How to extend Electric Process Heater Life? HongMing Qi Chief engineer of HuaNeng WuXi Electrothermal Co. Offering no pollute, easy control and low maintenance, More and more electric process heaters are widely used in the chemical process industries, electric power generation and offshore oil productions. However there are no standard for EPH (electric process heater), it is difficult to size and specific this heater, as they combine aspects of pressure vessel, tube-sheet heater exchanger, chemical process and electrical & mechanical design. Here some tips that help customer to understand and operate EPH effectively. 1. Choose the right sheath material and watt density In order to prevent EPH corrosive, we must choose the right sheath material to match the fluid being heated. On this point, normally the manufacturer can provide related informations. Watt density is technical term of heat flux, watt density is very important to electric heater, lower watt density could extend the heater life, however the cost is increased, too high watt density can result in: 1.failure of the heater.2.Damage to the material being heated. Typical values are 12-15w/in2 for heat transfer medium, 20-30w/in2 for gas and 50-60w/in2 for water. However typical value is only Guide. Ideal watt density are calculated based on fluid flow, fluid specific heat, heat conductive, and viscosity of fluid .in fact, watt density ‘s low or high direct reflect heater sheath temperature value, we must keep the EPH cool at all process condition, not to overheat or damage material being heated. 2. Keep EPH are sizing turbulent flow The illustration below shows the effect of fluid velocity on film temperature and indicates the importance of this heater design requirement. In electrical heaters, all the heat delivered by the elements passes into the fluid. The maximum watt density at the surface of the heat source and the fluid velocity over it should be in proper balance to avoid excessive film temperature. From left picture, we know, the high flow velocity will increase the heat transfer coefficient and lower the heater sheath (wall) temperature and extend the heater life, as flow velocity decreases, the sheath (wall) temperature increase exponentially. Flow type can be divided into three type based on Reynolds number.(laminar: Reynolds less than 2300;transitional (2300<=Re<=10000); turbulent:(Re>10,000)), Reynolds increase as flow velocity increases, a good circulation EPH design should keep it turbulent flow, As a general rule of thumb, we design EPH via baffle or decrease vessel diameter or multi heater in series to increase flow velocity. However we must pay attention to if Reynold not exceed 2300, maybe there is a “dead zone” behind the baffles, so we want to increase heat transfer via add baffles, it must be keep the heater turbulent type in all process conditions. 1 3. Calculate vessel wall temperature When heating air or gases in insulated vessel or circulation heaters, radiation from EPH causes the vessel wall temperature exceed the outlet gas temperature. Radiation heat transfer from heating elements equal to radiation heat transfer absorbed by gas adds convective heat transfer by vessel wall. Excessively high wall temperature can create an unsafe or dangerous condition, though radiation heat from heating elements decrease heating elements temperature , it also raises vessel design temperature, we know, material stresses decrease with temperature increase, it raise vessel cost. In order to reduce vessel cost, in most cases (particularly heating air or gas), , we could add radiant heat shield between shell and bundle, Heat shields shall be stainless steel in the normally conditions. Heat shield shall not be permitted to contact the shell they protect or the elements, the minimum clearance between element and shield shall be equal to the ligament between elements, the clearance between the vessel minimum internal diameter and the heater element support structure and/or baffles shall not be less than twice that recommended by TEMA, There shall be a positive method of maintaining the shield/shell clearance (e.g., by the use of spacers).Unless a detailed thermal analysis is performed to establish the heater/pipe shell temperature (Ts), the following simplified method may be used to provide a conservative estimate for Ts at any point along the shell: Ts (NO heat shield) = (element sheath temperature + local gas mean temperature)/2 Ts (with heat shield) = (heat shield temperature + by-pass gas temperature)/2 Where heat shield temperature = (element sheath temperature + local gas core temperature)/2 The by-pass gas temperature is the main gas mean temperature at the start of the shield. The outlet temperature will be the weighted average of the bypass and core gas temperatures. 4. Prevent heating elements failure Moisture element: Magnesium oxide, known as “MgO” or “mineral insulation”, is a fine, granular powder in bulk form, it is “filled” between the resistance elements and the heater sheath, its advantage is goods thermal conductivity and great dielectric strength. But one major disadvantage is hygroscopic, hygroscopic means that MgO absorbs any humidity or moisture which comes in contact with it, moisture reduces MgO’s dielectric strength, if enough moisture is absorbed, the resistance element could short out to the metal sheath and destroy the heater or blow fuse .moisture can be removed by following ways: 1. Heating up stand-off section 2 Use a soft flame, e.g. propane burner, heating up the stand-off section to 248℉. 2. Placed desiccant bags in terminal box Placed a lot of desiccant bags in the terminal box for some days or one week, then recheck the insulation resistance again, if still exist problems, please replace it with new desiccant bags. Keep some days until the insulation resistance rise up 3. Low –volts heating Applying low-volts (such as SCR with angle fired) to heating elements, it also helps to remove the moisture. 4. Heating heater bundle by fluid Heating up the switched off heater by process fluid to 248℉ 5. Blanket purge nitrogen to terminal box Blanket purge nitrogen to terminal box, it help to get rid of moisture. 6. Pull out the heater bundle, place into oven Finally, if above ways is still not solve the moisture question, we could pull the heater bundle and place into oven “baking” to get rid of the water. 7. Replace the failure elements by spare parts Normally condition, manufacturer provide 10% spare parts in the heater bundle, we could disconnect the failure elements and replace it by spare parts. Open and short circuits: Open and short circuits are common failure ways, open circuits are deemed the operation resistance temperature exceeds the maximum withstand temperature of resistance wire, the main reasons are resistance wire watt density is too high or control way improper. Short circuits are normally deemed MgO absorb moisture. Tube rupture: At present a relating small amount of information has been published about EPH tube rupture, the primary reason is because the inside of EPH is filled with compressed MgO, common viewpoints are: 1.Fouling built up on the heating elements, for example, when heating water with bicarbonate, calcium carbonate will built up on the heating elements surface, however the expanding coefficient is difference between the calcium and elements, when heating, some day the calcium carbonate crack suddenly, however the temperature of element is still high, water contact with high temperature elements through crack suddenly, the water become vapor rapidly then burn a hole or rupture the elements, it is like we pour the water into high temperature iron pot ,the pot often been burned a hole. 2. Vibration and attrition: If pump pressure is too high or fluid specific weight too big, it will cause the heater bundle vibration, and further cause attrition between elements. See left picture is pump pressure too high cause heater tube rupture (heating molten salt). 3 5. Choose reasonable construction According to different applications, we recommended different heater construction, please see following two construction: High temperature process flange closure: Heating elements are tig welded to process flange, suit standoff distance is allowed for Process Flange Process Flange Epoxy seal Epoxy seal Tig Weld hemetic plug MgO Tig Weld Heating elements MgO hemetic plug Tig Weld Riser Sleeve Terminal Box sleeve Terminal Box Flexible Lead wire cold pin cold pin STAND-OFF STAND-OFF HIGH TEMPERATURE PROCESS FLANGE CLOSURE sleeve Flexible Lead wire HIGH PRESSURE PROCESS FLANGE CLOSURE cooling of terminal box connections. Elements are seal welded to back side of box. This Construction avoids any possibility of condensation of corrosive vapor in standoff zone. High pressure process flange closure: Heavy gauge “riser” intermediate tube is tig welded to process flange, and extends into the standoff zone. At end of “riser” a tig weld seals to the heating element under good welding conditions to insure integrity of seal under frequent cycling and difficult temperature/pressure requirements. Increase creepage Gap between cold pin and element sheath As I above mentioned, MgO is hygroscopic Wire to Pin 360° and absorbed moisture easy cause current Fusion Weld leakage between cold pin and sheath, two way could reduce this phenomenon: 1.Add sleeve at the end of element, then filled with epoxy squeezed in place with a ceramic plug. Nickel-Chromium 2. Adopt bludgeon cold pin, one end Resistance Wire matching coil, see right picture, another end Cold Pin is small diameter cold pin for connection. Above two way increase creepage gap between cold pin and element sheath Metal Sheath Threaded Stud MgO Insulation 4 6. Routine Maintenance Periodically check all electrical connections, including field and factory-made connections for tightness, and insulation resistance are test at least once a year. Periodically inspect for leakage and retighten Immersion Heater flange bolts when required. Inspect the terminal box and conduit connections for evidence of water leaks or moisture collection. Tighten connections as required. Clean up any corrosion. Do not continue using a heater with signs of damage. Where the heater is installed in cold climates, consider safety precautions to prevent damage due to freezing fluid. When the heater is not in service. Where buildup of solids on the heating elements or significant corrosion is expected, periodically remove the Immersion Heater to inspect the vessel and heating elements. Do not continue using a heater with signs of damage. Before removing, note the orientation of the flange relative to the vessel. Place a reference mark on the vessel and Immersion Heater or use other methods, such as drawing a sketch showing the conduit hub orientation, to ensure proper orientation when reinstalling. 7. Choose right control way On/off cycling will cause heating elements’ expansion and construction, the thin wire inside the heating element weakens, using SCR, cycling less than 1 seconds, stabilize the elements’ temperature and increase the heater life. On the other hand, we must decrease the sensor response time, adopting two loop control, the temperature of heating element surface act as primarily control, the set point is adjusted by the outlet temperature controller, improve sensor response rate and effectively eliminates temperature excursion. Electric process heater is a set system need all aspect support, need mechanical engineer construction design, need electrical control design and need chemical process fluid process analyze, above tips hope it is useful to our customer and manufacturer. 5