SETTING DIRECTION: Vision and Mission “ One day, all children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain an excellent education ▸ Vision Statement of Teach for America 2 1 Vision Vision ▸ Explains where you want to be at a point in the future. ▸ A dream or special accomplishment you have to attain. ▸ Could also be how you want others to view you. 4 The purpose of a Vision Statement: A Vision Statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to become. It gives the company direction. It is about what you or your company wants to become or aspire for. 5 Vision in the workplace How can we create an effective Vision as school leaders? What are the things we need to consider? 6 What questions can we formulate to create a good vision statement? What are your What problem/s hopes and dreams are we solving for for yourself or your the greater good? school? Who and what are we inspiring to change? 7 The purpose of a Vision Statement: A Vision Statement focuses on tomorrow and what the organization wants to become. It gives the company direction. It is about what you or your company wants to become or aspire for. 8 9 MISSION Mission: ▸ Describes how you or your company is going to accomplish its vision. ▸ Usually these are steps that you need to take to reach your vision. 11 Mission in the workplace What makes up effective Mission Statements? What are the things we need to consider to make sure our Mission works? 12 The purpose of a Mission Statement: It is a concise explanation of the organization’s reason for existence. It describes the organization’s purpose and its overall intention. It supports the vision and serves to communicate purpose and direction to stakeholders 13 14 Why create effective Vision and Mission Statements? 15 “ Vision and Mission Statements let other individuals and organizations have a snapshot view of you or the organization. 16 They are helpful in having those involved become focused and bound together in common purpose. They serve as a constant reminder of what is important, helps make decivions and develop a direction as we set goals and objectives. 17 1 It is important to remember that developing these is a huge step. That is why it is important to know how to use it as well. Steps in writing effective Mission Statements: Develop your winning idea or goals. These help make your organization stand out from other competitors. Clarify your goal. It helps to make a short list of the most important measures of success for this idea. Goals must be S – Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T – Time bound 19 Steps in writing effective Vision Statements Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Find the Human Value in your work Distill into Values that are engaging and uplifting Write timeless and easy to understand Visions. 20 Extra resources Illustrations created by Sergei Tikhonov. Free illustrations published under the MIT License. You can use them for personal and commercial projects, without the need to include attribution. See license. 21 Extra resources Illustrations created by Sergei Tikhonov. Free illustrations published under the MIT License. You can use them for personal and commercial projects, without the need to include attribution. See license. 22