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Wireless Sensor Network Applications: Practical Uses & Future

On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
Adam Czubak and Jakub Wojtanowski
Opole University, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science,
ul. Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Poland
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are ad-hoc networks in
which small independent sensor nodes have limited energy, computational resources and wireless communication capabilities. Recently, both
academia and industry have shown great interest in the area of Wireless Sensor Networks. This paper focuses on the practical applications
in commerce and feasible future employment of WSNs. Continued advances of wireless communication technologies have led to the following
elds of applications: habitat and environmental monitoring, security
of buildings and property, oil and gas installations, mines and tunnels,
emergency medical care, military applications. In the near future WSNs
will certainly enter our homes and oces changing the way we monitor
our nearest surrounding.
Key words:
wireless sensor networks, wireless networks, applications
A Wireless Sensor Network is a group of small devices (nodes ) with an integrated
energy source and a capability for wireless communication. It is an autonomous
micro-sensor network which purpose is to detect, acquire and report particular events across a remote area. These can be deployed in areas as diverse as
a battleelds or an emergency rooms. The technology utilizes communication
channels in the ISM band dened by ITU-R (usually 900MHz or 2.4MHz) and
therefore, unlike other wireless technologies, does not require clear line of sight
between transmitter and a receiver. Wireless Sensor Networks are designed to
handle very low data throughput (even as low as few bits/day), exchanging lower
throughput and higher message latency for longer battery life, lower cost, and
self-organization[1]. Employees, who earlier deployed traditional data networks
install the sensors just like a wired device but neglect the cables. WSNs are
logically plugged into the existing network and there is no distinction between
the data which originated at the wireless sensors and the data that was received
from a conventional wired device. The nodes operate like wired devices and are
also commissioned like such.
Sensor Networks from a Practical Point of View
The advantages of Wireless Sensor Networks are as follows:
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
Ease of deployment and removal The placement of the sensors may be random or deliberate. It may be as easy as scattering a handful of coins on the
ground or dropping them from a helicopter onto a battleeld. These have the
ability to establish connections to each other, organize and send the information across the network to the gathering device (sink ) regardless of their
location. These devices are small, require no wiring and messy construction
work, an employee responsible for their allocation needs neither training nor
complicated and expensive tools. When the WSN is no longer required it is
easy to remove and reuse in a dierent location. This characteristic makes
the solution very cost-eective and thus widely available.
Sensing equipment with which a node may be equipped is practically unlimited,
ranges from pressure sensors, temperature, humidity, ow, position, velocity,
angular velocity, acceleration, strain, force, torque, slip, vibration, contact,
proximity, distance, motion, to biochemical agents and liquid sensors.
Size varies depending on the manufacturer and applied technology but nowadays a single DN26001 12 x 12 x 1.58mm chip is a compilation of a microprocessor, IEEE 802.15.4-compliant radio and integrated power amplier for
10 dBm operation. The solution only lacks the battery and an antenna. So
the size of the whole device is actually as small as the size of the installed
battery or the length of the antenna, whatever is larger.
Locality means within the range of the sensor network. Current protocols deal
reliably with up to 500 nodes. Their communication range is up to 50m
in radius. That means that a regular sensor network utilising well known
standards and hardware solutions without any tweaks or upgrades may span
over 25 kilometres in a straight line.
If we take a closer look at the buildings we use today we notice, that these are
very sophisticated structures. Walls are lled with conduits for sensors: re sensors, temperature sensors, cameras, light sensors. The purpose of these systems
is to make our surrounding safer, comfortable, dynamic and energy-ecient. All
these sensors are wired in a network. The sensors and the computing power is
getting cheaper but the cost of conduits is not and the install cost of conduits, labour and material for the circuits remain uniform or increase over time.
Another aspect worth mentioning is that the conduits required for classic sensors installed along the walls are bad-looking and troublesome. WSNs have the
potential to reduce the overall costs of such installations.
Therefore the industry's enthusiasm for the new technology grew and an
industrial ZigBee Alliance was formed and a standard called ZigBee was introduced in 2004. In the rst(physical) and second(MAC) layer it was based on
IEEE 802.15.4 radio standard. Due to its ineciency in 2006 a second ZigBee
standard was introduced which was incompatible with the previous one and in
2007 a third one called ZigBee Pro emerged. But very little devices were build
using these solutions and there was no real grow in market. Nevertheless, the
standardization of 802.15.4 and ZigBee mark the milestone in development of
DN2600 is a 2.4GHz Mote-on-ChipTM designed by Dust Networks. It is a part of a
solution called SMARTMESH SA-600TM http://www.dustnetworks.com/
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Sensor Networks introducing common platforms to design from scratch
or integrate platforms of WSNs. It introduced certied devices and proved that
these are actually low cost installations. A survey published in 2005 conveyed,
that the deployment of WSNs is hindered for the following reasons:
Rysunek 1.
Source: OnWorld'05.
WSN: Growing Markets, Accelerating Demand
The industry applications required reliability for the data gathered with sensor networks, that ZigBee did not provide given the challenges of the ISM RF
environment (e.q. frequent interferences). This situation gave rise to other companies and organisations like Dust Networks, HART Communication Foundation, ISA et. al. Their research departments either developed their own solutions
or worked together on the WSN issues.
Contemporary standards provide the following basic characteristics2 :
Time to send and receive a frame with data equals 9ms. This value corresponds to a process of booting up a transmitter, sending the packet, receiver
startup time, local CRC check, ACK calculation and transmission time of
the acknowledgement. It it the total time required for transmission of a single chunk of data between two nodes. So it allows over a 100 complete and
veried transmissions per second.
The above process costs 20µA of energy. It is the lowest power consumption
for delivering packet available nowadays in WSNs while retaining 99.9%
reliability. This low cost communication results in a lifetime of around 10
years (per node) in contemporary applications when using two standard AA
batteries as an incorporated energy source.
Technological aspects
From a technological point of view the primary problem in WSNs is the limited
power supply that a node possesses. The challenge here is to use it as rarely as
possible saving as much energy as possible. Battery is drained by:
Sample data for Dust Networks solutions utilising DN2600 chips and Time Synchronized Mesh Protocol (TSMP) (http://www.dustnetworks.com)
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
the sensing equipment which collects the data,
the microprocessor when analysing the collected information and making
decisions whether to send it or not and towards which node,
the communication equipment ie. radio transceiver when sending, receiving
or relaying the information.
Of the three above the cost of communication is the highest[2]. The energy
(Ei,j ) required for transmitting a message of size m from node i to node j over a
distance d equals Ei,j = c + md2 where c is a constant amount of power required
for booting up the transceiver. The model seams fairly simple but in the real
world it turns out, that the distance d is squared only in perfect vacuum. So the
exponent is always higher than 2 depending on the surrounding.
Therefore it is of utter importance that the amount of data sent across the
WSN is as small as possible. There are several ways to tackle the nite battery
Data aggregation and data fusion[3,4]. Aggregation and compression of data
allows to reduce communication cost
Recovery eect. The lifetime of the battery depends on the characteristics of
the discharge process. If the battery is being discharged only for short time
intervals followed by idle periods improvements in energy level is possible.
During the idle periods the battery has the capacity to partially recover the
capacity lost in the preceding transmission[5,6]
Energy harvesting. Energetic sustainability[7] can be achieved by embedding
recharging devices like solar panels in the node.
Standby scheduling[8]. Allowing the sensors to turn o almost completely
while not being in use is a great advantage but requires precise time synchronization between nodes.
Intermediate power-attached nodes (mediation devices) used as relays or
buers for the data traversing the network.
High-level data descriptors. So called meta-data to eliminate the transmission of duplicate and redundant data throughout the network.
Another strategy would be to tweak the routing process and send data only
over short, not so energy-consuming distances. This policy, although locally for a
single node reasonable, turns out to be very expensive if we consider the overall
cost of sending the data across the network by a large number of short jumps
instead of a single, longer one. So it is important that protocols used in WSN
work in a manner that both saves energy of the individual node and manages
summarized energy of the system equally and fairly. Another issue is, that any
node which loses power drops out of the communications network and may end
up partitioning the network.
It is worth mentioning, that fully connected networks suer from problems
of NP-complexity[9]. As new nodes appear in the network, the amount of links
increases exponentially. Therefore, for large networks, the routing problem is
computationally intractable even with the availability of large amounts of computing power.
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
Object, habitat and environmental monitoring
Sensors provide scalable solutions for security and surveillance companies. This
kind of applications may be set up in dierent environments such as private
properties, urban areas, etc. Constant cooperation among networked nodes increase the security of the concerned environment without human intervention.
The system should respond to the changes of the environment as quickly as
possible contacting the responsible security ocer.
The possibility of detection of relevant quantities of poisonous gases in mines
or tunnels, measuring methane or other gas levels in mines and tunnels could
avoid disasters and save countless lives. For example, an operator could remotely
supervise dierent physical phenomena in the mine from his computer and thus
provide safe air/oxygen for the miners underground by monitoring the level of
methane and other noxious gases. Such environment monitoring system called
SASA[10] was introduced and a prototype was deployed in a coal mine.
The detection of seismic activities[11] with help of sensitive detectors, connected wirelessly to a system for recording information, gather the wave data in
areas where earthquakes occur. The records of detected waves help to nd the
epicenter of the earthquake in a very short time. This allows to inform instantly
earthquake safety teams and organize necessary help.
Grape Networks, Inc. currently ships commercial sensor networks for vineyards. Each node can sense a couple of parameters such as temperature, moisture
or light. The system gathers enormous sums of data. With this solution crops
can be monitored on a much ner level than even today's agriculture techniques
and span over larger areas.
An Intelligent Car Park Management System based on Wireless Sensor Networks was recetly introduced. A prototype was build called Smart Parking
(SPARK) Management. It provides advanced features like remote parking monitoring, automated guidance and parking reservation mechanism. It allows the
minimization of time usually spent on nding a parking spot which is a common
issue in larger cities.
Building Automation
When it comes to building automation and a term smart building sensor networks
are a perfect solution. Smart building represent the next step in evolution of
this industry. Such buildings rely on the sensory data gathered throughout the
region. This makes the building more interactive and more aware. Sensors help
to improve the energy management by building enhanced energy usage models.
It resulted in solutions which measure, detect, estimate, and predict the variable
environmental factors for energy expenditure like for example energy-ecient
lighting control.
Areas such as security and surveillance have already been explored to some
extent and WSN devices are available (Emerson). Admission control is also a
eld where tiny sensor provide high functionality at low cost[12].
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
The HVAC systems are very energy consuming. A set of sensors measuring
the current temperature and humidity allow to build a system which reacts instantly and seamlessly when a variable changes in order to provide comfort. But
when no person is in the building it would turn the system o saving energy costs. Such nodes and systems can be purchased at Siemens AG. Hotels and oces
can benet from wireless sensors and controllers. The savings can be signicant
because these sensors work 24/7 and can be easily adjusted with software controls instead of manual adjustments to thermostats, lights and appliances. The
electrical usage may be reduced by 20-40%.
Oil and gas installations
WSN is a technology now deployed in key investment area across the whole
oil and gas supply chain including pipelines, reneries, petrochemical plants,
exploration and production.
The reason for that are growing costs of labour and the fact that oil and
gas supplies become more dicult to nd and exploit. Additionally, reneries
and petrochemical plants are faced with stringent regulations and are operating
at near full capacity. By providing secure and reliable two-way wireless communications, WSN enables automation and control solutions that are not feasible
with wired systems to improve the whole production process. The solutions are
widely available now. The most common is Emerson Smart Wireless which provides wireless sensors measuring pressure, temperature, level, ow, vibration,
discrete switches, or pH. The reduction of costs is tremendous and these solutions became a standard for new installation. In fact, oil and gas industry was
the rst to deploy WSNs successfully on a large scale.
Medical care
Wireless sensor network research is being performed to address medical applications. But in medical application node size matters. When a patient has wireless
sensors attached to their body these must be as little intimidating and as light
as possible. These should not impede in any way the patients regular activities.
It is important to distinguish pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency care.
The fact that both can be realized using the same sensor set makes the care a
real 24h service. It therefore allows disaster response with a minimal possible
reaction time and more ecient patient rehabilitation.
The AID-N project (http://www.aid-n.org) at Johns Hopkins Applied
Physics Laboratory proposes a device called miTag. miTag monitors a patient's
location, heart rate, and oxygen saturation and relays this information over a
WSN through a sink to monitoring stations. Thousands of patients can be monitored simultaneously over the miTags' resilient wireless network. These devices
provide services like: patient monitoring, tracking and documentation regardless
of the patients location.
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
The Mercury Project (http://fiji.eecs.harvard.edu/Mercury) at Harvard University created a wearable sensor network platform for high-delity
motion analysis. A Mercury network consists of a number of wearable sensors
called SHIMMERS each 4 x 3cm in size. Each sensor samples multiple channels
of accelerometer, gyroscope, and/or physiological data and stores raw signals to
local ash. Sensors also perform feature extraction on the raw signals, which
may involve expensive on-board computation. Used mainly in treatment of Parkinson's disease at a local hospital.
Eldercare is a pre-hospital in-home health care. A system was introduced by
Intel (http://www.agingtech.org) and actually made it possible for elders with
Alzheimer's disease, degenerative disease of nerve cells and others with disabling
conditions to continue to live at home.
Nowadays WSNs are also used for Exercise ECG, Signal-averaged ECG and
a Holter monitor. The last one is especially suitable for WSNs since in this case
the ECG recording is done over a period of 24 or more hours usually during
patient's regular workday.
Military applications
Due to the fact, that information on military applications of any new technology is not disclosed to general public there is very little to conclude. But there
was an interest in using WSNs for perimeter security. One of US defence contractors (SAIC) developed a solution for this purpose. The sensors used were:
magnetometer, seismometer for detecting footsteps or vehicles, passive infra-red,
microphone and camera all intergated in a 10 x 10 x 5 cm box. The software system records the events in the log allowing for both real-time remote observation
of the perimeter as well as later analysis.
PinPtr (http://www.isis.vanderbilt.edu), an acoustic system, takes advantage of sensor network technology to nd the location from which a shot (e.g.
with a sniper rie) was taken. Instead of using a few expensive acoustic sensors,
a low-cost ad-hoc acoustic sensor network measures both the blast and shock
wave to accurately determine the location of the shooter and the trajectory of
the bullet. The basic idea is simple: using the arrival times of the acoustic events
at dierent sensor locations, the shooter position can be accurately calculated
using the speed of sound and the location of the sensors. Precision with which
the source of the shooter's location was found is 1m.
Other applications like battleeld surveillance via aerial deployment of sensors and body sensors for soldier condition analysis have been rumoured about
for a long time but no ocial information was disclosed.
The applications for WSNs are many and varied, but typically involve some kind
of monitoring, tracking, and controlling. Their presence in our surrounding with
On Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks
time will occur more often. The contemporary solutions are ready to use and
But besides the functional and technological aspects of WSNs there is also an
ethical one. These sensor networks possess a great potential for abuse. Questions
like: Who is controlling the system? What is the system collecting? Who is
controlling the network? Who has access to it? Where and for how long will the
data be stored? The devices are merciless, they collect information that is also
not necessary or even unwanted and people may not feel comfortable around
this technology.
Nevertheless it is clear that both the industry and academia acknowledged
the new technology and also advances are imminent.
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