1.Appalling ہولناک پیمانے یا شدت میں بہت اضافہ، رقم Textual reference An appalling number of women died from the disease(Louis Pasteur)(page no 69 of book 1) Arthur stared at her, appalled. “You mean you would?”(Button, Button )(page no 5 of book 1) synonyms Adjective▲ i. Causing dismay, horror, or revulsion The prisoners were living in appalling conditions. It was one of the most appalling atrocities of the war. The regime has an appalling record on human rights. appal somebody The brutality of the crime has appalled the public. The idea of sharing a room appalled her. The thought of having to do it all again appals me. it appals somebody that…/to do something It appalled me that they could simply ignore the problem. Conditions in the prison are said to be appalling. Your table manners are appalling - don't you know how to use a knife and fork? After her appalling behaviour, we had no option but to dismiss her. The standard of cleanliness in some of these restaurants is frankly appalling. ghastly,hideous,horrendous,atrocious,dire,harrowing,nightmarish,abominable,alarming,frigh tening,grim,grisly,horrible,awful,horrifying,dreadful,horrific,gruesome,monstrous,scaring,sha meful,terrifying,unseakable,vile,abhorrent,daunting,dismaying,fearful,horrid,intimidating,ou trageous,astounding,disgusting,hateful,heinous,loathsomedreadful,awful,atrocious,deplorab le,disgraceful,frightful,hopeless,lamentable,shameful,shocking,terrible,crummy ‘He says that he understands why they behaved so appallingly. ii. Very great in amount, scale, or intensity An appalling number of women died from the disease(Louis Pasteur)(page no 69 of book 1) I must admit my diet has been appalling. (Louis Pasteur)(page no 69 of book 1) The standard American diet is appalling in its lack of imagination. tremendous,huge,enormous,immense,colossal,vast,gigantic,mammoth,monstrous,prodigiou s,titanic,massive,whopping it's been an appallingly busy morning. I developed an appalling headache Antonyms Adjective▲ i. Opposite of causing dismay, horror, or revulsion, comforting,consolatory,consoling,encouraging,heartening,reassuring,appealing,beautiful,cal ming,delightful,good,nice,pleasant,pleasing,polite,satisfying,innocuous,inoffensive,admirable ,excellent,wonderful,great,marvellous,superb,fine,grand,magnificent,splendid,stellar ii. Opposite of Very great in amount, scale, or intensity minor,insignificant,light,soft,mild,paltry,small,little,minute,slight,trivial,moderate,harmless,in consequential,frivolous Sentences. The prisoners were living in appalling conditions. It was one of the most appalling atrocities of the war. The regime has an appalling record on human rights. The bus service is appalling now. 2.Astounded حیران کرنا Textual reference Arthur looked astounded, “Are you saying what I think you are?”(page no 4 of book 1 lesson button button) .” Mr. Hubert, the simple countryman looked at the mayor astounded and already terrified by the suspicion resting on him(page no 32 of book 1 the piece of string) Synonyms Adjective▲ i. Affected with sudden and great wonder or surprise electrified,marveling,openmouthed,staggered,startled,thunderstruck,wondering,aghast,conf used,astonished,shocked,stunned,dumbfounded,flabbergasted,alarmed,amazed,awestricken ,awestruck,dumfounded,stupefied,surprised,awed,bewildered,confounded,dazed,dumbstruc k I was astounded at the kindness of the gesture. Verb▲ i. Past tense for to hold the attention of as if by a spell bedazzled,amazed,bewildered,captivated,enchanted,enthralled,fascinated,mesmerised,arres ted,gripped I was astounded by its beauty. [+ by] Antonyms Adjective▲ i. Opposite of affected with sudden and great wonder or surprise aware,expectant,nonplussed,unsurprised,notsurprised,unconcerned,unruffled,unworried,co mposed,placid,serene,tranquil,calm,detached,distant,easygoing, ,remote,supine VERB i. Past tense for to hold the attention of as if by a spell bored,explained,unimpressed,apathetic,indifferent,unconvinced,unenthusiastic,uninspired,u ninterested,unmoved,unresponsive,impassive sentences The president was perfectly astounded at the intelligence. He will be astounded by the place names beginning with the three letters of each prefix. It's difficult not to be astounded at the sheer power, scale and reach of scientific thinking. I was astounded to see her appear from the house. 3.Apparently بظاہر Textual reference o we were all, quite apparently thinking of that, though no one had as yet spoken of the thing”(book 1 the use of force). o . He acquitted me, apparently; and with a step that, making an effort.(book 2 lesson 5 on destroying books) The route lay across an apparently trackless desert.(book 2 HITCH - HIKING ACROSS THE SAHARA) he is trying in fact to demonstrate that this concept apparently destroyed by modem technology is still a meaningful one.(china way to progress lesson no 8 book 2) Synonyms Adverb▲ i. As far as one knows or can see purportedly,presumedly,hypothetically,assumedly,likelily,externally,suppositionally,avowedl y,conjecturally,seemingly,ostensibly,evidently,allegedly,outwardly,supposedly,clearly,conspi cuously,evidently,expressly,indubitably,manifestly,obviously,officially,openly,overtly,palpabl y,patently,perceptibly Antonyms Adverb▲ Opposite of as far as one knows or can see I. really,truly,doubtfully,obscurely,certainly,surely,actually,dubiously,improbably,questionably, uncertain,unlikely,genuinely,vaguely,enigmatically,mystically,hermetically,obscurely,unclearl y,ambiguously,indistinctly,sightlessly, Sentences He was apparently quite converted from his anarchist views. The plane apparently overshot the runway after landing. The police apparently thought this explanation perfectly reasonable. A series of apparently unconnected events led to his resignation. 4.Attached to Textual reference He examined it with the air of a connoisseur and studied the price label attached to it.(book 1 lesson no 14 overcoat) منسلک پر Synonyms Adjective▲ I. (attached to) Having a liking or affection for ‘she was very attached to her brother’ fond of ,partial to, inclined to, affected by, devoted to ,affectionate, towards, affectionate, with caring of, enthusiastic about, II. Married, engaged, or in an exclusive relationship partnered shackled united yoked the young couple are now attached’ accompanied,contracted,hitched,involved,pledged,promised,bound,committed,d evoted,married,wed,wedded,affianced,betrothed,engaged,espoused, III. Adjacent to, or being in contact with at some point or line’ A vertical road is attached to point A terraced,adjoining,joined,adjacent,bordering,connecting,abutting,touching,flanki ng,connected,mounted,affixed,displayed,fitted,fixed,framed,installed, Antonyms I. Opposite of having a liking or affection for allergic,averse,disinclined,reluctant,hesitant,indisposed,loath,resistant,opposed, unwilling,antipathetic,unfavorableUS II. Opposite of married, engaged, or in an exclusive relationship III. Opposite of Adjacent to, or being in contact with at some point or line single,unattached,uninvolved,uncommitted,available,free,fancyfree,disengaged,inoperable,not working detached,undid,undone,unfastened,unhooked,disconnected,dissociated,loosened ,removed,retired,separated,untied Sentences I attached a photo to my application form. There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board. The children are very attached to their grandparents. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars. 5.Appraised جانچنا Synonyms Verb▲ I. Assess the value or quality of The ring must be appraised by a jeweler before it can be insured. assay,recce,adjudge,audit,calculate,check,deem,examine,assay,recce,adjudge,audit,calcul ate,check,deem,examine,assess,estimate,evaluate,rate,judge,review,value, II. To think meticulously about something, usually before a decision is made If you appraise something or someone, you consider them carefully and form an opinion about them consider,contemplate,examine,review,study,ponder,assess,bethink,evaluate,excogitate,r eflect,compare,cogitate,debate,deliberate,entertain,eye,meditate,perpend,question,revol ve Antonyms I. Opposite of assess the value or quality of ignore,neglect,forget,disregard,overlook,scorn,disbelieve,discard,dismiss,reply,praise, answer,approve,condemn,misunderstand,find,agree,discount,take on,trust,despise II. Opposite of to explain meticulously or in great detail obscure,cloud,complicate,compress,conceal,confuse,hide,lessen,mystify,stop,tangle,secr et Sentences An employer should appraise the ability of his employees. General managers are appraised by their area managers and appraise their assistants. At the end of each teaching practice, trainee teachers are asked to appraise their own performance. The results have a differential when applying existing methods to appraise environmental impact value of forestry investment project. 6.Alas حیف Textual sentence Alas, his little cane, which was perhaps lost at the time of the accident, was not included in the list.(book 1 lesson 14 overcoat) Synonyms Adverb▲ i. Unfortunately or regrettably inopportunely,sadly,unfortunately,regrettably,regretfully,unhappily,woefully,lamentably ,ruefully,agonizingly,inconsolably,painfully,bitterly,grievously,tragically,sorrowfully,sore ly,hard,lugubriously,dolefully,mournfully,dolorously,hardly,unluckily,unsuccessfully,dis mally,disastrously,miserably,horribly,inauspiciously antonyms i. Opposite of Unfortunately or regrettably fortunately,luckily,thankfully,f,providentially,happily,propitiously,successfully,prospero usly,appropriately,opportunely Sentences I love football but, alas, I have no talent as a player. For many people, alas, hunger is part of everyday life. A dead good singer, but, alas, no different from the way he was before. 1 live, constantly thinking of my native land, alas, my heart is aching. 7.abruptly ًدفعتا Textual references While she was stacking dishes, she turned abruptly, dried her hands, and took the package from the bottom cabinet(book 1 Lesson button button) Abruptly, she began to smash it on the sink edge, pounding it harder and harder, until the wood split. (book 1 Lesson button button) he said as he began to climb the second bluff that lifted abruptly from the flat toward the sky.(BOOK 1 CLEARING IN THE SKY) He stopped abruptly, stumbling over the words.(GOD BE PRAISE) Abruptly Chips flamed up(MR. CHIPS) Synonyms Adverb▲ I. With great suddenness His abrupt departure is bound to raise questions. precipitously,unanticipatedly,unceremonially,unceremoniously,short,suddenly,unexpect edly,hastily,hurriedly,precipitately,instantaneously,promptly,rapidly,speedily,fastly,expe ditiously,unannouncedly,blisteringly,rattlingly,dizzily,breathlessly, II. Adverb for lacking consideration for others He was abrupt to the point of rudeness. discourteously,rudely,disrespectfully,impolitely,uncivilly,ungraciously,boorishly,brusqu ely,curtly,insolently,crassly,gracelessly,unchivalrously,ungallantly,audaciously,bluntly,i mpudently,presumptuously,cheekily,churlishly,contumeliously,discourteously,rudely,dis respectfully,impolitely,uncivilly,ungraciously,boorishly,brusquely,curtly,insolently,crassl y,gracelessly,unchivalrously,ungallantly,audaciously,bluntly,impudently,presumptuously ,cheekily,churlishly,contumeliously, Antonyms I. Opposite of with great suddenness gently,gradually,progressively,slowly,steadily,inchmeal,piecemeal,regularly,unnoticeabl y,subtly II. Opposite of Adverb for lacking consideration for others courteously,politely,considerately,attentively,gently,tactfully,amiably,kindly,cordially,res pectfully,thoughtfully,graciously,patiently,expansively,circuitously,civilly,friendlily,nicel y,genteelly,genially,deferentially,gallantly,decently,artificially Sentences Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation. The meeting ended abruptly when the chairman was called away. The talks ended abruptly when one of the delegations walked out in protest. When he could stand it no longer, he rose abruptly to his feet. 8.Accentuated TEXTUAL REFERENCE Do I? Is my accent very bad?(play no 2 a visit to small planet) زورًدارًلہجےًمیںًاداًکرنا Synonyms Verb▲ I. Make more noticeable or prominent Lighting should accentuate the architectural features of a room.” accent,highlight,stress,underline,feature,foreground,underscore,heighten,spotlight,well,inten sify,amplify,augment,grow,swell,build,escalate,exacerbate,heighten,increase,magnify,mount,a dvance,spike,spread,aggrandize,balloon,breed,concentrate,develop,mushroom,nurture,reinfo rce,snowball,strengthen,bloom,boom, Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of make more noticeable or prominent Deemphasize,mask,minimise,underplay,divert,attention,from,gloss,over,make,light,play,dow n,disguise,hide,cloak,screen,obscure,veil,conceal,camouflage,blanket,enshroud,downplay,ski m,over,moderate,understate,talk,down Sentences The General wore white tie and tails that accentuated his normal elegance. Her face was set in a sad mask, accentuated by the wires that trembled to one side of her cheek. The whole air of menace was accentuated by the fact that he was so cordial and softvoiced. The problem is accentuated by a shortage of water and electricity. 9.Anxieties Textual reference Grayson was excused lessons; for a whole day the School centred emotionally upon his anxieties.(mr.chips) تشویش Textual reference the School centred emotionally upon his anxieties Synonyms Noun▲ I. A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome nervousness,angst,apprehensiveness,disquietude,perturbation,tension,fear,misgiving,su spense,agitation,consternation,stress,fearfulness,foreboding,fretfulness,trepidation,butt erflies,concern,uneasiness,worry,apprehension,unease,disquiet,distress,doubt,edginess, nerves,tenseness,worriment II. A strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen “Their driving force was clearly their anxiety to cling to power.” desire,eagerness,yearning,keenness,longing,impatience,enthusiasm,avidity,hunger,zeal,t hirst,earnestness,appetite,avidness,lust,excitement,ardor,desirousness,intentness,fervor, passion,zest,intensity Antonyms I. Opposite of a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome calmness,calm,unconcern,assurance,cool,coolness,equanimity,imperturbability,peace,pe acefulness,collectedness,composure,confidence,sangfroid,security,tranquillity,ease,equili brium,poise,serenity,sureness,belief II. Opposite of a strong desire or concern to do something or for something to happen apathy,disinterest,indifference,acedia,unconcern,aloofness,complacence,dispassion,impa ssivity,insensitivity,insouciance,nonchalance,stoicism,casualness,coolness,disinterestedn ess,dispassionateness,disregard,impassiveness,incuriosity,insensibility Sentences The mothers were able to share their anxieties with each other. There are anxieties over the effects of unemployment. Many editorials express their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country. Our anxieties can also be controlled by isolating thoughts, feelings and memories. 10.Boon Textual reference کرم Synonyms Noun▲ I. A thing that is helpful or beneficial benefaction,break,compliment,donation,grant,gratuity,largess,bonus,gain,privilege,benedicti on,bonanza,concession,felicity,good,luxury,manna,benefit,advantage,blessing,godsend,help, aid,windfall,asset,benevolence,courtesy,grace,indulgence,cooperation,consideration,benigni ty,accommodation kind act Antonyms Noun▲ I. Opposite of a thing that is helpful or beneficial disadvantage,curse,affliction,bane,drawback,encumbrance,evil,hindrance,imped iment,minus,plague,scourge,forfeit,harm,hurt,loss,misfortune,bad fortune, obstacle bar,handicap,block,obstruction,difficulty,deterrent,check Sentences The building scheme comes as an enormous boon for the building industry. These machines have proved a real boon to disabled people. A bicycle is a real boon when you live in a small town. Guide dogs are a great boon to the partially sighted. 11.Bewilderment Textual reference ” Chips began, in sheer bewilderment; and then he took up isolated words out of that extraordinary indictment. “(mr.chips) حیرانی Textual reference " Chips began, in sheer bewilderment Synonyms Noun▲ I. A feeling of being perplexed and confused disorientation,confusedness,distraction,fog,incomprehension,maze,muddle,surprise, tangle,whirl,daze,bafflement,befuddlement,bemusement,puzzlement,confusion,per plexity,mystification,bamboozlement,bewilderedness,abashment,awkwardness,emb arrassment,disconcertment,uncertainty,dismay,perturbation,consternation Antonyms Noun▲ I. Opposite of a feeling of being perplexed and confused clarity,expectation,calmness,composure,coolness,calm,peace,happiness,organization ,organisation,indifference,order,method,confidence,system,understanding,harmony, tidiness,quiet,neatness,dullness,unexcitement,beauty,contentment Sentences I can only reduce the painful uncertainty and bewilderment of those first few days by learning relevant information quickly. She accepted the news of war with bewilderment and sadness; feelings she soon learned to keep to herself. He wrote out his rage and bewilderment, which gradually became a form of catharsis leading to understanding. I stood staring at them in utter bewilderment. 12.Briskly Textual reference So, while others were walking briskly to keep warm.(book 1 overcoat) تیزیًسےپھرتیًسے Synonyms Adverb▲ I. With great speed “A trader said gold was selling briskly on the local market.” presto,pronto,quick,snappily,soon,speedily,swift,swiftly,apace,quickly,rapidly,chopchop,doublequick,fast,fleetly,nimbly,agilely,easily,gracefully,lightly,deftly,smartly,spryly,acrobatically,acti vely,dexterously,lithely,quickly,skillfully,quickly,promptly,rapidly,smartly,vigorously,actively, brusquely,efficiently,nimbly,readily,decisively,energetically,enthusiastically II. Adverb for chilly, refreshing (weather) The group traveled for the rest of the day in a brisk rain.” invigoratingly,crisply,freshly,stimulatingly,bracingly,refreshingly,sharply,bitingly,exhilaratingl y,keenly,nippily,chillily,coldly,healthfully,restoratively,rousingly,tonically,coolly,bitterly Antonyms I. Opposite of with great speed slow,slowly,laggardly,ploddingly,tardily,gradually,sluggishly,leisurely,languidly,unhurriedly moving,delayed,delinquently,casually,calmly,steadily,lingeringly,methodically II. Opposite of adverb for chilly, refreshing (weather) tiringly, wearisomely, boringly, depressingly, exhaustingly drainingly debilitatingly Sentences They briskly exchanged greetings before starting the session. Walking briskly can burn off a lot of calories. Remembering his duty, he strode briskly up the stairs, keeping his eyes open for any suspicious signs. He walked briskly to the corner and turned right. 13.Bead I am a cluster of bright beads(play 3 the delight song) ،ًطرہ َ ًَق،ًًموتی،ًً َمنکا،ًًتسبیحًکاًدانہ،ًًوظیفہ،ًعبادت Synonyms Noun▲ I. A drop of a liquid on a surface “As I showered after a hard day at work, I appreciated each bead of water that struck my body.” drop,blob,droplet,bubble,dot,drip,driblet,glob,globule,pearl,tear,dewdrop,grain,particle,spec k,teardrop,bean,dab ,dribble,ball,drib,pellet,gobbet,mass,lump,pill,spheroid,prill,trickle,plop,splash,leak Noun▲ II. A small piece of glass, stone, or similar material that is typically round or spherical “His design is a beautiful cherry wood bead and gold teardrop headpiece, reminiscent of braids layered down the head.” sphere,pearl,pellet,pill,spherule,globe,globule,ovoid,spheroid,oval,round Antonyms I. Stream Opposite of a small drop of a liquid II. Opposite of A small piece of glass, stone, or similar material that is typically round or spherical dollop,lump,chunk,helping,wad,portion,scoop,spoon,spoonful,serving,mass,gob,gobbet,clum p,knob,ball Sentences ‘she fastened the beads round my neck’ A strand of coral beads hung round her neck. She threaded the beads carefully. He wore a string of wooden beads. 14.Brimming ،ًًبھراًہوا،ًًلبالب،ًلبریز Synonyms Adjective ▲ I. Containing the maximum possible amount of that which can fit in the space available The chest was filled to the brim with silver bars.’ abounding,overcrowded,thronged,abundant,congested,brimful,bursting,chockablock,chockf ul,chock-full, ,crowded,fat,filled,full,jammed,loaded,packed,stuffed,awash,flush,overflowing,overfull,teem ing,topfull,level with,running over,swarming,chock-a-block,replete Verb▲ I. Present participle for to fill to the brim, upper edge, or top “Then she pulled her hand away, but not before I saw her eyes brim with tears.” charging,cramming,filling,heaping, loading,packing,stuffing,piling,squeezing,ramming,crowding Antonyms Adjective▲ I. Opposite of containing the maximum possible amount of that which can fit in the space available bare,blank,devoid,vacant,void,unfilled,clear,barren,deserted,lacking,depleted,wanting,uncon gested,unoccupied,vacated,uninhabited,evacuated,emptied,deficient Verb▲ I. Opposite of present participle for to fill to the brim, upper edge, or top clearing,emptying,evacuating,vacating,voiding,exhausting,discharging,unloading,expending,t apping,unpacking,consuming,dissipating,depleting,unburdening,releasing,expelling,draining Sentences Since she got the new job, she's been brimming with confidence. The waiter brought over a steaming pot brimming with seafood. England are brimming with confidence after two straight wins in the tournament. I was brimming with hopes for obtaining a good liberal arts education, then training in journalism. 15.Baffling ،ًًمایوسًکن،ًًحیرانًکن،ًپریشانًکن Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Puzzling and frustrating intricate,secret,dark,convoluted,occult,mystic,ambiguous,inscrutable,arcane,complicated,co mplex,deep,bewildering,confusing,enigmatic,incomprehensible,inexplicable,mysterious,myst ifying,perplexing,puzzling,unclear,unfathomable,weird,bemusing,elusive,abstruse,impenetra ble,obscure, Antonyms I. Opposite of puzzling and frustrating clear,comprehensible,easy,obvious,fathomable,intelligible,simple,understandable,plain,evid ent,apparent,manifest,patent,conspicuous,pronounced,transparent,palpable,prominent,mar ked,decided,salient,striking,distinct,bold,noticeable Sentences Some of the country's customs are baffling to outsiders. His baffling questions snarled me up. They succeeded in baffling the enemy's plan. It appears baffling because it seems to call no attention to itself. 16.Bashful شرمیال، محجوب، خجلn، جھینپو، جھجکو، شرمیال Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Not liking to be noticed embarrassed,humble,recoiling,meek,overmodest,recessive,unconfident,wary,withdrawn,coy ,diffident,retiring,sheepish,shy,awshucks,demure,modest,mousy,nervous,reserved,reticent,self-conscious,selfeffacing,shamefaced,shrinking,timid,timorous,reluctant,. Antonyms I. Opposite of not liking to be noticed bold,confident,immodest,aggressive,arrogant,brash,conceited,extraverted,extroverted,fearl ess,forward,intrepid,outgoing,pushy,egoistic,impudent,unabashed,unshy,impertinent,brave, brazen,heroic,courageous,stalwart Sentences Don't be bashful about telling people how you feel. Women should also remember that many men are bashful about discussing their feelings out in the open. Most of people will feel bashful and unconfident in the social activities. The boy was too bashful to ask her to dance. 17.Beckoned اشارے سے بالنا، خاطب کَرنا ِ ُم، مائل کَرنا، اشارہ دينا َ بالنا Synonyms Verb▲ I. Appear attractive or inviting ‘‘‘A person beckoning someone else extends an arm with the palm turned down and brings the fingers toward the wrist.’ invite,lure,attract,call,coax,draw,entice,pull,tempt,allure,charm,engage,fascinate,interest ,captivate,enchant,induce,persuade,bring,in,command,demand II. Make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow ‘‘I hope you will excuse me,’ he said, and beckoned to the soldier to follow him.’ ‘He beckoned to me to follow him out onto the dance floor, so I did as told.’ ‘I snapped, but all the same beckoned to her to follow me.’ ‘A policeman beckoned to Sykes and instructed him to follow him.’ gesture,signal,wave,motion,flag,gesticulate,indicate,nod,sign,call,summon,direct,point,si gnalize, , incline,bow,dip,duck,wag,bobble,jog,jounce, Antonyms Opposite of appear attractive or inviting I. deter,dismiss,push,repel,reply,repulse,discourage,dissuade,disgust,disenchant,offend,w ard off,avert,stop,prevent,release,liberate,lose I. Opposite of to Make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow disregard,overlook,miss,discount,neglect,overpass,skip,bypass,whitewash,avoid,evade,fo rget Sentences He beckoned the waiter for the bill. Thirty seconds later she reappeared and beckoned them forward. Imperiously she beckoned me out of the room. The boss beckoned him into her office. 18.coveted ،ًانتہائیًمرغوب ‘Is there any time in the future when you could see yourself coveting the Leader's job?’ Synonyms Verb▲ I. To yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another) Wish for,ache for, choose,hanker,die for,dream of,hanker for,crave,desire,fancy,long for,thirst for,want,yearn for, aspire to, begrudge, desiderate,envy,hanker,after,hunger for,aim,intend,design,plan,purpose,aspire,mean,propose, Antonyms I. Opposite of to yearn to possess (something, especially something belonging to another) abjure,dislike,give,hate,be generous not detest,loathe,abhor,deplore, be averse to,disdain,spurn,object to, resent,scorn,repudiate,dismiss,ignore,decline,reject,repel,disregard, snub,slight,avoid,spurn,refuse,rebuff,scorn,repudiate,shun,renounce. Sentences These old stamps are eagerly coveted by collectors. . She always coveted power but never quite achieved it. She was the first woman to win this coveted prize. He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician. 19.Credentials شہادت رسمیہ i. Something that identifies a person ‘Checking out his credentials proved to be a difficult task.’ papers,card,warrant,licence,passport,voucher,diploma,testimonial,title,certification, deed,document,documents, ,missive,pass,permit,certificate,documentation,recommendation,references, . ii. Skills, ability or knowledge that make a person qualified for a particular role or job ‘He had stellar academic credentials, a tremendous background, had succeeded at everything he had done.’ ability,qualifications,attribute,capability,capacity,endowments,fitness,goods,qualific ation,skill,stuff,accomplishment,aptitude “ antonyms i. Opposite of something that identifies a person disapproval,refusal,prohibition,veto,denial,interdiction,proscription,opposition,rejec tion,breach,break,ban,restraint ii. Opposite of a person's education and experience ignorance,inability,inadequacy,ineptness,inaptitude,inexperience,lack,loss,weakness, incompetence,incapability,disqualification,failing sentences She had excellent credentials for the job. , All the candidates had excellent academic credentials. , I can testify to the credentials of the clientele. She has impeccable credentials as a researcher. Sarah certainly has the right credentials for this demanding position.” The policemen went to check the driver's credentials 20.Capacious ‘she rummaged in her capacious handbag’ ،ًًفراخ،ًًوسیعًکشادہ،ًًہ َ َمہًگیر،ًًفَراخ،ًکُشادَہ Synonyms Adjective I. Having a lot of space inside prodigious,tremendous,mammoth,monster,limitless,strapping,burly,monumental,el ephantine,monstrous,gargantuan,mountainous,good,major,boxcar,copious,astrono mical,ample,commodious,roomy,spacious,extensive,generous,substantial,vast,volum inous,big,broad,comprehensive,expansive,huge,large,sizable,sizeable,wide,abundant ,comfortable,dilatable,distensible,expandable,extended,immense, Antonyms I. Opposite of having a lot of space inside cramped,small,limited,tight,confined,constricted,enclosed,narrow,restricted,tiny,inc ommodious,insubstantial,poky,squeezed,ungenerous,restrained,held,bound,trapped ,straitened,close,mean,parsimonious,miserly,stingy,tightfisted Sentences The van was capacious and he decided to fill up the space with a couple of sacks of fuel. The front door of the capacious old mansion stood open. His forehead is capacious and high, but square and heavy and unpleasantly shining. The rugged and capacious airframe offers plenty of scope for civilian operators. 21.Collided with ، ٹکرا کے ملنا، اختالف ہونا، ايک دوسرے سے ٹکرانا تصادم ہونا، ٹکرانا،لڑنا Synonyms Verb▲ I. Hit by accident when moving ‘A youth was killed when a passenger train collided with his car on a level crossing in East Yorkshire last night.’ crash,bang,hit,impact,slam,strike,bash,bump,impinge,knock,ram,smash,swipe,thud, ,bump into, ,crash into,run into, ,beat,cannon into,crunch Verb▲ II. Come into conflict or opposition ‘Between those two opposing views, ideals collide and friendships are strained.’ clash,conflict,differ,disaccord,discord,diverge,jar,disagree,quibble,wrangle,dispute,debat e,demur, scrap,spat,altercate,bicker,object,fight Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of hit by accident when moving aid,fail,fix,help,lose,mend,tap,assist,raise,compliment,protect,retreat,halt,st op,treat,well,surrender II. Opposite of come into conflict or opposition accord,blend,conform to,conform with, fit,harmonize,match,coalesce,agree,consent,set off,align,concur,correspond,coincide,cohere,comport,correlate Sentences His car collided with another car during a heavy rainstorm. . The President has again collided with Congress over his budget plans. A meteorite collided with Earth at the same time, delivering a onetwo punch to the magnetic field. He drove so recklessly that he collided with a tree and landed up in hospital. 22.crudely ،ًًبیوقوفیًسے،ًًبےًعقلیًسے،ًًبےًڈھنگےًطریقےًسے،ًبےًڈھنگےًپنًسے Textual reference In practice there was one big obstacle: in its crude form penicillin was unstable I. Synonyms Adverb▲ In a way that is unsatisfactory or inadequate poorly,badly,inadequately,incompetently,unsuccessfully,deficiently,inexpertly,unsatisfactoril y,defectively,abjectly,appallingly,faultily,imperfectly,unacceptably,abysmally II. Adverb▲ In a rude manner coarsely,crassly,indecently,rudely,vulgarly,impolitely,lewdly,obscenely,tastelessly,uncouthly, roughly,uncivilly,grossly,loutishly,boorishly,commonly,ungraciously,insensibly III. Adverb▲ In an inaccurate manner inaccurately,amiss,carelessly,clumsily,erroneously,imprecisely,improperly,inappropriately,in aptly,incorrectly,mistakenly,unsuitably,wrongly,badly,inadequately,inexactly,unfaithfully,unr eliably,unjustifiably,unpardonably, Noun▲ Unrefined petroleum coal,gasoline,kerosene,naphtha,polymer,hexane,naphthalene,propane,polypropylene,benze ne,polyethylene,paraffin,wax,organic compound,methane,hydrocarbon,crude oil, petroleum,black gold,coal oil,fossil oil Antonyms I. Adverb▲ Opposite of in a way that is unsatisfactory or inadequate acceptably,adequately,satisfactorily,well,fine,good,nicely,palatably,passably,tolerably,compe tently,expertly,sufficiently II. Opposite of in a rude manner civilly,courteously,politely,lately,sophisticatedly,smoothly,highly,aristocratically,intellectually ,knowledgeably,decorously,discriminatingly,learnedly,eruditely,accurately III. Opposite of in an inaccurate manner appropriately,aptly,correctly,fittingly,properly,right,rightly,suitably,well,accurately Sentences Why do you always have to put things so crudely? While you all do things elegantly, I do things crudely. He hated it when she spoke so crudely. To put it crudely, the poor are going without food so that the rich can drive cars. 23.confront Textual reference When confronting the enigma of the Chinese planet, too many Westerners have forgotten the Asiatic background and painful colonial history(book 2 CHINA WAY TO PROGRESS) ، ُمقابلہ کَرنا، سامنا کَرنا، سامنے رکھنا، دو چارہونا، روبرو ہونا يا کرنا ، ُمخالفَت کَرنا سامنے آنا، سامنا کرنا، مخالفت کرنا،جا بھڑنا.v.t Textual reference When confronting (face, tackle, undertake) the enigma (puzzle, riddle, problem) of the Chinese planet Synonyms Verb▲ I. To come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent resist,approach,assault,attack,meet,brazen,breast,dare,cope,with,dealwith,flout,front,provo ke,repel,scorn,defy,tackle,beard,challenge,face,brave,oppose,accost,resist,approach,assault, attack,meet,brazen,breast,dare, II. Verb▲ To accuse someone of tax,accuse,blame,charge,arraign,impeach,censure,incriminate,indict,condemn,denou nce,prosecute,impugn,criminate,impute,inculpate,present,reproach,reprove, Antonyms I. Opposite of To come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent placate,allay,appease,mollify,pacify,reconcile,alleviate,conciliate,defuse,mitigate,settle,ameli orate,assuage,calm,contain,control,ease,propitiate,quell,relieve, II. Opposite of to accuse someone of exonerate,clear,acquit,exculpate,vindicate,approve,free,praise,release,unburden Sentences She decided to confront her boss about the situation with direct questioning. She didn't want to confront the inescapable fact that she would have to sell the house. We are learning how to confront death. He would have liked to be able to confront and examine his own previous self. 24.compelled I am not to be compelled to dig the man's grave.”(BOOK 1 THE FOOLISH QUACK) I was compelled to dig her grave! ” .”(BOOK 1 THE FOOLISH QUACK) ، مہربانی کرنا، مجبور کرنا، زبردستی کرنا مجبور. Textual reference I am not to be compelled to dig the man’s grave. Synonyms Verb I. To have caused someone to do something, usually against their inclinations made,forced,pressured,coerced,required,drove,induced,obliged,pressed,browbeat,caused,c ommanded,constrained,impelled,impressed,demanded,intimidated,obligated,ordered,railro aded,strong-armed,willed,badgered Verb▲ II. To have been persuaded based on available information led,caused,induced,prompted,persuaded,moved,swayed,influenced,motivated,conditioned, drove,predisposed,inclined,made,convinced,disposed,impelled,affected,biased, Antonyms I. Opposite of to have caused someone to do something, usually against their inclinations asked,convinced,persuaded,requested,cajoled,coaxed,encouraged,urged,appealed,begged,b eseeched,besought,enticed,invited,reasoned, ,allowed,let,motivated II. Opposite of to have been persuaded based on available information dissuaded,disinclined,discouraged,indisposed,deterred,diverted,put,off,stopped,halted,,dela yed,obstructed,hindered,blocked,checked,restrained,prevented Sentences They were often compelled to work eleven or twelve hours a day. Over the years her work has compelled universal admiration and trust. His performance compelled the audience's attention . I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book. 25.coaxed Aw, come on,” I coaxed, “just open your mouth wide and let me take a look.”(BOOK 1 THE USE OF FORCE) ، پرچا کر راہ پر النا، ِکسی کو رفتہ رفتہ پُھسال کر، بہکانا، لبھانا، ھسالنا دالرنا، چاپلوسی کرنا، پچارا دينا، پھسالنا، پٹی پڑھانا،چمکارنا.v.t Textual reference Aw, come on,” I coaxed “just open your mouth wide and let me take a look Synonyms Verb▲ I. To fondle, kid, pet flatter,inveigle,persuade,allure,blarney,lure,maneuver,compel,attract,deceive,instigate,solici t,pressure,entrap,palaver,seduce,temptcajole, sweettalk,wheedle,beguile,blandish,entice, II. To ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something entreat,beg,petition,implore,appeal, ,beseech,importune,supplicate,conjure,enjoin,exhort,request,pray Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of to fondle, kid, pet, tease bully,force,intimidate,threaten,allow,browbeat,coerce,discourage,disenchant,disgust,dissua de,harass,please,repel,repulse not,care,turn off,scare,pressure,terrify,frighten,press,menace,subdue, II. Opposite of to To ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something repel,resist,buck,defy,oppose,fight Sentences The government coaxed them to give up their strike by promising them temporary residence permits. The director coaxed a brilliant performance out of the cast. He watched with great interest how she coaxed the animals towards her. She coaxed the horse into coming a little closer. 26.comprehension َ َمعانی و تَعلُقات ذہنی، ادراک، سمجھ، فہم، ادراک س َمجھ جانا َ طور پر وقوف، سمجھ، ادراک،فہم.n Synonyms Noun▲ I. The ability to understand something perception,grip,awareness,cognizance,discernment,appreciation,cognition,hold,percipience,,sens e,intelligence,interpretation,judgement,ability,awareness,intelligence,details,discernment,divinati on,evidence,understanding,grasp,apprehension,conception,knowledge, Antonyms Antonyms I. Opposite of the ability to understand something incomprehension,ignorance,misapprehension,misunderstanding,unawareness,inability,misinterpr etation,mistake,innocence,nescience,unfamiliarity,obliviousness,benightedness,stupidity,misconc eption,unconsciousness,blindness,ineptness Sentences The task requires a good comprehension of complex instructions. The second passage for reading comprehension on the examination paper foxed me completely; I couldn't understand it at all. We tried to explain the causes of the war at a child's level of comprehension. He has no comprehension of the size of the problem. 27.curious The textual reference He experienced a curious longing to see some more of the strange and mighty desert before leaving the country, perhaps for good. (Button, Button) She tried to smile but couldn't. “Aren't you curious at all?”(BOOK 2 HITCH HIKING ACROSS THE SAHARA) َ آ َگہی، ُمشتاق، ُمت َجسِس ، طالب، مشتاق، سس ّ متج، طلَب تعجب انگیز، نراال، متجسس، مشتاق، کھوجی،انوکھا.a She tried to smile but couldn't. “Aren't you curious at all?” Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Having an attraction to inquisitive,probing,questioning,quizzical,enquiring,interrogative,investigative,querying,scr utinizing,enthusiastic,examining,inspecting,fascinated,interested,intrigued,keen,agog,eag er,excited,moved,attentive,captivated II. Differing in some way from the norm odd,bizarre,peculiar,strange,funny,queer,unexpected,unusual,eccentric,mysterious,puzzli ng,weird,abnormal,anomalous,atypical,offbeat,different,outlandish,unfamiliar,unique,ine xplicable,intriguing,mystifying,unnatural,perplexing Antonyms I. Opposite of Having an attraction to apathetic,incurious,uncurious,uninterested,disinterested,indifferent,uninquisitive,emotio nless,unconcerned,unemotional,unmoved,detached,listless,phlegmatic,unresponsive,bor ed,dispassionate,uninvolved,lackadaisical,languid,lukewarm,numb II. Opposite of differing in some way from the norm ordinary,common,conventional,plain,usual,average,commonplace,familiar,normal,modes t,regular,standard,unremarkable,homespun,indifferent,prosaic,unexceptional,humdrum, mediocre,pedestrian,undistinguished,characterless Sentences Don't be too curious about things you are not supposed to know. He felt a curious mixture of excitement and panic. We received a number of curious stares from passers-by. I was curious to know what would happen next. 28.casually “Is that so, Harry?” Sam said, casually.(BOOK 1 DAR THEY WERE GOLDEN EYED) . He glances back at the door, then turns his attention once more to the paper and begins going through it casually.(PLAY NO 1 HEAT LIGHTNING) ، ناگاہ، بال ارادہ، کبھی کبھار، يونہی، ً اتفاقا ناگاہ،ً اتفاقا،بال ارادہ.adv Textual reference "Is that so, Harry?" Sam said, casually Synonyms Adverb▲ I. In a calm manner calmly,dispassionately,impassively,nonchalantly,collectedly,composedly,coolly,eq uably,imperturbably,placidly,sedately,serenely,tranquilly,unflinchingly,easily,even ly,motionlessly,peacefully, II. In a natural or normal way informally,naturally,normally,simply,genuinely,spontaneously,unaffectedly,unpre tentiously, comfortably,openly,ordinarily,unceremoniously,friendlily,uninhibitedly,sloppily,pl ainly Adverb▲ III. Adverb for not regular or permanent irregularly,occasionally,inconstantly,intermittently,choppily,cyclically,discontinuo usly,episodically,erratically,fitfully,inconsistently,periodically,spasmodically,spasti cally IV. Adverb for made or done without much thought or premeditation randomly,passingly,spontaneously,parenthetically,trivially,unpremeditatedly,unt hinkingly,unguardedly,ill Antonyms I. Opposite In a calm manner concernedly,affectedly,interestedly,involvedly,connectedly,relatedly II. Opposite In a natural or normal way formally,elegantly,classily,dressily,elaborately,chicly,fashionably,ornately,ceremo nially,smartly III. Opposite for not regular or permanent Permanently at,length,firmly,regularly,solidly,stably,securely,extendedly,lengthily,longtermly,steadily IV. Opposite for made or done without much thought or premeditation circumspectly,sensibly,calculatedly,cogently,intelligently,judiciously,measuredly,t houghtfully,advisedly Sentences I casually mentioned that I might be interested in working abroad. She picked up the package and casually tossed it into her bag. He casually waved over the waitress and settled the bill. I spend most of my time in the house with young children, so I dress casually. 29.confining روکنا، حد کے اندر رکھنا، حد سے نہ بڑھنے دينا، آخری حد، سرحد، فرنٹیر ، سرحد،آخری حد.n Textual reference But though this was the last of Pasteur’s great discoveries, its results were by no means confined Synonyms Verb▲ I. To put in or as if in prison circumscribe,commit,encircle,encompass,hold,captive,hurdle,jug,ring,surround,box in,impound,lock up,trap,coop,shut in,shut up,bind,bound,imprison,incarcerate,intern,enclose,immure,cage,keep, Verb▲ II. To become or make less wide narrow,constrict,contract,diminish,taper,choke,compact,compress,condense,cramp,reduce,r estrict,shrink,strangle, Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of to put in or as if in prison release,discharge,free,liberate,allow,ignore,increase,loose,loosen,neglect,open,permit,unbin d,unfasten, ,help,aid,encourage,lose,promote,exceed,unloose,set,free,facilitate,stop,expand,untie,unsha ckle,unfetter, Verb▲ II. Opposite of To become or make less wide assail,assault,attack,face,free,harm,hurt,injure,loose,meet,release, ,reveal,liberate,reject,exclude,uncover,unwrap,take out,unloose,leave out Sentences I had remained virtually silent throughout this meeting, confining myself to copious notetaking. There is merit in confining all this data to one sheet of paper. The area was placed under curfew, confining all residents to their homes.. Many such programmes are unnecessarily harsh and increase isolation by confining the patient to bed. 30.Crammed ، مکمل طور پر بھرا ہوا کھچا کھچ.a Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Containing or seeming to contain the greatest quantity or number possible brimful,brimming,bursting,chockablock,chockful,chockfull,crowded,fat,filled,full,jammed,jampacked,loaded,packed,stuffed,cramped,full,up,overflowing,teeming,chock-ablock,overcrowded,swarming,overfull,congested,heaving,thronged Verb▲ II. Past tense for to study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination studied,swotted,lucubrated,revised,conned,ground,grinded,learned,reviewed,perused Antonyms Adjective▲ I. Opposite of containing or seeming to contain the greatest quantity or number possible bare,blank,devoid,empty,stark,vacant,void,deserted,unfilled,clear,barren,uninhabited,lackin g,uncongested,depleted,wanting,uncrowded,needy,emptied,unoccupied,unloaded,vacated,e vacuated,operating,imprecise,exhausted Opposite of past tense for to study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination II. Forgot,disremembered,unlearned,unlearnt,neglected,ignored,disregarded,omitted,failed,ov erlooked,disremembered,misrecollected,obliviated,unlearned,unlearnt Sentences The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art. The town centre is crammed with funny little shops. The hall was crammed with many people standing.. The streets were crammed with people. 31.confirm ، ُمستَحکم کَرنا، پکا کَرنا، َمظبوط کَرنا، قدم جمانا، پکا کرنا، مستحکم کرنا تصديق کرنا، پکا کرنا، حامی بھرنا،بات پکی کرنا.v.t Synonyms Verb▲ I. To give evidence or testimony to the truth or factuality endorse,ratify,affirm,approve,formalize,legitimize,recognize,sanction,support,attest,justify,vi ndicate,certify,establish,uphold,back,verify,corroborate,substantiate,validate,authenticate,p rove,affirm,certify,testify,assert,attest,avouch,asseverate, Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of to give evidence or testimony to the truth or factuality contradict,disprove,rebut,refute,annul,cancel,confuse,repudiate,destroy,disagree,disconfirm ,discredit,infirm,invalidate,oppose,refuse,counter,deny,gainsay,void,controvert,disaffirm,dis pute,negate,confute,disavow,disclaim Sentences When do you think the president will confirm you in office? The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in writing. Your booking will automatically lapse unless you confirm it 32.cautioned Agricultural mechanization is being introduced with considerable caution so as to avoid upsetting the balance.(CHINA WAY TO PROGRESS) ، ہوشیاری، ہدايت، انتباہ، آگاہی، تنبیہ، خبرداری، احتیاط احتیاط. ، ضمانت برائے ادائیگی وجوب Synonyms Noun▲ I. Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes precaution,judiciousness,sagacity,judgment,wisdom,cautiousness,gingerliness,caginess,mind fulness,canniness,care,circumspection,prudence,discretion,heed,heedfulness,vigilance,warin ess,alertness,carefulness,chariness,forethought,guardedness,watchfulness,attention,attentiv eness,awareness, Noun▲ II. An official or legal warning, typically given to someone who has committed an offense admonition,admonishment,warning,injunction,reprimand,notice,monition,rebuke,reproof,sc olding,ultimatum,carpeting,censure,upbraiding,castigation,berating,forewarning, Verb▲ III. To issue an official or legal warning to berate,chide,upbraid,censure,reproach,castigate,chastise , Antonyms Noun▲ I. Opposite of care taken to avoid danger or mistakes recklessness,carelessness,incaution,brashness,heedlessness,incautiousness,unwariness,darin g,imprudence,rashness,disregard,ignorance,indiscretion,neglect,negligence,thoughtlessness, bravery,courage,nerve,audacity,bottle II. Opposite of An official or legal warning, typically given to someone who has committed an offense reassurance,encouragement,hope,assurance,comfort,persuasion III. Opposite of To issue an official or legal warning to compliment,praise,acclaim,applaud,approve,commend,extol,laud,exonerate,flatter,help,con gratulate,allow,permit,cheer,big,up,reward,clap,credit,hail,salute Sentences . We were cautioned not to drive too fast. . They were cautioned to speak as little as possible. The two men were cautioned but police say they will not be charged. The government cautioned that pay increases could lead to job losses. 33.Captivated You whom this age's way so captivate!(BOOK 1 LESSON I HAVE A DREAM) ًمحو،گرفتار Synonyms Verb▲ I. To attract and hold interest and attention of capture,involve,amuse,bedazzle,wow,enamor,preoccupy,entertain,gratify,hold,hook,intr igue, ,absorb,allure,beguile,bewitch,charm,enchant,,fascinate,ravish,attract,dazzle,enrapture,e nsnare,entrance,infatuate,seduce,delight,engross,enslave,grip,kill,lure Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of to attract and hold interest and attention of repel,bore,disenchant,disgust,repulse,alienate,annoy,depress,disappoint,disillusion,disp lease,dissuade,disturb,fail,forget,free,liberate,lose,offend,pain,refuse,reject,release,stop,t ire,upset,let go,turn off,disabuse,undeceive Sentences The children were captivated by his thrilling story. The schoolboys were captivated by the adventures of the heroes in the animated cartoon. The kindergarten children were captivated by the variety of animals in the zoo. They were captivated by the beautiful village, played croquet on the lawn and altogether had a delightful time. 34.condescended ، ُجھکنا، اِنکسار کَرنا، فَروتنی کَرنا انکسار کرنا، فرو تنی کرنا، جھکنا،دبنا Synonyms I. Do something in such a way as to emphasize that one clearly regards it as below one's dignity or level of importance deign,stoop,vouchsafe,descend,bend,submit,consent,demean,oneself,humble,lower,oneself, unbend,accommodate,accord,acquiesce,agree,comply,concede,debase,oneself,demean,gran t,humble, oblige Verb▲ II. Treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful disdain,humiliate,stoop,denigrate,indulge,snub,condescendto,deign,demean,infantili ze, Antonyms I. Opposite of do something in such a way as to emphasize that one clearly regards it as below one's dignity or level of importance contradict,decline,deny,disagree,disallow,disapprove,disobey,dispute,dissent,fight,hinder,op pose,prevent,protest,refuse,reject,resist,veto,withhold,rise,above ,hold,head,high,grow,straighten,increase,rise II. Opposite of Treat in a way that is apparently kind or helpful elevate,improve,promote,aggrandize,exalt,ennoble,advance,boost,dignify,further,heighten, Sentences When giving a talk, be careful not to condescend to your audience.. I do wish he wouldn't condescend to the junior staff in his department. I never thought he would condescend to betraying his friends. Some people will never condescend to help their wives with the housework.Setences 35.criteria کسوٹیً۔ًمعیارً۔ًاصولً۔ًجانچًکاًاصول Synonyms Noun▲ I. Plural for a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided . کسی اصول یا معیار کے لئے جمع جس کے ذریعہ کسی چیز کا فیصلہ کیا جاسکتا ہے formulae,scales,bar,grades,guides,guidelines,norms,rules,barometers,bases,canons,pars,prin ciples,standards,measures,tests,touchstones,yardsticks,benchmarks,indicators,law,marks,me trics,proof,specifications,conventions, Noun▲ II. Rules used to determine one's choices قواعد جو کسی کے انتخاب کا تعین کرتے ہیں principles,rules,doctrine,standards,beliefs,code,creeds,ethics,maxims,notions,attitude,axiom s,canons,credos Antonyms Noun▲ I. Opposite of a principle or standard by which something may be judged or decided change,conjecture,fancy,guess,possibility,probability,photographer,chance,likelihood,odds,p rospect,likeliness,expectation,liability,possibility,chances,percentage,presumption,anticipati on,conceivability,contingency,credibility,feasibility,hazard,plausibility Noun▲ II. Opposite of a rule used to determine one's choices ambiguity,effect,end,result,disorganization,lawlessness,unbelief,veto,bad,manners,unemplo yment,disorder Sentences What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability? There are strict criteria for inclusion in the competition. People use different criteria for judging success at school. The school's performance is measured against a strict set of criteria. 36.daintily Synonyms Adverb▲ I. In a graceful manner مکرم انداز میں delicacy,subtly,finely,lightly,elegantly,gracefully,softly,tactfully,carefully,deftly,exquis itely,sensitively,beautifully,prettily,attractively,lovelily,appealingly,beautifully,fetchin gly,charmingly,cutely,sweetly,nicely,pleasingly,bonnily,fairly,gracefully,handsomely,p repossessingly,comelily,darlingly II. Moving easily آسانی سے آگے بڑھ رہے ہیں fluidly,frictionlessly,steadily,quietly,regularly,rhythmically,easily,effortlessly,swimmin gly,easy,facilely,fluently,freely,evenly,constantly,steadily,uniformly,fluently,levelly Antonyms Adverb▲ I. Opposite of in a graceful manner clumsily,stiffly,bunglingly,carelessly,fumblingly,gawkily,gracelessly,inelegantly,ineptl y,uncouthly,rudely,ponderously,inexpertly, II. Opposite of Moving easily arduously,hardly,laboriously,strenuously,disastrously,difficultly,assiduously,resolutel y,purposefully,intently,determinedly,industriously,diligently,hard,actively,tirelessly Sentences o o o The invitation cards were written up daintily in white and gold. She walked daintily down the steps. She skipped daintily down the street, holding her father's hand. o She was taking tiny bites of a hot dog and daintily wiping her lips with a napkin. 37.dispensing ًاستثنا،ًًدواًسازی،ًنسخہًسازی Verb▲ I. Dole out supply باہر کی فراہمی disburse ,administer,deal out,parcel out,portion,expend,designate,impart,spread,blow,lay out,splurge ,distribute,allocate,apportion,allot,assign,hand,out,bestow,prorate,confer,pass,out,pass,rou nd,supply,dish out,divide Verb▲ II. To supply or make up a medicine or prescription کسی دوا یا نسخے کی فراہمی یا قضاء کرنا prepare,mix,supply,measure,provide,sell,make up,give,offer,deliver,bestow,confer,impart, yield,present ,purvey,proffer, furnish,grant,accord,transfer,produce,hand,over Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of dole out supply collect,misallocate,attach,combine,conceal,disorganize,gather,hide,hoard,hold,join,keep,r etain,secret,take,unite,withhold,misuse,mismanage,waste,misapply,misdirect,refuse Verb▲ II. Opposite of To supply or make up a medicine or prescription give,produce,bear,return,earn,generate,provide,afford,net,supply,fetch,pay,accrue,beget,bri ng,contribute,create,make,bestow, Sentences Several politicians were accused of dispensing favours to people who voted for them. Doctors confine themselves to prescribing rather than dispensing. The firm has been dispensing ointments. They were charged with dispensing justice and avenging violations of the natural order. 38.dispute ، بحث کرنا، اختالف رائے، تکرار، نزاع، مجادلہ، مناظرہ، مباحثہ، بحث ُ ، جھگڑا کرنا، جھگڑنا، مناظرہ کرنا، مباحثہ کرنا اختالف راۓ کرنا، تنازع کرنا Synonyms Noun▲ I. An (often hostile) expression of differing opinions ایک (اکثر دشمن) مختلف رائےوں کا اظہار disagreement,arguing,clash,contention,controversy,discourse,rhubarb,words,bicker,discussi on,scrap,brawl,broil,contretemps,disturbance,fight,fracas,fuss,hassle,argument,debate,quarr el,squabble,altercation,feud, Noun▲ II. (law) A legal or court action قانون) ایک قانونی یا عدالتی کارروائی( ۔ cause,case,contention,lawsuit,side,action,suit Antonyms Noun▲ I. Opposite of an (often hostile) expression of differing opinions agreement,calm,concord,concurrence,peace,quiet,harmony,accord,reconciliation,calmness,t ruce,ease,happiness,praise,sameness,order,likeness,similarity,compliment,aid,approval,help, concordance,unity,contentment Noun▲ II. Opposite of( law) A legal or court action prohibition,ban,embargo,moratorium,outlawing,prevention,prohibiting,banning,barring,disal lowance,forbiddance,proscription,restriction,bar,constraint,forbidding,interdict Sentences She handed in her resignation following the dispute over company policy. The border dispute was used as a pretext for military intervention. The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment . They have been unable to settle/resolve the dispute over working conditions. 39.distract ً،ًًاصلًنُقطےًسےًہٹانا،ًًرخًبدلنا،ًًموڑنا،ًًپھیرنا،ًًمجذوب،ًًبدًحواس،ًپریشان ُ ًپریشانًکرنا،ًًخیالًمنتشرًکرنا،ًبھٹکانا Synonyms Verb▲ I. To draw the attention or mind to something else کسی اور چیز پر توجہ یا دماغ کھینچنے کے لیے bewilder,confound,confuse,deflect,detract,madden,puzzle,torment,beguile,derange,discom pose,disconcert,draw,engross,entertain,occupy,perplex,absorb,addle,befuddle,divert,disturb ,sidetrack,agitate,trouble,abstract,amuse, Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of to draw the attention or mind to something else anger,bore,clarify,comfort,explain,help,tire,upset,clear,up,make,happy,soothe,calm,quiet,co mpose,settle,aid,assist,enlighten,appease Sentences It was another attempt to distract attention from the truth. Don't distract my attention I'm trying to study! The film managed to distract me from these problems for a while. It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims. 40.drummed ،ًًدہل،ًًنقارہ،ًًڈھول،ًًڈھولن،ًًہیلن،ًًطیل،ًًدُہل،ًڈھول Synonyms Verb▲ I. Past tense for to strike or cause to strike lightly and usually rhythmically حملہ کرنا یا ہلکا پھلکا حملہ کرنا حملہ کرنا یا ہلکا پھلکا حملہ کرنا pounded,struck,stricken,thrashed,thrummed,thumped,hit,pulsated,reverberated,throbbed,t hudded,boomed,roared,strummed,thundered,played,the,drums,hit,lightly,patted,pounded,s truck,stricken,thrashed,thrummed,thumped,rapped,tapped,tattooed,knocked,lashed II. Noun▲ A cylindrical container or receptacle یک بیلناکار کنٹینر یا استقبال barrel,canister,can,cylinder,tank,container,bin,tin,cask,holder,receptacle,repository,vessel,va t,butt,tub Antonyms I. Opposite of to strike or cause to strike lightly and usually rhythmically commend,compliment,praise,approve,exonerate,laud II. Opposite of A cylindrical container or receptacle pot,tank,bag,basket,depot,hopper,magazine,pouch,unrounded, Sentences She drummed her fingers impatiently on the table. They drummed a rhythm for dancers. The importance of good manners was drummed into us at an early age. Traditional values were drummed into him from an early age. 41.dilapidated ًًشکستگیًکیًحالت،ًًجوًخستہًحالتًمیںًہو،ًًخستہًحال،ًًشکستہ،ًٹُوٹاًپُھوٹا ،ًمیں Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, especially through neglect خاص طور پر کوتاہی کے ذریعے، ناامیدی یا بگاڑ کی حالت میں پڑنا derelict,decrepit,deteriorated,deteriorating,battered,damaged,decayed,decaying,dingy,dum py,ramshackle,ruined,rumpty,rundown,run,down,shabby,slummy,tattered,uncared,unmaint ained,wrecked,bedraggled,crumbling,crumbly,crummy Adjective▲ II. Low, or very bad, in condition or quality یا بہت خراب، معیار کے لحاظ سے کم، حالت wretched,atrocious,awful,terrible,bad,dismal,inferior,mediocre,miserable,poor,sleazy,substa ndard,unsatisfactory,abject,dire,dreadful,lousy,pathetic,punk,trashy Verb▲ III. Past tense for to go into decline زوال میں جانے کے لئے failed,declined,degenerated,deteriorated,diminished,faded,flagged,regressed,atrophied,retr ograded,retrogressed,collapsed,depreciated,disimproved,ebbed, drooped Antonyms Adjective▲ a. Opposite of having fallen into a state of disrepair or deterioration, especially through neglect good,healthy,intact,neat,nice,pristine,rebuilt,repaired,smart,sound,stable,repair,perfect,enti re,complete,undamaged,unscathed,untouched,flawless Adjective▲ II. Low, or very bad, in condition or quality luxurious,elaborate,fancy,pretentious,comfortable,extravagant,grand,grandiose,indulgent,la vish,lush,posh,gratifying,impressive,magnificent,majestic,plush,ritzy,splendid,upscale Verb▲ III. Opposite of Past tense for to go into decline improved,uncorrupt,pure,uncorrupted,purified,wholesome,kind,decent,clean,good,upright, moral, unpolluted,clean-living,virtuous,noble,honorable Sentences . They bought a dilapidated house when they got married, and are gradually doing it up. The house is a little more dilapidated than when I last saw it The building wore a dilapidated look. His sons have dilapidated the estate. 42.disconsolately ،ًًعاجزانہ،ًًغمگینیًکےًساتھ،ًًبےًچارگیًسے،ًًبےًکسانہ،ًمایوسانہ Synonyms Adverb▲ I. In a manner which suggests that one is beyond consolation جس انداز سے یہ پتہ چلتا ہے کہ کوئی تسلی سے باالتر ہے bleakly,dejectedly,drearily,inconsolably,unconsolably,miserably,gloomily,forlornly,glumly,sad ly,wretchedly,dismally,desolately,elegiacally,unhappily,melancholily,depressedly,morosely,d espondently,mournfully,downcastly,dolefully,sorrowfully,cheerlessly,bluely,crestfallenly,dow nheartedly,joylessly Antonyms Adverb▲ I. Opposite of in a manner which suggests that one is beyond consolation consolably,happily,sunnily,joyously,buoyantly,joyfully,gleefully,gladly,jubilantly,gladsomely,b lissfully,merrily,optimistically,frolicsomely,elatedly,genially,good-,positively,jocundly Sentences He wandered disconsolately around the town in the pouring rain. When I left he was gazing about disconsolately, still trying to get the idea. A dilapidated house stands disconsolately amid the rubbles. My thoughts strayed from that question as I looked disconsolately at the fire. 43.delicately ،ًًاحتیاطًکےًساتھ،ًًنفاستًکےًساتھ،ًنزاکتًسے Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Very fine in texture or structure, especially of intricate workmanship or quality ساخت یا ساخت میں خاص طور پر پیچیدہ کاریگری یا معیار کے لحاظ سے بہت عمدہ nice,soft,detailed,nuanced,sheer,wispy,chiffony,diaphanous,feathery,flimsy,floaty,ga uzy,gentle,gossamer,insubstantial,light,papery,silky,thin,choice,fine,dainty,exquisite,i ntricate,elegant, Adjective▲ II. easily broken or damaged آسانی سے ٹوٹ گیا frail,feeble,weak,debilitated,sickly,ailing,infirm,fragile,unhealthy,weakly,indisposed,l anguid,tender,weakened,enervated,enfeebled,incapacitated,sapped,crippled Adjective▲ III. Requiring sensitive or careful handling حساس یا محتاط ہینڈلنگ کی ضرورت ہے sensitive,difficult,touchy,sticky,ticklish,tricky,complicated,contentious,intricate,prickl y,problematic,problematical,thorny Antonyms Adjective▲ I. Opposite of very fine in texture or structure, especially of intricate workmanship or quality coarse,rough,strong,harsh,inexact,sturdy,abrasive,caustic,crude,hard,imprecise,inacc urate,infrangible,nonbreakable,robust,scathing,stern,tough,unbreakable,ungentle,ca llous,firm,healthful,heavy,horrible,indelicate,inelegant,loud Adjective▲ II. (of an object) Opposite of easily broken or damaged sturdy,infrangible,strong,tough,durable,hardy,robust,firm,reliable,resilient,hefty,rug ged, stable,uncompromising,able,steadfast,flexible,solid,undestroyable Adjective▲ III. Opposite of requiring sensitive or careful handling uncontroversial,calm,stable,easy,uncomplicated,smooth,safe,straightforward,sure,st eady,untroublesome,certain,strong,simple,undoubted,happy,secure,firm,definite,ple asant Sentences The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance. He touched the delicate petals with gentle fingers. He stepped delicately over the broken glass. This final part of the mixing is done slowly and delicately. 44.Disguise ً،ًًبہروپًرکھنا،ًًبدًمستی،ًًفریب،ًًدھوکا،ًًبناوٹ،ًًبہروپ،ًًبھیس،ًبھیسًبدلنا ًچھپانا،ًبھیسًبدلنا Synonyms Verb▲ I. A means of altering one's appearance to conceal one's identity کسیًکیًشناختًچھپانےًکےًلئےًکسیًکیًظاہریًشکلًمیںًتبدیلیًکاًایکًذریعہ costume,camouflage,guise,mask,concealment,outfit,false,appearance,screen,cloak,front, masquerade,smokescreen,facade,cover,subterfuge,dissimulation,shroud,veil,coverup,fa king,pretence, ,masking Verb▲ II. To present a false appearance of جھوٹیًصورتًپیشًکرن simulate,pretend,feign,affect,sham,act,counterfeit,fake,assume,bluff,dissemble,imitate,pr ofess,put,on,reproduce,fabricate,ape,borrow,cheat,concoct,copy,create,crib,deceive,do equivocate, exaggerate, favour,feature Antonyms Noun▲ I. Opposite of the concealing of one's true intentions or feelings back,character,honesty,personality,reality,rear,truth,openness,hiding,movement,concre te,dissimilarity,difference,unlikeness,humility,truthfulness ,simplicity,uprightness,frankness,quiet,honour Verb▲ II. Opposite of To present a false appearance of Represent,embody,epitomise,exemplify,emblematize,express,illustrate,personify,portra y,show,stand,for,symbolize Sentences She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized. She disguised herself as a man, but she couldn't disguise her voice. She usually goes out in disguise to avoid being bothered by the public. She couldn't disguise the fact that she felt uncomfortable. 45.definite واضع، غیر مبہم، معین، واضع، مقّرر، معیّن Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Known for certain یقینی طور پر جانا جاتا ہے certain,unambiguous,unequivocal,clear,positive,sure,absolute,clearcut,conclusive,explicit,final,settled,unquestionable,concrete,decided,decisive ,firm,guaranteed,manifest,obvious,unarguable,unmistakable,assured,blackandwhite,definitive,express,patent,proven,specific,univocal,confident,convinced II. Firm, clear, and precise اور عین مطابق، صاف precise,specific,defined,determined,exact,express,explicit,fixed,clearcut,established,black-and-white,bounded Antonyms I. Opposite of known for certain ambiguous,uncertain,circuitous,equivocal,implicit,implied,indefinite,inex plicit,inferred,unspecific,vague,undecided II. Opposite of firm, clear, and precise boundless,dimensionless,endless,illimitable,immeasurable,infinite,limitle ss,measureless,unbounded,unlimited,unmeasured sentences It's impossible for me to give you a definite answer. Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? It's too soon to give a definite answer. They have very definite ideas on how to bring up children. 46.enchanted ،ًًسحرًزدہ،ًجادوًکیاًہوا Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing جو کچھ دیکھ رہا ہے یا سن رہا ہے اس سے پوری طرح متوجہ ہے Mesmerized,spellbound,enamored,smitten,delighted,enraptured,happy, infatuated,mesmerized,charmed,entranced,fascinated,absorbed,beguile d,captivated,enthralled,bewitched,engrossed,hypnotized,rapt,riveted,gri pped,hooked,attracted, Adjective▲ II. Feeling or showing great pleasure بہت خوشی محسوس کرنا یا ظاہر کرن delighted,happy,pleased,charmed,ecstatic,joyous,thrilled,elated,euphori c,overjoyed,captivated,enraptured,gratified,jubilant,amused,blissful,chuf fed,diverted,entertained,glad,gladdened,gleeful,joyful,sent,triumphant Adjective ▲ III. Under a spell ایک جادو کے تحت berserk,crazed,bewitched,cursed,haunted,maddened,obsessed,raving,b edeviled,consumed,demented,frenetic,frenzied,insane,mad,calm,collect ed,composed Antonyms Adjective▲ I. Opposite of completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing distracted,despising,tired,disenthralled,indifferent,disliked Adjective▲ II. Opposite of feeling or showing great pleasure disappointed,dismayed,displeased,dissatisfied,joyless,sad,unhappy,unpl eased,unsatisfied,bored,depressed,melancholy,miserable,pained,sorrow ful,troubled,down,upset,unenthusiastic,indifferent,wretched,dejected,w oebegone Adjective▲ III. Opposite of under a spell disgusted,disenchanted,disinterested,unlucky,indifferent sentences The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance. She was enchanted with the flowers you sent her. The listeners were enchanted by the singer's sweet voice. The football fans were enchanted by / with the wonderful goal. 47.encouraged ،ًاعتمادًمحسوسًکرنےًواال Synonyms Verb▲ i. To drive spiritually or urge someone on کسی سے التجا کرنا galvanise,envigorate,push,reassure,spur,stir,build up, disinhibit,enforce, fillip,fortify, goad,inspire,motivate,embolden,buoy,buoy up,cheer,drive,empower, incentify,stimulate,strengthen,applaud,enliven, Verb▲ ii. To advise or persuade in favor of something کسی چیز کے حق میں مشورہ دینا یا راضی کرنا advise,recommend,urge,persuade,suggest,caution,propose,counsel,exho rt, instruct,admonish,advocate,guide,warn,adjure,entreat,prescribe,enjoin, direct,order,charge Verb▲ iii. To support or tolerate حمایت یا برداشت کرنا countenance,tolerate,approve,endure,brook,hack,allow,stomach,suppor t,bear,permit,condone,endorse,favor Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of to drive spiritually or urge someone on discourage,dishearten,uninspire,debilitate,demoralise,enfeeble,hamstrin g,intimidate,psych,out,disincline,dissuade,hurt,inhibit,shake,suppress,br ake,constrain,curb erb▲ II. Opposite of to advise or persuade in favor of something deter,discourage,dissuade,scare,throw,cold,water,on,disadvise,dishearte n,dispirit,demoralize,divert,daunt,forestall,intimidate,avert,impede,deho rt,prevent, ,hinder,keep III. Opposite of to provide aid or support to someone hinder,obstruct,hamper,impede,delay,arrest,stop,thwart,inhibit,check,re tard,handicap,block,frustrate,stymie sentences We were greatly encouraged by the support we received. His tutor encouraged him to read widely in philosophy. She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles. She has been encouraged by the unwavering support of her family. 48.fringed Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Edged outlined,edged,bounded,bound,fringed,skirted,encircled,enclosed,hem med,rimmed,circled,decorated,flanked,framed,lined,margined,trimmed, circumscribed,communicated,conjoined,contoured,defined,delineated, marched,neighboured,,mounted,wrapped,clasped,compassed,confined, encased,encircled,enveloped,girdled,matted, d,wreathed,measured,circumscribed,narrow II. Past tense for to decorate with fringe کنارے کے ساتھ سجانے کے لئے trimmed,adorned,bound,bordered,braided,decorated,edged,hemmed,or namented,rimmed,tasselled,befrilled,befringed,embellished,finished,pur fled,piped,banded,embroidered,frilled Antonyms I. Opposite of Edged boundless,dimensionless,endless,illimitable,immeasurable,indefinite,infi nite,limitless,measureless,unbounded,undefined,unlimited,unmeasured, free,loose,unconfined III. Opposite of Past tense for to decorate with fringe of expanded,diffuse,increased,prolonged,protracted,amplified,complete,le ngthened,unabbreviated,unabridged,full-length,long sentences The island has long golden beaches fringed by palm trees. Her eyes were large and brown and fringed with incredibly long lashes. Emma wore a fringed scarf round her neck. The bridal veil was fringed with lace. 49.exude Verb▲ 1. To flow forth slowly 2. آہستہ آہستہ بہاؤ کے لئ Give off, give out, release,issue,seep,bleed,sweat,excrete,release,secrete, leach,percolate,strain,transude,trickle,extravasate,convey,evacuate 3. To discharge through pores or incisions, as moisture or other liquid matter چھیدوں یا چیراوں کے ذریعے خارج ہونا، نمی یا دیگر مائع مادے کی طرح radiate,emanate,show,display,exhibit,manifest,demonstrate,emit,breathe,embody,transmi t, Antonyms’ I. Opposite of to flow forth slowly through small openings absorb,conceal,deny,fill,hide,hold,keep,load,refuse,pour,take,withdraw,collect II. Opposite of to discharge material (including waste products) absorb,accept,allow,ingest,keep,permit,sanction,take,welcome,take in,hold,contain,retain, consume,incorporate,digest,receive,assimilate,devour,repress,refuse,refrain sentences The hot sun made him exude sweat. Some successful men exude self - confidence . The hot sun made her exude sweat. These timid little creatures exude a pungent smell when threatened 50.eccentric Adjective▲ I. Different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion odd,queer,strange,bizarre,peculiar,weird,abnormal,irregular,quirky,outlandish,uncommon, unconventional,anomalous,idiosyncratic,singular,aberrant,freakish,capricious Radiating from a central point centrifugal,diffusive,divergent,diverging,efferent,radial,radiating,deviating,outward,spiral,s preading,branching,circular,radiated,spoked,outspread,branche I. antonyms Opposite of different from the ordinary in a way that causes curiosity or suspicion conventional,ordinary,average,normal,regular,run-of-the mill,straightforward,typical, boring,common,concentric,dull,familiar,plain,reasonable,standard,unexciting,usual,unexc eptional II. Opposite of Radiating from a central point harmonious compatible accordant agreeing concordant congruent congruous consistent consonant similar agreeing alike conforming convergent correspondent equal harmonious homogeneous like normal same standard uniform identical sentences His eccentric behaviour lost him his job. She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity. Lewis was aggressive, eccentric, moody, and brilliantly clever. She gives the impression of being rather conventional, but under the surface she is wildly eccentric. 51.excursion Synonym I. short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity outing,jaunt,trip,expedition,journey,tour,junket,ramble,spin,airing,drive,run,sally,sashay,,a wayday,ride,circuit,cruise,trip,picnic,safari,walk,wandering,round,trip,pleasure,trip,turn,per egrination,stroll,saunter,visit,constitutional,voyage,promenade, II. An event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure treat,celebration,outing,entertainment,party,amusement,diversion,feast,surprise,enjoyme nt,fun,gratification,satisfaction,refreshment,banquet,pleasure,distraction,relaxation Antonyms I. Opposite of short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity immobility,inaction,quiescence,inactivity,indolence,stagnation,torpidity,immovability,motio nlessness,rigidity,stillness,idleness II. Opposite of an event or item that is out of the ordinary and gives great pleasure depression,dissatisfaction,melancholy,necessity,need,pain,sadness,sorrow,trouble,unhap piness,want,woe,work,bad,fortune. sentences I have arranged with my classmates for an excursion to the beach. The excursion won't cost you a penny if you go with us. We decided to make an all-day excursion to the island. After a brief excursion into drama, he concentrated on his main interest, which was poetry 52.elaborate The textual reference Arabic and Persian and second, because he realized that the elaborate modes of address and flowery phrases were out of place in the modem world.(book 2 lesson no 15 mustafa kamal in the passage of the great reformer) Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements complex,complicated,detailed,intricate,involved,convoluted,sophisticated,thorough,painstak ing,particularised,tangled,extensive,fancy,full,particular,studied,byzantine II. elaborate on) Add more detail concerning what has already been said develop,embellish,expand,detail,explain,extend,improve,refine,broaden,clarify,comment,en hance,polish,amplify,augment,complicate,decorate Antonyms I. Opposite of detailed and complicated in design and planning, involving many carefully arranged elements compendious,simple,summary,unfancy,unsophisticated,uncomplicated,straightforward,plain ,noncomplex,noncomplicated II. (elaborate on) Opposite of add more detail concerning what has already been said abbreviate,condense,simplify,streamline,summarize,truncate,abridge,block,compress,confus e,curtail,damage,decrease,deface,diminish,dirty,halt,harm,hurt sentences John concocted an elaborate excuse for being late. She went on to elaborate her argument. He came out with such an elaborate excuse that I didn't quite believe him. They refused to elaborate on the reasons for their decision. 53.exasperation The textual reference Mr. Hubert, the peasant furiously lifted his hand, spat at one side to attest his honour, and said in the most exasperating tone.(book 1 the piece of string) Synonyms I. feeling of intense irritation or annoyance irritation,annoyance,anger,rage,vexation,aggravation,fury,wrath,chagrin,crossness,displeasu re,resentment,spleen,testiness,tetchiness,botheration,crabbiness,discontent,disgruntlement ,disgust,frustration,grief,indignation,passion,pip,provocation,bile,choler Antonyms I. Opposite of a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance delight,pleasure,calm,calming,calmness,cheer,comfort,ease,enjoyment,happiness,joy,peace, placation,pleasing,soothing,help,contentment,aid,love,satisfaction,advantage sentences The organization has expressed its exasperation with the government. With a groan of exasperation, he picked up the luggage himself. There is growing exasperation within the government at the failure of these policies to reduce unemployment. After ten hours of fruitless negotiations, he stormed out of the meeting in exasperation. 54.expansive I. Synonyms Friendly, open, and talkative communicative,friendly,open,outgoing,affable,genial,sociable,talkative,unreserved,effusive,g arrulous,loquacious,uninhibited,amiable,demonstrative,extroverted,forthcoming,free,chatty II. Of very great size or extent gigantic,giant,huge,massive,enormous,immense,titanic,tremendous,vast,colossal,great,jumb o,mammoth,monstrous,elephantine,gargantuan,monumental,mountainous,prodigious I. Antonyms Opposite of friendly, open, and talkative reserved,taciturn,uncommunicative,reticent,shy,close,retiring,secretive,tightlipped,withdraw n,guarded,unforthcoming,dumb,laconic,mute,unresponsive,diffident,tongue-tied,distant II. Opposite of of very great size or extent tiny,miniature,diminutive,little,small,bantam,bitty,infinitesimal,insignificant,Lilliputian,micro, microminiature sentences She made an expansive gesture with her arms. She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome. We need to look at a more expansive definition of the term. The father was in an expansive mood and gave presents to all of his children. 55.exaggeration The textual rerference The man who was a Hospital” is a fine example of humorous exaggeration(book 2 lesson 6 the man who was a hospital) Behind all this fantastic exaggeration is the sound advice - don't stuff your head with things you don't understand. book 2 lesson 6 the man who was a hospital) It would be no exaggeration to say that at the time that Mustafa Kamal set to work.(book 2 mustafa kamal) There were several Latin quotations in it, as well as a reference to the Captain of the School who, Chips said, had been guilty of exaggeration in speaking of his (Chips's) services to Brookfield.(mr.chips) I. Synonyms A statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is overstatement,hyperbole,magnification,embellishment,amplification,emphasis,inflation,over emphasis,elaboration,embroidery,enlargement,excess,extravagance,pretension,exaltation II. Something that is made larger by size or amount increase,rise,addition,growth,surge,increment,buildup,escalation,expansion,increasement,sp read,boost,burgeoning,development,extension,intensification,proliferation Antonyms I. Opposite of a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is understatement,meiosis,restraint,compression,decrease,lessening,litotes,minimization,redu ction,shrinkage,trivialization,truth,underplaying,unembellishment,honesty,simplification II. Opposite of something that is made larger by size or amount decrease,decline,declining,decrement,depression,dwindling,ebb,fall,waning,downturn,loss,l owering,depletion,diminishing,lessening,diminution,drop ,shrinkage sentences There was a degree of exaggeration in his description of events. It is no exaggeration to say that everyone will be affected by the new policy. It would be an exaggeration to call the danger urgent. It would be a bit of an exaggeration to say that I'm desperate to leave. 56.evaluate Synonyms Verb▲ I. To draw conclusions from an examination or assessment gauge,measure,rank,reckon,weigh,assay,guesstimate,consider,contemplate,examine,apprais e,review,study,ponder,assess,bethink,excogitate,reflect,compare,cogitate,debate,assess,rate ,estimate,appraise,judge,value,consider Antonyms I. (complicate) Opposite of to draw conclusions from an examination or assessment complicate,convolute,confuse,obfuscate,cloud,distort,muddle,obscure,confound,disjoint,dis order,disorganize,disorient,garble,hash,impede,mess,muddy,perplex,ravel,becloud sentences You should be able to evaluate your own work. It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed. Don't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance It can be difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments. 57.fatality Synonyms Noun▲ An occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease casualty,loss,death,victim,mortality,prey,dead,accident,deadliness,deathliness,decea se,destructiveness,dying,fatalness,inevitability,lethality,lethalness,necrosis,noxiousn ess bloodshed killing carnage extinction destruction Bad placement misplacement,mislaying,accident,bereavement,calamity,casualty,cataclysm,catastro phe,cost,damage,debit,debt,defeat,deficiency,depletion,deprivation,destitution Antonyms I. Opposite of an occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease birth,genesis,arrival,nativity,inception,bearing,creation,delivery,childbirth,birthing,producing ,parturition,geniture,childbearing,beginning,eternality,commencement,being II. Opposite of bad placement acquisition,gain,advantage,aid,assistance,attainment,benefit,birth,blessing,boon,building,co mfort,construction,creation Sentence Examples There was a strange fatality about their both losing their jobs on the same day. New drugs have reduced the fatality of the disease.. The most serious form of skin cancer has a 30 percent fatality rate. o Different forms of cancer have different fatality rates. 58.flicked The textual rerference The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight as if he were standing at the center of a vacuum.(book 1 lesson dark they were golden eyed) And on windy days with gown and white hair and School-list fluttering in uproarious confusion.(MR.CHIPS) Verb▲ I. Make or cause to make a sudden quick movement swish,twitch,wag,waggle,wave,brandish,shake,swing,twirl,whip,switch,rawhid e,tan,birch,flagellate,flog,leather,horsewhip,flail,hide,whale,scourge,thrash,sla sh,cowhide Verb▲ II. To throw or toss quickly throw,toss,cast,fling,pitch,sling,spin,twist,chuck,hurl,launch,lob,project,propel, shy,bowl,bung,dash Verb▲ III. To turn over pages in an idle or cursory manner thumb,leaf,skim,flip,riffle,browse,glance,look,peruse,read,scan,page Antonyms Verb▲ I. Opposite of Make or cause to make a sudden quick movemen bear,cheer,comfort,create,encourage,guard,inspirit,lose,praise,protect,surrend er,tap,steady,repel,decorate,beautify,cure,repair,ornament,heal Verb▲ II. Opposite of To throw or toss quickly catch,receive,grab,nab,seize,collect,gather,snare,hold,keep,possess,retain,ca rry,grasp,take,clutch, Verb▲ III. Opposite of To turn over pages in an idle or cursory manner appraisal,evaluation,investigating,surveying,vetting,assessing,supervision,loo k,consideration,overhaul,skim,recce,examination,inspection,perusal,gaze,star e, SENTENCES She flicked the dust off her collar. The horse was flicking flies away with its tail. James flicked a peanut at her. Please don't flick ash on the carpet! . 59.flawlessly Adverb▲ In a flawless manner faultlessly,ideally,immaculately,impeccably,perfectly,magnificently,exquisitely, superbly,wonderfully,admirably,supremely,incomparably,marvelously,excellen tly,cleanly,purely,famously,splendidly,swimmingly,masterfully,remarkably,sens ationally,fine,notably,skillfully,distinctively,ingeniously,divinely Antonyms Adverb▲ Opposite of In a flawless manner badly,defectively,faultily,imperfectly,censurably,unsuitably,wrongly,inaccuratel y,inappropriately,untowardly,rottenly,improperly,confusedly,unsatisfactorily,cor ruptly,mistakenly,falsely SENTENCES The dance routine was flawlessly executed. Each stage of the battle was carried off flawlessly. Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. It makes me want to stop right now, or spend years composing something flawlessly literate. I have seen them play many times, but never as thrillingly and flawlessly as tonight. 60.friction Synonyms Noun▲ I. The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another rubbing,grating,resistance,scraping,abrasion,chafing,rasping,attrition,fretting,abrading,grindi ng,traction,adhesion,drag,erosion,excoriation,gnawing,irritation,detrition,grip,purchase . II. Conflict or animosity caused by a clash of wills, temperaments, or opinions conflict,discord,disagreement,disharmony,dissension,opposition,strife,disunity,hostility,rivalr y,wrangling,animosity,bickering,dispute,dissent,resentment,variance,antagonism,arguing Antonyms I. Opposite of resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another permeability,aid,assistance,help,injury,liberation,peace,promotion,truce II. Opposite of conflict or animosity caused by a clash of wills, temperaments, or opinions harmony,accord,agreement,concord,concordance,peace,happiness,liking,love,pleasure,conc urrence,accordance,consonance,similarity,unity,approval,goodwill,consensus Sentences The force of friction affects the speed at which spacecraft can re-enter the earth's atmosphere. Sara sensed that there had been friction between her children. I'm exhausted from the constant friction between my boss and my colleagues. Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat. 61.fluttered Verb▲ I. To move or cause to move with a striking motion beat,flap,agitate,flicker,quiver,vibrate,bat,flail,shake,tremble,dance,dart,flick,flirt,flit,flitter,fl op,fluctuate,oscillate,ripple,shiver,swing,twitch,wag,waggle,waver Verb▲ II. To move through the air with, or as if with, outstretched wings fly,glide,soar,wing,flit,mount,hover,aviate,plane,wheel,hang,sail,stream,circle,circumnavigat e,climb,coast,cross,dive,drift,seagull,skirt Noun▲ I. A state of nervous excitement or confusion state,flurry,dither,fluster,agitation,confusion,bustle,commotion,excitement,flap,panic,tizzy,tr emble,twitter Antonyms Verb ▲ Opposite of to move or cause to move with a striking motion decelerate,delay,halt,slow,walk,rest,crawl,creep,poke,confront,land,remain,stay,face,loiter,o utspan,laze,loaf,calm,composure,remain, Opposite of To move through the air with, or as if with, outstretched wings crawl,creep,poke,dally,dawdle,delay,procrastinate,wait,ground,walk,halt,stop,amble,stroll Noun▲ A state of nervous excitement or confusion calm,calmness,ease,happiness,harmony,obedience,order,peace,pleasure,quiet,quietude,rep ose,silence,stillness,tranquility SENTENCES Her eyelids fluttered but did not open. He fluttered his hands around wildly. Flags fluttered in the breeze. Her eyelids fluttered but did not open. 62.Gingerly Synonyms Adjective▲ I. Having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble careful,cautious,wary,chary,circumspect,reluctant,alert,conservative,considerate,delicate,fas tidious,guarded,heedful,hesitant,safe,suspicious,timid,dainty,squeamish,calculating Adverb▲ II. In a careful or cautious manner cautiously,carefully,charily,circumspectly,suspiciously,warily,delicately,guardedly,hesitantly,t imidly,judiciously,prudently III. In a mild manner mildly,delicately,indifferently,lightly,moderately,quietly,blandly Antonyms I. Opposite of having or showing a close attentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble careless,heedless,incautious,unguarded,unmindful,unsafe,unwary,rash,rough,uncareful,reckl ess,thoughtless,precipitate. II. Opposite of in a careful or cautious manner carelessly,boldly,confidently,rashly,recklessly,roughly,irresponsibly,haphazardly,hastily,negli gently,sloppily III. Opposite of in a mild manner harshly,roughly,violently,crudely,bluntly,rudely,firmly Sentences Holding her painful back, she sat down gingerly on the bench. I drove gingerly past the security check points. He gingerly lifted himself out of the wheelchair. He gingerly felt his way along the dark tunnel He spoke in a gingerly fashion about his problems.” 63.Glistening Synonyms Verb▲ 1. To reflect light with a glittering luster flash,gleam,glitter,shimmer,sparkle,twinkle,coruscate,glance,glimmer,glint,scintillate,shine,gl ister,wink,flicker,glow,blink,flame,luster,spangle,winkle,effulge Antonyms’ 1. Opposite of to reflect light with a glittering luster dull,darken,bore,extinguish,depress , dullness darkness dark blackness duskiness hiding dimness ugliness gloom obscurity lightlessness gloominess Sentences Her skin was glistening with sweat after her run. Her eyes were glistening with tears. I saw tears glistening on his cheeks and beard. The boy’s back was glistening with sweat. 64.Glared The textual rerference She glared at the carton as she unlocked the door.(book 1 lesson button button) Synonyms I. Strong and dazzling light blaze,dazzle,flare,shine,glow,brilliance,fluorescence,luminescence,radiance,beam,gleam,illu mination,incandescence,light,flame,brightness,dazzling,light,flash,glimmer,glitter II. To direct one's gaze look,glance,gaze,stare,gape,peer,focus,peep,peek,take a look,watch,consider,see,observe, view,regard,mark,check out,glimpse,spot,eye,take in,ogle,eyeball,behold Antonyms I. Opposite of strong and dazzling light dullness,grin,darkness,dark,blackness,duskiness,dulness,hiding,dimness,smile,ugliness,obscu rity,gloom,gloominess,lightlessness,tenebrosity,caliginosity,shadowiness,shadows II. Opposite of To direct one's gaze ignore,neglect, ,overlook,dislike,disregard,despise,abhor,miss,forget,scorn,hate,glance,disbelieve Sentences I looked at her and she glared furiously back. He glared at the people who surrounded the tent. He glared round the room as if expecting a challenge. . He didn't shout, he just glared at me silently. 65.groggy Synonym Adjective▲ I. Slowed or weakened, as by drink, sleepiness, etc. confused,dizzy,faint,reeling,stunned,dazed,muzzy,shaky,unsteady,weak,wobbly,befuddled,st upefied,woozy,benumbed,bewildered,disorientated,disoriented,fuddled,muddled,numb,row sy,sleepy,dozy,somnolent,heavy,nodding,tired,lethargic,comatose,dazed,dozing,torpid,heavy -eyed,languid Antonyms I. Opposite of slowed or weakened, as by drink, sleepiness, etc. alert,clearheaded,cognizant,stable,steady,unshaky,clearheaded,sober,understanding,heavy,s traight,aware,sure,alert,awake,wakeful,conscious,wide-awake,lively,perky Sentences The injured man was still groggy and could only give a garbled account of the accident. She was feeling a bit groggy when I saw her. I felt a bit groggy for a couple of days after the operation. You've been threatened, you've been doped, you're groggy 66.heap Synonyms Noun▲ An untidy collection of objects placed haphazardly on top of each other pile,lot,mass,mountain,stack,collection,store,bundle,mound,quantity,accumulatio n,aggregation,hoard,jumble,load,stockpile,agglomeration,assemblage,gathering,s tock,abundance. Noun▲ A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine car,automobile,motorcar,auto,vehicle,wheels,convertible,motor,ride,jalopy,seda n,banger,buggy,bus,crate Noun▲ i. An old, dilapidated vehicle rattletrap,banger,boneshaker,jalopy,rust,bucket,wreck Verb▲ ii. To put into (something) as much as can be held or contained brim,charge,cram,fill,jam,jam pack,load,pack,stuff,pile,fill up,ram,crowd,squeeze ,lade,press,thrust,stack Antonyms i. Opposite of an untidy collection of objects placed haphazardly on top of each other ace,bit,dab,dram,driblet,glimmer,handful,hint,lick,little,mite,mouthful,nip,ounce, peanuts,pinch,pittance,scruple ii. Opposite of old, battered car workhorse,good,car,smooth,ride,sweet,ride iii. Opposite of to put into (something) as much as can be held or contained clear,empty,evacuate,vacate,void,exhaust,discharge,unload,expend,tap,unpack,c onsume,dissipate,deplete Sentences There was a heap of stones where the building used to be. Her clothes were in an untidy heap on the floor Some people believe that Communism has been relegated/consigned to the scrap heap of history. The envelopes for posting lay in a heap on her desk 67.hideous Adjective▲ i. Extremely unpleasant appalling,awful,dreadful,horrible,shocking,horrendous,sickening,terrible,horrific, odious,abominable,loathsome,digesting,frightful,abhorrent,fearful,foul, Adjective▲ ii. Extremely ugly gruesome,ghastly,monstrous,revolting,ugly,grotesque,macabre,repulsive,unsightl y,disgusting,grisly,repellent Antonyms i. Opposite of extremely unpleasant innocuous,inoffensive,pleasant,agreeable,charming,comforting,common,delightful,friendly,g entle,good,great,happy,kind ii. Opposite of extremely ugly beautiful,appealing,captivating,entrancing,lovely,alluring,engaging,bewitching,ch arismatic,fascinating,attractive Sentences When they refused to let me leave my hotel, I thought, at first, it was all some hideous mistake. He used his position as a doctor to gain their trust and then committed hideous crimes against them. His family was subjected to a hideous attack by the gang. Her face was hideously scarred 68.Habitat Synonyms Noun▲ i. The conditions suitable for an organism or population of organisms to live and thrive environment,element,surroundings,conditions,environs,terrain,biosphere,domain,niche, element,natural environment,natural surroundings,natural terrain,natural territory,natural home,commorancy,crib,den,digs,domicile,dwelling,heaven,hearth, abode,territory,habitation,locality,haunt,range,cave i. Antonyms Opposite of the conditions suitable for an organism or population of organisms to live and thrive unnatural,surroundings,antibiome,alien,environment,foreign,environment,foreign terrain,alien, Sentences The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers. Development is destroying the animal's native habitat. The moth's habitat is being destroyed and it has nearly died out. The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers 69.Haggard Adjective▲ i. Looking exhausted, worried, or poor in condition gaunt,wasted,emaciated,drawn,ghastly,pinched,thin,wan,careworn,drained,holloweyed,raddled,sapped,shrunken,sickly,spent,unhealthy,unwell,wrinkled,cadaverous,grim ii. Physically tired or exhausted worn,tired,exhausted,fatigued,weary,wearied,drained,spent,drawn,knackered,pooped,sappe d, bushed Antonyms i. Opposite of looking exhausted, worried, or poor in condition fresh,energetic,healthy,robust,vigorous,brighteyed,brisk,colour,fat,hale,hearty,plump,sleek,s trong ii. Opposite of physically tired or exhausted energetic,fresh,unwearied,activated,current,energised,intact,invigorated,lively,protected,ref reshed,rested Sentences Her face was haggard, her eyes red, her clothes hung loosely about her. He'd been drinking the night before and was looking a bit haggard. She looked haggard after a sleepless night.. She looked very pale and drawn, almost haggard. 70.Haphazardly i. ii. Adverb▲ In a random, chaotic, and incomplete manner aimlessly,anyhow,anyway,anywise,desultorily,erratically,helterskelter,irregularly,randomly,w illynilly,accidentally,carelessly,casually,inconstantly,at random Giving the appearance of carelessness hastily,irresponsibly,negligently,nonchalantly,sloppily,incautiously,inattentively,neglectfully, offhandedly,rashly Antonyms i. Opposite of in a random, chaotic, and incomplete manner methodically,systematically,evenly,regularly,equally,selectively,nonrandomly,carefully,thoug htfully,deliberately,premeditatedly, ii. Opposite of Giving the appearance of carelessness deliberately,consciously,designedly,wilfully,advisedly,by design,intentionally ,on purpose,purposely,by choice, Sentences She looked at the books jammed haphazardly in the shelves Natural languages arise unconsciously, haphazardly, while artificial languages lack expressiveness. All the papers were haphazardly strewn on desks. The streets were the muddy, haphazard spaces in between Harmony The textual rerference Music of strange lands with Islam's fire blends, On which the nation's harmony depends;(poem no 12 RUBAIYAT) . Muslim harmony depends upon true faith in Islam. ;(poem no 12 RUBAIYAT) The national harmony amongst the Muslims depended upon a blend of Islamic strong and basic values with the local feelings. ;(poem no 12 RUBAIYAT) This blend created a national harmony;(poem no 12 RUBAIYAT) . The modem European soul is empty of this harmony;(poem no 12 RUBAIYAT) Everything seems to be in harmony with the poet who finds no hurdles or difficulties anywhere in this universe.(POEM NO 17 THE DELIGHT SONG) Synonyms Noun▲ i. A combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes that is pleasing to the ear euphony,polyphony,consonance,melodiousness,melody,symphony,tunefulness,mellifluousn ess,tune,harmonics,mellifluence,orchestration,chord,concentus,diapason,overtones ii. The state of being at peace, typically between two or more entities peace,amity,friendship,understanding,amicability,fellowship,goodwill,rapport,sympathy,coo peration,order,orderliness iii. The state of being in agreement or concord accord,accordance,concord,agreement,unity,conformity,consensus,solidarity,compatibility,u nion,unison,assent Antonyms i. Opposite of a combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes that is pleasing to the ear discordance,cacophony,disharmony,dissonance,asymmetry,caterwauling,clamour,conflict ii. Opposite of the state of being at peace, typically between two or more entities chaos,dystopia,anarchy,discord,disharmony,confusion,disorder,disordereness,disorderliness, turmoil,unrest,upheaval iii. Opposite of the state of being in agreement or concord conflict,disagreement,contradiction,contrast,unalignment,contention,contrariety,contrarines s,oppositeness,opposition Sentences We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us. . A new sense of harmony developed in the community. Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project. it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony. Haughty Synonyms Adjective▲ i. Arrogantly superior and disdainful proud,arrogant,lofty,imperious,conceited,stuckup,superior,contemptuous,disdainful,overwe ening,snobbish,pompous,scornful,cavalier,egotistical,lordly,self-important ii. Showing no affection or having a lack of emotion cold,unfriendly,cool,inhospitable,unwelcoming,unsympathetic,forbidding,stony,frigid,frosty, glacial,lukewarm,supercilious i. Antonyms Antonyms Opposite of arrogantly superior and disdainful humble,modest,lowly,unarrogant,unpretentious,meek,mild,selfeffacing,subservient,wimpish,shy,timid,weak,soft,frail ii. Opposite of showing no affection or having a lack of emotion friendly,amiable,enthusiastic,kind,sociable,social,welcoming,warm,responsive,sympathetic,a nimated,ardent,eager,excited Sentences His haughty manner and refined speech had gone, and he spoke with the same accent as the sergeant. People thought of him as being haughty and difficult to talk to. . If he attempts to talk to you, you will flick him a haughty glance and say nothing. People thought of him as being haughty and difficult to talk to. . Havoc THE TEXTUAL REFERENCE The grave of Hubert withstood the havoc of the flood.(BOOK 1 LESSON THE PIECE OF STRING) i. Synonyms Widespread destruction devastation,destruction,damage,desolation,ruin,ruination,waste,despoliation,annihilation,catastrophe,d ecimation,demolishment,demolition,depredation,disaster,extermination. ii. Great confusion or disorder chaos,disorder,confusion,disruption,shambles,bedlam,commotion,disarrangement,disarray,dishevelme nt Antonyms i. Opposite of widespread destruction building,construction,erection,raising,blessing,boon,calm,creation,happiness,harmony,miracle,organisat ion ii. Opposite of great confusion or disorder order,orderliness,peace,regulation,method,neatness,tidiness,uniformity,symmetry,design,form,arrange ment, Sentences The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops. Rain has continued to play havoc with sporting events. The weather played havoc with airline schedules. Rain has continued to play havoc with sporting events. Hearsay Synonyms Noun▲ i. Information received from other people which cannot be substantiated gossip,report,buzz,scuttlebutt,talk,rumour,tittle tattle,goss,tattle,bavardage,dirt,dish,grapevine,idle,talk,mere,talk,noise,rumor i. Antonyms Opposite of information received from other people which cannot be substantiated evidence,fact,proof,quiet,reality,silence,testimony,truth,confirmed,facts Sentences Do not be led by reports, or tradition, or hearsay. Much of our evidence about outputs will be based on anecdote and hearsay.. A factual book is a lot better than relying on hearsay from friends. Intended THE TEXTUAL REFERENCE I am certain that the good Lord never intended their son to be a physician.(book 2 LESSON WHY BOYS FAIL IN COLLEGE) Synonym Adjective▲ i. Deliberately designed according to a plan purposeful,purposive,wilful,considered,prearranged,predetermined,premeditated,voluntary,aforethoug ht,preconceived,deliberate,intentional,conscious,knowing,planned,calculated, ii. According to one's preferences or requirements required,desired,chosen,specified,anticipated,expected,indicated,listed,needed,preferred,quantified,rig ht,appropriate antonyms i. Opposite of deliberately designed according to a plan accidental,nondeliberate,nonpurposive,unintentional,unfixed,unintended,unplanned,uncalculated,casu al,unpremeditated ii. Opposite of according to one's preferences or requirements unspecified,undefined,unquantified,undetermined,unmentioned,unstated,vague Sentences The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax. I think the present she sent you was intended as a peace offering. I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me. . I intend to spend the night there in vain he was a chemist and not a naturalist and had never touched a silkworm in his life, but he pleaded ignorance in vain.(BOOK 2 LESSON NO 14 LOUIS PASTEUR) Synonyms i. Adjective▲ Producing no results impotent,nugatory,pointless,powerless,worthless,abortive,barren,balkedUS,baulkedUK,bootless,empty, fruitless,futile,ineffective,ineffectual,inefficacious,otiose,profitless,thwarted ii. Having no meaning or purpose senseless,pointless,absurd,mad,silly,stupid,foolish,meaningless,asinine,daft,nonsensical,unwise,crazy,fat uous i. antonyms Opposite of producing no results deadly,effective,effectual,efficacious,efficient,fruitful,potent,productive,profitable,successful,virtuous,u seful,powerful ii. Opposite of having no meaning or purpose sensible,wise,meaningful,judicious,prudent,sagacious,sage,sane,sapient,significant,sound,intelligent,rati onal,reasonable Sentences He tried in vain to bring his temper under control. They endeavored to make her happy, but in vain. All efforts to reconcile her with her husband were in vain. Altman swore that his son’s death would not be in vain Illumination Synonyms Noun▲ i. Lighting or light light,radiance,lighting,gleam,glare,glow,brilliance,flash,fluorescence,incandescence,luminescence,dazzle,g leaming,glitter,shimmer,shining,beam,blaze,flare,glowing,illumining ii. Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment awareness,enlightenment,insight,revelation,understanding,edification,education,explanation,instruction, discovery,information,knowledge,learning,perception,clarification i. Antonyms Opposite of lighting or light darkness,dimness,misconception,misunderstanding,obscurity,vagueness,dullness,dark,blackness,duskines s,dulness,gloom ii. Opposite of spiritual or intellectual enlightenment ignorance,confusion,bewilderment,benightedness,destruction,misunderstanding,misinterpretation,incom prehension,misconception,unfamiliarity,obliviousness,unenlightenment,unawareness Sentences Daylight came in through its glass roof; this was now the only illumination. The role of the Lawyer of course was to help in this task by giving interpretation and illumination in a legalistic capacity. All the plants listed here should be provided with plenty of illumination. White candles, th*-e only illumination, burned on the table. Invariably ،ًًبِالًکَسر،ًًتغیرًناپذیرانہ،ًًثابتً َطورًپَر،ًغیرً ُمتغیّرً َطورًپَر The textual reference The subjects which were dearest to the examiners were almost invariably those I fancied least ,(LESSON NO 11 FIRST YEAR AT HARROW) the questions which they asked on both these subjects were almost invariably those to which I was unable to suggest a satisfactory answer.(LESSON NO 11 FIRST YEAR AT HARROW) Synonyms Adverb▲ i. Always, without change always,consistently,constantly,regularly,unfailingly,aye,continually,ever,habitually,inevitably,repeatedly,p erpetually,permanently,indelibly,forever,lastingly,always,enduringly,eternally,evermore,perpetually,const antly,continually,everlastingly,forevermore,immutably,abidingly,perennially Antonyms Adverb▲ i. Opposite of always, without change never,ne'er,sometimes,occasionally,on,occasion,at,times,ne'er,never,nevermore,temporarily,briefly,ephe merally,fleetingly,impermanently,inconstantly,momentarily,transitorily,variably,changeably,flexibly,altera bly,irregularly,elastically Sentences The successful teacher is invariably a pragmatist and a realist. If the general found his authority questioned he invariably administered a sharp rebuke. Carbon dioxide invariably contains 27.37% carbon and 72.73% oxygen, by mass. The security guards were invariably exservicemen Irritable ُ ُ ًعاملیتًکےًلیےًموثَرًبَنانےًکاًاہل،ًساس کًم س ِ ًُتُن،ًودًحس ِ ًز،ًاس ّ ً َح،ًودًرنج ّ َح َ ًز،ًزاج Synonyms Adjective▲ Having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered angry,cranky,cross,grumpy,irascible,sulky,tense,testy,uptight,critical,fiery,fractious,fretful,grouchy,peevi sh,petulant,ratty,surly,temperamental,touchy,argumentative,impolite,disrespectful,rude,discourteous,u ngracious,bad-mannered,boorish,churlish,ill-bred,rough,uncivil Antonyms Opposite of having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed or angered cheerful,calm,complacent,composed,good-natured,patient,agreeable,easygoing,easy-going,eventempered,goodhumoredU,good,friendly,genial,amicable,hospitable,congenial,lovable,cordial,amiable,ki nd,benevolent,affable,kindly,warm, Sentences Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state. It means that when we are irritable, tired, worried, or in pain we may overreact. He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel Jo was tired, irritable, and depressed. Insinuated ،ًًایماًکرنا،ًًمخفیً َطورًپَرًاِشارہًکَرنا،ًًداخلًکرنا،ًہًدینا ش ِ ِ ًًکنایہً ُخفیہً َطورًپَر،اشارہًکرنا کرنا Synonyms Verb▲ i. To have indicated or suggested to be made,alluded,implied,indicated,inferred,intimated,proposed,prove,proved,suggested,hinted,at, pointed,at,pointed,in,direction,of,pointed,out,pointed,to,pointed,toward ‘He has implied it, insinuated it, hinted it, and intimated it, but he has not suggested it.’ ‘I'm not insinuating anything, well; if I am it's just the truth.’ ‘I'm not trying to insinuate anything, but you know, they are from Texas…’ Verb▲ Verb▲ Past tense for to gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a person's mind instilled,implanted,infused,introduced,engendered,impressed,inculcated,fixt,fixed,ingrained,fos tered,generated,imbued,imprinted,induced,inspired,produced,promoted,engrafted ii. Past tense for to physically move (oneself or a thing) slowly and smoothly into a particular place slid,maneuveredUS,manoeuvredUK,slipped,edged,moved,shifted,worked,wrought,moved,into,p osition “He began to insinuate his arm around her waist, but she was having none of it and walked away.” Musicians have the gift of melody, they can insinuate something into the culture.’’ The road insinuates itself along the cliffs and coves leading to Anglesea where I found Victoria's oddest golf course.’ Antonyms i. Opposite of To have indicated or suggested to be explicit,express,expressed,spoken,stated,voiced,direct,explicated,open,verbal,declared, said,spelled-out,patent,obvious,clear Past tense for to gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude) in a per take out remove,withdraw,erase,leave,alone,subtract ii. Past tense for to physically move (oneself or a thing) slowly and smoothly into a particular place Still,motionless,inertia, Sentences He insinuated that Harkham was lying about the accounts. The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen. The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen. The libel claim followed an article which insinuated that the President was lying. Are you insinuating that the money was stolen? Intently ،ًًبہًدلًوًجان،ًًجیًلگاًکر،ًًنیَّتًسے،ًجیًسے Synonyms Adverb▲ i. In an intent or focused manner attentively,closely,keenly,fixedly,steadily,watchfully,alertly,concentratedly,earnestly,intensely,ra ptly,searchingly,steadfastly,studiously,carefully,observantly,sharply,with,fascination i. ii. She looked at him intently. I listened intently to what she had to say. Adverb▲ iii. With great effort or determination assiduously,arduously,determinedly,diligently,hard,industriously,laboriously,purposefully,resolu tely,amain,doggedly,intensely iv. She was intent on pursuing a career in business. The staff at Howard were intent on giving their students the best they could offer. In an eager manner eagerly,actively,ardently,breathlessly,cordially,earnestly,energetically,enthusiastically,fervently, gladly,heartily,hungrily ‘You have an ability to concentrate and work intently on anything which holds your interest.’ ‘She looked at him closely, peering intently at his face as if trying to read it.’ ‘He set up the discussion and both he and the doctor listened intently.’ Antonyms i. Opposite of in an intent or focused manner absently,casually,distractedly,dreamily,absentmindedly,blankly,abstractedly,vacantly,unheedingly,inattentively,on,automatic,pilot ii. Opposite of with great effort or determination carelessly,inattentively,sloppily,neglectfully,nonchalantly,irresponsibly,offhandedly,abse nt-mindedly,abstractedly,distractedly iii. Opposite of in an eager manner grudgingly,listlessly,unwillingly,pessimistically,doubtfully,gloomily,hopelessly Sentences She listened intently to the music, losing herself in its beauty. We were glued to our chairs, listening intently to every word. He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression. The children were all intent and serious Industry ،ًًخاصًطورًپرًجسًکاًتعلُّقً ِکسیًخاصًکاروبارًسےًہو،ًجارت ِعامًطورًپَرًت ِ The textual reference He does not flee to the cities because the industrial road passes through a technically-oriented agriculture and a decentralized industry.(book 2 china way to progress) The capital boasted some thirteen thousand weavers and a flourishing leather industry.(lesson no 10 the jewel of the world) it has been of tremendous value in the brewing industry.(book 2 louis Pasteur) This was the result of a mysterious epidemic of silkworm diseases which for fifteen or sixteen years had been devastating the silk-industry in the South of France. (book 2 louis Pasteur) Until 1849 the industry had flourished consistently, but in 1849 the moths were attacked by disease. (book 2 louis Pasteur) Turkish Five-Year Plan, inaugurated in 1934, encouraged heavy industry still .(book 2 lesson Mustafa kamal) further Synonyms i. Noun▲ A particular form or branch of economic or commercial activity business,trade,field,line,sector,occupation,profession,service,craft,world,racket,commer cial,enterprise,line,of,business,concern,company,business,firm,enterprise,organisationU K,organizationUS,operation,corporation,establishment,venture,transactions,business,co mmerce,dealings,market,trade,traffic, i. ‘The technology industry has a poor track record in attracting female applicants.’ ii. Energy industry representatives will meet this week to address the problems.’ iii. ‘The court is siding with the entertainment industry in its effort to curb online piracy.’ Noun▲ ii. Hard work diligence,assiduity,application,industriousness,effort,activity,dedication,endeavorUS,en deavourUK,labourUK,persistence,sedulity,sedulousness,tirelessness,conscientiousness,d etermination i. His industry, inventiveness and hard work said a lot about the way Celtic play the game.’ ii. ‘On some occasions three courts were sitting simultaneously and it was a hive of industry and justice.’ iii. ‘Her sewing room, based in her farm in Fife, which she shares with her fiancé, is a hive of industry.’ Antonyms i. Opposite of a particular form or branch of economic or commercial activity idleness,laziness,lethargy,unemployment,worthlessness,disregard,neglect,negligence,ig norance,indolence,carelessness,disorganisationUK,disorganizationUS,proletariat,divisio n,discord Noun▲ ii. Opposite of hard work indolence,apathy,disregard,hesitation,ignorance,inactivity,indifference,neglect,negligence,sloth,inertia,t orpor,languor,inaction,slacking,shiftlessness,slothfulness,torpidity,shirking,, Sentences In every rank, great or small, 'Tis industry supports us all. Industry keeps the body healthy, the mind clear, the heart whole, the purse full. The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy. . This type of software is widely used in industry. Intolerable ،ًًجوًجھیالًنہًجاًسکے،ًًناقا ِبلًتح ُّمل،ًًت َح ُّملًناپذیر،ًناقا ِبلًبرداشت Synonyms Adjective▲ i. Unable to be endured insufferable,unbearable,unendurable,insupportable,impossible,unsupportable,excruciating,overpowerin g,painful,unacceptable,,oppressive,agonizingUS,agonisingUK,dreadful,unsurpassable,inadmissible,heavy handed,enough,overwhelming,awful,torturous,harrowing,severe,grievous,terrible,tormenting,racking,in tense,harsh,acute,punishing,unmanageable,piercing,outrageous,unreasonable,detestable,intractable,ob jectionable i. ii. iii. ‘What kind of selfishness put their families back home under such intolerable pressure?’ ‘An extension in opening times will increase the pressure to intolerable levels.’ ‘Defeat would be hard to endure, but another rotten display would be intolerable.’ Adjective▲ ii. Inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong monstrous,shocking,evil,atrocious,outrageous,disgraceful,foul,heinous,scandalous,terrible,appalling,dre adful,hideous The constant pain made her life intolerable. The job placed almost intolerable pressure on her. Her behaviour has become intolerable. Antonyms Adjective▲ i. Opposite of unable to be endured tolerable,bearable,endurable,sufferable,supportable,sustainable,acceptable,good,admissible,passable, manageable,brookable. Adjective▲ ii. Opposite of inhumanly or outrageously evil or wrong good,kind,admirable,decent,fine,honorableUS,honourableUK,humane,merciful,mild,acceptable,average, common,delightful Sentences They felt this would put intolerable pressure on them. It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on. Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden. The pain had become intolerable Imperceptibly عاجز ُ ،ًًغیرًمحسوس،ًًنازک،ًستہ ِ ًآہ،ًًبہتًخفیف،ًناقا ِبلًادراک Synonyms Adverb▲ i. Not noticeably, too small to be detected, too little to be perceived invisibly,slowly,subtly,unobtrusively,unseen,gradually,hardly,inappreciably,indiscernibly,scarcely ,unnoticeably,just,barely o ‘She stole a glance at him and he gave her an almost imperceptible nod.’ o The daylight faded almost imperceptibly into night. Adverb▲ ii. (a little) Only slightly little,slightly,marginally,just,somewhat,inappreciably,inconsiderably,insignificantly,only,just,only ,slightly,hardly A slight almost imperceptible vibration of the vessel was felt.’ ‘And she sighed, and looked down at her hands, and then nodded imperceptibly.’ Antonyms Adverb▲ i. Opposite of Not noticeably, too small to be detected, too little to be perceived significantly,considerably,notably,remarkably,markedly,glaringly,obviously,exceptionally,vastly,o utstandingly,extraordinarily,immensely,noticeably,perceptibly,discernibly,detectably,palpably Adverb▲ ii. (a little) Opposite of only slightly substantially,well,appreciably,considerably,significantly,entirely,far,greatly,emphatically, decidedly,immeasurably Sentences The daylight faded almost imperceptibly into night. The breath ebbed from him almost imperceptibly. The old friendship was imperceptibly renewed. It leaves us ghosts altogether imperceptible Judgment ،ًعدالتًکیًتجویزًیاًفیصلہ Synonyms Noun▲ i. A decision made, especially by a court or tribunal finding,ruling,sentence,determination,result,verdict,conclusion,decision,decree,doom,holding,a djudication,arbitration,edict,appraisal,assessment,determination,estimation,evaluation,opinion, appraisement,estimate,perspective,persuasion Noun▲ Noun▲ ‘In addition, the applicants complained that the county courts' residence judgments were not pronounced publicly.’ ‘Rather than go to court, civil defendants may accept default judgments.’ ‘There are a number of helpful passages in the judgments in that decision.’ ii. The ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions judiciousness,reason,understanding,awareness,discretion,discrimination,intelligence,nous,perce ption,wisdom,wit He felt safe with women because they were easier in their judgment of his abilities and feelings.’ in my judgment the conclusion must be that general use on the roads is to be contemplated.’ ‘That is what she thinks, but this is an error, in my judgment.’ Antonyms i. Opposite of a decision made, especially by a court or tribunal accusation,answer,beginning,disregard,ignorance,inanity,indecision,misjudgment,neglect,start,s tupidity,disagreement ii. Opposite of the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions inability,ineptness,misunderstanding,unsoundness,ignorance,stupidity,mistake,misinterpretatio n,dullness,misconception Sentences He was well-informed and shrewd, with good, calm judgment. Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment A simple mistake in judgment was often magnified to the proportions of a major crime. It’s too soon to make a judgment about what the outcome will be Judicial ًًوہًقانونًیہًآرڈینینسًجسًکاًنفاذ،ًًعدَلً ُگستَر،ًً َججًکا،ًًعدالَتًسےً ُمتع ِلق،ًعدالَتی ،ًعدالتوںًکےًذریعےًہو Synonyms Adjective▲ i. Of judges or the administration of justice judiciary,legal,juridical,official,discriminating,distinguished,forensic,jurisdictive,impartial,jud gelike,judicatory,magisterial,magistral,administrative,authoritative,constitutional,court ‘It is achieved by a conventional process of judicial construction of legislation.’ ‘These days judges read academic articles as part of their ordinary judicial activity.’ Adjective▲ ii. Marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias objective,unbiased,disinterested,fair,impartial,just,dispassionate,equitable,neutral,unprejud iced,detached,open-minded,impersonal,uninvolved,unemotional,evenhanded ‘Such fairness demands a fair judicial process administered by an impartial judiciary.’ Antonyms Adjective▲ i. Opposite Of judges or the administration of justice Illegal,partial, Adjective▲ ii. Opposite of marked by justice, honesty, and freedom from bias biased,prejudiced,unjust,partial,inequitable,nonobjective,unfair,partisan,tendentiou s,weighted,one-sided,skewed Sentences Tom takes judicial proceedings against his father. The complexity and costliness of the judicial system militate against justice for the individual. The Supreme Court ordered a judicial inquiry into the deaths. However, the better judicial and quasi-judicial appointments generally go to barristers. Kindred ًًملکًکاًمذکر،ًًشاہ،ًًبادشاہ،ًًکنگ،ًً ُملکًکاً ُمذَکَّرً ُحکَمران،ًًقَبیلَہ،ًًقَوم،ًًشاہ،ًبادشاہ ،ًحکمران Synonyms Adjective▲ i. Having similar qualities allied,related,affiliated,correspondinglike,similar,akin,alike,associated,cognate,parall el,analogous,comparable,connected ‘This was no less than a call to the nations of the world to gather together and discuss a halt to the arms race, and kindred subjects.’ That ensures that the book is treated seriously in The New York Times Book Review and kindred publications.’ ‘But we would rather hand them down to some erudite and kindred soul.’ Adjective▲ ii. Having or marked by agreement in feeling or action similar,compatible,likeminded,congenial,sympathetic,agreeable,understanding,like, akin,amicable,frictionless,friendly In this context ties of kindred were tightened by lordship rather than loosened.’ Noun▲ iii. A group of persons who come from the same ancestor family,kin,lineage,relatives,clan,house,kinsfolk,relations,tribe,connexionsUK,connect ionsUS,folks,people,blood,flesh ‘What are five thousand humans, compared to all the Ilien, our kindred, whom you could have saved if you so chose?’ ‘It concerns blood, of course; for me and my kindred, it's always a matter of blood.’ ‘A voice in my head said, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house.’’ Antonyms i. Opposite of having similar qualities unrelated,dissimilar,irrelevant,noncorresponding,unaffiliated,separated,single,estra nged,disconnected,unfriendly,disunited ii. uncongenial) Opposite of having or marked by agreement in feeling or action uncongenial,disagreeable,discordant,disharmonious,disunited iii. Opposite of a group of people related by blood or marriage nonfamily non-relatives nonrelatives,outsiders Sentences We immediately realized that we were kindred spirits. . I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics. The same kindred spirit flows in their veins. Almost certainly unwittingly, Benjamin was returning to the land of his far-off kindred Knack ًًہنر،ًڈھب،چاالکی،ًکمال،ًًہنر،ًًمنصوبہ،ًًفریب،ًًچال،ًہتھوڑےًپرًپتھرًمارنےًکاًدھماکا ًاستادی،ًسلیقہ،ًصالحیت،ًقابلیت،ًمہارت،ًکاریًگری،ًاستعداد،مندی Synonyms Noun▲ i. An acquired or natural skill at doing something gift,talent,flair,bent,genius,ability,aptitude,capacity,facility,forte,skill,faculty ,trick,art,competence,dexterity My father had a knack for making a total stranger feel very comfortable in his presence.’ ‘During this campaign he displayed one of his greatest skills, the knack of surrounding himself with the right people.’ Noun▲ ii. A tendency to do something tendency to, propensity for, habit of, way of, proneness to, aptness to, bent for, liability to, leaning towards, predisposition to, disposition to, inclination to, penchant for, readiness to Speaking of sports ministers, it seems they all have a knack for putting their foot in it.’ ‘You've got a real knack for getting in trouble, don't you?’ Antonyms Noun▲ i. Opposite of an acquired or natural skill at doing something inability,awkwardness,clumsiness,ineptitude,disinclination,ignorance,incapa city,incompetence,ineptness,lack,want Opposite of A tendency to do something Ignorance,carelessness,recklessness Sentences Some people seem to have a knack for making money. He has an uncanny knack of being able to see immediately where the problem lies. He's got the knack of getting people to listen. Likelihood Some people seem to have a knack for making money. Likelihood ، بگمان غالب ، قرين قیاس ہونا، متوقع، امکان ِ The textual reference there is every likelihood of the danger of their death for not getting medically treated.(book 1 the use of force) Synonyms Noun▲ i. Chance of something happening liability,probability,chance,possibility,prospect,likeliness,conceivabili ty,danger,fear,feasibility,hazard,odds,peril,plausibility,reasonablene ss,risk,threat,chances,direction ‘There is also no likelihood that anything said or done would have induced any other confession.’ ‘So the likelihood of the others having similar problems was of high probability.’ ‘We believe, however, that waging a war will only make the likelihood of retaliation greater.’ Antonyms Noun▲ i. Opposite of chance of something happening unlikeliness,improbability,unlikelihood,uncertainty,doubtfulness,unt hinkability,questionability,implausibility,dubiety,dubiousness,incred ibility,incongruousness,inconceivability,impossibility,certainty Sentences Labyrinth sing a seatbelt will reduce the likelihood of serious injury in a car accident This latest dispute greatly increases the likelihood of a strike. I don't think there is any likelihood of his agreeing to it. There was very little likelihood of her getting the job ً،ًًگورکھًد َھندا،ًقام ًبَلًدارًراستوںًکاً ُم،ًًپیچیدَہ،ًًاُلج َھن،ًًپیچیدگی،ًًعُقدَہ،ًب ُھولًب ُھلیاں َ ،ًبھولًبھلیاںًمیںًبندًکرنا Synonyms Noun▲ i. An intricate and confusing arrangement tangle,intricacy,complexity,complication,entanglement,jungle,convolution,maze,morass,snarl,web,perpl exity,confusion,jumble,puzzle,riddle,turn,twist,coil,hodgepodge,hotchpotch ‘I had just completed the process of studying business administration and journeyed into the labyrinth of corporate power.’ The few seemingly simple slips of paper turn out to be a confusing labyrinth of coupons, even if colour coordinated.’ Noun▲ ii. A complicated irregular network of passages or paths maze,warren,coil,complex,entanglement,network,web,rabbit,warren,catacomb,system,nexus,collection ,aggregate ‘It is situated in the intricate labyrinth of the Niah Caves.’ ‘The original center piece has been removed and other areas of the labyrinth have been restored.’ Antonyms i. Opposite of an intricate and confusing arrangement ease,line,order,organisationUK,organizationUS,simplicity,harmony,method,simplification,arrangement,c alm,system Sentences We lost our way in the labyrinth of streets. Finally, through a labyrinth of corridors she found his office He found himself in enormous buildings, with a labyrinth of rooms, and he was lost in the pile. Decisions are frequently delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees Junction َ سن ،ًًکسیًایکًجنکشنًپرًملنا،ًًریلًکاً َجنکشَن،ًقامًاِتصال ًا،ًگم ِ َ ِ ً ُم،ًًمالپ،ًًجوڑ،ًِتصال The textual reference They evacuated the important Baghdad Railway junction at Estishehir, where immediately the patriots transformed the railway depots into ammunition factories.(book 2 lesson 15 mustafa kamal) Synonyms Noun▲ i. A point where two or more things are joined joint,connection,coupling,join,juncture,union,seam,bond,intersection,link,weld,brace,hinge,joining,joint ure,linking ‘I stopped at the junction that joined the studio with the main road.’ ‘Some are the meeting of meridian pathways while others are junctions with an internal pathway of the meridian.’ Noun▲ ii. A place where roads meet crossing,intersection,crossroads,interchange,carrefour,corner,crossroad,crossways,gyratory,turn,cloverl eaf,exit ‘Bikes have their own lanes, traffic lights at junctions and dedicated road signs.’ ‘The place was at the junction of two roads, one of which was parallel to a railroad line.’ Antonyms Opposite of a point where two or more things are joined detachment,divorce,estrangement,separation,severance,aversion,enmity,opposition,animosity,dislike,al ienation Opposite of A place where roads meet convergence,convergency,meeting,merging,coincidence,confluence,conjunction,concentration,coming,t ogether Sentences Sentences You should slow down as you approach the junction. A ship sank at the junction of the two rivers last month. If we turn left at the next junction, we should hit the main road after five miles or so. One of Britain's worst rail accidents happened at Clapham Junction. Juvenile ًًکَمسِن،ًًنوًخیز،ًع َمر ُ ًًطفلینو،ًطفالنہ،ًنوًعمر،ًناتجربہًکار،ًنوجوان،ًنوًخیز،ًکمًسن،بالک ،ًًنوًشباب،ًًکمسن،ًًنوًعمر،ًع َمریًکا ُ ًنو، The textual reference media is also reporting increasing incidents of juvenile delinquency along with those of child abuse(BOOK 2 THE DIALOUGE) the age of maturity, is considered juvenile delinquency. (BOOK 2 THE DIALOUGE) what are the main causes of juvenile delinquency? (BOOK 2 THE DIALOUGE) Juveniles should not be tried with criminals because juveniles are immature and their decision making capability is not fully developed. (BOOK 2 THE DIALOUGE) Synonyms Adjective▲ i. Immature in behavior immature,puerile,childish,callow,inexperienced,infantile,babyish,green,jejune,unsophisticated,adolesce nt,naive,boyish ‘she's bored with my juvenile conversation’ ‘He crumpled up the juvenile green and yellow paper wrappings and tossed them into a plastic sack.’ Adjective▲ ii. For or relating to young people young,adolescent,immature,youthful,junior,teenage,teenaged,youngish,prepubescent,pubescent,under age,childish,childlike the main goal of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation rather than punishment.’ ‘Promoting juvenile talent is the lifeblood and future of any sporting club.’ Noun▲ iii. A young person child,minor,youngster,adolescent,boy,girl,kid,teenager,youth,bairn,bambino,bud,chap,chick,cub,junior,k iddi ‘At about four years of age young males form a juvenile group.’ ‘After that they may join a flock of other juvenile birds.’ ‘Adult males seem to winter farther north than females and juvenile birds.’ antonyms Adjective▲ i. Opposite of immature in behaviour mature,adult,grown-up,experienced,ripe,old,older,senile,shrinking,withering,full-grown,fullygrown,fully,grown,fully,fledged Adjective▲ ii. Opposite of for or relating to young people matured,responsible,full-blown,full-grown,ripe,ripened,fully-grown,fully,grown,fully,fledged Noun▲ iii. Opposite of a young person adult,grown-up,woman,man,lady,gentleman,grown,grown-up,person,grown,person mature woman mature,man Noun▲ Sentences We can curb juvenile delinquency by education. She wasn't sent to the juvenile court; instead she was cautioned. The defendant appeared at the juvenile court yesterday. You wouldn't think that college students could be so juvenile. Jeopardy ،ًًجانًجانےًکاًڈرًیاً َخوف،ًًجوک َھم،ًطرہ َ َخ Synonyms Noun▲ i. Danger of loss, harm, or failure danger,peril,endangerment,risk,vulnerability,insecurity,precariousness,exposure,hazard,imperil ment,liability,venture ‘A vital village transport link is in jeopardy due to a lack of people using it.’ ‘If the money doesn't start flowing soon, the country's very future will be in jeopardy.’ ‘But his plans are put in jeopardy when he meets an equally competitive female player.’ Verb▲ i. To place in danger or cause a hazard imperil,endanger,jeopardiseUK,jeopardizeUS,risk,hazard,peril,adventure,compromise,expose,je opard,menace,threaten ‘The certificate further describes the jeopardy that could arise from disclosure.’ ‘He remained apprehensive about returning to the United States, unsure of his legal jeopardy.’ Antonyms i. Opposite of danger of loss, harm, or failure safety,security,safeness,secureness,assurance,certainty,plan,protection,surety,fact,reality,invuln erability,determination,proof ii. Opposite of to place in danger or cause a hazard protect,guard,aid,assist,help,safeguard,save,secure,care for Sentences The criminal trial system would be placed in jeopardy. The lives of thousands of birds are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spillage. The killings could put the whole peace process in jeopardy. It would put his career at risk, but that was already in jeopardy, Jealousy ًرشکًسے،ًتًسے س ًَرقاب،ًدًسے َ َح َ َ Synonym Noun▲ i. The state or feeling of being jealous envy,enviousness,resentment,covetousness,resentfulness,spite,bitterness,desire,dis content,greeneyed,monster,grudge,hatred,invidiousness,malice,malignity,backbiting,begrudging ‘she stared jealously at his phone’ I jealously watched William as he danced with other ladies’ ‘She gazes jealously out of a window above the garage, thinking the woman in the front seat with Tom is his wife.’ Noun▲ ii. Any competition between two or more things or factos rivalry,competition,conflict,contention,struggle,antagonism,competitiveness,contest,du el,opposition,strife,vying,battle She's jealous of my success. She was rather jealous of me. There's nothing for you to feel jealous about. Antonyms Noun▲ i. (admiration) Opposite of the state or feeling of being jealous admiration,pride,compersion,trust,understanding ii. Opposite of any competition between two or more things or factors accord,agreement,calm,cooperation,harmony,peace Sentences Love, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions. At first his jealousy only showed in small ways-he didn't mind me talking to other guys. It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. I am immobilized by anger, jealousy, and revulsion. Jubilant بغلیں بجانے، شادمان، َم َگن، کامیاب، َبغلیں َبجانے واال، ُخوشیاں َمنانے واال خوشیاں منانے واال، کامیاب،واال a. Synonyms Adjective▲ i. In a state of elation rejoicing,triumphant,exultant,overjoyed,thrilled,cock-ahoop,elated,enraptured,euphoric,exuberant,triumphal,excited,glad,rhapsodic,joyous,cr owing,over,the,moon,transported,crank Antonyms Adjective▲ i. Opposite of in a state of elation despondent,downcast,sad,melancholy,sorrowful,depressed,disappointed,discouraged,d oleful,unenthusiastic,unexcited,unhappy,down,low,dejected,downhearted,hopeless,glo omy Sentences The fans were in jubilant mood as they left the stadium. The jubilant crowd joined them in the apartment for a celebration and to help clean up the mess. The four men were greeted by jubilant relatives upon their release Radicals were jubilant at getting rid of him