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Skills for Success in Distance Learning

Skills for Success
Skills for Success
The trait of using your own resources and judgment is called self-reliance. Having this trait is
important for being a successful distance learner. With the appropriate skills and tools, you
will feel less overwhelmed, gain confidence, and take charge of your learning. To start
becoming self-reliant, you can use these frequently asked questions (FAQs) to troubleshoot
answers to your questions.
Communicating with Others
I'm nervous about reaching out to my teacher with a question. How should I reach out?
What should I do when I feel alone?
How do I work with a partner or team from home?
Troubleshooting Technology and Learning
What if I am having technical problems?
My assignment has things in it that I’ve never learned how to do. What do I do?
Managing Time
I have trouble finishing my assignments. How do I find the time to complete everything?
How do I know which task to start first?
Skills for Success
I understand the assignment, but how much time should I set aside to complete it?
Staying Motivated
I don’t think I was successful with distance learning last year. How will this year be any different?
I don’t feel like working. How do I motivate myself?
How do I stay focused even when I'm having an off day?
Working from Home
Is it okay to get help from a friend?
What do I do if I get stuck on something?
What should I do to make my work area less distracting?
I’m nervous about reaching out to my teacher or a classmate with a
question. How should I reach out?
It is important to ask your question right away, before you become completely overwhelmed.
It can be intimidating to reach out to a teacher or a classmate, especially through email or
text. Asking for help when you need it is a good thing! It shows that you care about your
work and want to build your skills. If you’re not sure what to say to kick off the conversation,
check out these starters:
Skills for Success
Communication Steps
Communication Example
Greet your teacher or classmate by
Dear Mr. Hokaido,
How are you doing today, Selena?
Clearly describe your question or
I’ve been having trouble with the assignment about arrays. I added a few
lines of my code below for you to take a look at.
If you’ve tried to get help in other
I watched an online video resource, but I’m still not sure how to follow
ways, describe them.
the stages of photosynthesis.
Ask for a specific type of help and
If you have time to talk on the phone or computer, I’m free every day until
include your availability.
4 p.m. If you think of any other resources that I should try, let me know.
Be sure to say, “thank you.” If you
Thanks for giving me advice on my sketches, Selena!
are sending an email, sign your
Thanks so much, Mr. Hokaido. Sincerely, Kendra Hernandez
If you have difficulty making contact with your teacher, ask a trusted adult for advice or help.
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What should I do when I feel alone?
Reach out to someone in your class or your teacher. If you are feeling shy, start the
conversation with an appropriate compliment for them, such as “I like the way you answered
that question earlier.” If you want to keep the conversation going after you start, ask a fun
question, such as do you have a (pet, favorite game, hobby)? Most people enjoy sharing this
sort of general personal information, and it will give you something to talk about in future
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How do I work with a partner or team from home?
Call, text, or email the person you are working with. For other ideas about how to
communicate with your classmates, check out the starters earlier in this section.
Skills for Success
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What if I am having technical problems?
Sometimes things on the computer don’t work as planned. If you are having problems,
before you contact your school’s help desk, try these tips:
Repeatedly click on
Don’t repeatedly click something. Try it one more time. If it doesn’t work right away,
something and it still
try something else.
doesn’t work
Try a different browser
If you’re having problems with a website, try using a different browser. Common
browsers are Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge.
Check your Wi-Fi signal
Check the Wi-Fi indicator on your device to see if you have a strong enough signal.
Your signal may be weak for the following reasons:
You may be too far from the router. Move closer to it.
The construction of the walls in your home may interfere with the signal. Try
moving to a different spot in your home.
The area you are in may have too many users trying to access the same
frequency band. Try switching channels to get to a less crowded frequency.
Non-Wi-Fi devices such as cordless phones, remote alarms, and microwaves
can disrupt a Wi-Fi connection. Situate yourself so you are not near these types
of devices.
Quit the software
This applies to web browsers or apps. Close the browser, tabs, and/or apps.
Update the software
Make sure your software is up to date. If you don’t know how to update software,
look online for instructions that are specific for your device. After updating, restart
the device.
Log out and log in again
Save your work and remember your password before you logout.
Clear the web browser’s
Look online to determine how to clear the cache and cookies in different browsers
cache and cookies
and devices.
Restart the device
A fresh start clears the memory and restores the device’s inner workings.
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Skills for Success
My assignment has things in it that I’ve never learned how to do. What
do I do?
This is the perfect time to practice self-reliance. You can:
Search for an answer in online resources.
Contact your teacher. Teachers get a special joy when they help students understand
things, so be sure to reach out.
Contact a classmate and ask whether they have time to answer some of your questions.
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I have trouble finishing my assignments. How do I find the time to
complete everything?
Setting goals can help you manage your time. For example, you might say to yourself,
“Within an hour, I will complete all of my math problems.” Or cover a chunk of the day,
“Before I take a break, I will complete all of my math and science work.” Or make a goal for
the whole day, such as, “Today I am going to complete all of my assignments.”
Following are some ideas to help you set and achieve goals for completing school work:
Start the day by creating a checklist of things you want to accomplish.
Make a time line or table of what you will work on each hour of the school day.
Give yourself a reward when you complete something on your checklist. It can be small,
such as, “When I finish this assignment, I will stand up and take a good, long stretch and
get a drink of water.”
Stick to a schedule. Make a routine for each day.
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How do I know which task to start first?
Analyze each task to determine how urgent and important it is. This chart can help you
decide which tasks to do first. When you make your daily schedule or checklist, you might
even consider color coding your tasks by type!
Skills for Success
Do these types of tasks first
An example is an assignment that is due soon and impacts your
understanding of the topic or your grade in the course. Daily or
weekly assignments often fall into this category.
Do this type of tasks second
An example is an assignment that is due soon, but it does not
but not
have a big impact on your understanding of the topic nor impact
your grade in the course.
Put these tasks on your
An example of this type of task is an assignment or project that is
but not
schedule so you don’t forget
not due right away. This includes a long-term project or a big test
to do them. Work on them a
that requires several small blocks of work or study over several
little bit each day.
days or weeks.
Do this type of task when
An example of this is an extra credit assignment or a task that
your other tasks are
does not impact your understanding of what you are studying or
complete or nearly complete.
your grade in the course.
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I understand the assignment, but how much time should I set aside to
complete it?
Consider the following strategies when scheduling your work:
Compare the length of time it took you to complete a similar task.
Break the task into smaller tasks. Estimate how long it will take you to complete each
small task, then add those times together for your total work time.
Review the instructions your teacher provided. Do you see details that help you estimate
the time you will need?
If you think you might run into complications, plan for extra time to complete the task.
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I don’t think I was successful with distance learning last year. How will
this year be any different?
Skills for Success
Online learning is like other difficult tasks—with practice, your skills improve. It can be helpful
to think about your past experiences as you make your plan. Take three minutes to think of
your own examples for each of the topics in the chart. Select one area to work on during this
week’s online learning. Repeat this each week, selecting a different skill. You’ll build your
skills in no time!
What are the easiest parts of online learning?
What do you think you might improve upon?
Example: I really like it when our teacher has us
Example: I have a really hard time deciding how
discuss a topic using chat. I like having time to
much time my work will take me.
think about my answer before I type it.
What is one way that you can improve or learn
What do you find most worrisome about online
something new?
Example: I would love to get better at recording
Example: I am always afraid I’m going to miss
and editing video projects.
something important, and I usually feel a little bit
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I don’t feel like working. How do I motivate myself?
Everyone hits a wall now and then. But there are ways to get yourself over that wall. First,
complete the grit scale.
After you have completed the grit scale and learned about your own intensity in completing
a task, pick a task that is giving you trouble. What is the most difficult thing about completing
the task? What do you need to do to complete it? After you’ve decided, commit to
completing one part or step. Once you complete a small part of a difficult task, it can be
easier to move on to the next step. You will be well on your way to completing a challenging
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How do I stay focused even when I’m having an off day?
Skills for Success
You might find it helpful to set a weekly goal for yourself. Write down your goals and put
them where you can see them. When you are feeling unmotivated or tired, remind yourself
that you are working toward something specific. And when you reach your goals, make sure
you celebrate! Some things to remember when setting goals:
Schedule one to three goals at any given time.
Set a manageable time frame for achieving your goals, ideally no more than one to two
weeks. For example, on Monday morning you might decide to set one goal that you aim
to achieve by Friday afternoon. Once you achieve this goal, you can set a new one for
the following week.
Make sure you can measure your goals. Consider these example goals.
Weak Goal
I will collaborate with classmates all week. This goal doesn’t adequately
describe what you should be working toward or what success looks like. It is not
measurable. What does the author mean by collaborate? How many classmates
should you collaborate with?
Strong Goal
I will schedule design project work time with three different classmates before
Friday’s project due date. This goal states exactly what you hope to accomplish
and by when. It is measurable, and you can even break the work apart into
manageable chunks.
Reflect and revise. If you don’t achieve your goal in the time frame you identified, that’s okay!
Take time to reflect on the steps you took. Why do you think you didn’t achieve your goal?
Based on your reflection, decide whether you will revise your original goal or create an
entirely new one.
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Is it okay to get help from a friend?
Absolutely. We all have different strengths, and learning from your peers is a smart way to
make use of a valuable resource (one another)! Use a method of communication
recommended by your teacher to discuss your questions with your classmates.
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Skills for Success
What do I do if I get stuck on something?
It can be difficult to know exactly what is holding you back. Some typical things that can slow
progress are:
Lack of motivation
Not understanding the topic or the assignment
Too many distractions
Pinpoint what is slowing you down. Try to rearrange your study area in a way that improves
your ability to concentrate.
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What should I do to make my work area less distracting?
It can be tricky to find a good spot to study and work in your home. If your home has too
many distractions, try to rearrange your study area in a way that improves your ability to
concentrate. To improve concentration, you can:
Reduce noise
Avoid social media
Work by yourself
Turn off your TV, radio, and phone
Sit in a comfortable space with room for your learning materials
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