Data Analysis Rubric WHAT IS THIS RESOURCE? HOW DO I USE IT? This is a grading rubric an instructor uses to assess students’ work on this type of assignment. It is a sample rubric that needs to be edited to reflect the specifics of a particular assignment. Students can self-assess using the rubric as a checklist before submitting their assignment. This sample rubric can also be found under the Turnitin tool in Blackboard to facilitate online grading. Edit the assignment requirements column, performance level descriptions in each box, and point values to align with a particular course assignment. Distribute the rubric to students when first introducing the assignment. Use the rubric to grade student work. To use the rubric in Blackboard, contact USC Blackboard support and CET instructional designers for assistance. Also see the CET resource Tips for Designing Rubrics under Resources > Course Design. CRITERIA EXCELLENT MEETS EXPECTATIONS APPROACHES EXPECTATIONS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT Procedures Would allow another experimenter to achieve all goals. Would allow another experimenter to achieve most goals. Would allow another experimenter to achieve some goals. Would not allow another experimenter to achieve any goals. Execution Collected all the appropriate data. Collected most of the needed data. Collected some meaningful data. Did not collect meaningful data. Methods Statistical methods were fully and correctly applied. Most methods were correctly applied but more could have been done with the data. Some methods were applied but with significant errors or omissions. Statistical methods were completely misapplied or absent. Discussion Results and discussion well focused and included all important points. Missed some important points. Analyzed only the most basic points. Entirely missed the point of the experiment. 1