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Macbeth: A Simplified Version by Shakespeare

Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
The Tragedy of Macbeth
By William Shakespeare
A simplified and Concise Version of the Play
Dramatis personae
1.DUNCAN, King of Scotland.
3Donabain, His sons
Generals in the king's Army.
6.Ross, nobleman
7.Banquo, nobleman and Macbeth’s friend
8.Guard, Macbeth’s Guard
9.Doctor , Lady Macbeth’s doctor
10. Siward, King of England
11.Soldier, Macduff’s soldier
12.Soldier II, Macbeth’s soldier
13.Lady Macbeth
14.Lord, attending Macbeth’s Feast
15.Gentlewomen , Lady Macbeth’s maid
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
16- The Three Witches
Act 1 ;Scene 1
(A desert place)
In this scene three witches are found in a heath uttering some magical words and
they are waiting for Macbeth.
1st Witch. When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lighting , or in rain.
2nd Witch. After our merry is done
In our battle with the sun.
3rd witch. That will be before the set of the sun
1st Witch. Where the place?
2nd Witch. Upon the desert.
3rd Witch. There we will meet Macbeth.
1st Witch: I am the first to come.
2nd Witch: I am the second one.
3rd Witch: And I am there , Anon.
All: Fair is foul ,and foul is fair:
Hover though the fog and filthy air.
( they vanish)
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Act 1 , Scene 2
(In a camp near forest)
Enter Duncan , and his two sons and other attendants
Duncan . Who is that bloody man ? tell him to come and inform us about what
happened in the battlefield.
Malcolm . It seems like he is the brave soldier,
come my friend what is the news?
Soldier . O my Lord, The result of the battle is uncertain , the merciless MacDonald
is to be a rebel , but brave Macbeth, who deserves this name , has crushed
MacDonald and, his head , Macbeth cut and hang upon our battlements.
Duncan . O my brave cousin ! worthy Gentleman !
Soldier. Not only this , but problems arise from the east.
Duncan . Have our captains solve this problem?
Soldier. Yes , as the eagles , they attacked them eagerly and defeat them , but, ah ,
I am surely wounded.
Duncan . Go and call the doctors to heal your wounds.
( Enter Ross)
Duncan .Who comes here ?
Malcolm . the worthy thane of Ross
Ross . God save the king !
Duncan . What is the matter lord of Ross ?
Ross . The traitor thane of Cawdor has joint the king of Norway to his raid toward
us , but Bellona's bridegroom(Macbeth) confronted him and at the end the victory
fell on us.
Duncan . great happiness ! No more thane of Cawdor shall deceive us, go and
sentence him to death. And with his former title greet Macbeth.
Ross. I will see it done.
Duncan. What he has lost, noble Macbeth has won.
(They exit)
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Act I, Scene 3
[A heath near Forres]
Enter the Three Witches
First Witch. Where have you been sisters?
Second Witch. Killing swine.
Third witch. Sisters, where thou?
First witch. Here and there and everywhere, I have taken journeys to many places,
visiting the sailor’s wife and played with her tricks.
Second witch. I will give you wind.
First witch. Thou art kind.
Third witch. I will give you another
First witch. Look what I have.
Second witch. Show me, show me.
First witch. I have a thumb of a pilot, I took it from a shipwreck.
[Sound of drums]
Third witch. A drum! A drum! Macbeth does come!
[Enter Macbeth and Banquo]
Macbeth. So fair and foul a day I have not seen.
Banquo. How far is it from here to Forres? (see the three witches) what are these?
Who are these dressed in strange dress? You look not like the creatures of this
earth, who are you?
Macbeth. Speak if you can, what are you?
First witch. All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Glamis!
Second witch. All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane od Cawdor!
Third witch. All hail, Macbeth! That shall be the king hereafter!
[Macbeth’s face change]
Banquo. What do you say? Do you know the future?
First witch. Hail!
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Second witch. Hail!
Third witch. Hail!
First witch. You are lesser than Macbeth, but greater!
Second witch. You will not be happy as Macbeth, but much happier!
First witch. All hail, Macbeth and Banquo?
Macbeth. Stay you imperfect creatures, tell me more, I charge thee speak?
[They vanish]
Banquo. How strange are these creatures?
Macbeth. O yes, would they had stay’d?
They said your children shall be kings!
Banquo. And also you will be the king!
[Enter Ross]
Ross. The king have happily received Macbeth. You are now the thane of Cawdor.
Banquo.[Aside] what! Can the devil speak the true?
Macbeth. The thane of Cawdor lives; why do you dress me in a borrowed robes?
Ross. The thane of Cawdor was executed, so the king declares you after him.
Macbeth. [Aside] Glamis, and thane of Cawdor! The greatest is behind!
Banquo. Be glad my friend and let us move, the king is awaiting for us
Macbeth. Yes friends, let us move.
Act 1 , scene 4
[ Forres , the palace]
Enter Duncan , Malcolm
Duncan. Have you executed the Thane of Cawdor ?
Malcolm. Yes my lord , and Macbeth is in his way to us .
Duncan. There is no art to find the mind’s construction in the face, he was a
gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust. I am now in absolute trust for the
gentleman Macbeth.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
[ Enter Macbeth, Banquo]
Duncan. O my dearest cousin , I cannot express my gratitude to you . You were the
bravest man in the battle.
Macbeth. It is my service and loyalty to you , I thank you dear king for your trust.
Duncan. O' Noble Banquo you are not less
Come and let me hold you to my heart.
Banquo, Under you command , your majesty.
Macbeth. Shall I leave to inform my wife that you will visit us today , I humbly take
leave from you.
Duncan. You shall my cousin.
( Exit Macbeth)
You see Banquo , this is the brave man and he is my relative , he wants to give us a
welcome to his house , let us follow him.
[They exit]
Act 1 , scene 5
Macbeth's Castle
[Enter lady Macbeth reading a letter]
Lady Macbeth. (read)"The witches met me in the day of my success I have known
that they have greater knowledge than human beings , they know even the future.
They disappeared into the air when I wanted to ask them questions . What
happened then is that the messenger of the king came to me and told me that I am
the thane of Cawdor , I was astonished , He greets me the same way the witches
greeted me . they also greeted me as the king of Scotland. I wrote this letter to
inform you what happened , keep it as a secret , farewell."
[to herself]
Come you spirits
That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,
And fill me, from the crown to the toe top- full
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Of direct cruelty! Make thick my blood;
Come, thick night,
And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell.
Enter Macbeth
Great Glamis ! worthy Cawdor!
Greater than both , my dear husband
I receive your letter and I am in happiness
Macbeth. My dearest love , Duncan will come here,To night!
Lady Macbeth. And when goes hence ?
Macbeth. To-morrow , as he purposes
Lady Macbeth. O never shall sun that tomorrow see , your face my thane , is as a
book where men may read strange matters . you must look happy , things will be
arranged in the right way this night.
Macbeth. We will speak about this later.
Lady Macbeth. Do not look so serious and leave all the rest for me.
[they exit]
Act 1 , Scene 6
Before Macbeth's castle
The king arrives at Macbeth's castle at Inverness . He is accompanied by
his two sons and his general Banquo. Lady Macbeth welcomes them warmly and
thanks the king for his trust to Macbeth and her . She greets him and express her
gratitude for paying them a visit that night . The king accepts her greetings and
says he is glad to be present in their castle.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Act 1 , scene 7
Macbeth's castle
Enter Macbeth and the servants pass over the stage
Macbeth. ( to himself) it would be better to do this act quickly without
consequences; if the murder could be done without leading to other
consequences, but how ? Justice will return it back to me in this world before the
hereafter. How can I kill my king , my relative and who am his subject.
[Enter lady Macbeth.]
Lady Macbeth. My dearest husband , why have you come out of the room ?
Macbeth. We will proceed no further in this business . The king honored me with
all his gifts
(lady Macbeth is angry)
Lady Macbeth. Were you drunk when you told me about your desire to become a
king ? and now you are withdrawing. Don't you have the courage to achieve what
you desire ? Are you a coward ?
Macbeth. A coward am I not . Prithee , peace.
Lady Macbeth. Then you have to prove the contrary and plan for this murder if
you are a man as you said.
Macbeth. But if we would fail ?
Lady Macbeth. We will never fail , gather your courage and do it . While the king is
sleeping , we will give his guards a drink , so they will drink till they get sleep . Then
we will make the murder and charge the guards as being the killers.
Macbeth. But how people will believe that his guard. Are murderers not us !
Lady Macbeth. No one will doubt that , we will act as being sorrowful and
expressing our grief.
Macbeth. My mind now is made. I will commit such terrible deed. Let us go now
and change our faces.
"false face must hide what the false heart doth know.”
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
[they exit ]
Act 2 , scene 1
( court in Macbeth's castle )
Now the king retired to bed . Banqou is sitting with his son , Fleance and
then Macbeth joins them .Macbeth and Banquo talks about the prophecies of
the witches. Macbeth pretends that he doesn’t' care about the prophecies .He
tells Banquo if is time retire to bed .Banquo goes bed and Macbeth sits on the
stage a lone . let us see what happens:
Macbeth. Is this a dagger which I see before me
The hardle toward my hand ? come , let me clutch thee.
I have thee not , and yet I see thee still.
Art thou not , fatal vision , sensible
To feeling as to sight or art thou but
A dagger of thee mind , a false creation,
Mine eyes are made the fools of the other senses
Or else worth all the rest ; I see thee still ;
And on thy blade and budgeon gouts of blood
Which was not so before . There's no such thing.
It is the bloody business which informs
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Thus to mine eyes . Now over the one half world.
[a bell rings ]
I go and it is done ; the bell invites me .
Hear it not , Duncan; for it is a knell
That summons thee to heaven or to hell.
Act 2 ; scene 2
Macbeth's castle
( enter lady Macbeth and her husband is inside to kill Duncan)
Lady Macbeth. My husband Macbeth is inside , he is about to do it .
Macbeth. Who is there ?(from inside )
Lady Macbeth. Why he is shouting what happened to him inside, Our plan will
stop if something happens.
[enter Macbeth ,full of blood]
Macbeth. I have done the deed ? have you heard a cry?
Lady Macbeth. Only an animal cry!
Macbeth. I heard a voice said " Macbeth shall sleep no more , Macbeth Shall sleep
no more !"
Lady Macbeth. Don't worry my love , these are just allusions , take the dagger and
put the blood on the sleeping servants.
Macbeth. I will go no more.
Lady Macbeth. How weak you are, I will do it myself.
( sound of knocking)
I hear a knocking , let us retire to our room.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Act 2 , Scene 3
Now ladies and gentlemen , you see the murder of the king Duncan.
Macbeth and lady Macbeth pretend that they had not done any thing . In this
scene , there is a knocking in Macbeth's door of the castle . Macduff and his
followers come to see the king . Macduff felt that there was something wrong
with the king .He enters the king's chamber and he is astonished to see the king
dead. The murderer Macbeth comes and kills the two guards in order to hide his
bloody act. Also, lady Macbeth comes and acts so well by losing her conscious
and falls down in front of Macbeth and his followers. On hearing that , the king's
two sons , Malcolm and Donalbain escaped to England and Ireland fearing to be
accused of the murder.
Act 3 , scene 1
Forres, The palace
Enter Banquo
Banquo. You have it now king , Cawdor, Glamis , all, just as the witches had
foretold, oh I fear Macbeth has it by committing the wrong act .But still my sons
will be all kings as the witches had said . I have to keep silent now , they come…
( Music for the king )
(Enter Macbeth as a king and lady Macbeth as a queen with other attendants)
Macbeth. Hail my friend Banquo!
Banquo. Hail to your majesty !
Macbeth. You are invited to our feast tonight , don't be late
Banquo . I shall not my lord.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
[Banquo exit]
Macbeth. You guard come here.
Guard. What do you want your majesty?
Macbeth. Take two men with you and secretly follow Banquo and his son Fleance,
kill them and don't come back unless you bring their two heads with you .
Guard. It's done my lord , don't worry.
[Guard exit]
Macbeth. This genius Banqou poses a threat to my throne . I think he knew my
plan of killing the king . He shall no more stay alive
[Macbeth sits down on the chair ]
Act 3 , scene 2
[ Lady Macbeth stands an speaks]
Lady Macbeth.[to herself] Why my love is in a miserable state. He is now the king
and I am the queen .Has he still attached by the murder that he committed.
( to Macbeth)My dear king , why are you in a gloomy state?
Macbeth. Ah , we have scotched the snake , not killed it .Banqou still alive and he
is the only one who I fear most
Lady M. You are the king and you shall not fear from anything . look into my eyes
(she holds him) fear not from anything .I am supporting you .Come , let us be ready
for our feast tonight .
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Act 3 , Scene 3
In this scene , the murderers that Macbeth has charge are now preparing
to kill Banqou and his son Fleance . Thus , they succeed in killing Banquo but his
son escapes from the assassination.
Act 3 , Scene 4
Ladies and gentlemen , now Macbeth and his wife host lords and princes in their
castle .A big feast is made for his majesty’s honor, While they are sitting the
guard comes and informs Macbeth that Banqou was killed but his son
escaped .Macbeth is shocked by hearing such news.
Let us see what happens:
[Enter Macbeth , lady M. and few lords and princes]
Macbeth. Welcome and sit down , I have the honor of your attendance.
All. Thank you king Macbeth.
( While they are pantomiming , the Guard calls for Macbeth)
Guard. Your Majesty !
Macbeth. ( goes to the door ) What ! everything is done as it was planned for.
Guard. Yes your majesty , but !
Macbeth. But what !
Guard. Banqou 's son fled from our hands.
Macbeth. Oh my fear becomes weaker now , take your sword and leave.
[exit the guard]
( Returns to the table and he is in deep thinking)
Lord. What my lord , are you busy ?
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Macbeth. No , no gentlemen , I am well
[ Enter Banqou's ghost ]
Lord. You shall sit now!
Macbeth. ( he sees the ghost in his place ) where !?
Lord. In your place
Macbeth. ( talking to the ghost) you can't say that I have done this, I have not
killed you Banqou.
Lord. What my lord !
Lady M. Oh , oh , his Majesty is having a trouble from his childhood, shall we leave
[all the attendants are puzzled about Macbeth’s behavior]
Lord. Good night , and better health attend his majesty !
[they exit except Macbeth and lady M.]
Lady M. What happened to you ? you were about to disclose our plan?
Macbeth. I know not, the ghost of Banqou appears to me. He came to take
revenge I know that !
Lady M. you seem too tired , let us have a sleep now.
[ they exit ]
Act 3 , scene 5,6 (Act 4, scene 1)
Macbeth as you have seen is diving in hallucination. His bloody arms are
eager to kill whoever stands against him . So in this scene, The three witches
appear with Hecate , a witchcraft . She , Hecate , blames the three sisters for not
telling her that they met Macbeth . She tells them to meet Macbeth in a cave.
After this scene there appears around Scotland Lennox who doubts the acts of
Macbeth . He is certain that Macbeth is the killer of Duncan and Banqou and he
will never stop killing anyone who bothers him. Macduff and Malcolm now are
preparing to attack Macbeth in Scotland . There again Macbeth appears in the
forth act in a cave asking the witches about his fate .let us see what happened :
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
[enter Macbeth into a dark cave all the witches are shouting at once )
All. [three times]
Double , double toil and trouble
Fire burn , and Cauldron bubble
Macbeth. You witches , I came to ask you question . Can I speak?
First witch. Speak !
Second Witch. Demand !
Third Witch. We will answer
Macbeth. Let me see my fate , my future as a king !
Come high or low ;
Thyself and office deftly show.
First Witch. Macbeth ! Macbeth! Macbeth !
Beware of Macduff!
Second witch. Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth!
Be bloody and strong, for no man born of woman can ever harm you!
Third Witch. Macbeth don't worry , you will never be defeated until the forest of Birnam moves
and comes to Dunsinane hill to fight against you.
Macbeth. (To himself) That will never happen. I shall not fear . No man born of
woman can ever defeat me . Farewell great witches. You have comforted my
depressed soul.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Act 5, Scene 1
Dusinane , Macbeth's castle
Enter a doctor and waiting-gentlewoman
Doctor. I see that your queen have not appear yet. You said she has been doing
strange things recently
Gentlewoman. Yes doctor , I don't know why she doesn't appear yet.
O poor my queen . She always wakes at midnight and there she goes to wash her
hands. She takes a paper and write on it, and then read it, and then come back to
her bed.
[enter lady Macbeth holding a candle]
Gentlewoman. Here she is , she wakes now to that place and washes her hands.
Doctor. How such a terrible sight is this !
Lady Macbeth. ( speaks while she washes her hands )
Out , damned spot ! out , I say ! get out of my hand .I killed nobody . All the perfumes of
Arabia will not sweeten this little hand !
[ she exits ]
Doctor. O lord she has made unnatural actions and that cause her unnatural
troubles. Good night lady , her state is hard to be fixed.
Gentlewoman. Good night , Doctor !
Act 5 , Scene 2+3
English army attacks Macbeth
Chorus. The English army is now approaching Macbeth castle . It is led by
Malcolm , Macduff and the English king. People also from Scotland are ready to
support them against Macbeth who becomes a pure murderer and bloody
tyrant. While Macbeth is in his castle careless to what is going to happen. He still
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
believes what the three ugly witches have told him, that no man born of a
woman can ever touch him. He is busy with the doctor who comes to cure his
wife, Lady Macbeth. The doctor tells him that he cannot cure his illness because
the remedy within her hand, he cannot do anything.
Act 5 , Scene 4
(note; this scene is outside the stage, for those who will perform the play )
Performed by. Malcolm , Macduff , Siward , his son and other soldiers.
Siward. Where are we now, in which wood?
Malcolm. In the wood of Birnam… you soldier, come here!
Soldier. Yes , my lord.
Malcolm. Let each soldier cut a branch and carry it in his hand while
Soldier. It will be done Sir.
Malcolm. March ! you soldiers , March ! Macbeth's end is now approaching.
Act 5 , Scene 5
Enter Macbeth with drums and his soldier
Macbeth. (to his soldier) Now , have you informed all the soldiers to be
ready for any attack?
Soldier. Yes, your Majesty !
Macbeth. Get ready all of you .We have a war and we should be strong to
protect this land.
( A cry of a woman )
Macbeth. What is that noise ?
Soldier. A cry of a woman , my lord.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Macbeth. Go and see what is wrong !
(he goes and the return)
Soldier. The queen my lord is dead.
Macbeth. She should have died hereafter
There could have been a time for such a word
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow .
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time.
And all our yesterday have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out , out , brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow ; a poor player.
Soldier. Sir the messenger said that the wood is moving
Macbeth. You are a liar and a slave .
Soldier. Believe me sir.
( A noise outside )
Macbeth. Go and see who makes noise !
(he goes outside and is killed by Macduff)
Enter Macduff
Macduff. Turn and fight now , villain !
Macbeth. You are the last man that I will fight , get back , I will not fight .
Macduff. You will be killed now , you will not escape from my sword.
Macbeth. I have magic protects my life , and can't be harmed by any man
who is born of woman!
Macduff. You were deceived by those evil spirit , for Macduff was not born in
a natural way , he was torn from his mother's womb before his birth was due.
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com
Re-written by: Nashwan M. Alhemyari
A Simplified Version of Macbeth
Macbeth. (Shocked )May a curse falls on you and on those witches who told
me this ; now I shall fight you , to kill you or to kill me.
Macduff. Come outside and fight me like a man .
(they go to outside and fight )
Macduff. ( he comes back with Macbeth's head)
(say loudly)
This is the end of the tyrant Macbeth
The one who believes in witches and his imperial ambition,
Follow him not, dear audience, beware to fall in such deeds.
The End
Typed by: Mousa Alkaifi
Email: nashwanm964@yahoo.com