Uploaded by Megan Thaler

Metric Vacation Planning Worksheet: Math & Conversions

Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: __________ Period: _______
Plan a Metric Vacation
You will need an Internet connection to do some consumer research on the web. Planning a vacation may not be
something you need to worry about due to your age, but it is something that may become common in your later life.
We can practice this and work on your Metric/English conversions at the same time. Follow the steps below. In this
activity, we will pretend that money is not an issue.
You and your friend are going to plan a Metric vacation to a destination of your choice. Money is no object,
so enjoy and be creative.
General Details
1. Decide on a location to travel inside the continental United States.
a. City: _________________________
2. Decide on the make/model of the automobile that you plan to drive on this road trip. Attach a picture
(optional) of your vehicle in the space below.
a. Make/Model: ________________________
3. Go to Hotels.com and find a hotel room for 2 people that you wish to stay at inside your destination city. You
plan to stay three nights (October 1st-3rd) and check out from the hotel on October 4th.
a. Name of hotel: ________________________
b. Price per night: ________________________
c. Total price for all three nights: ____________
Travel Distance
4. Using Yahoo Maps or Google Maps (or some other website), find the distance from our school to the hotel of
your choice. You may need to find the addresses of these two locations.
a. Miles from school to hotel: _________________________
b. Miles from hotel to school: _________________________
c. Total round trip distance (miles): ____________________________
Automobile Details
5. Go to Yahoo.com and click “Autos” to research the vehicle that you plan to drive. You will need to know how
many miles/gallon (mpg) you can expect while driving on the highway.
a. Estimated highway gas mileage per gallon (mpg) of your vehicle: _____________________________
b. Find the fuel capacity of your vehicle. This number will be given in gallons. Look under the “technical
specs” and then look under “volume/capacity”. _________________________
c. Calculate how far your vehicle can travel on 1 tank of gasoline? Be sure to round to one decimal
point. _________________________
6. According to the American Auto Association (AAA) the average price per gallon of regular gasoline is about
$2.60. Calculate the amount of money it will cost to fill up your gas tank if it were empty.
a. Cost of 1 tank of gas: _______________________
7. Using your answer from 4c and 5c, calculate the following.
a. How many times will you need to fill up your gas tank (round trip)? Be sure to round to one decimal
point. ___________________________
b. How much will it cost you to fill up your gas tank this many times? ____________________________
8. Research the city you plan to visit and find 1 form of entertainment that is unique to that city. This means
that you cannot simply go see a movie at the local theatre because you can do that anywhere.
a. Name of entertainment event: ________________________________________________________
b. Price of admission for two people: _____________________________________________________
Total price
9. Total price of this road trip (lodging + gasoline + entertainment)? ____________________________________
Metric Conversions
10. Metric Gasoline tank
a. How many gallons of gas can fit in your gas tank? (Just rewrite your answer from 5B) _____________
b. Convert your answer above into liters. How many liters of gasoline can fit inside your gas tank? Be
sure to show your work in the space below. (3.8 L = 1 gallon)
11. Metric Distance traveled
a. How many miles (round trip) is your planned road trip? (Just rewrite your answer from 4C.) ________
b. Convert your answer above into kilometers. How many kilometers is your planned road trip? Be sure
to show your work in the space below. (1.6km = 1 mile)