Uploaded by Muhammad Nadeem

Types of RAM: DRAM and SRAM Explained

Topic : Types of Ram
Subject : Computer Architecture
Submitted to : Dr Haseeb Ahmad
Submitted by : Sunbal Nawaz
Registration Number : MSCS-4026
• Introduction
• RAM types
RAM “Random Access Memory” is a form of data storage that
can be accessed randomly at any time, in any order and from
any physical location., allowing quick access.
RAM is volatile i.e. its contents are lost when the device is
powered off.
RAM allows the computer to read data quickly to run
applications. It allows reading and writing.
RAM types
The two main types of RAM are static RAM and
dynamic RAM.
Static RAM (SRAM)
4 times more expensive
Very low access time .
Information stored on RS flip-flops.
No need for refreshing .
They made of transistors
it is used in cache .
They can be either Bipolar or MOS
technology .
Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
Low cost .
Consumes less power .
Information stored on FET
transistors .
Needs to be refreshed .
These are mostly made
of capacitors .
it is used in main memory
These are available only in MOS
RAM types
• Fast Page Mode Dynamic Random Access Memory
It was the original form of DRAM. It waits through the entire
process of locating a bit of data by column and row and then
reading the bit before it starts on the next bit. Maximum
transfer rate to L2 cache is approximately 176 Mbps.
• Extended data-out Dynamic Random Access Memory
does not wait for all of the processing of the first bit before
continuing to the next one. As soon as the address of the first
bit is located, EDO DRAM begins looking for the next bit. It is
about five percent faster than FPM. Maximum transfer rate to
L2 cache is approximately 264 Mbps.
• Synchronous DRAM .
•SDRAM is a type of dynamic random access memory which is
synchronized with the clock speed that the microprocessor is
optimized for. SDRAM is about five percent faster than EDO
RAM and is the most common form in desktops today. Maximum
transfer rate to L2 cache is approximately 528 Mbps.
•Double data rate synchronous dynamic RAM is just like
SDRAM except that is has higher bandwidth, meaning greater
speed. It is a newer variant of SDRAM. Maximum transfer rate
to L2 cache is approximately 1,064 Mbps .
• Double Data Rate 2 .
• newer version of DDR .
• twice as fast as the original DDR RAM.
• 2003 .
• still is double data rate just like the original DDR.
•DDR2-RAM has modified signaling which enables higher
speeds to be achieved with more immunity to signal noise
and cross-talk between signals .
Rambus dynamic random access memory : Designed
by Rambus, RDRAM uses a Rambus in-line memory
module (RIMM), which is similar in size and pin
configuration to a standard DIMM. RDRAM memory
chips work in parallel to achieve a data rate of 800
MHz, or 1,600 Mbps. Since they operate at such high
speeds, they generate much more heat than other
types of chips .
Thank you