NAZARBAYEV INTELLECTUAL SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY, KYZYLORDA Considered in department meeting Conform: Minutes № _________________from Vice-Principal of Academics __________ Zhumatay B.___________ «____» _____________ 2020 «____» ________2020 Conceptual-thematic plan for 2020-2021 academic year Subject: Global Perspectives and Project Work Grade: 11 Teacher: Confirm: School Principal ._____________ Term 1 LO Skill 11CT1.1 explain that different people and groups may have different perspectives on global issues CT Concept Context Change Tools to unpack and develop the skills of CT Curricula - brief summary Introduction What is GP? Assessments Plagiarism Sustainable LO’s Development Four Strands Goals (CT, COM, RES, REF) Seven Lenses What is GP? Concept? Global Issues Global/National/Local -personal COM 11CT1.2 identify, describe and compare critically perspectives on global issues Creating a research question 11RES1.1 use secondary research to analyse1 different perspectives Primary / secondary methods 1 Global Issue – selected by the learner Explore a chosen concept/topic (5W’s + H) – Goal 13: Climate Change Global Issue – selected by the learner Create and ask questions What is argument? Class discussion -discussing perspectives Introducing an argument Research questions To examine the details of something carefully, in order to understand and/ or explain it Activity Resources Time Week 1 SDG’s Discussion Concept maps 17 Sustainable Development Goals Presentation Link into SDG presentation Given Sustainable goal SDG Week 2 and 3 11RES1.2 identify a research question to explore a global issue Analyses of differences of research methods RES1.3 Describing personal perspectives 11REF1.1 describe a personal perspective on global issues and how it evolved Giving reasons and justifications ( ) 11REF1.2 give reasons with evidence to justify personal perspectives Present evidence supporting evidence 11CO1.1 select information and evidence that is relevant to an argument or issue Clearly Mini research Identify types of Research Methods Primary/Secondary – Change in Technology Credibility (RAVEN) How to agree /disagree Work on 2 texts with global concept to understand primary/secondary sources Share their perspectives Write a paragraph how their perspective changed The 7 steps Week 4 Class Reflection / FA Identify cause and congestion Changes in Kazakhstan Before video read an argument Prepare a research report (PPT) on a chosen concept/topic Causes of the problem Consequences Local, national, globally perspectives Possible solutions Presentation Week 5 and 6 Portfolio – Summative Assessment Week 7 II Term LO Skill Concept Context Curricula - brief summary Activity CT2.1 analyse the structure by identifying the main components of arguments, claims, reasons and conclusions CT Urbanisatio n Migration Urbanisation on life in a city. (Use the seven lenses - culture, economics, environment, ethics, politics, science and technology) Discussion Moveme nt Tools to unpack CT skills CO M Identifying pros and cons of migration to cities. Seven Lenses What is GP? Concept? Global Issues Global/National/Local -personal REF2 evaluate alternative perspectives 11CT2.2 identify and describe patterns in data and generalize 11RES2.1 gather, record and Refl ectio n CT Rese arch Resources Time http://www.un. Week 1 org/ en/globalissues / Explore a chosen concept/topic (5W’s + H) Create and ask questions What is argument? 17 Sustainability Development Goals Presentation Link into SDG presentation Given Sustainable goal Week 2 and 3 European Migrant Crisis Activity Explore a chosen concept/topic (5W’s + H) Identify types of Research Methods Primary/Secondary Analyses of a TEDTALK, TedTalk Week 4 analyse evidence from primary and secondary sources 11RES2.2 gather, record and analyse evidence using primary or secondary research 11RES2.3 explain the difference between primary and secondary evidence Credibility Research Creating own Research Topic/Question conference speech, interview, pictures/ movie, government or other organizations charts, graphs, any data ● identifying the general research questions ● identifying a sample population and then selecting the sample itself ● gaining access and permission to do the interviews with the chosen sample ● designing the two types of interview schedule ● organising the time and place of the interviews ● conducting the interviews and recording the results (paper, electronic) ● analysing the results deciding how the research outcomes and conclusions will be presented Sampling Week 5 and 6 Collecting and evaluating primary data (an interview) - primary source. 11CO2.1 present evidence using a range of suitable media and reasons supporting perspectives on global issues CO M Work on 2 texts with global concept to Debate understand primary/secondary sources Class discussion 11CO2.2 present global perspectives with clarity using different forms of media Describing personal perspectives Arguments “for” and “against” with supporting evidence ● Homework should be banned.” ● “Poverty is harmful.” ● “That United Nations should change how they do things.” Week 7 Internet Resources Share their perspectives/Portfolio Class Reflection / FA Portfolio – Summative Assessment Week 8 Term 3 LO Skill Concept CT3.1 identify strengths and CT Commun ication Context Curricula - brief summary Activity Language What is communication? How we communicate? Discussion Resources Time Week 1 weaknesses and the different influences in arguments 11CT3.2 evaluate the relevance of the reasons and evidence for an argument (the degree of fit between the evidence and the claim it supports) 11CT3.3 identify gaps in an argument in the forms of unstated assumptions, values and missing evidence 11RES3.1 explain the influences on selection, presentation and interpretation of evidence 11CO3.1 develop and present a structured argument that Tools to unpack and develop the skills of CT CO M CT What is language? Question-Answer Social Networking Designing an app The power of friends Negative Effects of social media Infographic Conflict Social media CT What will happen in the future? Writing a short paragraph Project proposal Bubble diagram Writing introduction 1st level questions 2nd level questions Choosing and creating questions Aim Writing goals Context Research and write context section Method Primary and secondary research Week 2 and 3 Primary and secondary resources Week 4 Internet resources Primary and secondary resources Week 5 Project work RES Internet SDG Week 6-7 Week 8-9 is supported with reasons and evidence 11CO3.2 reach conclusions that are generally related to CO reasoning and evidence 11CO3.3 cite sources and arrange a reference list appropriately 11RES3.2 identify and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of different types of primary and secondary evidence 11REF3.1 discuss how personal experience and background have shaped personal perspectives 11RES3.3 demonstrate triangulation in research 11RES3.2 identify and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of different types of primary and RES REF RES RES Collect quantitative and qualitative data Writing reflection on the project secondary evidence2 REF 11 REF3.2 explain and evaluate how another point of view has influenced a personal point of view Portfolio – Summative Assessment Week 10 Term 4 Learning Objectives 11RES 4.1 evaluate strengths and weaknesses of sources Skill Concept Rese Systems arch Context Trade and Aid Curricula - brief summary Results section of the research paper Urbanisatio n 11RES 4.2 identify and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of evidence related to sampling, representativeness and amount of evidence Transport and infrastructur e Critical Friend technique Tradition, culture and identity Law and Criminality 2 Activity • Summarise findings; • Give different points of view; • Answer research questions; • Make reference to the reliability of data. • Look through research material and read research questions; • Summarise for the listener the key points – what are the most important things that has been Resources Primary and secondary resources Time Week 1-Week 2 Internet resources Identifying strengths and weaknesses of evidence implies understanding the difference between quantitative and qualitative data. It also suggests that there are possible limitations of evidence (weakness) for drawing conclusions Disease and health Conflict and Peace Climate Change Biodiversity and Ecosystem loss 11REF4.1 explain how research has influenced personal perspectives Refl ectio n Belief Systems Conclusion section of the research paper Humans and other Species Family and demographi c change 11REF4.2 identify further research area (suggesting improvements) Fuel and Energy Employmen t Education Evaluation section of the research paper found out? • What could/ would/ should be changed, added or amended? • Record the key points/ findings from the research • Have the research questions been answered? • Make a list of changes or additions that need to be made. • Explain that there are different opinions about a project topic. • Give opinion and use the evidence that has been collected to support this. • Provide some suggestions for the future • Evaluate strengths and weaknesses of sources • Evaluate credibility of sources arising from authorship – Week 3-Week 5 Technology and the economic divide Sport and recreation Poverty and Inequality Language and communicat ion 11REF 4.3 identify and reflect on possible further application of research 11СТ4.1 identify and evaluate implication/consequence Criti cal Thin king Water, food and agriculture Further Research section of the research paper authority, reputation, expertise, ability to see • Explain how research has influenced a personal perspective • Develop and present a structured argument that is supported with reasons and evidence • Reach conclusions that are generally related to reasoning and evidence • Briefly describe several suggestions for further research carefully related to the outcomes of the research, perhaps exploring unexpected results or new questions that have arisen. • Ways to improve the confidence of conclusions or generalisation from Week 6 of an argument or claim Bibliography section of the research paper 11CO4.2 cite sources and arrange an extensive reference list Com mun icati on 11CO4.1 use a range of relevant sources to support arguments 11СТ4.2 evaluate that consequences may vary in significance to different individuals and groups Appendices section of the research paper PechaKucha project Criti cal Thin king the research are also possible. • Some indication of the purpose or implications of the further research for the understanding of the global issue should be stated. • List references and sources should follow the APA convention. • Provide exemplars of research, survey, interview questions and summaries of data analysis. • Storyboard slides and talking points before starting looking for imagery. • Practice presentation several times before presenting • Present PechaKucha projects Week 7 Week 8-Week 9