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Fisheries & Aquaculture Monitoring: Water Quality Solutions

Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Sponsored by Metrohm AG
Nov 23 2017
Fish is a healthy source of animal protein, as it is high in essential nutrients,
including unsaturated fats. In 2013, 17% of global animal protein consumption
came from fish (UN, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2016). The
present world population is anticipated to increase to 8.5 billion by 2030,
according to the UN (World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision).
The rising population poses the challenge of worldwide food security. Aquaculture has
already gained a foothold in various coastal states, and farm raised fish sales are also on
the rise. This has made aquaculture an important part of the export economy in some
The global seafood consumption from farm raised sources is expected to rise
considerably in the forthcoming years. Hence executing sustainable ways in the growing
aquaculture industry is essential to reduce pressure on wild fish stocks and reduce other
environmental impacts.
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Healthy Fish Require Monitoring
Adherence to stringent environmental and health standards is essential as a food
producer. Some of the major factors to be considered in aquaculture are animal health,
hygiene and particularly water use. Disease and sickness can spread easily among the
animals, and because of the nature of these floating aquatic farms, the outbreaks can
also spread to wild populations. Medical care and supplementary nutrients should be
regulated to safeguard the other wildlife. Confirming exact dosage of these and checking
the water quality and waste is important for compliance with government standards.
Lower Costs With Optimization
A process analyzer can accurately monitor water for nutrients, medications and waste
levels, reducing the costs of running a fish farm and optimizing the processes which keep
the fish healthy and growing.
Metrohm Process Analytics provides different analytical approaches in many different
analyzer configurations for any need: photometry, ion chromatography, NIR
spectroscopy, titration and ion­selective measurements. Metrohm’s online process
analyzers and custom­built sample preconditioning systems are developed in the
Netherlands and maintained by Metrohm’s local service engineers globally.
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Delousing with Hydrogen Peroxide
For delousing, the fish are introduced to dilute baths of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for up
to 20 minutes. This removes the attached parasites, which can then be filtered from
water. On the contrary, overdosing can lead to oxidative stress in fish, the bleaching of
skin/scales and death. Thus, a fast analysis and response time are required. The
Metrohm Process Analytics 2035 and the 2045TI Process Analyzers are designed to
carry out this measurement online.
Monitor H2O2 in a typical range of 0 to 2500 mg/L
Accurately control dose rate into treatment tank
Improve fish welfare, reduce overhead costs, lessen environmental burden by
measuring online
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Process Analyzer ADI 2045TI
Monitoring Nutrient Loads
Farmed fish need a range of amino acids, essential fats and other nutritional elements to
grow. On the contrary, many of these nutrients also feed on other organisms present in
water. In higher concentrations, limited nutrients like phosphate enable proliferation of
toxic algal blooms, considerably reducing the water quality for fish.
The 2035 TP Analyzer is configured with a built­in cuvette digester to determine both
ortho and total phosphate phosphorus around the clock.
2035 TP is offered in 3 measurement ranges:
Standard TP (0–5 mg/L)
Low TP (0–150 µg/L)
High TP (0–100 mg/L)
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
2035 TP Analyzer
Water Quality
Continuous online measurement of ammonia and other similar waste products is
particularly essential for the water quality in the fish pens and adjoining environment.
The ICON series of process analyzers carry out photometric absorption measurements of
single analytes in the visible light range.
Differential Absorbance Colorimetry (DAC) compensates for the sample’s color and
Heated cuvette for added measurement stability
Each ICON comes programmed and preconfigured for one of 16 different
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Plug and Analyze: ICON Analyzer
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by
Metrohm AG.
For more information on this source, please visit Metrohm AG.
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
Metrohm AG
Phone: +41 (71) 353 8585
Email: empfang@metrohm.com
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Monitoring Fisheries and Aquaculture
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Metrohm is a leading manufacturer of high­precision instruments for chemical analysis.
We offer a complete line of analytical laboratory and process systems for titration, ion
chromatography, spectroscopy, and electrochemistry.
Manufactured in Switzerland since 1943, our instruments have a unique reputation for
their robust design and outstanding quality. With thousands of installations worldwide, we
are the established leader in titration.
From the beginning, our sales engineers guide you through the instrument purchasing
process. Together with our team of application chemists we create unique solutions for
your laboratory needs. From installation to routine preventative maintenance, our global
team of certified service professionals ensures ongoing performance and reliability of
your Metrohm instrument.
Whether it is replacing an existing instrument, developing a new analytical solution or
answering your technical questions – we are here for you. Our local presence, with
offices or subsidiaries in over 120 countries, makes Metrohm your neighbor. Metrohm is a
familiar face and shares your professional background.
Lab Solutions
Metrohm is at the forefront of laboratory automation and analysis, increasing the
productivity of your lab.
Process Solutions
Metrohm understands how to translate laboratory analysis methods into accurate and
reliable online analysis.
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