History of Newspaper Timeline With a partner, you will make a timeline that outlines the history of print newspapers. You will use your textbook (section 1.1) to complete most of this assignment and use the “Read, Write, Think” website to design a digital timeline. (http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/timeline_2/) Your timeline should include: Significant dates, events, and key words A picture and a brief summary for each entry on your timeline You also need to include 3‐5 additional entries that do not come directly from your textbook. Here are some online resources you can use to help you find more information about the history of newspapers: http://www.psprint.com/resources/newspaper‐history/ o Provides links to a large number of websites and articles https://www.nyu.edu/classes/stephens/Collier's%20page.htm o An entry from Collier’s Encyclopedia written by an NYU professor http://www.history.org/Foundation/journal/spring03/journalism.cfm o An article from a newspaper editor that includes a great historical account of newspapers You will save your timeline to your H:Drive and then submit the assignment using Dropbox on the Haiku website.