I nt er nat i onalJ our nalof Me c ha ni c a l E ng i ne e r i ngRe s e a r c ha ndT e c hnol og y I S S N2454535X Vol . 2, No. 1, F e br ua r y2016 www. i j me r t . n e t E ma i l I D:i nf o. i j mer t @g ma i l . c om oredi t or @i j mer t . net Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 ISSN 2454 – 535X www.ijmert.com Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2016 © 2016 IJMERT. All Rights Reserved Research Paper ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF ISOTHERMAL FATIGUE IN SOLID CYLINDER M A Nasser1,2* and S T Hasan1 *Corresponding Author: M A Nasser, maaltememy69@yahoo.com empirical isothermal fatigue modeling produced for solid cylindrical subjected to constant temperatures superimposed with sinusoidal mechanical load applied to the cylinder at different levels, based on the experimental mechanical properties and boundary conditions. Linear equations are developed to describe the severity of the temperature gradient, thermal stresses, and stress and strain intensity factors through the solid cylinder wall with time. Results shown the effects of the temperature explained by the von-Mises thermal stresses increases with increase in temperature, the high stress at 400 °C, due to hardness increased of the material indicated by high modulus of elasticity. The mechanical stress is more effectively than thermal loading and the stress intensity factor decrease with temperature, except at 400 °C, due to the increases of both thermal and mechanical stresses give raise the highest values, and the strain intensity factor calculation is bonded between the 500 °C and 400 °C temperature, influenced by the modulus of elasticity of the material at that temperature. Keywords: Isothermal fatigue, Solid cylinder, von-Mises thermal stress, Analytical solution INTRODUCTION cycle needs to be identified, so that fatigue life may be predicted, usually with reference to the maximum temperature in the loading cycle on the assumption that this represents the most damaging condition likely to be experienced. Nowadays many industries deal with components which are subjected to higher loads at elevated temperatures than before, due to the increasing requirements regarding weight and performance. The simplest process to check the behaviour of the material at high temperature is the Isothermal Fatigue (IF),by operating a cyclic fatigue at constant and uniform temperature to define stress-strain Several investigators studied theoretically the infinite long solid cylinder model in different loading conditions.Ishikawa [1], studied the theoretical transient thermal stresses when the 1 Faculty of Arts, Computing, Engineering and Sciences, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom. 2 Board of Technical Education, Technical College, Baghdad, Iraq. This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 30 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 surface is subjected to a sudden temperature drop after a sudden temperature rise. Lopez Molina and Trujillo [2], estimated the thermal stresses when a constant heat flux is applied to its surface employing hyperbolic heat conduction model. Jun Zhao et al. [3], presented an analysis of transient thermomechanical study for a solid cylinder material under rapid exposure to the connective medium of different temperatures, obtaining the analytical solution formula by using the separation of variables method and Moncef Aouadi [4], studied the thermoplastic-diffusion interactions when applying a thermal shock on the solid cylinder surface employing the Laplace transform and numerical Laplace inversion in the solution. generated experimentally and the physical properties are details in Tables 1 and 2 [5]. Transient Temperature Formulation To analyse the solid cylinder subjected to constant thermal loading at the outer surface, the temperature distribution is estimated to evaluate the thermal stresses induced due to the thermal loading. To find a fair theoretical scenario similar to the experimental work, the time relation is the good crosslink between the temperature distribution and the applied cyclic mechanical load, by using the transient thermal loading introduced across the solid cylinder wall thickness in which results vary with position through the wall thickness and time. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS Table 1: The Mechanical Properties of AISI 420 Experimentally Generated To present the details of the analysis of the isothermal fatigue assuming the material is uniform, homogeneous and isotropic with physical and thermal properties are constant and independent of temperature. Also, the temperature distribution varies only with the radial coordinate within the cylinder, and the cylinder is initially at a uniform temperature. In this study the selection of AISI 420 martensitic stainless steel, where the strength data Property 300 °C 400 °C 500 °C 600 °C 518 495 484 445 Tensile strength, VTS - (MPa) 621 595 581 494 Modulus of Elasticity, E-(GPa) 121.6 193.36 78.06 87.08 poisons ratio, υ 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.2% yield strength, ys - (MPa) Table 2: The Physical Properties of AISI 420 Property 300 °C 400 °C 500 °C 600 °C Density, ρ-(Kg /m 3) 78 00 780 0 7800 7800 Linear thermal expansion coefficient, α-(1/°C) 10.8 x 10-6 11.7 x 10-6 11.7 x 10-6 12.2 x 10-6 Thermal conduction coefficient k(W/m.°C) 24.9 24.9 24.9 24.9 Specific heat, c-(J.Kg.°C) 460 460 460 460 This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 31 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 The transient temperature distributions for a solid cylinder geometric model are given by using the solution of the general conduction heat equation: ...(3) where (T0, Ta) are the initial and outer surface temperatures, a is the outer radius. Also, n are the positive roots of the equation: ...(1) ...(4) where; D is the coefficient of diffusion (i.e., In this work four roots ( ) are used to give an acceptable stability for the temperature measurements. are being the thermal conduction coefficient of the cylinder material, the mass density, and the specific heat. Thermal and Combined Stresses Formulation Carslaw and Jaeger, has modelled a solid cylinder using the application of Laplace transformation in a cylindrical region and the Bessel's function of the first and second kinds employing the boundary conditions of the case studied [6]. An elastic relation for resultant thermal stresses have been derived by Timoshinko and Goodier [7], induced the long circular solid cylinder due to non-symmetrical temperature distribution under zero axial strain (z = 0). In this case study the outer surface of the solid cylinder is subjected to constant temperature and the initial temperature assumed to be at a selected temperature. The general thermal stress formulas for a solid cylinder in plain strain is given by: The initial and general boundary conditions are: ...(5) ....(2) ...(6) mech Ta r ...(7) Ta r From the substitutions of the temperature distribution in the general formulas in this case studied the thermal stresses estimation is given by: a The distribution of temperature T(r,t) through the solid cylinder wall in this case is: ...(8) This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 32 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 The combined stress is given by adding thermo-elastic-plastic stress to the applied mechanical loading: ...(9) ...(15) STRESS AND STRAIN INTENSITY FACTORS FORMULATION ...(10) The stress intensity factor has been derived by Tada et al. [8], induced in a solid cylinder externally circumferential cracked under uniaxial tensile stress. where; ...(11) ...(16) The accumulative influence of the thermal stress component is generally high strain process especially at high temperatures and additionally increased when combined with mechanical loading takes place, to understand such behaviour. Thermo-Elastic-Plastic analysis introduced by using the von-Mises Plasticity criterion given by: ...(17) The strain intensity factor can be obtained by the division of the stress intensity factor by the modulus of Elasticity. ...(18) where; c is the crack length and a is the outer radius of the solid cylinder. ...(12) von-Mises stress is given by; RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The temperature distribution through the solid cylinder wall is shown in Figure 1, where the temperature is increased through the cylinder wall, reaching to the steady-state and equalized to the outer surface supplied temperature, depending on the solid cylinder dimension (outer radius) and the mechanical and thermal properties of the material (where at zero radius and time the results goes to infinity). The thermal radial and hoop stresses distribution in the outer surface of the solid cylinder at different time intervals are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3 shows the maximum ...(13) The mechanical load is formulated by employing a sinusoidal mechanical stresses based on the applied stress range oriented with axis of the cylinder making the ratio of the minimum applied stress to the maximum, equal to ( and frequency (f = 5 Hz) by using the formulas: ...(14) This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 33 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 compression stress at starting time and rapidly decreased with time reaching to zero and increases with increasing temperature, except the highest compression stress at 400 °C, due to the increased modulus of elasticity results from the increased hardeness of the material. The same in axial thermal stress distribution shown in Figure 4, started with maximum compression, then reduced with time to constant and equal to outer surface stress ( ) rises to steady-state. Figure 1: The Temperature Distribution with Time at Different Temperature Levels at Radius (1 mm) from the Central Axis The accumulative influence of thermal stress component described by the distributions of thermo-elastic-plastic equivalents von-Mises stress through the solid cylinder outer surface (outer radius) with time are shown in Figure 5. The overall behavior of the von-Mises thermal stress is starting high value at the beginning (0.05 sec) due to thermal shock, then rapidly decrease reaching to steady-state at (1 sec). For that the isothermal fatigue study will depend on the steady-state section only. The effect of increasing the temperature increases the elastic-plastic thermal stress, except at 400 °C is the higher value due to the high modulus of elasticity (E) magnitude. It is difficult to predict the behaviour of the interactive effects of thermo-mechanical loading through the cylindrical coordinates in reality. The distributions of the thermo-mechanical combined stress for all testing temperatures in the solid cylinder related to time are presented in Figure 6. Thermo-mechanical combined stress increased with increasing the temperature due to the effect of the thermal elastic-plastic stress on the cyclic mechanical loading is rising up the value of the stress effect. At 400 °C the stress value Figure 2: The Thermal Radial Stresses Distribution with Time at Different Temperature Levels in the Outer Surface of the Cylinder Figure 3: The Thermal Hoop Stresses Distribution with Time at Different Temperature Levels in the Outer Surface of the Cylinder This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 34 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 is jumped regarding to the high thermal and applied mechanical stresses. The cyclic behaviour dominant on the combined stress profile regarding to the constant thermal stress value, especially over (1 sec), which is the steady-state refers by isothermal fatigue case. Figure 4: The Thermal Axial Stresses Distribution with Time at Different Temperature Levels in the Outer Surface of the Cylinder The distribution of the stress and strain intensity factors as a result of the combined stress range with the crack growth in the solid cylinder at different temperature levels are shown in Figures 7 and 8. The profiles illustrate the incremental of the stress intensity factor with crack propagation through the solid Figure 5: The Thermal Von Mises Stresses Distribution with Time at Different Temperature Levels in the Outer Surface of the Cylinder Figure 7: The Stress Intensity Factor Against the Crack Length at Different Temperature Levels Started Form the Outer Surface of the Cylinder Figure 6: The Combined Stresses Distribution with Time at Different Temperature Levels in the Outer Surface of the Cylinder Figure 8: The Strain Intensity Factor Against the Crack Length at Different Temperature Levels Started Form the Outer Surface of the Cylinder This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 35 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 cylinder wall and decreases with increasing temperature, except at 400 °C is maximized due to high thermal and mechanical stresses. Also the curves give an indication that the theoretical estimation of the material behaviour is bounded by the maximum stress occurred at 400 °C and the minimum at 600 °C. While the strain intensity factor is also increased with crack propagation, but not always increases by raising temperature. This is because of the effect of the modulus of Elasticity of the material on the profiles, which is clear significantly, especially at 400 °C and the strain intensity bounded between the maximum at 500 °C and 400 °C.The correlation between the theoretical solution and the generated experimental stress and strain intensity factors data [5], find out convergence in less than 0.5 mm crack length limit, which then diverge with the increase in the crack length, more closely at the stress intensity factor, but the behavior relation with the increasing temperature is similarly, as shown in Figures 9 and 10. CONCLUSION In this research the developed empirical modeling solution based on adding the experimental fatigue applied load to the calculated thermo-elastic-plastic stresses depends on the mechanical properties generated under elevated tensile tests, gives a good agreement with the experimental work results. The conclusions collected from the theoretical solutions are: Figure 9: The Stress Intensity Factor Correlation Between Theoretical and Experimental Solutions 1 The effects of the temperature explained by the von Mises thermal stress increase with an increase in the temperature. The jump of high stress at 400 °C is due to the high modulus of elasticity (E). This effect superimposed with the applied mechanical cyclic stress, rises up the total combined effects. Figure 10: The Strain Intensity Factor Correlation Between Theoretical and Experimental Solutions 2 The effect of the mechanical stress on the combined loading is present as the effective load than the thermal loading. 3 The stress intensity factor calculation shows the increase in temperature will decrease the intensity factor due to reduction of the strength of the material, which is indicated by the reduction of mechanical cyclic loading with increment of temperature. Except at 400 °C, due to the increases of This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 36 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 both thermal and mechanical stresses give raise the highest values. Resistance of Functionally Gradient Solid Cylinders”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. A 418, pp. 99-110. 4 The strain intensity factor calculation is bonded between the upper bond at 500 °C and the lowest at 400 °C temperature, due to the significant effects of the modulus of elasticity of the material at that temperature. 4. Lopez Molina J A and Trujillo M (2006), “Thermal Stresses in an Infinitely Long Solid Cylinder Using Green’s Function and Hyperbolic Heat Equation”, Proceeding of the 2 nd W SEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, November, pp. 20-22, Venice, Italy. 5 The combination of stress and strain intensity factor theoretical calculations with the experimental output recorded data shows the same behaviour with increasing temperature, and there is a fair correlation between the profiles at the beginning until (0.5 mm) crack length after the divergence increases, due to the combined effect of cyclic softening with fast crack propagation on the behaviour of the material. 5. Mohammed A N Ali (2013), “ThermoElastic-Plastic Analysis for Elastic Component Under High Temperature Fatigue Crack Growth Rate”, Ph.D. Thesis of Sheffield Hallam University. 6. Moncef Aouadi (2006), “A Generalized Thermoelastic Diffusion Problem for an Infinitely Long Solid Cylinder”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Article ID 25976, pp. 1-15. REFERENCES 1. Carslaw H S and Jaeger J C (1959), Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press, New York. 2. Hiromasa Ishikawa (1978), “A Thermoelastoplastic Solution for a Circular Solid Cylinder Subjected to Heating and Cooling”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Vol. 1, pp. 211-222. 7. Tada H, Paris P and Irwin G (1985), “The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook”, Del Research Corporation. 8. Timoshenko S P and Goodier J N (1970), Theory of Elasticity, International Student Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company. 3. Jun Zhao, Xing A, Yanzheng Li and Yanghui Zhou (2006), “Thermal Shock This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 37 Int. J. Mech. Eng. Res. & Tech 2016 M A Nasser and S T Hasan, 2016 APPENDIX The Bessel functions are defined by the equations: ...(A.1) ...(A.2) The details of stresses integrating are given below: ...(A.3) So, at n = 0. ...(A.4) and at the outer radius of the solid cylinder, r = b, n= 0; ...(A.5) where; ...(A.6) This article can be downloaded from http://www.ijmert.net/Current-Issue.php 38