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Biomes and Aquatic Communities: Ecology Notes

The climate of a community determines what
organisms live in it.
Climate refers to the weather conditions of a
given area.
Two important parts of climate are temperature
and moisture.
Most organisms are adapted to live within a
particular climate
Organisms need H2O to survive any climate
A major biological community that occurs over
a large area of land is called a biome.
There are seven major biomes
Tundra, Tropical rain forest, Desert, Taiga,
Savanna, Temperate grassland, and Temperate
Terrestrial  Plants
Tropical rainforest
Richest biome according to the # of species
It contains ½ of the Earth’s species
Annual rainfall 200 to 450 cm per year
Many animals are only active during rainy
Huge grazing animals in herds inhabit the
One of the largest biomes on Earth
Winters are long and cold and most precipitation
happens in the summer
Large animalsmoose, deer, and bear
Covers 1/5 of the Earth’s surface annual
precipitation very low, less than 25 cm a year
Animalsfoxes, lemmings and owls
Annual rainfall less than 25cm
Water is scarce
Less than 5% of North America is open desert
Normally hot temperatures
Temperate Grassland
Moderate climate
The interior of the United States that were
grasslands were converted to rich agricultural
lands of our heartland.
Huge bison once inhabited grasslands of North
Terrestrial biomes found in Texas
Deserts, Temperate grassland and temperate
Aquatic Communities
Freshwater Communities
Freshwater habitats are lakes, ponds and streams
Are very limited in area
Lakes cover only 1.8% of the earth’s surface and
streams and rivers cover 0.3%
Fresh water habitats = water with no salt
Many organisms are restricted to freshwater
habitats such as plants and fish
Ponds and lakes have three zones; littoral zone,
limnetic zone, profundal zone
Littoral Zone
Littoral zone shallow near the shore
Aquatic plants, predatory insects, amphibians,
and small fish
Lemnetic Zone
Lemnetic zone farther away
From the shore but close to the surface
Floating algae, zoo plankton and fish
Profundal Zone
Profundal zone deep water zone, no light
Bacteria and wormlike organisms
Eat debris off the bottom of the lake
Not all freshwater systems include a profundal
Swamps, marshes and bogs and other
communities covered by a layer of water are
called wetlands
Wetlands are the most productive ecosystem on
Marine Communities salt water
3 major marine communities
Shallow Ocean Water
Surface of the Open sea
Ocean Depths
Nearly ¾ of the earth’s surface is covered by
Shallow Ocean Water
Coral reef communities
Surface of the Open Sea
Bacteria, algae, fish, larvae, whales and jellyfish
Ocean Depths
Total darkness, abundance of species
Squids and anglerfish
Light penetrates water to a depth of 100cm (328
Study collections