Animal Behavior Worksheet: Suckling, Migration, Hibernation

Name _________________________ Date _____________ Class ___________
You Weren’t Born With This Knowledge
A. Suckling
B. Migration
C. Hibernation
D. Estivation
E. Courtship
___ 1. The Western Diamondback rattlesnake goes into cave for a few months while his
metabolism slows.
___ 2. A baby “roots” around its mother’s chest when it is hungry.
___ 3. A male Nile crocodile bellows, slapping his snout on the water to get a nearby
female crocodile’s attention.
___ 4. A lungfish buries itself in mud formed at the surface of a dried up lake.
___ 5. Salmon, which hatch in small freshwater streams, go down to the sea and live
there for several years, then return to the same streams where they were hatched, spawn,
and die shortly thereafter.
Name _________________________ Date _____________ Class ___________
You Weren’t Born With This Knowledge
A. Suckling
B. Migration
C. Hibernation
D. Estivation
E. Courtship
___ 1. The Western Diamondback rattlesnake goes into cave for a few months while his
metabolism slows.
___ 2. A baby “roots” around its mother’s chest when it is hungry.
___ 3. A male Nile crocodile bellows, slapping his snout on the water to get a nearby
female crocodile’s attention.
___ 4. A lungfish buries itself in mud formed at the surface of a dried up lake.
___ 5. Salmon, which hatch in small freshwater streams, go down to the sea and live
there for several years, then return to the same streams where they were hatched, spawn,
and die shortly thereafter.