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Student Unrest: Causes & Remedies in India

B.Ed Semester 1
2019 - 2021
Subject : Education in Contemporary India [HC 2]
: Student unrest causes and remedies
Ms. Sarah Zakir Hussain
Ms. Sameera Zakir Hussain
Ms. Ayesha Masoodi
Ms. Hajira Begum
Mrs. Tasmia Nazneen
 Disparity between preaching & practise by politicians and
educational institutions.
 Caste, religious, linguistic, gender and social stereotypes.
 Expression of resentment.
 Cannot keep pace with fast changing society.
What is student
It is a state of collective disillusionment,
dissatisfaction, discontentment, & frustration
of the student community in our society.
Issues like admissions, course contents,
examination systems, representation in
academic bodies trigger student unrest.
> Defective educational system
> Wrong upbringing
> Family background
> Group formation in the institute
> Non – responsive freegoogleslidestemplates.com
nature of the institute
> Aimless life & uncertain future before students
> Lack of creative co – curricular activities
> Hike in institutional fee
> Over crowded classes
> Deficiency of assets
Types of Student Unrest
We may classify Student agitations as :
 Persuasive Agitations
 Resistance Agitations
 Revolutionary Agitations
Persuasive agitations
In which , youth attempts to change the attitudes of
the powers that be by discussing their problems
with them and making them accept their viewpoint.
Resistance agitations
**Main objective is to keep the power holders in their place.
**Many changes intended to be introduce by the authorities
appear to be disturbing to students who feels either their
precious year are being wasted or that legitimate
opportunities are being denied to them or their careers are
going to be adversely affected
•These agitations aim at bringing
sudden sweeping changes in the
educational or the social system.
For example: forcing the authorities to
decide that no student will be declared
as failed but will be promoted to higher
class and given the opportunity to
appear in the failed paper till he clears it.
Types of students who have been identified in
this context:
Socially isolated Who feel alienated and cut off from the larger
Personally maladjusted Who have failed to find a satisfying life role.
Marginal’s Who are not fully integrated with their caste / religious /
linguistics groups.
Unattached to family Who lack intimate ties with their families.
Migrants Who have little chance of getting integrated into larger
Students’ unrest is becoming more rampant in secondary
There is no peace whenever two or more schools meet.
Interschool competition- wages a war against the winning school.
They attack each other with sticks , stones or any harmful object.
Injure themselves.
Unfortunately, innocent ones suffer.
The students gang up and threaten or even attack the teachers.
Improper guidance in right direction.
 The response to student violence should never be ‘lathi charge’.
 The inability of the authorities resolve to the grievances and
demands of the students results in the indulgence of the students
in the acts of of violence , strikes and demonstrations.
 Students complain that the tuition fees are very high and their
parents can’t afford to pay such high charges.
 They also criticize badly equipped libraries, improper admission
facilities, overloaded class rooms, lack of vocational education and
bitter teacher-student relationship.
 Students are the foundation of our country’s growth and future.
 Indian education system should address the grievances and
frustrations of the students to end the circle of unrest among
HelPing Students taKe Flight
If they are losing interest in studies counsel
them, provide better resources and explain
about right choices & actions.
Love and care for them.
Be polite & they definitely will understand what to do.