KSHITIJ EDUCATION Specialized Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science & Commerce 9810860991, 9910061580,47008740 40 Marks : 90 Minutes TEST-005 / ECONOMICS Class – 12/Poverty & HCF Save PDF as TECO005-<yourname> In MCQ : Do write options Solve all one marker in order 1. Define Poverty Line in terms of calofiric values.(1) 2. We need ________ _________ to produce more human capital. 1 3. Which of the following is not ‘Human Resource’ ? 1 a. A doctor b. An unemployed labour c. An uneducated person d. A sick person 4. Define ‘Human Capital’. 1 5. What is source of Human Resources? 1 6. Name two institutes set up by Government for development of human capital. 1 7. What are the minimum calorie requirements in rural areas for determining poverty line in India? (1) 8. K S H I T I J E D U C A T I (1) 9. A country has huge size of human resources. This country is planning to transform the liability of this huge size of population into human capital. State any one measure that can be taken by that country to achieve this?(1) 10.What is main problem of an educated youth in India? (1) 11.Identify the source of ‘Human Capital Formation’.(2) a. Expenditure by employment seekers to know about types of jobs available. O N KSHITIJ EDUCATION Specialized Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science & Commerce 9810860991, 9910061580,47008740 40 Marks : 90 Minutes K b. Sanitation & safe drinking water c. Schools & Universities d. A company arranging training for its employees 12.Analyse the state of poverty in Indian Economy after 60 years of independence on the basis of (3) a. Head count ratio b. Absolute head count 13.What is difference between ‘Absolute Poverty’ and ‘Relative Poverty’ ? Give example. (3) 14.How ‘Migration of labour’ is source of Human Capital? 3 15.Identify the Government’s poverty alleviation programs from the following (3) a. Creating a cooperative credit model to help each other in group. b. Program implemented as a National Policy for Social Assistance for the poor. c. A program to develop infrastructure and help slum dwellers d. Helping poor to open bank account and operate it. e. Program for wage generation for skilled labour’ f. Program that helps to set up microenterprises 16.State four problems with ‘Human Capital Formation’ in India. 4 17.What is the effect of increase in ‘Human Capital’ on Economic Development? What is experience of India? Use the following table. 6 India’s experience 1951 Crude Death Rate Infant mortality rate Life expectancy at birth rate(Male) Life expectancy at birth rate(Female) Literacy Rate Real per capita income. (2011-12 prices) 25.1 146 37.2 36.2 16.7 11770 201415 6.7 37 67 70 76 72900 18.Critically examine the results of Poverty Alleviation Programmes implemented in India since Independence. (6) S H I T I J E D U C A T I O N