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Why You as a Couple Should Enrol for the Imago Relationships Workshops Today!

Why You as a Couple Should Enrol for
the Imago Relationships Workshops
Have you been married for a long while? Do you begin to get agitated as
a result of the things your spouse does? Now might be the right time for
you to enroll for a couples workshop by the best sellers of the book,
"getting the love you want" and "Keeping the love you have." Most
couples try to resolve their issues by talking about it but then and they
aren't able to solve the issue. It's important to get couples therapy especially couple therapy in London.
Dr. Harville Hendrix​ and his partner ​Helen LaKelly​ developed the
imago therapy that would help save marriages. According to them,
Imago Relationships​ are a combination of positive and negative
characters inside each one. The use of the term Imago is unique as it
talks about how we are all made in the image of God. And when we try to
dig deeper into ourselves which strike against the image of God within us
that helps us recover ourselves and try and also heal our partner who is
suffering in their own rights.
These are the reasons why you should enroll
yourself and your spouse for this therapy:
To once again form the bond of safety: At the beginning of a relationship,
couples feel safe with each other. They are able to share their life, career
and other responsibilities as well as goals with each other. However, over
time they focus slips from each other and they end up losing the bond
that they once had. When this happens, couples begin to waiver from
each other, and no longer feel safe or bonded to the other. In order to
keep this relationship strong, enroll for this workshop.
If you still love your spouse and want to maintain your commitment: If
you look back in your life and still feel as though you have made a great
decision to be together. You out to enroll for this workshop. If you feel
this way, it just goes to show that you can so much about each other and
want to heal each other's wounds no matter what.
Benefits of attending the workshop:
1. You will be able to learn practical skills on how to understand each
other and maintain a successful relationship.
2. Will begin to discover the joy of couple together.
3. Learn new ways to communicate with each other and break destructive
patterns leading to arguments.
4. Will have a renewed level of passion and fun.
5. The biggest gain from this would be to develop compassion for each
6. You begin to make sense of the impact of the experience that you had
in childhood and how it has affected your adult life and relationships.
7. You will also begin to discover the unconscious forces that brought you
together and meet you attracted to each other.
8. You will be able to model a strong, loving relationship for your children
and future generations.
These are just a few reasons that you as a couple should begin to
consider ​marriage counselling in London​ if you reside in London. You
will soon begin to see a change that’s worth all the work you put into it.
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