC SOURCE HAS BEEN OBSTRUCTED. When the airplane has been exposed to moisture and/or icing conditions especially on the ground, the possibility of obstructed static ports should be considered. Partial obstruction will result in the rate of climb indication being sluggish during a climb or descent. Verification of suspected obstruction is possible by switching to the emergency system and noting a sudden sustained change in rate of climb. This may be accompanied by abnormal indicated airspeed and altitude changes beyond normal calibration differences. NOTE: Whenever any obstruction exists in the Normal Static Air System or the Emergency Static Air System is desired for use: 1. Pilot's Emergency Static Air Source -- Switch to ON EMERGENCY NOTE: 2. For Airspeed Calibration and Altimeter Correction --REFER to PERFROMANCE Section in POH The Emergency Static Air Valve - in the NORMAL position when the system is not in use or needed. SPINS WARNING: Spins are prohibited. Immediately move the Apply If a SPIN is entered inadvertently: Control Column FULL FORWARD and simultaneously FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE the Continue to hold this control position until NEUTRALIZE ALL CONTROLS AILERONS should be SEVEN Direction of the SPIN. ROTATION STOPS and execute a NEUTRAL and and then Smooth PULLOUT. THROTTLE in IDLE Position at all times during recovery. This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual SEVEN EIGHT Beechcraft A36 NOTES EIGHT HOLDING PATTERNS NOTE: If your not flying a published holding pattern, your holding instructions from the controller will always tell you three key things: 1. The FIX to HOLD AT (Standard Holding Pattern Circuit ~ 3 Minutes) 2. The DIRECTION of HOLDING including Radial or Airway 3. The Time - called the EFC, or EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE TIME to get further ATC instructions 4. The ALTITUDE to MAINTAIN, if different from current altitude 5. The DIRECTION of TURNS -- Assumed STANDARD RIGHT Unless otherwise instructed 6. The LEG LENGTH in miles if asked for distance instead of time NOTE: Begin Timer: Abeam the Station or Wings Level NOTE: Procedure Turn Review: Common form of Course Reversal , make turn on side of course shown PROCEDURE TURN REVIEW by barbed arrow to stay in protected airspace. (Turn Away From Barb) Standard Procedure Turn: 450 - 1800 - 450 1. Fly 2 minutes out -- Execute 450 Turn to Protected Side 2. Fly 1 minutes out -- Execute 1800 Turn back towards course 3. As needle nears approach heading -- Turn 450 to intercept final approach course Tear-Drop Procedure Turn: 300 - 2100 to Intercept 1. Fly 2 minutes out -- Execute 300 Turn to Protected Side 2. Fly 1 minutes out -- Execute 2100 Turn to intercept course Holding Pattern in lieu of Procedure Turn: 1. The holding pattern is completed when aircraft is established on the inbound course Radial Help Reciprocal Help 360 010 020 030 040 050 060 070 080 090 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 800 Procedure Turn: 800-Then 2600 1. Fly 2 minutes out -- Execute 800 Turn to Protected Side 2. Fly 1 minutes out -- Execute 2600 Turn back to intercept approach course NoPT = No Procedure Turn required EIGHT This Check List is not to be used as a Substitution for the Owners Manual EIGHT