Blood Type Quiz: Genetics & Inheritance

Date: 2/22/17
1. The Charlie Chaplin case. In 1941, Charlie Chaplin became romantically involved with a young actress
named Joan Barry. In 1943, twenty months after the relationship ended, she had a child and claimed
Charlie Chaplin as the father. A paternity suit ensued. Chaplin had type O blood. Barry had type A
blood. The baby had type B blood. Was the baby Chaplin’s? (Yes, No) Provide written explanation
and/or charts like those above to support your answer.
2. What is the only combination of parental blood genotypes with a 100% probability to produce a child
with type AB blood?
3. Ralph has type B blood and his wife Rachel has type A blood. They are very shocked to hear that their
baby has type O blood, and think that a switch might have been made at the hospital. Can this baby be
theirs? Explain why or why not (use a Punnett square to help).
4. A mother with type A- blood has a baby with type B- blood. Is the mother’s genotype AA or AO?
Which of the following could be the father?
a. Adrian – type B+
b. Bart – type Bc. Curtis – type Od. Daniel – type AB+
e. Eugene – type AB5. A woman reaches the hospital in critical condition. She needs a transfusion immediately. What blood
type would Dr’s start giving her before her blood type has been determined?
Date: 2/22/17
6. A man is having complications after surgery and needs a blood transfusion. His blood type is B+. The
blood bank has the following bags available. Which ones could be used on this man? Circle all that apply
a. A+
e. Ab. AB+
f. ABc. B+
g. Bd. O+
h. O7. A baby with type O- blood is born to a mother with type O- blood. What are all the possible blood
types could the father have had? Show your work with Punnett squares:
8. Two parents think their baby was switched at the hospital. Its 1968, so DNA fingerprinting
technology does not exist yet. The mother has blood type “O,” the father has blood type “AB,” and the
baby has blood type “B.” Could this their baby, or has it been switched?
9. Explain why blood type data cannot prove who the father of a baby is, and can only prove who the
father is not.