Uploaded by Marianne Hughes

Dubai Geography Project: 5 Themes of Geography

Project Prompt
Dubai, Oil
In this project, you will use the 5 themes of geography to analyze Dubai. We can treat Dubai as a sort of
microcosm of South Western Asian geography because of the influence of oil.
Your project should include:
10 slides – including the title slide, works cited slide
1 visual per slide (2 slides can be only visuals, if needed)
Here are some questions to help guide your slides:
-Physical Geography of Dubai—what does it look like? Is there water nearby? Why might have people
settled there?
-History of Dubai
-Human/Political geography of Dubai—what is it next to? What does its population look like? What
religion(s) exist there? Life expectancy? Government?
-Economic Geography—focus on oil, corruption, economic disparity, what are the rich people like
-Cultural Geography—how the rich and the poor interact with each other, how religion dictates their
lives, arts, traditions, does dubai share cultural beliefs with other cities in the region?
World Geography textbook
Google (make sure the sources are reliable)
Online libraries
Travel brochures (what do hotels say about the region)
Etc., Etc.
Due Date: 4/15/19