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Jumbled Words Worksheet

The sentence below has a word in which the letters are jumbled up.
Rearrange the letters in capitals and write the correct version below it.
1. He never liked chocolate so opted for fruit DATENSI.
2. Because of his YGRALLE to cats, he came out in a rash.
3. The LGRNEAE gave orders to his troops.
4. He was an EEANTSR man, and loyal to the cause.
5. She has a secret DRMRIEA who keeps sending her gifts.
6. Working out square roots is one of the THERASD parts of
7. He nervously awaited his exam STRULES.
During the match, two of the YRLPASE were sent off.
9. He knows the value of pi to seven LMCAIDE places.
She played the GLANDEI role in the film.
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